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  • - Hello and welcome my friends to Mystery Tech.

  • Wow, way to cash in on the thing.

  • So if you watch a little TV show called Shark Tank,

  • you may be familiar with this product, PhoneSoap.

  • The idea is that this is meant to clean your phone

  • with was it like UV light?

  • - Yes. - Yes.

  • - [Ken] Also yes. It is a little dinged up.

  • - Okay, is this used?

  • - [Ken] Yes.

  • They're very hard to find.

  • - Was this sanitized Ken?

  • Did you you sanitize this? - It's self-sanitizing,

  • it does it on its own.

  • - No, it sanitizes on the inside, not the outside (laughs).

  • - [Ken] I'll let you know that this

  • was not only hard to find,

  • we had to pay a little bit of a markup for it.

  • - How much was, wait I saw it,

  • $44.99.

  • - [Ken] No, we paid 90 bucks.

  • - [Matt] They paid $49.99.

  • - [Ken] Do you also know about this thing

  • because another YouTuber did a video on it, by chance?

  • - No. - No?

  • - No one did a video on this.

  • What are you talking about?

  • Someone did a video on this?

  • We're not the first video on YouTube on the PhoneSoap?

  • Is this is not an original idea?

  • - [Matt] I think Package Shrink, did it.

  • I think his name is Hugh?

  • - Package shrink, Hugh from Package Shrink.

  • - [Matt] Yeah.

  • - No one's gonna get that reference

  • that was too cleverly disguised.

  • (laughter)

  • Here's a question though.

  • This should supposedly not be damaging to phones.

  • However, I am dailying the Galaxy Z Flip

  • with a plastic screen.

  • - [Ken] Oh, no.

  • - I'm not gonna put this in there.

  • Wait, what if I put it in closed?

  • - No, no. - I mean --

  • - It'll be fine.

  • - [Matt] You're only sanitizing half of it.

  • - [Ken] Does that fit?

  • (laughter)

  • - Oh, it does, it does.

  • It fits, it fits.

  • How do we know it's working?

  • Do I just close it?

  • - [Ken] Yeah.

  • - [Austin] There's a light on.

  • - [Matt] Like it's not even making a noise or nothing.

  • I don't think you're supposed to look at the UV light.

  • - I think we're just putting our phone in a box right now.

  • So while we let this sit for 10 minutes,

  • which I think will automatically turn off,

  • why don't we move onto the next product.

  • The X Game?

  • So this is clearly a screenshot from Asphalt.

  • It's a happy family playing blue PlayStation controllers

  • with a knockoff Xbox One S.

  • What?

  • (laughs) It's a baby Xbox, (laughs) it's so cute.

  • It's like a 2/3 scale Xbox which is by the way

  • (knocks) 100% hollow.

  • So for reference this is the size of the X Game,

  • side by side with Xbox One X.

  • It's 2/3 scale maybe, very strange and very light.

  • It's definitely empty,

  • there's one little board in here somewhere.

  • - [Ken] You flip that like it was nothing.

  • - Up front we have, where the Xbox button would be,

  • just a button.

  • We have a fake optical drive, a couple of USB ports.

  • We have our HDMI and our RCA, our DC-in and our Compact Flash.

  • It also says X Game on it,

  • not Xbox X Game, very different thing.

  • Does it really come with these blue PS1 controllers?

  • It does

  • and this is a straight like a DualShock.

  • Look, it's a clear DualShock except it has

  • ABCD buttons (laughs). - Great, great, great.

  • - [Austin] Is there anything happening?

  • - The light turned on. - The light is on.

  • - I could totally see that -- - It's plugged in.

  • Oh, oh, X Game, X Game.

  • That's an X Game.

  • Neogeo, GBA game SNES game, SMD game --

  • - That actually looks surprisingly good.

  • - [Matt] That's a cool looking splash screen,

  • I'm not gonna lie.

  • - We've got pretty solid selection.

  • I thought it's gonna be so stupid like NES knockoff,

  • this is actually not bad.

  • That scaling is atrocious,

  • can I get some volume.

  • Oh, what that?

  • There's like almost a half second between pressing a button

  • and anything happening.

  • - [Ken] That don't look good.

  • - You'll see the screen tearing look.

  • - It's aliasing hard. - Yeah look.

  • We should like pause the frame somewhere.

  • You can see every part of

  • the screen is moving at a different rate.

  • - [Ken] You can see it on the black on the right.

  • - Yeah, exactly.

  • - [Matt] Yeah that's real bad.

  • - Why is Pocket Monsters in the Genesis game.

  • What is this?

  • Oh, oh no. - Oh, it's Ash.

  • - Oh, no. - This looks cool.

  • - [Austin] It's a side scroller.

  • Wait, what are those things?

  • - Wait, wait, wait. - What is this?

  • Imagine you go, "Mom, can I play Pokemon?

  • "I want the new Pokemon game," you get this.

  • Like really?

  • This is what everyone wants to play.

  • I'm impressed that most of these games do seem

  • to be legitimate.

  • They're roms but it does have a lot of emulators

  • sort of built in.

  • Well to be fair audio does not work though,

  • it could be an issue where this monitor doesn't like

  • the audio but

  • we got no sound out of this whatsoever.

  • Oh God, wait,

  • how does this work when I place it.

  • What's the frame rate?

  • What is this frame rate? - Wow!

  • Nice Powerpoint presentation.

  • - (laughs)

  • All that was like 16 frames in total.

  • This is not remotely playable,

  • nevermind I take back everything nice

  • I said about this thing.

  • So it has been 10 minutes,

  • let's see if the PhoneSoap has been phone soaped.

  • The phone is still here, (sniffs) smells clean.

  • - Does it? (sniffs)

  • Smells exactly the same,

  • what do you mean? - (laughs)

  • Just want to get you to smell it (laughs).

  • The NexDock, wait are we just jacking Lew videos now

  • because I saw this on a Lew video recently too (laughs).

  • So, the NexDock is a very interesting concept.

  • Essentially what you get here is a laptop.

  • We all know laptops, they're wonderful, they're great.

  • However, this has no spec, no OS.

  • It is simply the hardware of a laptop

  • that's a lot of cables.

  • You see that.

  • So this is the NexDock.

  • Now first glance, looks just like a laptop.

  • It's aluminum, it's very cool to the touch

  • and we've got a ton of ports.

  • We've got three USB C's, we've got an HDMI,

  • we've got a USB A, micro SD card reader, headphone jack.

  • When you open it up, you'll see that looks quite nice

  • but don't forget, this has no OS, this has no internals,

  • there's nothing in this besides the battery,

  • the screen and the inputs,

  • because this is meant to be used with another device.

  • Such as a Samsung device such as my Z Flip.

  • So theoretically, if I plug this in via USB C,

  • I can then use this as like my DEX machine.

  • So

  • let's just do it, let's find out.

  • - [Matt] There's a manual in front of you.

  • - Yeah, manuals are for losers.

  • Wait, wait does the Z Flip not not support DEX?

  • No,

  • are you telling me my phone doesn't support DEX?

  • - [Matt] Austin, how much did you pay for that?

  • - A lot, a lot Matt.

  • - [Ken] There you go, Samsung DEX on the Galaxy S20 Ultra,

  • the superior phone of the two.

  • So let me do internet.

  • Just gonna open up all the last things.

  • Oh, look at that, it's my Twitch dashboard.

  • - Which you can follow me at

  • - [Ken] You should also follow me at (beep).

  • What is this for though?

  • - Some of it is for the Raspberry Pi

  • because another use for this is you can use this

  • with the Raspberry Pi.

  • - Whoa this is heavy.

  • - It's aluminum, it's well built.

  • - [Ken] A $250 shell with a really good looking screen,

  • I wish the track pad was better, if I'm honest.

  • - But there is a new version of this,

  • that's what I really wanna check out.

  • Which has a touchscreen and

  • maybe by then my phone will have support for it.

  • - Or not.

  • Maybe just not.

  • - Can you just stop flexing on me with your Ultra?

  • Real talk, I'm mildly tempted.

  • Should I just try to put my Z Flip in the Phone Soap now?

  • Now that it's dead to me.

  • I feel like I might as well actually clean it up.

  • - [Matt] Worst case next video is

  • We Re-bought the Galaxy Flip at Best Buy.

  • - [Austin] (chuckles)

  • - [Matt] Since you were so down about the Z Flip

  • we gotcha a replacement.

  • - The Vtech, KidiBuzz G2.

  • Is this some kids smartphone?

  • It says wifi.

  • - [Ken] It's not a toy smartphone,

  • it's an actual smartphone.

  • - But it says mobile network subscription not required,

  • it works on wifi only?

  • - [Ken] Yes, it's an iPod Touch

  • for the extremely young generation that doesn't have iOS

  • for some reason.

  • - How much was the KidiBuzz?

  • - [Ken] 100 bucks.

  • - Yeah, I feel like a hand me down iPhone

  • with parental controls is probably a much better idea.

  • (laughter)

  • That's not Linusing it,

  • it only dropped like two inches, it's fine.

  • (laughs) This is the S20 Ultra, look how big it is.

  • Oh wow, that is a bad screen, that's not good.

  • Turn on wifi, well, yes, I would love to turn on wifi.

  • It's got five gigahertz wifi. - Oh my god.

  • - What? - Five gigahertz wifi.

  • - That's not bad.

  • Wait, wait, wait.

  • Hold on, hold on.

  • (phone plays ringtone)

  • - [Matt] Why is this the marriage theme?

  • - [Ken] It's to remind your parents

  • of the mistakes they made when they had you.

  • - That's good Ken, I like that, good attitude.

  • So here comes the part when I registered my KidiBuzz,

  • but I need to check my email on my Galaxy Z Flip.

  • Okay.

  • Everything's fine on the back, no worries there.

  • Oh look, it works.

  • - [Ken] What a shame?

  • - (sniffs) Yeah, it smells the same.

  • Say cheese guys.

  • - Cheese guys - Cheese.

  • - [Austin] Is that sharp?

  • - [Matt] It's kinda hard to tell.

  • - [Austin] (laughs) fair.

  • - Will it fit in the Phone Soap?

  • - [Matt] Arguably that's what needs the PhoneSoap the most.

  • - That definitely needs the PhoneSoap.

  • - Oh god. - You need to censor the logo.

  • Look Josh is gonna be so upset with you.

  • What is the Aqua Tru?

  • - [Ken] It is a gigantic water purifier.

  • - Okay, what's the gimmick?

  • - That's insane, why is that thing water?

  • Give it a shot here, what you're supposed to do is

  • you're supposed-- - I'm annoyed watching

  • this video, I'm not gonna lie.

  • - And look at that, it turns straight into water.

  • - Does it really work like that?

  • - Do you see this right now? - That's why we got it.

  • - All right all right.

  • Reverse osmosis,

  • pre carbon,

  • what kind of filter, how much was this filter, Ken?

  • - [Ken] $450.

  • - It better turn Coke into water for $450.

  • This thing is massive,

  • you know we are gonna completely ruin this thing.

  • If you're just filtering tap water,

  • this seems maybe a touch excessive

  • but if you're trying to filter Coke through it,

  • let's give it a try.

  • Now it does say

  • we're supposed to run four tanks of water before first use.

  • So we have run a couple of tanks of fresh water

  • to get the filters up and running.

  • So now, let's just pour some Coke in

  • and ruin this very expensive water filtration machine.

  • Wait, hang on, let me let me taste test first to make sure.

  • Yeah, it's real Coke.

  • All right, let's do it.

  • Wait, we're gonna be a lot of Coke for this thing,

  • I just realized how big this thing is (laughs).

  • - [Ken] I should have got a two liter.

  • - Yeah, two liter would have a better idea.

  • So we have six cans of Coke inside

  • the water filtration machine.

  • So let's see what happens if we try to filter it.

  • I don't think this is going to go well.

  • Do you think it'll actually work?

  • Real talk around the room, is it gonna work?

  • - [Ken] I think so.

  • - [Matt] I think it's gonna work

  • I just don't think it's gonna give you crystal clear water.

  • - [Ken] I think it's gonna taste essence of Coke.

  • - Let's find out.

  • - Coke flavor LaCroix. - Yes,

  • if someone whispered the word Coke into a glass of water.

  • - (laughs)

  • There's water coming out.

  • Although to be fair, there's already water in the filter.

  • So that's probably like initially

  • but if we start to see

  • a significant amount of this Coke come across,

  • we know it's gonna work.

  • - [Ken] I'll really believe it halfway through.

  • - How much water do you think could be one of those filters?

  • I guess technically all three filters probably

  • have some water in them. - Yeah.

  • - [Austin] Those filters are not that big though,

  • there's no way that filters can handle

  • that much Coke, no way.

  • It doesn't look like it's pulling very fast from this.

  • I'm seeing like blob, blob, blob, blob.

  • So this might take a while. Do you think it's just broken?

  • Do you think we just broke it?

  • - [Ken] I feel like it's been at the same level for a while.

  • - (laughs)

  • - [Ken] Which is why I've been starring at it for so long.

  • - Did you want me to try that? - Sure.

  • - Let's try some of our supposed Coke water.

  • (sniffs) it actually kinda smells like Coke.

  • That doesn't actually taste like Coke

  • that tastes like minerals or like filter or something.

  • I don't think this is actually going to work.

  • Let's let this run overnight

  • and see if it jams,

  • see if we actually have all the water filled up

  • or whether this thing is a complete and total scam.

  • Not necessarily the water filtration, mind you

  • because they don't claim it

  • but if some other videos that claim

  • that this is a Coke into water machine are a real scam.

  • - [Ken] Best case it becomes Dasani.

  • - (laughs)

  • That was a good one, that was a good one.

  • We will be right back.

  • So it is the next day.

  • I got here to the office before everyone else and I,

  • look I wanted to see if it worked (laughs).

  • Let's take a look shall we?

  • So I'm really curious to see.

  • (laughs) eeeww!

  • This is it?

  • After sitting here for over 12 hours,

  • the coke has lost all of its carbonation

  • and the filtered water is just.

  • I don't know how much you can see

  • but that is not clear at all.

  • - Oh, that's kinda sad. - Oh no.

  • - Wait, wait. - No it did a little work.

  • - Wow, wait a minute. - No, that did a lot of work.

  • That's way more than when.

  • Because let's remember this was empty.

  • - [Ken] Yeah, but now we have Cokie water,

  • It's definitely not -- - Smell it, smell it.

  • - This definitely is LaCroix flavored coke but flat.

  • Oh, no. (laughter)

  • - [Austin] Ken, give me the taste test.

  • - The cups not entirely clean but it's okay.

  • - [Austin] (laughs) The water isn't either.

  • - [Matt] It tastes like months old coke.

  • - [Austin] So Ken, for this episode of Mystery Tech,

  • were are we successful in copying a viral video?

  • - That tasted worse the second time.

  • (laughter)

  • - It's not good, it's not, don't do this.

- Hello and welcome my friends to Mystery Tech.

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