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  • What is a cousin?

  • Well,

  • Cussin' is when you say bad words

  • that will cause gosh to send you down to heck.

  • But there won't be any of that in this episode, no no no.

  • We're talking about cousins, so don't worry, Mom.

  • Now, my mom is not my cousin, but she does have cousins.

  • And her cousins are my first cousins once removed.

  • What does that mean, to be removed?

  • And what does it mean to be a first cousin or a second cousin?

  • Well, if you want to find out, you have come to the right episode of

  • Michael Draws on Pieces of White Cardstock.

  • We'll begin with you. That's yourself.

  • In my case, it is me.

  • Now, I didn't just appear out of nowhere. I was born.

  • Through the union of two humans,

  • which I call my parents.

  • I'm gonna put my parents up here, diagonally above me.

  • And we are directly related, meaning I literally dipped into their DNA to make myself.

  • (Well, I mean, I didn't do it. At least I don't think I did. I don't remember doing it.)

  • But, the DNA of my parents, half from my mom, half from my dad, made me,

  • so I share 50% of my DNA with each of my parents.

  • But I, someday, may have children.

  • And those people will be called, well, they'll be called my children.

  • I'm gonna put them down here.

  • You'll notice that a row on this chart represents a different generation.

  • If my children have children, those people will be my grandchildren.

  • But then their children will be my great grandchildren.

  • And this continues, well, for as long as reproduction continues to happen.

  • But my parents also had parents.

  • I call those people my grandparents.

  • Their parents are my great grandparents.

  • So, this means that technically, there is no such thing as great parents.

  • No matter how nice yours are, no matter how accepting or inspirational or understanding, or uncondtionally full of love they are,

  • they are not great parents.

  • No one will ever be a great parent, they will only ever be a grandparent.

  • Then the greats get added on.

  • Now parents can have children that are not you.

  • Those are called your siblings.

  • They are on the same row as your row, because you're in the same generation.

  • Your siblings descend directly from your parents, just as did you.

  • But your siblings can have kids,

  • and those kids are your nieces and nephews.

  • CGP Grey has a great name for these:

  • Rather than calling them nieces and nephews, let's just call them "niblings".

  • The children of your siblings: niblings.

  • Their kids follow this exact same pattern.

  • Their kids will be called your grand niblings.

  • Their kids will be your great grand niblings.

  • And so on.

  • Now your grandparents may have had kids that weren't your parents.

  • Their children, that aren't your parents, are called your aunts and uncles.

  • Your great grandparents' children, that are not your grandparents, are called your grand aunts and uncles.

  • And so on.

  • Everything else we put on this graph will be some kind of cousin.

  • And every kind of cousin has a degree and an amount of removal.

  • In order to figure out the degree and the removal amount, we need to locate a most recent common ancestor.

  • An ancestor isn't just anyone on this tree.

  • It is someone that you directly descended from.

  • So, for example, my parents took DNA from their parents - my grandparents.

  • So, some of my grandparents' DNA was inside them, and then I grabbed from that.

  • So I got some of this DNA.

  • But my aunts and uncles are not my genetic ancestors, because I did not take any DNA from their pool.

  • They took some from their parents, which are my grandparents,

  • and I also got to touch some of theirs, 'cause it went through my parents.

  • So, me and my aunts and uncles share a most recent common ancestor, that is my grandparents.

  • Of course, they just call them their parents.

  • Me and my sister have a most recent common ancestor in our parents.

  • You and your great grand niece will have a most recent common ancestor that is, well, your parents.

  • Now notice that if we pair you with anyone else currently on this diagram,

  • there will be at least one trip to your most recent common ancestor with that other person that is direct:

  • that passes through no generations.

  • And that is what makes you not a cousin.

  • If the shortest of the two journeys two people must take to reach their most recent common ancestor DOES pass through at least one generation,

  • well then, you are some kind of cousin.

  • For instance, let's take a look at my aunts and uncles.

  • Now if they have children, the children would go right here.

  • Our most recent common ancestor will be right here.

  • The people that I call my grandparents, and, actually, so do they.

  • But in order to get from me to my grandparents, I have to pass through one generation: my parents.

  • And for these people to get to my grandparents, they too must pass through one generation.

  • The smaller amount of generations passed through is the degree of cousin-ality.

  • In this case, we both pass through one, and the ordinal number for one is "first".

  • So, the children of my aunts and uncles are my first cousins.

  • Now, because we both have journeys of the same length, passing through one generation, there's no removal.

  • But the children of my first cousins, which will exist right down here,

  • That's a whole different story.

  • Me and my first cousins' children have a most recent common ancestor that is my grandparents.

  • Their great grandparents.

  • So, if we look at these journeys, we have to go through one, two generations for them to get to the most recent common ancestor,

  • but for me, I only have to go through one.

  • The degree is named after the smaller of the two, so these are still my first cousins.

  • But if both of the journeys are of different lengths,

  • then the difference between those lengths is the removal.

  • These people must go through two generations to get to the most recent common, and I only go through one.

  • Two minus one is one.

  • So my first cousins' children are my first cousins once removed.

  • Their children will still be my first cousins.

  • Their degree is still one because, although their journey takes them through one-two-three generations,

  • my journey to the most recent common ancestor just takes me through one.

  • One is smaller than three, so they're first cousins.

  • But, the difference between our journey lengths is the removal number.

  • They go through three; I go through one; three minus one is two:

  • They are my first cousins twice removed.

  • Now, this will continue on just like this, adding one removal for each generation.

  • But now let's talk about my grand aunts and uncles.

  • Their children will be right down here.

  • And we know it's going to be a cousin relationship because the most recent common ancestor we share, our great grand parents,

  • require journeys through at least one generation.

  • I have to go up through one, two to get there. They only have to go through one,

  • which means that they are first cousins: the degree is always the smaller of the two journeys.

  • But, our journeys are of different lengths, which means we are removed in some way.

  • I go through two generations; they go through one; so we are first cousins once removed.

  • And at this point, you might say, whoa-wait, this is a little bit strange, because,

  • my cousins' children are my first cousins once removed.

  • But my parents' cousins are also my first cousins once removed.

  • Heh. But don't worry. That's okay.

  • In fact, it's quite helpful, because if two people related to you in different ways have the same cousin name - same degree and removal -

  • - well then they approximately share the same amount of DNA with you.

  • Alright, now let's move on.

  • The children of my first cousins once removed through this pathway are gonna be here.

  • We know they're going to be cousins.

  • But take a look at our paths up to our most recent common ancestor, what I call my great grandparents.

  • I have to go through one, two generations to get there.

  • And they have to go through one, two generations to get there.

  • We both go through two; between two and two, the smaller is, well, still two,

  • So they are my second cousins.

  • And since we both go through the same number, the difference is zero, so there's no removal at all.

  • These are just my second cousins.

  • But their children will be removed.

  • They'll still be second cousins because, although they go through one, two, three generations to reach the most recent common ancestor,

  • I only go through two, and we always use the smaller of the two, so they're second cousins.

  • However, their journey goes through three generations; mine goes through two; three minus two is one:

  • They are my second cousins once removed.

  • Their children will be my second cousins twice removed, and so on.

  • This pattern continues out, with my third cousins existing here,

  • my fourth cousins off this way, and so on.

  • But the interesting thing to ask is, how genetically similar am I to anyone else on this chart, and how can I use the chart to tell?

  • Well, to do that, we need to know two facts:

  • The first one is that children share half of their DNA with each parent.

  • And, they share about half of their DNA with a sibling.

  • So, knowing that, we can take a look at, for instance, how similar I am, genetically, to my aunts and uncles.

  • But to be sure, before we go any further, we should remember that every individual alive today has a genome that is more than 99% similar to every other person alive today.

  • So when we talk about DNA shared between two people, we're talking about the proportion of that less than 1% that makes us all unique individuals.

  • Okay, so, my aunt and uncle have some DNA.

  • They share half of their DNA, approximately, with my parents.

  • And I took half of my parents' DNA, so we've halved this genome twice.

  • 50%, 25%.

  • I share about 25% of my genetic makeup with my aunts and uncles.

  • But their children took half away from them.

  • So although I share 25% of my DNA with my aunts and uncles,

  • I only share 12.5%, about - really it ranges from like 7-14% - with my first cousins.

  • The way you can tell is this: let's take two different people.

  • Let's, for instance, choose me and my first cousins once removed.

  • We take a journey up to the most recent common ancestor, and then go down...

  • ...halving the DNA shared every step of the way, except we skip the most recent common ancestor.

  • So I share 100% of my DNA with myself.

  • We go through one generation, so we're gonna half once.

  • There's the most recent common. We half again, as we go down to my aunts and uncles - so that's halving twice.

  • Then we half a third time, and then a fourth time.

  • So we've gone from 50%, 25%, 12.5%, somewhere around like 6%.

  • Then 3%, then about 1.5%, and so on.

  • This is where you will see that first cousins once removed, that are your cousins' children,