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  • Good morning, everyone.

  • What you can see behind me is an accurate depiction off the rest of this space.

  • Right now, my dressing room looks like someone has thrown a grenade into it on Dhe Done a runner I got back on Friday.

  • I don't know if it comes across in his video to me.

  • I sound with I don't know whether any of you follow me on Twitter.

  • I mean, there's no much happening over there evidently, But we did a month ago.

  • I was like, I keep like getting monthly sore throats on dhe like clockwork.

  • I have another one.

  • I never have time to go to the doctors or anything less.

  • It's like, you know, got sore throat, get over it.

  • But now I'm seeing the pattern, and I know that if I've got a problem with my tonsils or my throat, I need to be logging this and it's like I really just can't be bothered.

  • Like I could just tell you that I have had a sore throat, like every month for the last eight months on.

  • Then I don't have to waste appointments that could go to other people, but apparently I have Thio I have to go there, but it's really annoying me.

  • I'm just hoping that it doesn't go into anything more because I just never had the time to be ill.

  • Quite honestly, I never had the time to be ill and I certainly don't have the time to be ill right now.

  • So it's just a sore throat in the moment.

  • It like it is.

  • You ever get that wake up and I'm like, uh, crops.

  • But it was quite a hectic week, and I'm just so, so, so happy to be home now.

  • I've got a whole week at home like I can't even believe it.

  • There's nothing like on each day of the week, so I just I feel like I'm living my best life right now.

  • I've also waived my hair.

  • I'm just trying to see how it's getting on with its gross.

  • I think I'm gonna try and grow my hair back because I miss wearing it wavy.

  • But I feel like it's too short toe wear it, waving in the way that I normally would on wearing it.

  • Waving really like brings my color to life.

  • You know that I have my hair done by Pena on Dhe.

  • As much as I don't want, like my really, really long hair back, and I loved the short length life, I love the way that it looked.

  • It just didn't save the time like I thought it was.

  • So I'm kind of growing it back, probably to just about here.

  • I think my hair needs a little bit more weight.

  • My hair doesn't have that wait at the end of it.

  • My way is kind of in the middle.

  • It's been a weird one, my head, But it's grown a lot That has grown a lot, but it's just very, very big at the moment.

  • It doesn't have any any weight.

  • In the end, it needs wait.

  • I need to start things off in today's love by sorting this ream out because it is just I have a suitcase down there that has not been unpacked.

  • My makeup is everywhere.

  • There is clothes everywhere.

  • There is washing everywhere.

  • I need to just restore normality to my life because I can't deal with it.

  • I just can't deal with it.

  • I know it's like first world problems.

  • I get it.

  • I also have some outfits to show you if you haven't seen.

  • I've been wearing, like, loads and loads of pieces from Norcia recently, so I think that maybe some of these items that I was gonna show you they're already sold out.

  • I think that polka dot blouse the dress.

  • I'll pop the pictures on screen that I've been wearing.

  • Honestly, that dress is just Oh, it makes me think of like, a little bit on dress.

  • I don't know why I haven't seen anyone like, if it just makes me feel like the shoulders and stuff, it was just gorgeous.

  • And I have some other bits of chase.

  • I'm gonna show you some all like autumn outfit because it is getting colder and it's just not as cold as I thought it would be, considering It's like the end of October.

  • But it is getting colder.

  • And I wore really snuggling in it yesterday.

  • So I'm gonna show you that in itself bits up.

  • This is a video with nasty gal.

  • So it's an ad with naughty girl.

  • It's an integrated one.

  • So I'll obviously show you bit my love and it's that I picked.

  • I picked them myself.

  • I'm quite like strict.

  • I never let anyone like dictate what I show you.

  • These bits that I actually wanted to wear and having my wardrobe so there will be like down below.

  • But I'll get to that.

  • I always want things to be totally clear.

  • I just want you guys to be informed.

  • But I feel like you know how I work now.

  • And you know that I'm difficult to work with because of this reason I'm difficult because I'm just not going to just show you something on DDE.

  • I hope that yeah, whatever.

  • I don't care.

  • I take it seriously on Dhe.

  • Yes, all of these items I picked myself on, I push videos back and I don't ever let anyone kind of pulling me into a corner.

  • Not their friends do that, but, like, I've never pressured into showing you something that I'm not comfortable with.

  • Everything in this, I think, is a really good piece to have.

  • A lot of the items don't date either.

  • So it's not like you're paying for trends and making decisions that could easily be boring, not boring, but go out of style.

  • So I said, you know what I'm talking about anyway?

  • So good.

  • We got that cleared up.

  • I've been showing, you know, the pieces.

  • I've been buying the house as well.

  • I love styling.

  • Andi.

  • I love buying new bit to style around the house, just like I love styling in terms of fashion as well.

  • I love doing in my home, and that's why I'm always buying different bits.

  • I love changing spaces and giving them a different feel.

  • It's actually become a little bit of a hobby, but also learning a lot on DDE.

  • I was toying with the idea, doing some kind.

  • Of course not.

  • I see a career in interior design, but but me passing I would love Thio gnome or maybe learn about the technology in order to design spaces on cab designs and things like that.

  • So, yeah, that's that's an idea that I kind of have been toying with because I enjoy it.

  • But that's kind of what I'm doing when I'm buying new pieces to style.

  • I know that not everyone understands that I'm able t use items for styling on playing around learning for my instagram account.

  • So it's It's cool.

  • It's good fun anyway, getting technical.

  • So we went to Neptune yesterday on I go to Neptune, probably once every quarter.

  • I'd like to see the new pieces on dhe.

  • I just wish that that was one closer to me.

  • The girls at Neptune in Chechen did mention that there might be one coming closer.

  • Please.

  • All I want is a Neptune andan Oka somewhere in or around Northampton share or Buckingham share.

  • But like this side of Buckinghamshire, because fucking shit is huge.

  • Bought loads.

  • Some stuff should be delivered next week.

  • But I have bags and bags and bags of stuff.

  • I also had a local delivery whilst I was away on There's just kind of bits and bobs everywhere, and I've not really styled anything on.

  • I want Thio get some order and get some cohesion in my house again.

  • So we're gonna be doing that as well.

  • So there's a lot I actually had to make a list of what I kind of wanted to do in this video because there's just so much dressing room sort out autumn whole styling, Neptune hole styling, Oka styling, all we have to sell some furniture and I should also send well, load up my car and do a delivery to my dad and step mom because they just had the kitchen done on.

  • I've got some bits that I said that they could have for their first things.

  • First, I'm gonna get some clothes on.

  • Andi, I'm going to sort out this hideous mess.

  • I just don't even like What is that?

  • Oh, my God.

  • It just doesn't stop.

  • And then there's all of this stuff down here is well, it just Yeah, it's worse on the other side.

  • And then there's like boxes yet No.

  • So everything is looking a bit of a mess.

  • So cue the time lapse because I need to get this back to its beautiful organized state.

  • Okay, Why does it feel like I've just made everything off of the floor onto here like Dad said?

  • I don't understand how that happened.

  • I've been doing this for over an hour, and it feels like I've got nowhere.

  • I'm not even done.

  • The washing just keeps getting worse.

  • I don't know what I'm doing wrong here.

  • I just opened my cupboard and found a load of stuff just stuffed in there.

  • It's when I'm running late for things and I don't have time to make clear up after myself.

  • I've got a pile of stuff to charity.

  • As usual.

  • I've also got loads, loads of bags in my bathroom just to the side, that going smart legs.

  • Who's got my washing?

  • But it just seems to be getting worse.

  • But hopefully I'm on the home stretch now.

  • Come on.

  • That yet you can do this.

  • Still have not touched the washing.

  • Finally, finally, it was all done.

  • I hope my head, my makeup isn't all smeared all over my face because Ali and I've just been having a smooch in my dressing room.

  • And there's a good chance I've got lifted around my mouth anyway.

  • Finally, order is restored or there.

  • What is that pallet doing there that needs to go in my drawer?

  • Order is restored.

  • I just got bag missing from where Carrie is borrowing one which he borrowed one the other day.

  • Everything's back to normal now.

  • I feel so much better.

  • Everything is properly organized as well.

  • I've worked so hard, I've had to crack a window.

  • Please bear in mind that even though I have a radiator in this room, this is the coldest area of the house.

  • Because this is the only place in the house we don't have under floor heating.

  • That wasn't our choice.

  • It just wasn't put in.

  • But I'm sweating, so just bear that in mind.

  • So now that that's hi, Billie Dunn.

  • I wanted to do it like a bit of an autumn home on fashion styling video because we went up into the first part of autumn when obviously everything was happening with links on dhe.

  • I tried my best, but I felt like I really wasn't in the spirit of decorating my home on dhe.

  • I just wasn't really feeling it that much.

  • So I've got a few bits arriving that I'm gonna kind of decorate with because I really feel like I missed out on that season a little bit on Do you know about the seasons?

  • So I'm trying to make the most of autumn still, but yes.

  • And my first out of the outfit that I'm wearing today, actually, this outfit got a lot of questions on my instagram.

  • Sally put a picture up of me wearing it.

  • So this is a jumper from nasty girl on dhe.

  • I've got it in two colors, actually sell pot, the other one on, but This is like the cream one.

  • I like this jumper because it's got fluffy.