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  • This golden retriever named Groot is being hailed today for rescuing an elderly couple found after eight days Lost in the Wilderness Way did not expect to find him alive.

  • High school senior Quincy Webster Groot and his handler, Rich CASS Ins are credited with saving the lives of Carole Ca Parsky and her husband, Ian Irwin, who vanished during a romantic Valentine's Day hike.

  • Dozens of volunteers scoured the thick woods in Marin County outside San Francisco.

  • Then, over the weekend, a miracle.

  • Webster and Castles heard their cries for help in the woods, and Groot led them right there.

  • The couple were huddled in dense undergrowth.

  • They were asked, like Are you really?

  • They're so happy to see us.

  • Are you really?

  • Because they they thought it was a mirage.

  • At that point, they thought, they said they thought they were done for.

  • The high school senior gave the exhausted couple spare jackets.

  • He keeps his part of his rescue gear along with hats and gloves.

  • Then he radio the incredible news to headquarters.

  • Ah, chopper was the only way to get Caroline in out of the dense brush.

  • They were airlifted to the hospital suffering from hypothermia Ian Ah, highly regarded Parkinson's disease scientist, was first.

  • Then it was his wife's turn.

  • She's an author and linguist.

  • Both gave a thumbs up from their hospital beds.

  • We said When you get to the hospital, you'll be together, maybe in separate rooms.

  • We'll be together on Before they laughed, they cast before Ian gotta airlifted out, All right?

This golden retriever named Groot is being hailed today for rescuing an elderly couple found after eight days Lost in the Wilderness Way did not expect to find him alive.

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