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  • -Jessica, how are you and where are you?

  • -Hi. I'm in my closet.

  • -Oh, my gosh.

  • -I'm in my closet. And so do my kids.

  • Cash has a man room where he has video games...

  • and a big couch.

  • And I have this, so...

  • -How big of a family do you have now, Jessica?

  • -We have three kids.

  • A 2-year-old named Hayes.

  • And Honor is 11. She's really a tween.

  • Yeah, and she's, like, very tall.

  • And Haven is 8. -Oh, my gosh.

  • How is everything going on

  • with your business right now during this pandemic?

  • -You know, we are an essential business,

  • so we're open for business.

  • And, actually, I've gotten a lot of people reaching out

  • to me on Instagram thanking me because where their diapers

  • and wipes and shampoo and hand sanitizer

  • is gone at the stores, they can go to our website,

  • and they are getting subscriptions of our products,

  • our cleaning products, everything.

  • And they can just get it. And we're open for business.

  • And we have a very rigorous way that we deliver to people

  • and make sure that it's safe,

  • the workers are safe and everything.

  • So, yeah, it's tricky. We do have a lot of conference calls.

  • -I know. My gosh. It's crazy, right?

  • Zooming every single day. Zoom, Zoom, Zoom. It's wild.

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • -Also, your husband, he does --

  • He has his own business, as well?

  • Does he own it straight-up?

  • -Yeah, Cash owns Pair of Thieves.

  • -Pair of Thieves. My favorite socks.

  • I love them so much. They're great.

  • -Come say hi, babe. Cash is here.

  • -No way! Cash! Yeah!

  • I love you! Oh, my gosh!

  • -Same. I always love seeing you. You make me smile.

  • -Oh, my gosh. We knew each other

  • before you and Jess knew each other, correct?

  • -Yeah. -Exactly.

  • -Do you remind her of that every single day?

  • That I was your first love? -That's almost 20 years.

  • -Don't remind us.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -Cash, what are you doing for -- with your business

  • to help the people fighting for the pandemic?

  • -You know, we're trying to do our part,

  • so, to date, we've donated

  • all the profits from our website to buying

  • relief needs, relief supplies for those on the front lines.

  • So, thus far, we've donated about 20,000 masks.

  • We've bought lunch for nurses and people in the ER

  • and emergency rooms at various hospitals,

  • and we continue to support.

  • And, so, we've got another shipment

  • of 10,000 to 20,000 masks coming in,

  • and we're going to donate those, as well.

  • So we're trying to do our part.

  • -Yeah, and with The Honest Company, as well,

  • we've donated 3 million diapers.

  • -Oh, my goodness.

  • -20,000 personal-care products.

  • Because there's so many families now --

  • Yeah, go to

  • -I wrote this, by the way.

  • -We appreciate it.

  • -No, no, that was Winnie. That was Winnie.

  • -But there's literally --

  • Like, that is the number-one need for families right now

  • who are living in poverty,

  • but also families who are out of work.

  • They have to choose between diapers and a meal,

  • and they shouldn't have to, so...

  • -It's great that you're doing that, yeah.

  • I appreciate you giving all that stuff.

  • Cash, it's good to see you,

  • but I think it's time for a demonstration right now.

  • Bye, bud. -[ Laughs ]

  • -Jessica, I was told to have a --

  • What do you call it, a headband?

  • -Oh, yeah, so, I think right now

  • it's a really important time to do self-care.

  • You have a pretty good hairline, so you may not need a hair band.

  • -A great hairline. -A great hairline.

  • -Thank you!

  • [ Laughter ] -A great one.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -I always thought it was receding.

  • -It's great. No, you look awesome.

  • I always put a hair band on.

  • Do you have one from one of your girls?

  • -I took one, but it's ridiculous-looking,

  • so I don't even know if I --

  • -Well, can I show you the one that I use?

  • Every single -- Literally, I use this every single day.

  • So, I think self-care is super important.

  • And I always start my self-care routine with just daily --

  • Especially when I'm on Zoom calls, with my mask.

  • My -- That's my headband.

  • -[ Laughs ] Oh, my gosh. I love that one.

  • -By the way, I have for sure

  • have done TikToks in my head band.

  • I for sure have posted on Instagrams many times.

  • -I didn't have a headband.

  • I took one from Franny, and so this is hers.

  • -Perfect. [ Laughs ] Nice.

  • -I have my Honest products.

  • I have a couple masks, and I have an idea.

  • -Which one are you going to use?

  • -I was thinking I'm gonna put half on one side of my face

  • and half on the other side and just see the reaction.

  • Is that okay? -[ Laughs ] Go ahead.

  • So, I'm going to squeeze out the Prime + Perfect.

  • I use it this every morning.

  • -Okay. -And you -- the detox.

  • So...

  • -All right. This is the three-in-one.

  • This is almost like a gray, type of silver color.

  • -It's a charcoal mask. It's a detox charcoal mask.

  • -Oh, sorry.

  • [ Laughter ]

  • -I don't know what that -- It feels just clean.

  • -Yeah, it's really great.

  • My daughter Honor uses it, as well.

  • [ Clears throat ]

  • -All right. Now, this is -- Ooh, this one's nice.

  • Here. This is the Prime one here.

  • Oh, this smells like berries almost, right?

  • -Yeah, it's -- -Citrus? What is it? Berries?

  • -Yes. Berries.

  • And it's rich in antioxidants.

  • So think of, like, a lime.

  • -So, while we're letting this dry for a little bit,

  • I want to ask you just some generic questions about today.

  • -Okay.

  • -What is the -- What was the last thing you Googled?

  • -Um, last thing I Googled was appropriate horror movies,

  • which, by the way, there aren't any.

  • 'Cause my kids want to watch horror movies.

  • We do a movie night every night. -What is the thing with kids?

  • They love getting scared. My kids love it.

  • -I know, and they want to, like, cling onto us,

  • and then they don't want to sleep at night

  • in their bed by themselves, so...

  • -What was the last game you played?

  • -The last game I played.

  • We actually have indoor cornhole here.

  • -Oh, smart.

  • -And we play in the hallway,

  • and we play ping-pong in the hallway.

  • -That is so smart.

  • I got to see if I can make, like, a little a cornhole game

  • to put in the hallway.

  • Genius idea.

  • -Yeah. -I love that.

  • All right. I'm feeling two different things here.

  • This guy is kind of tightening up.

  • Uh-huh. -The mud one, the charcoal one.

  • -That's the charcoal, so that's, like, pulling out impurities.

  • It's like a detox and -- But it won't dry you out.

  • It's just, like, working.

  • And, then, on this side it's more antioxidants,

  • and it's, you know, your pores will look smaller

  • and you'll look tighter.

  • -Yes! I need to look tighter!

  • -[ Laughs ] You look great.

  • -All right. I'm going to wash it off now.

  • I'm right by -- I knew we were doing a demo,

  • so I'm calling you -- I'm Zooming you from the bathroom.

  • -[ Laughs ] -I'm going to take it off now.

  • Here we go. Taking mine off right here.

  • -[ Speaking indistinctly ] -Oh, that feels good.

  • Oh, I feel fresh, and I feel clean.

  • Look at me. I look like I went to the gym.

  • -[ Laughs ] You have to let it sit there.

  • It did its work. -Yeah, this feels good!

  • -[ Speaking indistinctly ]

  • -I'm going to go do a TikTok video right now. I love it.

  • -[ Laughs ]

  • -Jessica Alba, you are the coolest.

  • Thank you so much for doing this.

  • -Thank you. Oh, yeah.

  • And one more thing is I launched a YouTube channel

  • because my kids forced me to.

  • And we've been doing YouTubes, and we --

  • They needed a story time that's launching.

  • We've been making -- 'Cause, you know, we're indoors a lot.

  • We made, like, a body butter.

  • There's gonna be DIYs, hacks, things like that, and so...

  • -What's the name of your channel?

  • -Jessica Alba.

  • -All right. Go to

  • This is perfect for right now because we need content.

  • We need things to see

  • that's gonna take our minds off of this.

  • -And my kids are my operators,

  • they're my DPs, they're my hair and makeup.

  • [ Laughs ] -That's my family, too.

  • I got to put them to work, man. I love you, pal.

  • Okay. Honest.


  • Please do, everybody. Jessica Alba, I applaud you.

  • Thank you so much. You are the greatest.

  • Bye. Bye. -Bye.

-Jessica, how are you and where are you?

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