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  • Hello, bonjour! my name is Nael I'm an SSI dive guide and a PADI Rescue Diver and

  • today I'm joined with my good friend Christy Freya

  • who's gonna attempt to guess some scuba diving sign

  • hi my name is Christie Freya

  • and today I'm gonna be guessing a few scuba diving signs provided to me by Crazydivers

  • So thank you so much for sending them to me and I'm gonna have a

  • go right now

  • and I'm not sure how well it's gonna go

  • Nael: so the first sign I asked

  • her to guess was this one

  • this one can be as well question and an answer

  • Christie: I feel like this like it's just a universal okay sign like

  • It's OK. So

  • when they say question and answer

  • it's like is it okay ?

  • and then someone would

  • reply (sign ok)

  • like is it okay to go scuba diving now?

  • yes okay thanks

  • Nael: That's exatly it!

  • We also say are you okay to go down at the very beginning of a dive

  • which basically

  • say I okay to go diving right now

  • good job !

  • okay the second sign is

  • and the

  • bonus points like kind of a clue was

  • Christie: okay uh

  • for some reason this made me feel like it was meh

  • okay but then it also

  • made me think

  • water like a reference to the water

  • Is the water meh?

  • steady, safe, meh?

  • and then the thing

  • should I put my scuba diving,eye protectives on?

  • The water is too

  • vigourous today

  • I'm sorry

  • Nael: this is also an answer to this (sign ok)

  • If for some reason I'm not feeling great I would say "meh"

  • that part was good

  • and because when you're under the water you can't speak to each other

  • you have to point to

  • what's not good

  • so for example if you go (sign)

  • means I have a problem with my ear

  • which is quite a common problem for scuba divers

  • no matter what your level is you

  • might have troublewith your ear

  • balancing with the pressure

  • because we're on the water the pressure of the water on your ear can be higher

  • than what it is in the air

  • so you can feel a slight compression

  • and when you start

  • to feel that you do have to do a maneuver usually you pinch your nose and

  • exhale through it here

  • to just unlock your ear

  • and if that doesn't work you

  • usually sign I'm not okay with my ear

  • I need to stay at this level because if

  • you don't you can blow your ear basically

  • so that's one of the most

  • common sign you will have in the water

  • if you have an issue with your mask you

  • will show your your mask

  • it could be simply as simple as

  • water is in your mask

  • it's foggy or stuff like that but always try to point when you say " I'm not ok"

  • The next thing was this one (sign)

  • Chrisit: If someone did that to me

  • I would have no

  • clue what they were saying at all

  • if i am honest

  • honestly this could mean something very simple

  • I mean they said it was like questions so it could be like her oh...

  • Do you need more oxygen?

  • are you breathing okay?

  • Nael: the oxygen one was good

  • I'm asking you "how much air do you have"

  • What i am showing with my hand is the manometer

  • that shows how much bars got left on your tank

  • I did a video about how scuba

  • diving works you can go check this out

  • you have air on your tank and it's

  • compressed to fit in your bottle

  • and you can measure how much air you got

  • By measuring the pressure on your tank

  • you usually start at 300 barq

  • and when you

  • breathe you your pressure will go lower because there is less air compressed on it

  • This is very important you know how much time we got left on the dive you

  • You can also go up to me and say I'm half tank

  • Or, I only have 50 bars left

  • this is these are very important signs to have underwater

  • if I don't know you're half I wont turn around

  • I usually ask at

  • the beginning of the middle of the dive

  • just to make sure how much time we got

  • left on the water and how well everyone is handling.

  • the next sign was this one

  • Chrisite: well like (sign)

  • okay that's...

  • that's different!

  • Like a piece of equipment maybe that sort

  • of a link sort of connects.

  • maybe maybe that's what it's referencing to because

  • it wasn't like dim dim dim

  • It was like, Dim dim

  • okay my guess is that it's a

  • reference to a piece of equipment so like else make sure you secure your

  • whatever you are required to wear while scuba diving

  • Nael: so that means buddy up

  • there is a link means two people keep together

  • we can have you to buddy up if

  • we see you're too far away from your buddy

  • you should never be less than one

  • meter away when the visibility is clear

  • because if something happens you need to

  • be able to go to your buddy and say I'm out of air or I have a problem so you

  • need to be secured together

  • if I see there is a be current or if I see I need

  • to pause something is happening,

  • I would say buddy up please

  • stay a bit closer

  • The next sign is one of my favorite one, it's this one (sign)

  • Christie: okay that makes me think

  • something... yeah like that?

  • that makes me think of turtles Nael: yes it is!

  • Christie: that would imply to me personally that would imply to me

  • directly that there is a turle on the water and

  • I wouldn't mind seeing a turtle!

  • That implies turtle to me!so my guess is

  • there's turtle, there's a turtle be careful please!

  • Nael: if you didn't know every marine creature has a sign in scuba

  • diving we already have turtle shark Lobster

  • I use that one also with

  • my partner to signal a cow fish

  • because these one are one of my favorites

  • A ray

  • I think there's Barracuda as well

  • every dive site every place in Earth's have

  • their own sign

  • we usually remind everyone what signs means at the

  • beginning of the dive

  • so that we're on the same page because I

  • know some people have murene as well

  • and that's different from each other so just

  • make sure, usually that's the turlte sign

  • and that's a pretty common one

  • Chrisite: Honestly my knowledge of scuba diving is very low

  • if someone were to ask me what do you

  • know I would just be like

  • oh I know they wear eye protection and they have a tube

  • that helps to breathe and that's pretty much it for me

  • thank you for sending them to me

  • I'm excited to know if I got them right or how many I got wrong or how

  • many I was close to I'm really hoping however this means

  • turtle bye!

  • Nael: Just a general point about scuba signs these are very important

  • science to know because we can't speak in the water

  • we usually remind everyone of the signs in a dive briefing so that's everyone in

  • the same page and they are basically very straightforward I mean you can see

  • that Christie did very well with her gazing and she's never been diving so

  • that's why even began I can remember them very easily I don't know if you

  • guys have any special life signs I have one that is this one when I'm

  • training which means try again I know that one is not very common I think my

  • dad instructor might have made it up but that's good that means the language is

  • evolving and everyone can be a part of it so if you have dive science please

  • let me know I hope you've enjoyed this video I would love to make more collabs

  • if you're a scuba diver or if you just want to join this all over the place of

  • the internet feel free to me and email are go on my social medias

  • to the chat and I hope you like this kind of different video if you want to

  • see more scuba-diving go travel feel free to subscribe also please go to

  • christopher yost channel and she is a amazing human being I'm so glad she

  • accepted to be part of this video so go say hi for me

  • please okay see you next time

Hello, bonjour! my name is Nael I'm an SSI dive guide and a PADI Rescue Diver and

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