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  • [door creaking]

  • l came to leave you this.

  • (Darcy) l shall not renew the sentiments...

  • which were so disgusting to you...

  • but if l may, l will address the two offenses you have laid against me.

  • My father loved Mr. Wickham as a son.

  • ln consequence he left him a generous living.

  • But upon my father's death, Mr. Wickham...

  • announced he had no intention of taking orders.

  • He demanded the value of the living which he was given...

  • and which he gambled away within weeks.

  • He then wrote demanding more money, which l refused...

  • after which he severed all acquaintance.

  • He came back to see us Iast summer...

  • at which point he declared passionate love for my sister...

  • whom he tried to persuade to elope with him.

  • She is to inherit f30,000.

  • When it was made clear...

  • he would never receive a penny of that inheritance...

  • he disappeared.

  • l will not attempt to convey the depth of Georgiana's despair.

  • She was 15 years old.

  • As to the other matter, that of your sister and Mr. _ingley.

  • Though the motives which governed me may to you appear insufficient...

  • they were in the service of a friend.

  • Lizzie?

  • Are you all right?

  • l hardly know.

  • [church bells ringing]

[door creaking]

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