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  • [INTRO ♪]

  • Today, we know that light travels through a vacuum at a specific speed, and we even know what that speed is.

  • In fact, we also know that the speed of light is not just any number.

  • It's the fastest anything can travel in the universethe universal speed limit.

  • But it wasn't always obvious that light had a finite speed.

  • In most practical situations, light sort of seems to travel instantaneously from one place to another.

  • So, at least as far back as the Ancient Greeks, early philosophers and scientists were split over whether or not they thought light had a measurable speed at all.

  • That was an open question for centuriesat leastuntil a 17th-century astronomer stumbled across a clue in Jupiter's moons that finally settled the case.

  • A long line of people before that had attempted to get an answer, though.

  • Even Aristotle, back in Ancient Greece, took a swingand a missat the question.

  • He reasoned that we could detect delays in sound, but light seemed to get places without any time lapse at all.

  • Meanwhile, other philosophers argued that, no, light can be fast, but it can't be infinitely fast.

  • Get it together, Aristotle.

  • Finally, some scientists tried to break up the philosophical fight with actual data.

  • In the early 1600s, Galileo and an assistant stood some distance apart holding covered lanterns.

  • First Galileo would uncover his lantern, then the assistant would uncover his as soon as he saw the light from Galileo's.

  • When Galileo saw the assistant's light, he would note how much time had passed.

  • They even tried this at different distances to try to separate out the speed of light from their reaction times.

  • You've got to give the guy creditbut the results were still inconclusive.

  • Galileo wrote that if light didn't move instantaneously, it was at the very leastextraordinarily rapid”—at least 10 times the speed of sound.

  • But the first person to prove that light had a speed limit actually wasn't trying to measure the speed of light at all.

  • In the 1670s, the Danish astronomer Olemer had been commissioned to create a chart sailors could use to determine their longitudethat is, how far east or west they werewhile they were at sea.

  • They already knew how to measure their latitude using the positions of the stars.

  • But to calculate longitude, you had to know exactly what time it was, and old clocks weren't very good at keeping track of that on the high seas.

  • Over time, they accumulated lots of errors.

  • Somer was trying to come up with a different way for sailors to keep time.

  • Earlier that century, Galileo suggested that it might be possible to use the four known moons of Jupiter as a celestial clock.

  • Since they all orbited Jupiter in a matter of days, Galileo thought it might be possible to keep time by tracking when the moons passed over their planet.

  • Each of these mini-eclipses would be like a very slow tick of a clock.

  • And as weird as that sounds, Rømer was on board.

  • The plan was to create a table documenting the exact times those eclipses happened, according to the clocks at the Paris Observatory.

  • Then, each time they saw an eclipse, sailors would be able to look up the exact time it was scheduled to happen and reset their onboard clocks to that time.

  • mer set to work with Io in particular, since it has the fastest orbitjust under two days long.

  • Except, while he was working on this, he noticed something weird.

  • As the months went by, Io's eclipse was falling behind scheduleand then catching up, and then creeping ahead of schedule.

  • And then falling back again.

  • Which was completely bafflingcelestial bodies don't just casually speed up and slow down like that.

  • That's when it clicked.

  • If light had a finite speed, it would take longer for the light from Io to reach Earth when it was farther from Jupiter, and less time when it was closer.

  • And that was exactly whatmer observed.

  • So the speed of light had to be finite!

  • Once that was settled, Rømer took the first steps toward estimating that speed.

  • He knew that the difference between Earth and Jupiter's closest approach and their farthest approach had to equal the diameter of Earth's orbit.

  • So, over the course of about half a yearas Earth moved from one side of its orbit to the otherhe measured a maximum delay of 22 minutes.

  • The person to actually crunch the numbers and get the speed of light was one ofmer's contemporaries, the Dutch astronomer Christiaan Huygens.

  • Usingmer's value for the maximum delay and a rough estimate of the diameter of Earth's orbit,

  • he was able to calculate the speed of light using the basic physics equation that says velocity equals distance over time.

  • And he came pretty close!

  • He calculated a speed of about 211 million meters per second.

  • Today we know that the speed of light is roughly 300 million meters per secondso Huygens's calculation was a little off.

  • That's because he didn't have a precise value for the width of Earth's orbit, and because the maximum delaymer calculated was a few minutes too long.

  • But hey, it's not bad for a 17th-century astronomer who wasn't even trying to discover the speed of light.

  • And as former's original goal? Well, it turns out you can't really see Io that clearly from a ship in the middle of the sea.

  • So, eventually, people came up with a mechanical timepiece called a chronometer to figure out longitude.

  • But it's a good thing that he tried, because along the way, he stumbled across a pretty important discovery!

  • Thanks for watching this episode of SciShow Space!

  • As you just saw, in the past it sometimes took a lot of roundabout science to uncover knowledge that we think of as fundamental today.

  • Like the speed of lightand the fact that the Earth goes around the Sun.

  • Which we actually made a video about, which you should check out next.

  • To learn how we figured /that/ out, you can check out this video next.

  • [OUTRO ♪]


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