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  • Morning, ladies.

  • My name is Jack Suffocating.

  • Welcome back toe, half life, Alex.

  • We're down in the deep, dark down deep Derek, Uh, Aunt Line Caves trying to get away from Jeff.

  • But I have a feeling that we're going to go up against something even worse.

  • Toilet paper.

  • Finally, I knew it.

  • This is really what everybody's gonna be after later.

  • Who would have known that in 2020 toilet paper?

  • It would be such a commodity.

  • Oh, my God.

  • My hand is freaking out.

  • Don't you just love from the tracking obeys what you wanted to?

  • I sure do.

  • Thanks.

  • Game.

  • All right, notice.

  • Wash your hands.

  • Sing Happy birthday twice.

  • Okay, I'm gonna show you.

  • You have to.

  • It's a start.

  • You've to get water your hands, get some, get some soap and wash your hands together.

  • Get all around, get between your fingers, You know, wash your thumbs because that's the place that everybody misses.

  • So it's very, very important.

  • What is this circle thing that keeps Oh, let's just Then they get activated.

  • Okay?

  • Right onto a wash.

  • Your fucking hands.

  • Thanks.

  • Anything around?

  • So I have all the guns then that I'm gonna need for this venture because I was kind of hoping for more, you know, have my business.

  • I'm sorry.

  • Wait.

  • I forgot.

  • That doesn't go in my back.

  • However, it's all about harmony.

  • Cool guns you can get later on.

  • I want those.

  • I don't want just these four stinky guns.

  • Wait, let me do this first.

  • So it's tough being annoying over and over again.

  • Um, okay.

  • Just to okay, that has to be you.

  • And then that has to be you.

  • Nice.

  • It's not that tricky.

  • It's not that difficult.

  • It's just a simple puzzle for your brain, you know, Let's check out a 32 resin.

  • I can get an extended mag.

  • Okay?

  • I don't know if I wanted an extended mag in that.

  • Well, it's gonna get for this burst fire or a bullet reservoir at the reservoir that holds 10 additional boards.

  • That's that's helpful.

  • I might get that one.

  • Or on auto loader auto loaders.

  • Good, but it's not, you know, it's not like a game changer.

  • I want stuff that's a game changer.

  • So I am going to get because I use this a lot on every now and then.

  • I'm just like Baba Baba Baba and then everyone.

  • I want every load, you know?

  • So, you know, I'm just gonna fucking get this.

  • I don't need to.

  • I don't need to justify my actions to you.

  • I'm gonna do what I want.

  • Then you go and you go and, you know, make it for me.

  • I wonder if I could have had another upgrade by now if I found all the residents that I had missed up until this point.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Check it out.

  • Like I'm just keeps getting better and better.

  • You know, Technically, I don't think there's a whole lot of your good left anymore.

  • Don't tell you what.

  • Let's put that idea on hold for now.

  • We could chat about my gun when you get back.

  • Okay?

  • We'll do.

  • Russell, um, any other resins around?

  • Not that it will matter right now, because I only have two.

  • Um, maybe, maybe not Ewan OpenTable thing.

  • See, it's it's hard to know which one's open and what don't.

  • What was in these were I just just now clicked with me that we're in a veterinary veterinary office.

  • I didn't know it's not until no, I mean the cages are a dead giveaway.

  • And you know this cage through the animal push?

  • Is that it?

  • Oh, I didn't know if there was a button or not.

  • Hello?

  • God, that's an ant.

  • Yes.

  • So you do know what, Aunt lines?

  • Yes, lik e leg ese online is so much better.

  • Plus, everyone calls him and Lane's.

  • What would you call him?

  • A leggy grand.

  • Lads, look at this.

  • Lots of meat on these bodies.

  • You could eat these for days.

  • Thank you.

  • I also think I saw some reason.

  • No, it was that.

  • Whoa!

  • God, It's like someone's nighttime now.

  • Jeez, on turrets!

  • Yeah, I forgot about those.

  • Can I mess with the turrets?

  • Oh, I was just gonna be so much fun Way.

  • This is a zoom.

  • Damn!

  • I mean, still a veteran or veterinary office.

  • For all intents and purposes, bitch.

  • Fuck!

  • What animal is this?

  • Can I see?

  • Oh, no, that's not what animal it is.

  • This exhibit is currently closed for routine maintenance.

  • You don't fucking safe.

  • It looks extremely, very closed.

  • Hello, animal.

  • Come on out.

  • It's safe.

  • I killed everything.

  • Maybe it's an ant lion exhibit.

  • Are are you allies?

  • I'm gonna take that as a yes Okay.

  • Shit.

  • Nice.

  • What the hell is this?

  • Are you 00 it's the school or something.

  • It's a saber tooth race sometime.

  • Come here.

  • I want to play with you.

  • Come here.

  • Num num, num num num num are biting his head off.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no.

  • Yeah.

  • Eat it.

  • Eat it.

  • Eat it.

  • Wear it.

  • Okay.

  • Whatever your keys, if you like.

  • The keys are very helpful.

  • High five.

  • Okay.

  • What else can we get in here?

  • Fuck the cans.

  • Look, the cans Get the moment in v r when it's so realistic.

  • You actually expected to touch.

  • You can my face when?

  • Nice.

  • Oh, that's all that's in here.

  • Okay, Got it.

  • Is warm as dicks in my room today.

  • They opened a window.

  • No, I didn't.

  • Maybe that's why.

  • Oh, hoping window live in the air.

  • All right.

  • I'm already Oh, that's nice to confuse it on my feet already.

  • Very good.

  • Very good.

  • What's up, Jimbo?

  • I was going, um You know what?

  • I'm gonna put you in there instead of this.

  • I always carry you around, and I always find you elsewhere.

  • These are way more useful in a pinch.

  • You guys get this?

  • Is it just a fossil?

  • Okay, take a bath with him.

  • Who wants to go on a trip to the zoo with Jack?

  • Come on, everybody.

  • Come on, subscribers.

  • Oh, fuck, yeah.

  • That's so cool looking.

  • Well, I came out over that so dynamic.

  • So video game.

  • I have to fight a bunch of bitches in here, aren't I?

  • See stuff over there.

  • I want that from downtown.

  • Come on, come on, come on, come on.

  • It's somewhere.

  • Oh, it's a repeated can animation.

  • Well, less dynamic now.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, God.

  • Like the fucking thing from Starship Troopers.

  • You got a mighty His music's great, though.

  • Go.

  • Come on.

  • Now, to the zoo is the parodies it, ma.

  • What's the fight next?

  • Do you want to go?

  • This really feels like I'm holding this.

  • It's fucking notes.

  • All right, now.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Oh, shit.

  • Okay, I don't know if you could actually blow up the rest of them.

  • I don't think so.

  • Let's use dish in said nice.

  • Nice.

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Who I was intense.

  • Big luds on lanes air fucking huge in the in the V r seeing, you know, post like that Scurry shit, huh?

  • I've got ice for resin.

  • Just don't mind all the ones I've missed.

  • Cool.

  • I don't think that's what you're supposed to do with Dizzy, though.

  • You don't going to start shooting all the animals and this is who you do.

  • God, this is Anna lying around everywhere.

  • That's great.

  • See, these things are everywhere.

  • I don't even need this.

  • I'm just gonna do it anyway, because I I don't have a problem.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Huh?

  • They said, Oh, God.

  • Say they should do it at some point where I opened one of these on something just like lunges at me.

  • Really?

  • Just make me shit my pants.

  • We're fucking loved that I lost it.

  • Oh, weird.

  • I forgot that.

  • I can run out of ammo now that I got my extended bitch.

  • What's up?

  • Fucking party out here?

  • Oh, wait.

  • Oh, that's cool.

  • I figured out how it worked.

  • You put it in, and then it goes into this Nice.

  • Oh, no wonder.

  • Right out so quick.

  • Last window.

  • I'm a vandal.

  • Give me a spray paint can, because they're putting my marks upon things.

  • Who do you work for?

  • Oh, God, you're Oh, you're all fucked.

  • You're not in the brain Now, you dinky.

  • I see a resident.

  • This game has become or about, like, resin collecting than it is about anything else.

  • It's all and focused on.

  • It's all I want to do.

  • Chocolate?

  • Yes.

  • Is this the shotgun shell exhibit?

  • Where is he?

  • Thinks is the rays and exhibit are looking.

  • I'm sleeping.

  • Come on.

  • I know I must want to play with the animals.

  • Come on.

  • My God, I cannot wait for the window.

  • God, I thought you or something.

  • You're just a plant.

  • Wait, What am I supposed to be going?

  • Oh, cool.

  • I wanna wear that.

  • No, I know your dirty freaks.

  • I don't want your fucking tones, okay?

  • I just have this one, Okay?

  • Asshole!

  • Tonight.

  • Wait.

  • Can I wear it?

  • Yes, that does not work.

  • And we are at all I'm looking like right here, right in the middle of it.

  • Here.

  • Have it.

  • I don't care.

  • What do you guys hiding in here?

  • Secrets and things.

  • I'm going over this way first, though, so good at climbing.

  • Do you think these girls are going to become a thing in real life?

  • Be so handy.

  • You know, when you're like sitting on the couch watching Netflix and you just well, not actually watching Netflix.

  • You're just sitting down, going through Netflix to see what you want to watch.

  • But then there's too much shit to watch that you don't watch any of them.

  • So you just sitting there, going through what you wanna watch?

  • And that's kind of what you end up doing.

  • Um, that's my favorite show on Netflix.

  • You could just be sitting there.

  • Box spring goes usually like Pringle Pringle out into your mouth.

  • That's the future I want.

  • I don't care how it will help the medical field or how it will help us.

  • Progress is a society.

  • All they care about is Pringle in mouth.

  • Oh, Oh, I don't want to be in here.

  • Fucking t Rex is going to come out and get me.

  • This is the scene in Jurassic Parent where everybody's dead.

  • And then one of the guys who works there comes in.

  • It's like, where is everybody on a tear?

  • Extras comes and bites his fucking head off.

  • I'm not gonna be that guy.

  • No, not jacks up the guy?

  • No, sir.

  • So here, though.

  • Oh, fuck.

  • Roger.

  • How did you get back here.

  • And how did you recruit more?

  • Rogers isn't funny.

  • How?

  • I literally just predicted that I said the other place, that that's what they should do.

  • And then they did it and fuckin scared me under.

  • This is Roger for Can hide in the middle of all the rest of them.

  • Get him, boys.

  • He's a traitor.

  • A filthy trader.

  • He hurt me.

  • Fuck you!

  • Roger.

  • Huh?

  • How did you do that, Roger.

  • Okay.

  • Whatever you guys were doing, I didn't see anything.

  • All right?

  • My eyes are closed on.

  • My mind is open.

  • Look, I was going through here.

  • I don't care anymore.

  • Come on, Get me, T Rex, Maybe the apocalypse, but we're so we sort of fucking manners.

  • Oh, right.

  • That's scary.

  • Nice man.

  • This is coming in really handy.

  • Yeah.

  • How many bullets you have?

  • 100 s o much handgun ammo.

  • And they've even Mr Bush has given us throws in a man this area so cool this whole Siri's could be summed up with me.

  • Just saying this is so cool.

  • Hey, integrates excellent.

  • Whoa!

  • Fireworks needs.

  • Oh, please.

  • At a torta, Aunt Lane!

  • Shore Ego!

  • Give me the Whoa!

  • What was that was ahead.

  • Crabbe, give me the thing, though.

  • When you have a syringe, it's our Hello.

  • I know your day, but that's no reason to ignore me.

  • Nice.

  • Okay.

  • More guys to fuck up of grenades.

  • It's so fun.

  • That's all I want to do.

  • Todo boo todo I think I missed.

  • Well, at least now the glasses out of the way.

  • There's more grenades here.

  • Come on.

  • Just throw at Lane's at me like a four ton of them.

  • Oh, you learning?

  • Did you draw that picture?

  • That's very sweet.

  • I'll hang it up in line.

  • Fridge?

  • I didn't do that.

  • They were dead when I got here.

  • I didn't see anything.

  • I thought I could see you in the bin because your trash Oh, lovely pictures.

  • Lovely, lovely pictures.

  • You guys should be very proud.

  • I see you got more of them.

  • Squeeze Wing.

  • What's up?

  • You fucking help?

  • I control stuff too.

  • You know, I was being nice before.

  • No.

  • You don't want to use one of these where you're not dying.

  • It's right at your feet.

  • Are you dead?

  • No.

  • There's nothing on your head.

  • Dead Data Head is that that's a can not raising my hyung.

  • Go look at him.

  • Run!

  • Get him back!

  • I'm going on their next.

  • When life gets hurt, Just squeeze on these and throw it at everybody.

  • It's gonna be my mentality from no one.

  • I hate everybody.

  • Oh, big gorilla, man.

  • Wasn't Jesus anything in there?

  • All right, cool.

  • If there was something in there, I killed it.

  • Oh, no.

  • Do you think I had crab to turn a gorilla into a zombie?

  • Honestly, A gorilla on the loose.

  • Sure hit.

  • Crab's gonna make it much worse.

  • I think ahead Crabbe would make it significantly worse.

  • Russell.

  • All right, you back there in the confines of your lab.

  • All safe.

  • Nice.

  • I'm out here in the front lines.

  • Russell, I'm the one who's getting hit.

  • I'm going covered in slime and piss and shit.

  • Cover over your indecency.

  • Your growth.

  • That's our fucking belly.

  • Boom!

  • Boom!

  • You fit so many bananas in this pie, boy.

  • Boom, Boom.

  • Nice belly.

  • Nice body.

  • Great, Kelly.

  • Oh, I could break it with this.

  • Would not my hand.

  • Look, it's easy with my hand.

  • I may have just severed several arteries, but it's fine.

  • Jesus.

  • Wait.

  • That wasn't Jesus.

  • Oh, God.

  • Why didn't I expect that it's happened before?

  • I'm very careful not to squeeze these two hard.

  • What's this?

  • He said, Yeah.

  • What is it, Dad?

  • Like they actually build the weapon.

  • It's like they don't know, discovered something.

  • Maybe they uncovered.

  • They tracked it to an old apartment building in the Q Z.

  • But instead of going out to get it, they grab the whole building and built a wall around.

  • They must have been terrified of this thing, Trying to figure out whether we ought to be.

  • What is it?

  • Okay, I don't know.

  • So by asking me, listen.

  • Thank you.

  • Hold it.

  • Don't be careful, guys.

  • I got a pair of balls.

  • You want to get fucked by the balls there?

  • You better back off.

  • I'll throw my balls at you and then I throw these grenades at you afterwards.

  • A little ball joke.

  • You guys wouldn't understand comedy.

  • I've made a comedy world tour.

  • I know comedy.

  • I'm technically a stand up comedian.

  • I did the just for laughs festival.

  • What would you know about humor, huh?

  • Well, you're in the jacks up the guy channel, watching me play this.

  • So you know a lot about humor Actually, I'm suing for these.

  • Come in handy, Jack.

  • They're already in your handy.

  • You do know comedy.

  • What's going on down here Shouldn't be throwing balls.

  • I'm ready to throw balls.

  • Okay.

  • Balls.

  • Incoming!

  • That missed by a fucking Hey!

  • No, no.

  • What did it hit?

  • Besides May face again?

  • Yes.

  • I love my balls.

  • Wait, I'm one ball down, though.

  • I don't need balls.

  • I already I already have the balls for this.

  • Get it?

  • Got asked in the B.

  • Wow.

  • The progression from morning to night.

  • Time was so fucking awesome.

  • The lighting is so cool.

  • Who wants the dance, buddy?

  • You guys okay?

  • Go, go, go!

  • Oh, Mama, That's nice.

  • Fucking damn bugs!

  • Nice fucking on form, brother.

  • Eat it.

  • Eat it.

  • Hey, she's Christ!

  • Ah!

  • Okay.

  • You did a heck and sneak on me.

  • How did you do that?

  • I'm keenly aware of everything that's going on around me.

  • Oh, my poor little, tiny Irish heart.

  • And put this down here.

  • Hold on to it for me.

  • It's very precious.

  • My dad gave me that.

  • Aah!

  • Fighters, dinner your life.

  • Are any of you alive?

  • I'm fucking scared to find out.

  • All right.

  • Stay in there.

  • Okay.

  • Don't come knocking on my door when you're scared.

  • Sleeping.

  • Oh, God, You're all day, right?

  • Whoever's not dead, Razor hunt.

  • I'm not falling for that old trick.

  • I see.

  • Clever girl.

  • Hey, no!

  • Hey!

  • Down, down, boy.

  • Hey, down!

  • Teach you any tricks around here?

  • Where's my resident?

  • Give me.

  • I know you have it.

  • Okay.

  • Whatever, old man.

  • You wouldn't get us kids.

  • No.

  • My journey through the Amazon rainforest on Are we good?

  • I think I did.

  • Pretty epic.

  • No.

  • The next letter was f and then g h I was trying to teach you something broke.

  • Hello.

  • I'm here for my resin or this.

  • You're not life, are you?

  • He just chilling out in there.

  • I would be to this place.

  • Fucking sucks.

  • Uh, what Who?

  • 00 Holy crap.

  • How did I not?

  • Oh, my God.

  • I got so fucking lucky.

  • Okay, We don't throw anything that way is gonna fucking blow up and kill us.

  • All right?

  • Oh, nice.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • It was all for me.

  • Thank you.

  • What are you hiding, sir?

  • Do you mind if I lay hands upon your person, sir?

  • What's in your bag?

  • Don't, sir.

  • Sir Sergio.

  • That's inappropriate, sir.

  • I don't like you like that.

  • I like he was a friend.

  • And even then it's questionable.

  • All right?

  • I'm not disarming those bombs.

  • Don't get anything for it.

  • Accept anxiety.

  • Yeah, but no, little buddy, you're gonna die.

  • Thanks.

  • I don't think I need this.

  • Well, it was fun to watch.

  • You suffer nonetheless, wants to go.

  • I'll shoot you sideways sky like a gangster.

  • Is that how gangster shoot?

  • I've only seen it in movies.

  • I've never met an actual gangster.

  • Okay, okay.

  • Nailed all those first shots.

  • Fucking greatest video gamer.

  • Okay, let's wait for this to run out this time, so you can really just top it up.

  • I hear talkies.

  • Oh, fuck.

  • I'd fight.

  • Now What?

  • It's not a fall.

  • It's a prison.

  • Who built it to keep us out?

  • The tropic Keep something in E.

  • I don't know.

  • I'm not sure if this data part even those who trapped in there, Okay, so if it's not a weapon, are we still doing this way or whatever?

  • Then there doesn't like the combine very much way.

  • Got bad.

  • Common.

  • True.

  • So are we still doing it?

  • We've come this far I say we keep going, and if you find out it's something we really shouldn't mess with will call it off back.

  • You know what?

  • I was probably the smartest reaction any character has hide in a narrative before.

  • I think we'll keep going because we were this fire.

  • But if it's something serious and let's not Jesus sense of presence of a being, like right there is No, it's also I hope that it's something fucking awesome in there.

  • Keep using the same words.

  • But I really hope it's something cool like a either a giant creature out of its G man.

  • G man was in the trader, but we haven't seen them yet.

  • I'm sure he's gonna show up at the end.

  • He's my favorite character in half life.

  • Do your thing.

  • I'm gone.

  • I'm gone.

  • I'm gonna let alone understand.

  • Okay.

  • We're gonna reverse engineer this one.

  • How's that that goes there.

  • Oh, it's the light.

  • Okay.

  • Is that good?

  • She was over there.

  • There, Me go up there.

  • That's crazy.

  • Yeah.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Hi.

  • Hey, come here.

  • I know it was eaten border straight from the TOBA earlier, but my hands are not that slippy.

  • Oh, fuck!

  • Why is everything in this game wanna kill me?

  • Even the wall wants to kill me.

  • Well, then I do against a wall.

  • I didn't do nothing.

  • Okay, Cool.

  • Cool.

  • Awesome.

  • I'm so cool.

  • Where does that go?

  • It's going to be more.

  • I can smell it.

  • Oh, God.

  • Look at this mass of wires.

  • Who goes there?

  • Blow you up, Stinky?

  • Any resin?

  • The hook.

  • Come on, jump with me!

  • Oh, I didn't have one London me before.

  • I know.

  • Oh, fuck!

  • No, no!

  • Jesus.

  • Come on, Where?

  • You're not grabbing my stove anymore.

  • Zuck e!

  • I need I need Heelys.

  • Thank you.

  • I should just use this.

  • That's what I think.

  • Oh, my God, That's awesome!

  • You can actually feel it with your hand.

  • That's so cool.

  • It's so simple.

  • Okay, we're going to do our signature catchphrase again.

  • Even got the shirt on.

  • It's helping out Corona virus.

  • So if you want to buy one, that was a good time.

  • You're watching his way in the future that you, Mr Chance.

  • But just now that we helped fight Corona virus, it sucked.

  • Okay, Okay, okay.

  • Down you go big in.

  • Is he dead for good.

  • There's a lot of stuff I need to make sure that I have all of it.

  • Um, Any explode Eez kind of a waste, but it makes me feel really good.

  • Sure enough, Billy.

  • Thanks.

  • Idiot.

  • I just told you exactly what I needed to see you to kill you on.

  • You just did it like a dumb ass.

  • Um, you this on this?

  • Okay, a little juggling going on, but we're coming out better in the end lines.

  • Give me all your stuff.

  • Your captain Crunch.

  • Oops.

  • All Berries.

  • You don't know anything.

  • Hello.

  • He terms bookie terms aren't even irish.

  • Only the mascot is on the branding.

  • You can't even buy them in.

  • Ireland was like, Is that your favorite cereal?

  • I'm like, I can't even have them.

  • I don't want to get the Whoa, We have a beer, huh?

  • That's actually affects.

  • It's not even a peroni booking idiot.

  • Wait.

  • Where am I going?

  • What you doing?

  • Too busy and too busy fucking around.

  • Ah, cool.

  • There's a scout, but you have to Oh, it's in my mouth.

  • Gross.

  • Okay.

  • Where can we twist you with?

  • Um, Okay.

  • All right.

  • You stopped by.

  • I don't care And then you're gonna make me come down here and then get surprised and shocked and scared.

  • Well, joke's on you.

  • I did it on my own.

  • Okay, Nice.

  • That's not the thing.

  • Fuck!

  • Come back in the hole.

  • Go back in the hole, You dirty bastard.

  • Coming out here scared me back in your fucking third hole.

  • Your sewer child.

  • Tiny fucking 30!

  • Sore baby.

  • Did He did it.

  • I got it.

  • I don't care anymore.

  • Get it?

  • 30 Did not get you didn't even hear it explodes.

  • You guys are so dumb.

  • You did.

  • You jizz everywhere.

  • Do this.

  • Gross.

  • You can't just do that.

  • I very almost died often full of drugs.

  • Now, ho act rude.

  • I came with the shakes.

  • Nice.

  • Well, maybe he's just broken anyway.

  • First push, push, push the button on the blow This place sky high or not, You know it was You know I'm near the end of the game I wonder Oh, juice me up Ooh, ooh, yeah Oh, I feel like I could point a camel and its hope and get away with it All these fucking cables.

  • He's going straight to the vault at prison.

  • It's not a vault.

  • It's a prison Fuck we're gonna do now with this Completely changes everything.

  • God I want.

  • So far, it's right there.

  • Gwynn, wait.

  • You guys can't see that?

  • Books?

  • Give me the answers.

  • Doing the advisers?

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Bra.

  • Hell, yeah.

  • Bra.

  • Yeah.

  • Fuck, yeah, dude, Uh, look, the's just Why the lads?

  • I don't want the fucking chair.

  • Here you go, dude.

  • You got it?

  • Hola.

  • No drink, is it?

  • Walking backwards.

  • Toe off.

  • He died doing what he loved.

  • At least I hope.

  • Whoa.

  • Who?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Yes, I'm trying to look out someone wielding and Alec?

  • Yeah.

  • Good luck.

  • I didn't even know you saw me yet.

  • You're a dick.

  • So no one likes you, Steven.

  • Okay, I feel like I'm wasting more ammo like that, but then I look at my thing.

  • It's like, 0 110 bullets.

  • Cool, Jesus.

  • Everything a shot like that just out of nowhere.

  • It scares the crap out of me.

  • Who would have thought getting shot from scary.

  • There's only one side of Campbell's going into a dining alone.

  • Russell boards just down the last substation or not.

  • Oh, excuse me.

  • I heard it.

  • So towards those beads right?

  • Nothing.

  • I'm on my way.

  • She's in whoever not whatever.

  • Dude, that's so fucking cool.

  • Seeing something like that massive come down to you on all of this stuff going on like, this is what we are.

  • Should be This is incredible.

  • So much sense of scale.

  • So much massive shit happening.

  • It was really easy.

  • Wait.

  • Why was Why was that so easy?

  • I don't like this.

  • Oh, I don't like this.

  • Oh, fuck.

  • Nice.

  • Nice going.

  • I don't trust you.

  • Of course not.

  • Gonna fucking kill you, Shawn.

  • Fuck yeah.

  • Who wants to go?

  • You want?

  • You want some?

  • Strike the car.

  • Didn't Karen go?

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, God.

  • You guys, too?

  • Fuck, yeah.

  • Don't fuck you up, dude.

  • I'm not re hitting in the face.

  • Just pretend you do touch.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Oh, awesome.

  • God!

  • Oh, my God.

  • That's so fun.

  • Nice.

  • Come on.

  • You must be surely must be dead by now.

  • I'd focus sometimes on the way.

  • Nice.

  • He was limping.

  • It was limp biscuit.

  • Great.

  • Ah, cool.

  • All of this, like simple little shit.

  • I'm like, Damn, that's amazing.

  • You couldn't do that.

  • So who I was intense Jesus.

  • It was one of the more intense fights we've had.

  • All right, Any secrets around any cousin?

  • Wow.

  • Yeah, we're definitely getting close to the end.

  • Now, things are really starting to ramp up.

  • There's something about, like, half life designed, Just the sort of sort of machinery and housing that's put together that's just so nostalgic at this point.

  • Puts me in my happy place.

  • You're not getting shot to shit and almost killed all the time, but I'm having a fucking awesome time.

  • Um, I a fuckin safest maybe.

  • I don't know.

  • Masochist.

  • Sadist.

  • Which one is rich?

  • Bye, Kevin.

  • Careful.

  • I'm too busy trying to figure over my fucking resin.

  • Went.

  • I heard a sound, though.

  • Like I put it in my backpack.

  • Maybe I did.

  • Hello?

  • Why?

  • Who's that?

  • Come here.

  • Is this gonna be like Alex's mom or something?

  • Yes.

  • God.

  • Hi.

  • We need to move the box where this thing is Very black.

  • Makes up all over.

  • Uh, well, now I'm telling you, it is Look, that's still here.

  • When she gets there, he's gone.

  • When the history of today, this guy got them survive Black mesa, he raised holy hell and then just disappear.

  • We finally caught him.

  • You're still letting go again, Gordon?

  • The box survived Black Mesa, then disappeared.

  • They lie.

  • They do have a super weapon.

  • God dammit!

  • Rusty got Gordon Freeman.

  • Holy fuck!

  • That's good, Right?

  • This is very, very good A miracle.

  • All right, so let's go save Gordon Freeman, Dude.

  • Incoming!

  • Hey, give me a second motion.

  • That's what we're going to fucking breakout is Gordon Freeman.

  • He's actually in the game.

  • Hi.

  • You can hear me a fucking idiot.

  • It was a way.

  • Our drone.

  • Not andro.

  • Not our growth on duty.

  • Shooting people on a dime.

  • No one invited me over for biscuits and tea anymore.

  • It's all just Do they do that?

  • Don't do that.

  • D'oh!

  • Oh, scared me.

  • That's the worst thing anybody's ever doing.

  • So the plan is to get to the control room and get Gordon.

  • I'll be honest.

  • People talk about him a lot, but I just assumed he was dead.

  • Hey, Dad, Are you there?

  • Yeah.

  • What's that about?

  • If Gordon survive Black Mesa, where's he been?

  • I don't know, but I bet it's a hell of a story because okay, again, I've never played half life one, so I don't know exactly what happened.

  • I know he went in and he calls everything going on in that and he fucks it up classic Gordon.

  • But after that, he just showed up in half Life two again at the star in the train.

  • So I mean, I knew this is gonna bring some of the gap between, but they didn't know it was actually gonna have him in it.

  • We're gonna get to see Gordon Freeman in this day and age in 2020 with these graphics.

  • Envy our up close.

  • Dude, I'm so excited, so excited I might vomit.

  • Good.

  • So strong.

  • Gordon's gonna be so happy with how I'm removed all these boards.

  • Oh, look at this fucking cash cow in here.

  • I could have missed this, but my resident sniffers were going off.

  • Who can I have the glasses?

  • I wanna be just like Gordon.

  • No.

  • Whose stuff is this?

  • Okay, I'm I'm a water your plants, though, no matter what's going on in the world, the plants don't deserve this.

  • There you go.

  • I'll give them a little extra juice as well.

  • But with there you go.

  • Ah, nice looking healthier already.

  • Sorry.

  • Let's keep kicking.

  • It What is this?

  • Oh, come on.

  • It wasn't even that close.

  • Dude, I have a great angle on everybody here.

  • Give it brought.

  • Oh, come on.

  • In London up there.

  • I can't go there.

  • Fuck!

  • Reason I wasted ammo on you because I thought I was gonna get some back.

  • You saw.

  • Oh, Online's you're doing in here.

  • Looks like that mochi leg.

  • Don't.

  • No, don't say that.

  • That sounds gross.

  • Is that what that orange shit waas milking the leg, ese?

  • Yeah.

  • Hey, baby, you want to come over and milk the leg, ese?

  • Whoa!

  • Oh!

  • What?

  • That's fucking knew?

  • Jesus.

  • Where is he?

  • Knows before.

  • Whoa!

  • Nice one shot.

  • You got one killed.

  • Nice.

  • Oh, Shavers.

  • Who's there?

  • Brian, You Aunt Lines.

  • They have been in the game before.

  • Oh, I want that.

  • All right?

  • Yes.

  • Huh?

  • Cool.

  • Oh, no.

  • They're cold.

  • Purple and lions.

  • Well, the other things we call lightning dogs.

  • What a feeling Something's gonna show up.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, God.

  • Oh, God.

  • Fuck.

  • We have to get into the toilet.

  • All right, We go a little privacy, Please.

  • You can really get vicious.

  • Well, he saved humanity once.

  • Wanted to bet he could do it again.

  • And this time you won't have to do it alone.

  • That's fun.

  • They become such good friends and half life too.

  • Oh, I'm constantly blown away by how good this looks.

  • I honestly can't express to you at home what it feels like to actually be here walking around in this world.

  • But I'm gonna keep gushing about it over and over and over and over and over again, so get used to it.

  • 40.

  • No, Juice me up, Daddy.

  • That's nice.

  • Shots off on you.

  • Fucking dumb ass is amount of fronts.

  • Fuck you off.

  • Thanks for your service, though, pet.

  • But I know you're just doing your job.

  • Me, that ammo for now.

  • Who were these fucking things?

  • Fuck!

  • You know what?

  • I wanna have some for me.

  • Ah, that's cool.

  • Wait.

  • Is this the way I'm supposed to go?

  • I don't want to go there yet.

  • Papers, Paper Creeper.

  • Fuckinhead Here.

  • You guys have him okay.

  • Or not Rest.

  • What do you think they're doing to Gordon Freeman in there?

  • Are they?

  • You know something is draining.

  • I think they've got a man in the whole world.

  • Will.

  • Either way, let's not find out.

  • Get there before it happens.

  • They're soaking his brain out all.

  • Gordon, I want to check out this place.

  • Oh, it was only this.

  • Oh, right.

  • What?

  • What?

  • What?

  • I hate these ones.

  • You suck.

  • Got some ammo ready to move out.

  • Ah, and full health.

  • I don't really need that.

  • Huh?

  • Oh, God.

  • Pushing forward or sideways?

  • Who knows?

  • Who knows?

  • I mean about my body is going to do that day.

  • You.

  • It's so gross to see them up close like that.

  • Dankers.

  • Big, ugly, stinky cheese.

  • You're gonna resin.

  • Who is good too?

  • Um, yeah, I'll I'll change you for that.

  • Well, unless an enemy comes up a little east carry you in my hand.

  • Are you supposed to be like that?

  • Are you broken?

  • Oh, wait.

  • I'm gonna end up down there and I'm gonna open up a thing.

  • You're gonna fall down.

  • Got, uh, don't waste my time on you right now.

  • Inky blinky.

  • Right?

  • Any secrets I want to be rewarded for?

  • My troversy is gonna kill me.

  • No, no, Absolutely not.

  • Oh, God.

  • Why were you considering it?

  • Oh, God.

  • Um, Let's see if I can do this.

  • I didn't work.

  • I thought it would bounce.

  • Hey, that didn't work on this.

  • Open.

  • Nice.

  • It was a genius, guys, where there is a go.

  • What you all know focusing on my resume.

  • I need that.

  • Here's one of these.

  • I don't need this.

  • I need resin residence.

  • The life of an economy of this game Thursday.

  • Where did it go?

  • Because I got fucking blasted into the hell dimension.

  • Lee's handed abusing my grenades property.

  • They came in very helpful.

  • Oh, 00 oh.

  • Uh, you broke then you there.

  • Yeah.

  • I just hate to see you suffer like that.

  • Now, I didn't need to do that.

  • I did it out of the goodness of my own heart.

  • Oh, upgrades.

  • What's the deal with Crowbar?

  • Oh, you mean Gordon Freeman?

  • He bought his way out of blackmail her with nothing Way.

  • Well, it's true that that's what they say.

  • Let's forget it.

  • Yeah, not mine.

  • I'm out together.

  • Russ.

  • Russ, you are a hoot.

  • Uh, okay.

  • Anymore.

  • Last second reason.

  • Lying around.

  • I don't think I can actually do anything.

  • I like these puzzles.

  • Ah, that's you guys.

  • You're this God.

  • There's so many of them.

  • You could be, uh, you could be.

  • Where's your triggering this one, you should be triggering that one.

  • Come on.

  • Boom, ba

Morning, ladies.

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