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  • Arthur: Murray!

  • Gene: Hey hey hey, its Mr.Franklin, Buddy

  • Murray: Come on Gene, that's all bullshit. Arthur: Thank you, Murray

  • Arthur: I feel like I know you

  • Murray: Thank you. What's with the face? I mean, are you part of the protests? Arthur: Oh, no. No, I don't

  • believe in any of that

  • Don't believe in anything

  • I just thought it'd be good for my act Gene: For your act? Didn't you hear what happened on the subway? Some clown got killed

  • Murray: He is aware of that, he's aware of that, yeah

  • Arthur: No, I haven't heard Gene: You see? This is what I'm telling you about. The audience is gonna go crazy

  • If you put this guy on, I mean maybe... maybe for a bit but not on a segment. Murray: Gene it's gonna work. It's gonna work

  • Murray: We are going with this

  • Arthur: Thank you Murray Murray: A couple of rules though, no cursing, no off-color material, we do a clean show

  • Okay, you go on right after doctor Sally. Arthur: I love doctor Sally Murray: Good, good good

  • Well someone will come and get you, okay?

  • Good luck. Arthur: Thanks Murray

  • Arthur: Murray, one small thing

  • Murray: Yeah Arthur: when you bring me out

  • Can you introduce me as Joker Gene: What's wrong with your real name?

  • That's what you called me on the show: A Joker, do you remember?

  • Murray: Did I? Gene: I don't know. Murray: Well if you say so kid, you know, Joker it is. That's good

  • Joker: Thanks Murray

  • Murray: I'll try it, you know, but I'm not sure my wife will let me do it. Maybe my next one

  • Murray: You gotta see our next guest for yourself, so I'm pretty sure this guy could use it bad

  • Murray: Let's show that clip one last time

  • Murray: Okay

  • Murray: You may have seen that clip of our next guest, now before he comes out

  • Murray: I just want to say that we're all heartbroken about what's going on in the city tonight

  • Murray: But this is how he wanted to come out and honestly, I think we could all use a good laugh

  • Murray: So please welcome

  • Murray: JOKER!

  • Murray: Are you alright doctor? Well that was quite an entrance

  • Murray: You okay??

  • Joker: Yeah, this is exactly how I imagined it Murray: Well that makes one of us

  • Murray: So, can you tell us about this look

  • Murray: When we spoke earlier, you mentioned that this look is not a political statement. Is that right? Joker: That's right Murray. I'm not political

  • Joker: I'm gonna just try to make people laugh Murray: And how's that going for you?

  • [ Maniacal laughter]

Arthur: Murray!

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