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  • Good afternoon.

  • I'm Commander Ibad Khan, and I'm representing the Clinical

  • Outreach Communication Activity, COCA,

  • with the Emergency Risk Communication Branch

  • at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

  • I'd like to welcome you to today's COCA call:

  • 2019 to 2020 Influenza Season Update

  • and Recommendations for Clinicians.

  • Please stay tuned until the end of this COCA call

  • for more information about two upcoming COCA calls

  • on HHS guidance on opioid dosage reduction or discontinuation,

  • as well as another one on the novel Coronavirus outbreak.

  • Both calls will take place later this week.

  • You may participate in today's presentation via webinar,

  • or you may download the slides if you're unable

  • to access the webinar.

  • The PowerPoint slides and the webinar link can be found on our

  • COCA webpage at

  • Again, that web address is

  • Once you reach the webinar page,

  • the PowerPoint slides can be found

  • under the call materials tab.

  • Free continuing education is offered for this webinar.

  • Instructions on how to earn continuing education will be

  • provided at the end of the call.

  • In compliance with continuing education requirements, CDC,

  • our planners, our presenters, and their spouses/partners wish

  • to disclose they have no financial interests

  • or other relationships with the manufacturers

  • of commercial products,

  • suppliers of commercial services,

  • or commercial supporters.

  • Planners have reviewed content to ensure there is no bias.

  • The presentation will not include any discussion

  • of the unlabeled use of a product or a product

  • under investigational use, expect Dr. Angela Campbell would

  • like to disclose that she will discuss the off-label use

  • of antiviral medications for treatment of influenza.

  • CDC did not accept commercial support

  • for this continuing education activity.

  • After the presentation, there will be a Q and A session.

  • You may submit questions at any time during the presentation

  • through the Zoom webinar system by clicking the Q and A button

  • at the bottom of your screen, and then typing your question.

  • Please do not ask a question using the Chat button.

  • Questions regarding the webinar should be entered using only the

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  • Those who may have media questions,

  • please contact CDC Media Relations at 404-639-3286,

  • or send an email to

  • If you are a patient, please refer your questions

  • to your healthcare provider.

  • At the conclusion of today's webinar,

  • participants will be able to accomplish the following.

  • Describe the current status

  • of influenza activity in the United States.

  • Describe the circulating influenza viruses detected this

  • season, and explain the implications for clinicians.

  • And describe antiviral testing and treatment recommendations

  • for patients with suspected and confirmed influenza.

  • Now I would like to introduce our presenters

  • for today's webinar.

  • Our first presenter is Miss Alicia Budd.

  • Miss Budd is an epidemiologist in CDC's Influenza Division.

  • Miss Budd has been at CDC for more than 13 years,

  • and has worked on national influenza surveillance

  • for most of that time.

  • She also has experience in infection control,

  • having spent 6 years at the Johns Hopkins hospital,

  • in the Hospital Epidemiology and Infection Control department.

  • Our second presenter is Dr. Angela Campbell.

  • Dr. Campbell is a medical officer

  • in CDC's Influenza Division.

  • Her projects focus on studies of influenza

  • and antiviral treatment, and antiviral effectiveness,

  • vaccine effectiveness, pandemic preparedness, and development

  • of CDC clinical guidance related to treatment and prevention

  • of seasonal and novel influenza viruses.

  • She is an adjunct associate professor of pediatrics

  • at Emory University School of Medicine,

  • and has a professional staff appointment

  • at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta.

  • I will now turn it over to Miss Alicia Budd.

  • Miss Budd, you may proceed.

  • >> Thank you.

  • So today I'll be giving an update

  • on the current influenza season, based on activity

  • that we've received-- or data we've received, rather,

  • about activity occurring through January 18 of this year.

  • Next.

  • So before I launch-- oops.

  • Next slide.

  • Before I launch into an actual update on activity,

  • I just wanted to briefly explain how we get all this information

  • in that I will be talking about.

  • So flu surveillance

  • on the national level is really a collaborative effort

  • between those of us at CDC, and also our public health partners

  • at the state and local level and territories,

  • and also numerous other data providers, many of whom are

  • at the clinical level.

  • And our role at CDC is really to coordinate the system

  • that all those various partners make possible.

  • So we get data from five categories of flu activity

  • from eight different sources.

  • Three of those have to do with the virus tracking itself.

  • Two have to do with flu-related mortality,

  • and then we have one each that focus on outpatient visits,

  • hospitalizations and the geographic spread

  • of flu activity in general.

  • And every week we analyze that information,

  • and we make it available to the public in the form of FluView

  • which is a static report, and FluView Interactive,

  • which is a system online that really lets you dive deeper

  • into the data on different geographic levels,

  • different time frames, and things like that.

  • And those are both available on the internet,

  • and in the resource slide at the end,

  • you'll have those web pages.

  • Next.

  • So the goals with the flu surveillance really haven't

  • changed, even though the system has been in place

  • over many, many years.

  • Some of the systems have changed.

  • Some of the data we get in have changed, but really all along,

  • we're focused on identifying and characterizing the viruses

  • that are circulating, with a special eye towards making sure

  • that any viruses with pandemic potential would be

  • recognized early.

  • We also are doing flu surveillance

  • to provide situational awareness about the onset of the season,

  • where we are in the season in terms of activity increasing

  • or decreasing, and where in the country activity is occurring.

  • We're also of course looking at the severity of the flu season,

  • and whether it looks like things are what we would expect,

  • or maybe a bit higher or lower.

  • And then, we're looking of course

  • to describe the clinical infections,

  • and those at most risk, and all of this really

  • with the eye towards how we can guide decisions

  • about interventions.

  • Next.

  • So now I'm going to move into where we are with this season.

  • So this slide shows what we're seeing in terms

  • of influenza virus circulation, based on the data

  • that have been reported to us from clinical labs

  • and public health labs across the country.

  • So clinical labs test specimens primarily

  • for diagnostic purposes, and we use the data from these labs

  • to calculate the percent of specimens that they're testing

  • that are positive for influenza.

  • And with this data, we can track the timing of the season,

  • and the intensity of flu activity.

  • So this season, activity was low in October,

  • and began to increase in November,

  • but then really took off in December.

  • We had a slight decrease in activity the first two weeks

  • of January, and we're starting to see an increase again now

  • in the third week of January.

  • And there's a number of reasons that this might be occurring.

  • That decrease could be related to a slight decrease

  • in transmission that occurred because kids were out of school

  • for a couple of weeks around the holidays.

  • It could be that that highest peak there is somewhat impacted

  • by changes in healthcare-seeking behavior over the holidays,

  • and it was sort of an auto-data correction bit

  • that we saw there with the decline.

  • Or it could be, and I'll talk

  • about this a little bit more later,

  • it could be that we're switching over from seeing sort

  • of an increase in B activity, and now we're seeing more

  • of an increase in A activity.

  • But things haven't quite evened out yet.

  • So regardless, we are definitely seeing high levels of activity,

  • and you can see with this increase

  • in the most recent week, we're just about back up to

  • where we were at the highest point this season.

  • So we don't know yet at this point where things are going

  • to go from here, but it's definitely something

  • to continue to monitor.

  • From the public health labs, that bottom panel there,

  • you can see the information about the--

  • what types of flu viruses are circulating.

  • So this season, we've seen, for the season as a whole,

  • predominantly B/Victoria lineage virus season.

  • So that's the most common virus reported

  • for the season as a whole.

  • But in the most recent weeks, we've seen nearly equal numbers

  • of B/Victoria viruses and Influenza A/H1N1 viruses.

  • Very little B/Yamagata virus circulation,

  • and not much H3 virus circulation, either.

  • Next slide.

  • So this slide is a little busy, but I wanted to put

  • into perspective how unusual it is that we are seeing

  • so much Influenza B activity.

  • So each individual pie chart here represents the distribution

  • of influenza viruses by Influenza A subtype

  • and B lineage where we have it,

  • going back to the 1976-77 season.

  • And then, on the bottom right there, in the red box,

  • is this season's data to date.

  • The red represents H3 viruses.

  • The blue is the pre-pandemic H1 viruses.

  • The yellow or orange color is H1pdm09 virus,

  • our current H1 virus since the last pandemic.

  • And then the greens are the Influenza B viruses.

  • Next slide.

  • So now, that blue circle there is the 1992-'93 season.

  • And that is the last time

  • that we have had a B-predominant season here in the U.S.

  • And it was a B/Yamagata virus.

  • And it accounted for almost 75% of the viruses that season.

  • Next.

  • More recently, there circled, are the 2000-2001

  • and 2002-2003 seasons.

  • These seasons were not B-predominant,

  • but they were the last time that we saw such a significant amount

  • of Influenza B activity.

  • And in both seasons,

  • it was actually H1 that was predominant.

  • It was the pre-pandemic H1, but it was H1,

  • just like we're seeing as our other sort

  • of co-circulating virus this season.

  • The 2000-2001 B's were of the Yamagata lineage,

  • and the 2002-2003 B's were the Victoria lineage.

  • Next slide.

  • So I think in general people tend

  • to be a little bit less aware of some of this Influenza B history

  • than we are of the Influenza A sub-type.

  • So I just wanted to spend a quick minute talking about that.

  • So it was the early to mid-1980s

  • when the two separate B lineages, the Yamagata

  • and Victoria, were identified.

  • In 1988, rather, it was the B/Yamagata/16/88 strain was

  • identified in Japan.

  • Looking back earlier, it looks like maybe as far

  • as the early '80s, it was also in some other countries in Asia.

  • And it's similar to a 1983 virus from Russia.

  • So the specific date of when it emerged isn't known,

  • but sometime in the early to mid-'80s.

  • Despite that, it's still in the U.S. for the '88-'89 season.

  • Our B viruses were antigenically

  • like the B/Victoria lineage viruses.

  • It wasn't until the 1990-'91 season

  • that we first saw B/Yamagata lineage viruses in the U.S.

  • And the Yamagata viruses dominated the B circulation

  • in the U.S. throughout the 1990s.

  • Victoria viruses were pretty much limited to China and Asia.

  • Then in 2001-2002,

  • we saw B/Victoria viruses circulate in the U.S. again.

  • It was the first time that we had had them

  • since the '88-'89 season.

  • And since then, we've seen co-circulation

  • of the two lineages in the U.S. But both have been

  • at relatively low levels, when you look

  • at the relative proportions of the viruses every season.

  • And typically when we think of B activity in the U.S.,

  • we think about sort of the later wave of flu activity

  • that happens toward the end of flu season.

  • Next slide.

  • So you know, while in recent seasons, like I just mentioned,

  • we typically see relatively low levels of flu,

  • looking a little more closely at that 2000, and 2001,

  • and 2002-2003 season,

  • just a couple interesting things to point out.

  • That first season where we had a predominant,

  • or-- not predominant.

  • But a large amount of B viruses circulation,

  • it was also H1 as I mentioned.

  • But the A viruses came first, and the B's later, which is sort

  • of the timing we're more familiar with.

  • In the '02-'03 season, it was H1 again,

  • and B/Yamagata viruses this time.

  • And A's and B's seemed to increase at about the same time.

  • B's dropped off first.

  • This season what's even more unusual than seeing

  • so much B activity is that our B activity increased before our

  • A activity.

  • So that's definitely not something that we typically see

  • with influenza B viruses.

  • Next.

  • So another interesting piece of Influenza B viruses epi is

  • who tends to be more affected

  • by these two different lineages of viruses?

  • This slide shows pie charts for the Victoria viruses on top,

  • Yamagata viruses on the bottom.

  • Looking back at the last several seasons, back to '15-'16,

  • and you can see that Victoria viruses impact kids more

  • than the elderly with those 65 and older only accounting

  • for 10% or less of the Victoria viruses in these recent seasons.

  • For the Yamagata viruses, the opposite is true.

  • We see the elderly accounting for between a quarter and 1/3

  • of the Yamagata viruses in each season.

  • That's a larger proportion than we see in the youngest kids,

  • and it's certainly more than we typically see

  • for the Victoria viruses.

  • Next slide.

  • So this is also looking at age distribution,

  • but back to looking at just this season.

  • And with this sort of co-circulation of a large amount

  • of B/Vic viruses and the H1 viruses,

  • we're actually seeing a different predominant virus

  • in the different age groups.

  • So in our kids, B/Victoria viruses are predominant,

  • and in our both adult age groups,

  • it's the H1 virus that are predominant.

  • Next.

  • And another thing that I touched on earlier,

  • just wanted to show a little bit closer,

  • is while B/Victoria viruses are predominant so far this season,

  • for the season as a whole,

  • we are definitely seeing an increase

  • in flu A activity recently.

  • You can see that in the clinical lab data on the left,

  • where we're looking at percent positivity.

  • That dark line is the overall percent positivity.

  • But the dashed green line is percent B,

  • and you can see it had a sharp decline there

  • for a couple weeks.

  • Now it's sort of leveled off.

  • But percent A positivity and the yellow dashed line is continuing

  • to increase quite steadily.

  • You can also see that in the public health lab data,

  • which is in the slide on the right.

  • This is looking at the relative proportions of each

  • of the A subtypes and B lineages.

  • The gray line is the B/Victoria viruses.

  • It's been relatively high.

  • A few bumps here and there, but pretty stable for a good part

  • of the season, and then a slight decline in recent weeks,

  • while the relative proportion of viruses

  • from the public health labs that are H1, which are shown

  • in the blue line, has continued

  • to increase throughout the season.

  • So we'll continue to watch and see how that plays

  • out in the coming weeks as well.

  • Next.

  • So the public health labs also,

  • in addition to reporting their results, they send a subset

  • of their specimens on to CDC or to a CDC reference lab

  • for genetic and antigenic characterization,

  • as well as antiviral susceptibility testing.

  • And this is used to help monitor how the flu viruses

  • are evolving.

  • The pie chart there on the left is the same public health lab

  • data that we've been looking at.

  • I just put it in there for perspective,

  • and a reminder that, you know, what we're seeing a lot

  • of this season, we have a system in place we call right-sizing,

  • where we try to get in as much as possible, similar amounts

  • of all the subtypes and lineages for the characterization.

  • So just the fact that we are seeing a lot

  • of a virus being tested for characterization doesn't mean

  • that necessarily is the virus which is predominant,

  • which is why I wanted to have

  • that public health lab pie chart there as well.

  • So for the H1's and the B/Yamagata viruses,

  • the story's pretty straightforward

  • for both of those viruses.

  • Everything that we have genetically characterized

  • belongs to a single genetic clade for each

  • of those viruses respectively.

  • And it's the same clade as the vaccine reference virus.

  • All of those that have been tested antigenically are also

  • considered similar to the cell-grown reference virus.

  • For the H3 viruses, which again, we're seeing very little

  • of this season, the vast majority of those

  • that have been genetically characterized belong

  • to a different genetic subclade

  • than our vaccine reference virus.

  • But even so, we are seeing about 42% of the H3's

  • that have been antigenically characterized are similar

  • to the cell-grown vaccine reference virus.

  • For the B/Victoria viruses, more than 90% belong

  • to what we call the B1a.3 genetic clade,

  • and the vaccine reference virus is actually the V1A.1

  • genetic clade.

  • But similar to the H3 viruses, despite that difference

  • in genetic clade between the vaccine reference virus,

  • and what we're seeing predominance of in circulation,

  • about 60% of the viruses

  • that have been antigenically characterized are similar

  • to the cell-grown vaccine reference virus.

  • And a last piece of good news on this additional testing front is

  • that almost all of the viruses tested, and it's been more

  • than 1,000, have been found to be susceptible to all four

  • of the licensed antiviral medication.

  • Next.

  • Switching gears now to look at flu-related illness.

  • This is data from our outpatient physicians,

  • our provider network.

  • This season is shown in red.

  • We've been at or above the national baseline

  • for 11 consecutive weeks now,

  • taking us back to early November.

  • And all 10 of the surveillance regions have been

  • above their region-specific baselines

  • for several months as well.

  • We see a similar dip here at the same time period that we did

  • for the clinical lab data.

  • Likely for all or any of those reasons that we talked

  • about with the clinical lab data.

  • Then of course, we'll have to wait and see how this continues

  • to play out, whether we're going to increase again,

  • or start to decrease in the coming weeks.

  • But either way, we are, again, seeing a lot

  • of flu virus circulation at this point.

  • Next.

  • We also look at the same outpatient ILI data

  • on a state level, and calculate the intensity

  • of ILI activity for each state.

  • The intensity level ranges from minimal to high.

  • And during Week 3, which was our most recent week,

  • we had 37 jurisdictions experiencing high ILI activity,

  • 7 at moderate, and the remaining 9 were either low or minimal.

  • Next.

  • So we track lab-confirmed flu hospitalizations in addition

  • to outpatient illness.

  • And we do this through a multistage population-based

  • surveillance system.

  • Just wanted to point out these data are presented somewhat

  • differently than the rest of our flu surveillance data.

  • It's weekly data, but the data point for each week is

  • where we are cumulative through the season up into,

  • and including that week.

  • So these data continue to increase

  • with each week of the season.

  • This season is again, shown in red, and you can see

  • where we are with a overall rate

  • of 24.1 flu-related hospitalizations per 100,000.

  • Puts us right sort of in the middle of where we have been

  • at this point in the season in past recent years.

  • Also not surprisingly, the highest hospitalization rate is

  • in those 65 and older, at about 58 per 100,000.

  • Next slide.

  • So we have two systems for tracking flu-related mortality.

  • The graph on the left shows data from the National Center

  • for Health Statistics where we look at death certificates

  • that have been coded with a cause of death

  • of either pneumonia or influenza.

  • We compare that percentage to epidemic--

  • a baseline epidemic threshold.

  • And so far this season, with the exception of Week 1,

  • so that first week of the year,

  • we have been below the epidemic threshold.

  • That one week we just touched it, barely.

  • So as you can see, compared to some of the past seasons,

  • we are still at quite low levels

  • of flu-related mortality at this point.

  • On the right is our second mortality surveillance system,

  • which looks

  • at laboratory-confirmed deaths in children.

  • So far this season, 54 pediatric deaths have been reported

  • to CDC.

  • Sixty-nine percent of those were associated

  • with Influenza B virus infection,

  • and 31% with Influenza A virus infection.

  • Only a small proportion of the B's have been lineage tested,

  • but all those that were are Victoria viruses.

  • And for the A's, a small number have been subtyped,

  • and all were H1 viruses.

  • Next slide.

  • Actually, I'm sorry.

  • Could you back one minute?

  • Just one quick thing to point out,

  • because I know there's always a lot of interest in this,

  • is vaccination history for our pediatric deaths.

  • This is information that we don't have on all the deaths

  • for this season as of yet.

  • We do know that typically only about 20%

  • of the pediatric deaths have been vaccinated, looking back

  • over a history of this system.

  • Again, I mentioned we don't have all

  • of that data for these deaths yet.

  • That information tends to lag a bit more.

  • But what we do have so far this season seems to indicate

  • that that vaccination percentage is even lower this year

  • than we often see.

  • So next slide.

  • The last piece here is our geographic spread

  • of flu activity.

  • So this is where each jurisdiction reports,

  • not the intensity of their activity,

  • but how widespread it is across their jurisdiction.

  • And during the week ending January 18, as you can see,

  • almost all of the country was reporting widespread activity.

  • Next.

  • So I just wanted to mention one other quick thing before I turn

  • this over for the clinical portion,

  • and that is our estimates of influenza-associated burden

  • in the U.S. The surveillance systems

  • that I've just gone through,

  • are how we track trends of flu activity.

  • It's how we get sort of real-time indications

  • of what's happening.

  • But we take that information and run some mathematical models

  • to find out what we think those trends might equate

  • to if you try to estimate flu-related illnesses.

  • So doing that so far for this season, again, same time period

  • up through the week ending January 18th, we're estimating

  • that so far in the U.S. this season, there have been

  • at least 15 million illnesses,

  • at least 140,000 hospitalizations,

  • and at least 8200 influenza-associated deaths.

  • So these are cumulative numbers.

  • We put them out this week, and they will continue of course

  • to increase throughout this season.

  • On the left-hand side, you can see the burden estimate ranges

  • from 2010-'11 through '17-'18.

  • You can see for the most part we are either at

  • or below the lower end of that spectrum, but again, we are,

  • you know, only probably about halfway through this season so,

  • these numbers will continue to increase.

  • And last slide for me is just a quick summary.

  • So we are seeing indicators, our surveillance indicators

  • that track flu activity itself, they're quite high.

  • And we expect them to remain high,

  • or at least above baseline levels for many weeks to come.

  • But despite this high level of flu activity,

  • our markers of severe illness, the hospitalization

  • and deaths really aren't high at this point in the season.

  • By saying not high, it is for course, you know,

  • it is flu we're talking about, so we are seeing a lot,

  • but not compared to what we have seen in other seasons.

  • And this is likely due to the fact that we're seeing

  • so much B/Victoria and H1N1 circulation.

  • And these viruses on a whole are more likely to affect children

  • and younger adults than they are the elderly.

  • And we know that the majority of hospitalizations

  • and deaths occur among the elderly.

  • And so with fewer illnesses in that group,

  • we expect to see what we're seeing,

  • which is on a population level,

  • less impact on hospitalizations and deaths.

  • So that concludes my activity update portion,

  • and I will turn it over to Dr. Campbell for her clinical piece.

  • >> Great. Thank you.

  • Good afternoon everybody.

  • My name is Angie Campbell.

  • And first I'm going to briefly review the clinical

  • manifestations of influenza, especially in light

  • of this current season, with the predominance of B viruses

  • and H1N1pdm09 viruses.

  • So next.

  • Influenza, as you know, can cause a spectrum of illness.

  • And this can range from asymptomatic infection

  • to a more typical upper respiratory tract illness,

  • typically consisting of abrupt onset of fever and cough,

  • with other symptoms that may include chills, muscle aches,

  • fatigue, headache, sore throat, runny nose.

  • I should note that the runny nose

  • and nasal congestion symptoms do tend to occur

  • with other more common cold viruses as well,

  • but they may occur in young children with flu.

  • And GI symptoms such as abdominal pain, vomiting,

  • and diarrhea also tend to be more common in children.

  • Young infants may not actually have respiratory symptoms

  • at all, and they may present with fever alone,

  • often with irritability.

  • And then on the other end of the age spectrum, elderly people

  • and people who are immunosuppressed may have

  • atypical symptoms, and may not have fever.

  • And so all of these manifestations can occur

  • with what we would generally call uncomplicated

  • influenza illness.

  • But as we all know too well, and as Miss Budd just showed us,

  • that flu can also cause complications.

  • Next.

  • So common complication is otitis media.

  • And this can actually develop in up to 40% of children

  • under the age of 3 with influenza.

  • Influenza can also exacerbate chronic underlying conditions

  • such as asthma.

  • And then other common causes of hospitalization

  • with flu include dehydration and pneumonia.

  • And the pneumonia can be a primary viral pneumonia,

  • or secondary bacterial.

  • Flu can also cause other respiratory syndromes,

  • as well as a number of extra-pulmonary complications.

  • There's a whole list there.

  • It includes renal failure, myocarditis, pericarditis,

  • myositis, or extreme rhabdomyolysis.

  • Flu is known to cause encephalopathy and encephalitis,

  • particularly in children.

  • Guillain-Barre syndrome, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

  • or ADEM, as well as sepsis and multi-organ failure.

  • And in fact in a relatively recent review of death reports

  • of children who died with flu, sepsis was actually found

  • to be listed as a complication in up to 30% of those reports.

  • Lastly, I do want to mention invasive bacterial co-infection,

  • which can cause severe and fulminant disease

  • when it's present with flu.

  • The most common bacteria are typically pneumococcus,

  • which is strep pneumo, staph aureus,

  • and this is really either methicillin-susceptible

  • or methicillin-resistant staph aureus,

  • as well as strep pyogenes, or Group A strep.

  • Next.

  • So as you may be aware, on January 10th,

  • CDC put out this health advisory.

  • And the point was really to notify clinicians

  • that influenza activity remained and continues

  • to remain high in the United States.

  • At that time, and now, ongoing elevated activity was due

  • to the Influenza B/Victoria viruses,

  • with increasing circulation of Influenza A, H1N1pdm09 viruses,

  • and then we still have very low levels

  • of B/Yamagata, and A/H3N2 viruses.

  • And you just saw that demonstrated really nicely

  • with all of our surveillance data.

  • Next.

  • So since this season has been rather unusual

  • with this early predominance of Influenza B/Victoria viruses,

  • I wanted to talk about what we know about B viruses,

  • and specifically what we know regarding differences

  • between Influenza A and B virus infections.

  • So there are a few papers that have addressed this question.

  • This top bullet really is reflective of most.

  • Among hospitalized adult influenza cases,

  • and this was data from the '05-'06

  • through the '12-'13 flu seasons that was collected

  • through the Flu Servnet Hospitalization Network

  • that Alicia mentioned.

  • In this paper, they found no difference in ICU admission,

  • length of stay, or mortality

  • between Influenza A and B infections.

  • And that was after adjusting for high-risk conditions,

  • antiviral treatment, and seasonality.

  • Next.

  • This slide has the same--

  • you know, I think I didn't really want to say "next" yet.

  • Could you just go back, please?

  • I wanted to transition

  • to children first before I showed you this figure.

  • So among children, when we look at our surveillance data

  • over time, it is actually interesting.

  • The proportion

  • of influenza-related pediatric deaths associated

  • with Influenza B viruses has actually generally been higher

  • than the proportion of Influenza B among circulating viruses.

  • And so the next slide.

  • Next.

  • Will actually show this in a figure from a recent paper.

  • It has the same words I just said on the side,

  • and let me just walk you through this.

  • So the solid light gray lines are the percentage

  • of Influenza A in the U.S. Flu Virological Surveillance System,

  • and the solid black are Influenza A among

  • pediatric deaths.

  • And I know the colors are not that distinct, but you can see

  • in the very top line is the gray line

  • that represents virologic surveillance.

  • And it shows that the Influenza A viruses were predominant

  • during all six of the seasons.

  • It's the top line across the board.

  • But the percentage of A viruses among children

  • who died was below that line.

  • And then, if you look at the dotted lines-- that's switched.

  • So the dotted lines represent Influenza B.

  • And among virologic surveillance in the dotted light gray,

  • and the pediatric deaths in the dotted black,

  • you can see that the proportion

  • of Influenza B virus is detected among those children

  • who died was higher than the proportion

  • of the Influenza B virus as detected in children

  • for the overall surveillance for those six seasons.

  • So it is interesting.

  • B viruses do tend to cause severe illnesses in children.

  • OK. Back-- next.

  • So back to this slide, and one last bullet.

  • Next.

  • This was another paper that was recently published.

  • This was actually in Canada.

  • And they found that the mortality

  • from Influenza B-associated hospitalizations was actually

  • higher than Influenza A-associated hospitalizations

  • among children.

  • Next.

  • The other thing that came out the same day

  • as the health advisory was this recent MMWR

  • that you may have seen.

  • And this described the early season pediatric Influenza

  • B/Victoria virus infection specifically in Louisiana.

  • Louisiana had very early activity this season.

  • And nearly all of the viruses from these children belong

  • to the recently emerged genetic subclade, the B1a.3 subclade

  • that Miss Budd mentioned.

  • And so the objective of this investigation was

  • to evaluate clinical features of this new subclade in children.

  • Especially because many young children have never been

  • previously exposed to this new subclade.

  • And really, the bottom line

  • of the investigation is at the bottom.

  • Next.

  • It's that the early activity in Louisiana did result

  • in illnesses that were generally typical to seasonal influenza.

  • However, even though most of the illnesses were uncomplicated flu,

  • some illnesses were severe,

  • and there was actually one death in this study.

  • Next.

  • So because we've also now seen this increase in Influenza A/H1N1pdm09

  • viruses, I wanted to briefly highlight what we know

  • about illness with these viruses.

  • There was actually a systematic review done in 2018 to try

  • to get at this question.

  • And they found weak evidence

  • that A/H1N1pdm09 viruses were more often associated

  • with secondary bacterial pneumonia, ICU admission,

  • and death in the post-2009 pandemic period.

  • So this subsequent paper,

  • which actually the first author was Miss Budd,

  • who just presented, is really an interesting analysis.

  • Because this looked at U.S. Influenza Surveillance data

  • by birth cohort, rather than traditional age groups.

  • Usually we look at children, adults, and elderly.

  • And this divided it into different birth cohorts,

  • depending on the year of birth.

  • And it suggested that on a population level,

  • the initial Influenza A virus subtype that you're exposed

  • to may affect the clinical impact

  • of influenza in subsequent years.

  • And so specifically, since the pandemic, more severe disease

  • and death occurred during H1N1 predominant seasons than H3.

  • And this was particularly true in adults

  • who had not originally been exposed

  • to the currently circulating H1N1pdm09 viruses.

  • So a really interesting paper to take a look at,

  • that gets at this idea of your first influenza exposure

  • which is often termed imprinting.

  • Next slide.

  • So now I'm briefly going to discuss vaccination,

  • and just a little comment on vaccine effectiveness.

  • Next.

  • So I think everyone on this call is likely already convinced

  • that flu vaccination is the best way to protect

  • against influenza, and you also all likely know that the ACIP

  • and CDC recommend annual vacation for everyone 6 months

  • of age and older, who don't have any contraindications.

  • This is recommended to be received by the end of October,

  • but we always emphasize that as long

  • as influenza viruses are circulating,

  • vaccinations should continue throughout influenza season,

  • even into January or later.

  • I think that's really evident this season, with this switch

  • that we're having from B viruses to H1N1 viruses.

  • But if you've-- obviously if you've had one viral infection

  • with B early in the season, you're still at risk

  • of having another infection.

  • So even people who've had flu

  • that have not been vaccinated should be encouraged to do so.

  • Next.

  • This slide lists the composition

  • for vaccines available this season.

  • Note that there were two changes from the 2018-'19 season.

  • Both the H1N1 and the H3N2 viruses were updated.

  • And also note that the B/Victoria virus is included

  • in both the trivalent and quadrivalent formulations.

  • Next.

  • And although we know vaccination's important,

  • one thing we always struggle with is

  • that communicating influenza vaccine effectiveness

  • is challenging.

  • The VE can vary by population,

  • as well as by what viruses are circulating,

  • and vaccine type in any given season.

  • And so I just want to remind you that CDC has developed a model

  • to translate VE, or vaccine effectiveness, into the number

  • of influenza-related outcomes

  • that are prevented by vaccination.

  • Next.

  • So another way to say this is really,

  • what is the burden averted by influenza vaccination?

  • And this graphic shows the numbers for the 2018-'19 season.

  • That it was estimated that 4.4 million illnesses,

  • 58,000 hospitalizations,

  • and 3,500 deaths were averted by vaccination.

  • So we expect our preliminary vaccine effectiveness estimates

  • for this season to be available by the end of February.

  • And then once we have those VE estimates,

  • this averted burden graphic,

  • and these estimates can then be estimated.

  • Next.

  • OK. I'm moving on to the diagnosis of influenza.

  • I have multiple topics I'm squeezing in here.

  • Next.

  • I do want to make sure you're all aware

  • of the IDSA clinical practice guidelines

  • that were published in December of 2018.

  • Next.

  • And I also wanted to draw your attention to the main CDC page

  • on flu virus diagnostics, which has a lot of information

  • that I won't touch on today.

  • Next.

  • I do just want to remind you

  • that flu testing should really be performed

  • in a couple of instances.

  • One is when results are likely

  • to influence clinical management,

  • in that they may decrease unnecessary laboratory testing

  • for other etiologies.

  • They may decrease unnecessary use of antibiotics.

  • The result might facilitate implementation

  • of infection prevention and control measures.

  • And it may increase appropriate use

  • of influenza antiviral medications,

  • which I'll discuss soon.

  • And potentially decrease hospital length of stay.

  • Another reason for testing is,

  • if it will influence a public health response.

  • Can be very useful for outbreak identification

  • and interventions.

  • And one of the most common situations

  • where this is the case is in long-term care facility

  • or nursing home outbreaks.

  • Next.

  • So this is an algorithm from the IDSA guidance,

  • and it's also on our webpage.

  • It's a guide for considering influenza testing

  • when flu is circulating in the community.

  • And this should really be used regardless

  • of flu vaccination history.

  • It starts by asking, does the patient have signs

  • or symptoms suggestive of flu,

  • including atypical clinical presentation,

  • or findings suggestive

  • of complications associated with flu?

  • And if the answer is no,

  • then testing is probably not indicated.

  • But now, moving to the left of this diagram-- next.

  • If the patient with suspected flu is being admitted

  • to the hospital, testing is actually recommended both

  • by IDSA and CDC, along

  • with empiric antiviral treatment while results are pending.

  • If not being admitted,

  • but if results will influence clinical management,

  • the same recommendation applies.

  • If results aren't going to influence management, that is,

  • if the result of the test isn't going

  • to change whether empiric treatment can be initiated based

  • on a clinical diagnosis, then there's probably no need for it.

  • And that's often the case in some outpatient settings.

  • Also empiric treatment is recommended if the patient is

  • at high risk or has progressive disease.

  • I'll get to the treatment recs in just a little bit.

  • Next.

  • OK. So if testing is performed, what test should be used?

  • The main point of this whole slide is

  • that molecular assays are the most sensitive.

  • So for outpatients, rapid molecular assays exist now

  • that have a very high sensitivity,

  • and will improve detection over rapid influenza diagnostic tests

  • that use antigen detection.

  • And for hospitalized patients, molecular assays,

  • which include both single PCR,

  • or other multiplex molecular assays should be used

  • to improve the detection of influenza.

  • For immunocompromised patients, and often critical care patients

  • in particular, multiplex molecular panels

  • are recommended.

  • Next.

  • The last topic I'll cover today is our antiviral

  • treatment recommendations.

  • Next.

  • So influenza antiviral medications are an important

  • adjunct to vaccination.

  • The focus of CDC's treatment guidance is

  • on prevention of severe outcomes.

  • In other words, we treat those with severe disease and people

  • who are at highest risk of severe disease.

  • And really these antiviral recommendations are common

  • to multiple organizations,

  • including IDSA, PIDS, AAP, and ACOG.

  • Next.

  • So in one slide, I did want

  • to provide a very summarized overview of a lot

  • of data regarding the efficacy and effectiveness

  • of antivirals for influenza.

  • And I do want to preface by saying

  • that no antiviral is specifically approved

  • for severe influenza.

  • All the antivirals are approved for acute uncomplicated flu.

  • But observational studies do support an effect on reduction

  • of complications, and most experts support the use.

  • So what we do now, the first bullet.

  • Clinical trials and observational data show

  • that early antiviral treatment can shorten the duration

  • of fever and flu symptoms.

  • Next, meta-analyses

  • of randomized controlled trials have demonstrated

  • that early treatment reduces the risk of otitis media

  • in children, and lower respiratory tract complications

  • that require antibiotics and hospital admission in adult.

  • And lastly observational studies and meta-analyses

  • of observational data have reported

  • that among high-risk outpatient children and adults,

  • early antiviral treatment reduced the risk

  • of hospital admission.

  • Early treatment of hospitalized adult patients

  • with oseltamivir reduced the likelihood of death,

  • and shortened hospitalization.

  • And in hospitalized children, it's been shown

  • that early antiviral treatment

  • with oseltamivir shortened duration of hospitalization.

  • So there's a whole body of evidence,

  • some on randomized trials, and some observational,

  • on which we base our recommendations.

  • Next.

  • So antiviral treatment is recommended as early as possible

  • for any patient with suspected or confirmed influenza

  • who is hospitalized; who has severe, complicated,

  • or progressive illness; or who is at high risk

  • for influenza complications.

  • Next.

  • So the people who are at high risk for complications,

  • for whom treatment is recommenced,

  • include children less than 2 years,

  • and even though we know all children less

  • than 5 years are considered at high risk for complications,

  • the highest risk is for that youngest group.It also includes

  • adults age 65 and over, pregnant and postpartum women,

  • American Indians, Alaska Natives,

  • children who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy.

  • People with a number of underlying medical conditions,

  • and residents of nursing homes and chronic care facilities.

  • Next.

  • So clinical benefit is absolutely greatest

  • when antiviral treatment is initiated as close

  • to illness onset as possible.

  • Treatment really shouldn't be delayed while testing results

  • are pending.

  • An antiviral treatment initiated

  • after 48 hours can still be beneficial in some patients.

  • There are been observational studies of hospitalized patients

  • that suggest that treatment might be beneficial even

  • when initiated 4 or 5 days after symptom onset.

  • And similarly, there have been observational data

  • in pregnant women that have shown treatment

  • to provide benefit when started 3 to 4 days after onset.

  • But by and large, the earlier the better,

  • even within the first 12 hours is better than 24 and 48.

  • Next.

  • So this is just to remind you

  • of the initial recommendation, and then next.

  • Antiviral treatment can also be considered

  • for any previously healthy, symptomatic outpatient not

  • at high risk, who has suspected or confirmed influenza.

  • And that's on the basis of clinical judgment,

  • if treatment can be initiated

  • within 48 hours of illness onset.

  • Next.

  • This is a little table of the four FDA-approved antivirals

  • that are recommended for use this season

  • in the United States.

  • Three are neuraminidase inhibitors.

  • There's oral oseltamivir, inhaled zanamivir,

  • and intravenous peramivir.

  • And the fourth is a cap-dependent

  • endonuclease inhibitor.

  • It's oral baloxavir.

  • And so this table really summarizes the differences.

  • Oseltamivir can be given to anyone of any age.

  • Zanamivir, for treatment of children age 7 and up.

  • Peramivir, age 2 and up.

  • And Baloxavir, 12 years and up.

  • And the treatment course for oseltamivir

  • and zanamivir is one dose taken twice daily for 5 days.

  • For peramivir and baloxavir, a course is just one dose.

  • And then two of these drugs are approved

  • and recommended for chemoprophylaxis.

  • That's oseltamivir for ages 3 months and up,

  • and zanamivir, 5 years and up.

  • The most common adverse events are listed.

  • Oseltamivir can cause GI symptoms.

  • The most common are nausea and vomiting.

  • This can be lessened if it can be taken with food.

  • And it tends to be just about 5% over placebo in studies

  • that have compared this.

  • So it's a relatively small increase in nausea and vomiting.

  • Zanamivir can cause bronchospasm,

  • and is not recommended for anyone

  • with underlying airway disease.

  • And peramivir has been shown in clinical trials

  • to cause more diarrhea than placebo.

  • Baloxavir has not actually had adverse events reported more

  • commonly than placebo in the clinical trials.

  • Next.

  • So this just lists the neuraminidase inhibitors.

  • A reminder that it's actually FDA-approved for treatment

  • of acute, uncomplicated influenza.

  • And then I wanted to give you a little more information

  • about baloxavir.

  • It interferes with viral RNA transcription,

  • and it blocks viral replication.

  • It was first approved in December of 2018,

  • again for treatment of acute, uncomplicated flu.

  • And then in October of 2019, FDA added an indication

  • for treatment of acute, uncomplicated flu specifically

  • in people at high risk for influenza-related complications.

  • This was based on a trial in which early initiation

  • of antiviral treatment in high-risk adolescents

  • and adults showed that baloxavir was superior to placebo,

  • and had a similar efficacy to oseltamivir,

  • with the outcome being time to alleviation of symptoms.

  • There currently are no available data for baloxavir treatment

  • of flu in pregnant women, highly immunocompromised people,

  • those with severe or progressive disease,

  • or in hospitalized patients.

  • Next.

  • So my last slides, I'm going to review the principles

  • of treatment in some specific groups.

  • First in hospitalized patients, treatment with oral

  • or enterically administered oseltamivir is recommended

  • as soon as possible.

  • And just to emphasize, there really are insufficient data

  • for use of inhaled zanamivir, IV peramivir, or oral baloxavir

  • in patients with severe influenza disease

  • requiring hospitalization.

  • For patients who can't tolerate or absorb the oral

  • or enteric-administered oseltamivir,

  • the use of IV peramivir should be considered.

  • And the optimal dosing and duration

  • of treatment are actually kind of uncertain for severe flu.

  • It's often given longer than the typical treatment course.

  • Next.

  • So for treatment of pregnant women, or women who are

  • up to 2 weeks postpartum, oral oseltamivir is the preferred

  • and recommenced agent, because it has the most studies

  • available to suggest that it is safe and beneficial.

  • And baloxavir, I just wanted to mention again, isn't recommended

  • for treatment of pregnant women, or breastfeeding mothers,

  • because right now, we don't have available efficacy

  • or safety data in pregnant women, or anything about--

  • no data on the presence of it in human milk, or the effects

  • on breastfed infants, or on milk production.

  • Next.

  • The last treatment slide just has a couple important

  • additional considerations.

  • I mentioned that invasive bacterial infections can occur.

  • And bacterial co-infection should really be investigated

  • and empirically treated in patients with suspected

  • or confirmed flu who initially present with severe disease,

  • such as extensive pneumonia, respiratory failure, hypotension

  • and fever, in addition to antiviral treatment.

  • Bacterial infections should also be investigated,

  • and empirically treated in patients who deteriorate

  • after initial improvement.

  • And it should be considered in patients who fail to improve

  • after starting antiviral treatment.

  • And lastly, I just wanted to mention corticosteroids.

  • They really are not recommended as an adjunctive therapy

  • for suspected or confirmed flu-associated pneumonia,

  • respiratory failure, or ARDS, unless they're indicated

  • for some other reason.

  • Next.

  • So this is the slide that has some additional resources.

  • As Alicia mentioned, the FluView

  • and FluView Interactive links are there, as well as a number

  • of our pages for professionals,

  • including antiviral recommendations,

  • vaccination recommendations.

  • And I would be remiss

  • if I didn't mention this adorable baby who is a friend

  • of our flu division, and wore her Fight Flu t-shirt

  • to receive her 6-month influenza vaccine.

  • So with that, that's the last slide I had today,

  • and thank you all for attention,

  • and we're happy to take questions.

  • >> Thank you so much, Miss Budd and Dr. Campbell

  • for providing our audience with this important update

  • on seasonal influenza.

  • We appreciate your time and value your insights.

  • We will now begin our Q and A session.

  • Audience, please remember you may submit questions

  • to the webinar system by clicking Q and A button

  • at the bottom of your screen, and then typing your questions.

  • Again, please do not ask a question asking the Chat button.

  • Our first question is regarding influenza activity.

  • When can we expect to see flu activity decline?

  • [ Inaudible ]

  • Dr. Campbell, or Miss Budd,

  • if you're speaking, you might be muted.

  • Please unmute your phone.

  • >> I think Alicia was trying to speak,

  • but I couldn't hear it either.

  • This is Dr. Campbell.

  • I think it's really difficult for us to predict that.

  • We know from last season,

  • we had one of the longest seasons we had had in years.

  • And with this season being rather unusual,

  • it's hard to say how long this current circulating H1N1--

  • I don't want to call it a peak, but it does seem

  • that the H1N1 virus is on the rise.

  • And so I think it's very hard to predict

  • when we'll see it decline.

  • >> Thank you.

  • We have a couple of questions regarding complications.

  • And I'll try to compile then into sort

  • of one question with two parts.

  • The first part is, you mentioned data related

  • to cases and deaths.

  • Do you also have data on increasing number

  • of complications this flu season as well?

  • And then Part 2 is, out of the complications that you listed,

  • what are the most serious complications

  • for young children?

  • >> This is Angie.

  • I'm not sure if Alicia's microphone is working,

  • so I'll take a stab at the data question as well.

  • I was going to say that while we do get data eventually

  • on complications of influenza,

  • this comes from our surveillance systems, and so we tend

  • to know numbers of people hospitalized

  • with influenza fairly quickly.

  • But then, we do get a lot of epidemiologic

  • and clinical information on those people

  • that takes a little longer.

  • And so once we have that, we gain information on heart, lung,

  • kidney, other organ complications,

  • but we don't have that right now.

  • The same is true for the pediatric mortality.

  • Once the data are all in, that can be reviewed,

  • but at this point it's too early.

  • And the second part was--

  • >> I'm happy to repeat it.

  • >> Thanks.

  • >> The second part was what are the most serious complications

  • that can occur in young children?

  • You had mentioned complications

  • in 2-year-old children, or younger.

  • >> Right. I think that we do see sepsis in children.

  • We also see the encephalitis

  • and encephalopathy manifestations associated

  • with flu tend to be more common in children.

  • Unfortunately, I think there have even been media reports

  • to that effect this season.

  • In particular, I'm thinking of this one child that was reported

  • to have at least maybe temporary,

  • but have enough damage to her brain

  • that she's currently blind.

  • And that was on the news,

  • so I'm not really saying anything private.

  • But you know, children do tend

  • to have some severe neurologic manifestations of flu.

  • I would say there's not--

  • children can have any of the complications listed

  • if the infection is severe enough,

  • and really if the subsequent immune response

  • and cytokine storm is severe enough,

  • any of the manifestations I listed can actually occur

  • in children or adults.

  • >> Thank you.

  • We also have multiple questions related to oseltamivir.

  • I'd like to compile them as well into sort of a theme.

  • One of the themes seems to be a concern

  • about development of resistance.

  • The first inquirer asks if there is a concern

  • that there could be resistance developed in the future

  • if Tamiflu is used readily in not-at-risk persons.

  • And the second question related to resistance asks

  • that is there concern with resistance developing now

  • that Sanofi is pursuing over-the-counter status

  • for oseltamivir?

  • >> Sure. So this is Angie Campbell.

  • You know, I think it's important to think about resistance

  • for oseltamivir differently than we think of it for antibiotics

  • for bacterial infection.

  • So when someone takes an antibiotic,

  • all of us have bacterial flora in our bodies all the time,

  • that live in our respiratory tract, in our GI tract,

  • and when you take various antibiotics for whatever need,

  • those bacteria that currently live within you can change

  • to become resistant to that antibiotic.

  • And so it's possible when you become sick again,

  • you could be sick with that resistant bacteria

  • in your urinary tract, and you have a urinary tract infection

  • with a resistant organism.

  • But that's actually a different phenomenon than what happens

  • with viral infections.

  • Because influenza is really only present in your body

  • when you're sick with it.

  • And so, when someone is being treated for influenza,

  • and receiving oseltamivir,

  • it's true that resistance can develop.

  • When we typically see that,

  • is in a patient who's immunosuppressed and sheds virus

  • for a long period of time.

  • But there have been other reports

  • where resistance can occur early in the course of treatment.

  • But the point is that you have to be currently infected

  • with influenza for resistance to occur.

  • So someone who takes it, whether or not they're at high risk

  • for complications, or a previously healthy person,

  • someone who takes oseltamivir for their influenza,

  • it treats that infection,

  • and then the flu eventually goes away.

  • Likewise, if someone is given oseltamivir,

  • and they don't currently have an influenza virus infection,

  • there's no mechanism by which when they do acquire the flu,

  • it would become resistant from having taken that oseltamivir.

  • So I think it's a very different process.

  • One thing we worry about sometimes is

  • that if chemoprophylaxis is given,

  • in which a dose is taken only once daily,

  • instead of treatment dose, which is twice daily.

  • If chemoprophylaxis, for example, is given to someone

  • who is already coughing and having symptoms of flu,

  • that's sort of an undertreatment.

  • And that is a situation

  • where resistance is more likely to occur.

  • Which is actually-- I didn't talk about chemoprophylaxis,

  • but it's part of the reason

  • that it's not something we generally recommend.

  • But when treatment doses are given, it's not something

  • that is the same as development of resistance with bacteria.

  • I guess the other thing I should mention is, there are countries

  • such as Japan where oseltamivir is used much more widely

  • than here, and there have not been increased levels

  • of resistance, sort of on a widespread scale.

  • >> Thank you for that.

  • And I appreciate you also putting in some information

  • about chemoprophylaxis, because we did have a couple

  • of questions on that.

  • We have time for one more question.

  • And my question to you is, now that we are as far along

  • as we are, is there a need to recommend vaccinations

  • to our patients, even if they may have already had influenza

  • this season?

  • >> So this is Angie Campbell.

  • I think so.

  • I say that because, kind of dovetailing at the beginning

  • of the Q and A session,

  • we really don't know how long the influenza season is going

  • to go on.

  • But we expect it still maybe several more weeks,

  • especially given the data that you saw

  • where the virologic surveillance is actually increasing again.

  • So every Friday you want to check FluView and watch

  • and see what that's doing,

  • because that's when it's released.

  • Around noon on Friday.

  • But I think if someone has had influenza, it's very likely--

  • I guess if you're a betting person,

  • odds are that they had Influenza B early in the season,

  • and right now we're actually seeing more

  • Influenza A/H1N1pdm09.

  • So there could still be real benefit from vaccination.

  • >> Thank you for that explanation.

  • And that concludes our Q and A session.

  • If we were unable to ask your question,

  • please submit it via email to

  • and we will provide you a response from our presenters.

  • On behalf of COCA, I would once again

  • like to thank our audience for joining us today.

  • And I'd especially like to thank our presenters.

  • The recording of this call will be posted

  • within the next few days to the COCA website, and available

  • on demand in a few days at

  • Again that web address is

  • All continuing education for COCA calls are issued online

  • through TCEO, the CDC Training

  • and Continuing Education Online system.

  • The web address is

  • Again, that's

  • Those who participated in today's COCA call,

  • and wish to receive continuing education should complete the

  • online evaluation by March 2, 2020,

  • with the course code WC2922.

  • The access code is COCA012820.

  • Those who will participate in the on-demand activity,

  • and wish to receive continuing education should complete the

  • online evaluation between March 2,2020, and March 3, 2022,

  • and use course code WD2922.

  • The access code is COCA012820.

  • Please join us later this week for two upcoming COCA calls.

  • The first COCA call will be held this Thursday, January 30th

  • at 2 P.M. Eastern, and the topic will be HHS Guide for Clinicians

  • on the Appropriate Dosage Reduction or Discontinuation

  • of Long-Term Opioid Analgesics.

  • The second COCA call will be held this Friday, January 31st

  • at 2 P.M. and the topic will be the Outbreak

  • of 2019 Novel Coronavirus-- Interim Guidance for Clinicians.

  • To receive up to date information on our COCA calls,

  • or other COCA products and services,

  • join the COCA mailing list by visiting the COCA web page

  • at, and click on the

  • "Join the COCA mailing list" link.

  • To stay connected to the latest news from COCA, be sure to like

  • and follow us on Facebook

  • at clinician outreach

  • and communication activity.

  • Again, thank you for joining us

  • for today's webinar, and have a great day.

Good afternoon.

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