Subtitles section Play video Print subtitles Hey, Sarah! Can I borrow you for a minute? Hey! Hey, Sarah! I have to dial into a conference call. Would you mind? Telecommute. Never present. He is the robot boss... Micromanage. From his bedroom. He is the boss. You guys working hard or hardly working? No, seriously. Or you want a break? Dave! Dave! Dave! Hey, hi. I’m gonna need those fourth-quarter reports by the end of the day. Sure! We’ll have a meeting at two. Great! I’ll... I'll be there! Thanks! Oooh! Did you see that? What? What happened to Craig’s body? Rodney, that's a robot. They replaced his body with a robot? No, he is just working from home. He’s incredibly lazy. So, like the movie, "WALL-E"? It’s just like the movie "WALL-E". You’re right! Right, it's just like "WALL-E". Q4 is looking good. Probably gonna meet or exceed our projections around November twenty... Craig! Are you in the bathroom? Ahh, no! What makes you say that? Okay, anyway, um, Q1, also looking good. Ahh, probably… Gross! Ah, hey! Davo, what’s going on? I have a doctor’s appointment next Wednesday, and I was wondering if I could finish my work from home...? I don’t think that’d be possible. We’re a very hands-on company, and we really need you in the office. Cool... Only four more days 'till the weekend. Yeah. Hey! Hold that elevator! Ahh...Can, ahh, somebody help me out? Sarah? He is the boss! Thank you for purchasing Google glass. Please note that abuse of glass may cause unwanted side effects. In extreme cases, some users exhibit social ineptitude and general douchiness.
B1 US robot boss dave sarah craig google glass Meet Robot Boss, Your Worst Office Nightmare 8739 362 Go Tutor posted on 2022/05/16 More Share Save Report Video vocabulary