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  • >>Hilah: Hey dudes!

  • I am Hilah, and today on Hilah Cooking I am going to show you my version of a Texas omelet.

  • We're going to add some peppers and tomatoes and black beans and a whole bunch of cheese,

  • and then smother that whole mother in hot sauce.

  • What you say about that?

  • I say, good morning to you sir.

  • [MUSIC]

  • [Texas-style Omelette Recipe]

  • >>Hilah: Okay, I've got all my omelet fillings over here.

  • It's important when you're making omelets to go ahead and have everything ready because

  • they cook really, really quickly, and I did a cheese omelet video a while back, and I

  • think I've gotten a little bit better at omelets since then, so I hope I didn't just

  • jinx myself, but I've got one egg here.

  • Okay, so I am going to add a little bit of butter to this skillet, and for some reason

  • butter works so much better than oil when you're doing omelets.

  • I don't understand it.

  • It maybe has to do with the proteins in the butter.

  • I am going to get his all melty, just swirl it.

  • I am just going to coat the sides, and I am using an omelet pan here.

  • You'll see it's like extra slopey sides which helps a lot.

  • The French did something right I guess huh?

  • That was a joke I hate the French people.

  • That was actually a bigger joke.

  • Okay, not funny.

  • I don't hate anyone.

  • I've got my one egg here, and you can do up to two eggs.

  • One egg is a lot easier to manage, and it's good for one person, so a little S&P there,

  • and then we pour it in, and swirl it about, and lift up the edges here to get the runny

  • egg underneath, and remember to turn your heat down a little bit because we're not

  • trying to get the bottom brown.

  • We're just trying to set the eggs, so you just do this.

  • You mess with it a little bit.

  • There we go.

  • Get that over there.

  • Okay, and then when your eggs are almost set like this, you can add some cheese, some beans.

  • You don't have to make this voice when you do it however.

  • [laughs]

  • I am going to do it because I am tired.

  • Some jalapenos.

  • Some tomatoes.

  • [laughs] Sorry.

  • I am just cracking myself up here, and a little bit of cilantro.

  • You know what?

  • You can put whatever you want on it.

  • You can add ham.

  • You could add bacon.

  • Whateves.

  • Now, that's in there.

  • I am going to turn my heat off.

  • Okay.

  • Flip that, and then if you have a non-skillet skillet, this is a little easier, but it's

  • obviously totally fine without, and you sort of scooch it out like that.

  • Ta da!

  • Told you I got better!

  • Stay tuned for the outtakes though.

  • Okay, a little bit of garnish, a little bit of hot sauce!

  • And time to eat Pete, and that residual heat from the egg on the bottom that's cooked

  • will cook the rest of the omelet on the inside, so you don't need to worry about that, and

  • it melts the cheese.

  • Voila!

  • Mmmmmm.

  • Yay!

  • Protein and fat, and vegetables, and spicy.

  • I love it!

  • It's a great breakfast.

  • There you go.

  • There's how to make my version of a Texas omelet.

  • What do you like to put in your omelets?

  • Leave me a comment below, and I will respond as soon as I can.

  • Thanks so much for watching.

  • Have a great week!

  • [MUSIC]

  • Damn it!

  • I cooked it too hot.

  • It's so hard to do while I am [bleep] narrating myself.

  • Scooych it on out.

  • So maybe I haven't gotten that much better.

  • [bleep].

>>Hilah: Hey dudes!

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