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  • What's up, guys?

  • James two cents here in computing power continues to get more powerful and powerful and the package continues to get smaller and smaller.

  • Sure, you could die.

  • Why?

  • Anything But why do this when you could have this available in both 121 140 millimeter sizes?

  • The new Prisma fans from fractal design feature six individually addressable hub mounted RGB led s that are compatible with most motherboard addressable RGB headers toe learn more Click the link in the description below laptops or something that I'm pretty passionate about because I've spent so much time traveling in the past.

  • I spent a lot of time traveling now and I as much as I do love my Microsoft surface and I use it a lot.

  • You can't game on it.

  • You can't edit on it and having to carry believe it or not, I carried two different laptops for a while.

  • You should carry that to be lightweight, but then had a gaming laptop that I could set up in the hotel if I wanted to gain.

  • And I thought, it's just stupid to carry two laptops for that reason.

  • That's why taking a look today at the new razor blade 15.

  • This is the advanced model in Mercury White.

  • We're going to see how well this thing can perform while gaming.

  • One of the things I love about the razor's construction is they are, in my opinion, the absolute benchmark that everyone should achieve to be when it comes to chassis construction, because, I mean it's aluminum unibody, which gives it just a rough, a amount of rigidity that you just don't get with other manufacturers.

  • You take it out of the bag, and it just feels solid in your hand.

  • That's because it is a solid construction.

  • You nobody with a cover.

  • Our aluminum with cover on the bottom will take a look at the inside so you could have the best hardware sitting in a crappy chest.

  • It's gonna take away from the entire experience of having a durable, rugged, mobile solution for gaming slash productivity work.

  • And the nice thing is because this is the Mercury White, even if the black one, it's not embarrassing.

  • This is just it's just I hate to even say it has that apple feel, but let's face it, Apple has always been very good in the aesthetics department, not necessary of the best in terms of value and usability for a lot of people.

  • But that's a whole nother discussion that's gonna be 100% subjective won't even touch that.

  • But the fact that this has the nice raw aluminum look makes me happy, because if you're taking in and out of your bag, if you have something that's energized in black or scratches, this is gonna hide a lot of that.

  • And I tend to be really rough on my mobile equipment because of the fact that, like I said, I travel a lot.

  • It gets banged, it gets bumped and it's just gonna hide skirts and scratches.

  • So that's why I opted for the Mercury White.

  • So anyway, here are the specs on this guy, and it's kind of funny.

  • We're in this in between kind of a generation gap right now.

  • Where Eighth jen, 87 58 which has been like the dominant CPU platform for notebooks for about the last six months or so.

  • Six cores, 12 threats we've looked at in the past and several other laptops.

  • But this has a 2070 max cue from in video.

  • Now you can start spec ing this up to 1/9.

  • Jen 97 50 h, I believe is the model that was just announced.

  • So there's gonna be kind of an overlap period where you've got eight Jen and ninth jet availability.

  • I think, as the GEN.

  • Becomes no longer available than it'll just switch to Ninth Jen.

  • But you can get it in the advanced chassis up to a 2080 max.

  • Q starts a 2060 which is a full board or a full blown GPU die the 2017 28 e.

  • R.

  • The Max q.

  • Variance.

  • And I chose the 2070 because I felt that this is gonna be a better middle ground.

  • What will keep the costs a little bit more reasonable where you know the 2080 Mexico is going to give you the best overall performance in terms of gaming?

  • But what happens when you kind of shoot for that middle ground and we're going to see kind of where we land there now?

  • What makes this sort of an amazing productivity and gaming laptop?

  • It's not just the hardware that's in there.

  • It does have 16 gigabytes of DDR four.

  • So dim.

  • 26 67 modules, which are upgradable so they're not started.

  • In there you can switch go up to 32 gigs, possibly even 64 if you find dual 32 gigs sodium.

  • Some measure of those exist, but I'll probably end up doing that.

  • Probably enough upgrading this to 32 Gigs of Ram.

  • Same thing with the storage, though.

  • This only has a 512 gigabyte SSD in here.

  • I'm gonna upgrade this to their one terabyte or a two terabyte just went out to deal with having external drives with me so I could put more than a few games on here without filling it up.

  • I kind of feel like razors always sort of a little bit on the low end in terms of Max compatibility with storage, but at least it's upgradeable.

  • But when I started to say, and I cut my own self off and now I'm digressing back to myself to digress to where I started to digress, is the panel.

  • This is a 144 hurts I PS 10 ADP panel.

  • So none of that four k squished down to 15.6 inches, which would be ridiculous.

  • Manufacturers do it.

  • In fact, you can get this one actually, in an O led four K panel with HDR.

  • But I feel like four kit.

  • This foreign factor, it does me no good.

  • I would rather have the smooth high, the low response time, high refresh rate for gaming while we still have I ps color accuracy and have 100% s rgb.

  • So I'm actually using my trusty I fixit kit here, which my wife got me for Father's Day a couple of years back.

  • I will try to remember to put my Amazon link down below for this kid because people ask me all the time, J where do you get that kit I know is we got to put the link down there, but it will be my Amazon affiliate link.

  • So, full disclosure.

  • I do get a little bit of support if you buy through that links.

  • That's why I tried Remember to put that down there.

  • But I've also got this guy a decision sponsored.

  • This is me at we paid for this.

  • We also have this guy here which has all the little tools and stuff or prying apart plastic and all that, so that we don't damage anything.

  • So I started show that because every time I use this kid, people ask me what you get that What is it?

  • So as you can see, we've got fans right here dedicated for both the GPU, which I believed might be this side and the CPU, which I believe is this side, um, bringing air into the bottom and exhausted out the back.

  • You gotta heat sinks right here.

  • And this is the direction that the air flows.

  • Here's our ram, as you can see, 100% serviceable.

  • It looks like these are Samsung.

  • So dims a said gigabytes per stick upgradeable.

  • As you can see, the only problem is upgrade this one.

  • You've sort of got a ribbon cable in the way, so that would make me a little nervous.

  • If I were, say, an experienced at working on laptops as a new person, I would be concerned about that so you wouldn't be very careful.

  • It does connect right here.

  • And then here is where your m dot to drive is.

  • And then, as you can see, we got a big old battery in fact, here's a Seamus better right here.

  • It's actually a 12 20 size battery.

  • That way, if you ever need to clear sea moss kind like we showed you in the past.

  • Hey, look, the computers on now to the fans attorney, that's final hole touching.

  • Stuff is, it's going.

  • You can pop that battery out clear, Seamus, if you need to sew, all right, it's gonna get this back back on, and then let's start actually doing some gaming on this.

  • So razor synapse is kind of like your hub.

  • Where you gonna control everything going on with your computer?

  • At least the razor functionality built in here.

  • You can see I've got the main keys here.

  • Set toe white in the fo set to read.

  • And the nice function to hear is that when you push the function key actually turns off all the lighting and actually illuminates the function key independently.

  • So that's kind of neat.

  • So this is all so we can go in here and disable functions to like in gaming mode.

  • You can go in here and disabled the windows key, all tab, all tough, for we can also go in here performances where I said you could have increased graphics power, a balanced or increased processor power.

  • And then you have your your factory fan curve.

  • And as you can see, it brings with gaming.

  • Performance the fans up way high.

  • You said the maximum refresh rate of your panel.

  • You can manually set the fans if you want.

  • So it's a lot of functionality here inside of synapse, including macro control.

  • So our GP is currently I'd only got 46 C, which makes sense.

  • It's got that small fan on it that's very, very quiet, barely moving air at idle because the system is not hot as a perfectly reasonable temperature at idle.

  • If we go in here and you look weaken, do unlocked voltage control forced to see it that works when we start.

  • I don't think it will.

  • Yeah, so we don't get voltage control.

  • But we do get core clock as well as memory clock that we can play with that you cannot play with the fan curve so you can't over clock the graphics card just a little bit.

  • So what's going to go into some Battlefield five?

  • And the reason why we're gonna do that is This is, after all, an r TX GPU, so we want to see how well this can handle it in a mobile edition.

  • So sitting in the menu of Battlefield five, it is rendering that background with all this blur.

  • That's a pretty good amount of stress on the GP can see.

  • We're sitting at 68 c 98% utilization of the GP in the menu running a 1560 megahertz.

  • Now it is a max cue version, so it's not gonna be going to the 1900 megahertz might be used to seeing on the desktop keep you.

  • RCP was also showing an average of about 50% use, but our temperatures and stuff in the laptop is going to get warmer.

  • And as you can tell by the acoustics, those fans have their cut, their work cut out for them.

  • So far, temperatures are staying very, very reasonable where you expect them to be.

  • I do not know what the actual maximum temperature of Mexico is gonna be, some curious as to where this sort of balances out.

  • Remember, in laptop conditions, you are sacrificing acoustics for sure, but in terms of our settings Here is where we are.

  • Everything is on ultra.

  • This is maxed.

  • With the exception of Ray tracing Have a set of medium.

  • I do not have deal ss on because it looked fuzzy when we tested earlier.

  • We can play around that once we're in the map.

  • But let's go ahead and get ourselves into a game here.

  • And let's see how this looks.

  • This isn't exactly the most reflective map in the game, but what we're going to look at right now is just overall performance.

  • This is D.

  • L s s off.

  • And this is Ray tracing on medium.

  • I'm hearing I'm hearing the gun fires.

  • I did him.

  • Ah, explosions.

  • All right, let's go ahead and set.

  • Like the advanced stuff too.

  • Like, Hi.

  • Not a whole lot of difference.

  • Let's get a medal for spawning in.

  • I mean, this is so playable.

  • This is pretty awesome.

  • Do you watch unapologetically, Artie X.

  • All right, So this is Metro Exodus here, the very beginning when you're in the sewer and was about to be a spider crawling across my face for something here, everything is set to max.

  • Exodus uses Ray tracing for global illumination, which is how light is bouncing and shadows and all that sort of stuff.

  • So we, uh, actually getting pretty good at P s are here.

  • It's like you've got to remind yourself you're on a laptop because it's kind of crazy in terms of the F.

  • B s and stuff, this is this is good.

  • But now I'm out of bullets.

  • So here's what the actual thermal print looks like of the laptop itself.

  • The hottest point on here, which looks like it's gonna be obviously right where the monitor meets the chassis is about 46 c.

  • You can tell they obviously have.

  • Ah, you could see where the fans are on the sides because that's where it's coolest.

  • You've got heat sort of being channeled through the middle because where the heat pipes are as well.

  • But you can see where you put your plums is about 35.

  • See, the trackpad is 34 c, and then this side over here is about 30 5.5 to 36 c.