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  • please go to the line the computer guy dot com In order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about welcome back.

  • So in today's video, I'm going to show you how to use sssh on Lennox S H stands for secure shell.

  • And this is how you're able to remotely administer Lennox boxes.

  • The great thing about sshh is essentially all you're doing is sending back and forth text.

  • So, Maura, unless you could be connected to a potato and still be able Thio administer your Lennox machines.

  • If you're dealing with the Windows world, probably know about remote desktop protocol remote desktop that is absolutely awesome for ministering Windows servers and Windows machines.

  • The problem is, there's a lot of graphics involved.

  • Remote desktop.

  • So if you're gonna be connecting to a machine with remote desktop, the machine has to be in a solid, fast, stable connection, and you, as a client, have to be in a solid, fast, stable connection.

  • If that is not the case, using remote desktop on bad Internet connections could be 00 such a treat, right?

  • The nice thing, though, about essay, because all you're doing is you're sending back text.

  • And so the fact of the matter is you could be on a to G connection.

  • Your server can be on almost a dial up connection, and you can still access your server just as quickly as if you're on a big connection.

  • The reason being again is all you're doing is ascending text back and forth.

  • That's one of the really nice things about using SS Agent is one of the reasons why a lot of people a lot of technicians, prefer to use Lennox over Windows machines, especially when they have to administer systems remote, like simply because it is literally so easy to access these machines.

  • And you don't have to worry about things like Internet connections.

  • Oh, or how fast the Internet connection is.

  • So when you're dealing with S S H, it is important.

  • Understand that SS H is a client server model s o.

  • Your server actually has to have the s s a server software installed, and you have to use a client piece of client software to be able to connect to that server software.

  • So we start talking about clients again.

  • I use Mac os so s s H client is actually built into the Mac OS terminal, so I can simply open up a terminal type essay space and the connection to connect to the server on amable able to interact with a server that way, connect over S s A.

  • If you're using Windows, you may have to use a Windows Sssh client.

  • So back in the day, I used to use putty.

  • Oh, there's a whole metric crap ton of clients out there.

  • But you do have to you have the SS AI software to be able connect to the server, even even again, even if you have a smartphone.

  • Truly.

  • 10 years ago, back in the day when I had my Lennox server sitting echolocation facility on an iPhone three Gs, if you remember what Internet connections of mobile phones were like back in the day, they were really horrible.

  • But the fact of the matter is, is I actually had an SS H client app installed on my old iPhone three gs, and I was able to do full administration using that iPhone three.

  • Yes, because again, all it's sending back is text.

  • So the important thing to remember about sshh is this?

  • The software has to be insult on the server, and you have to be able to use a client to be able to connect to it.

  • Now, when you're dealing with Lennox and you're dealing with sshh, it's important to remember that many times sshh isn't not installed by default on Lenox servers.

  • Assess Age could be a major security vulnerability.

  • So if you don't actually need it, you don't want it on the server even though a lot of people use it.

  • So the first thing that you're gonna have to do is when you boot up your server to take a look.

  • Toto, look of the SS ai is you're gonna have to see whether or not SS AI is actually installed.

  • And I'll show you how to check to see whether the SS A service is running or whether it's there.

  • If it's not there, all you have to do is install open sshh server, which is really easy now sssh on the server and does use port 22.

  • So it is important.

  • Understand?

  • What you start interacting with S s age is they're going to have to understand basic amounts of networking.

  • This is where again, In the tech world, a lot of people complain because they say, Oh, I do classes on simple things.

  • Oh, allies always talking about the introductory stuff.

  • Well, the rial, the thing with the real technology world is you have a whole bunch of introductory classes.

  • You tie them all together, and that's when you get to something complicated.

  • So when you're looking at Lenox now, there were using Sssh!

  • You're going to have to understand a little bit, just at least a little bit about networking, right?

  • So you need to be able to access a port 22.

  • So from your client to the server, interacting with Port 22 has to be open.

  • So if you're using fire while you're using U F W on your Lennox box, you make sure a port 20 two's open.

  • If you have a firewall on your on your router or whatever else on your network, you have to make sure poor 22 is open.

  • The things the port forwarding works and all that kind of stuff.

  • So it is important to understand that you need to understand that poor 22 has to be open, has to be accessible.

  • And if you're going to be, you know, connecting to your server from wherever in the world, you have to understand the basic neck working principles in order to make that happen.

  • As far as with our little test lab demo lab, where I'm showing you how to do these things, even on virtual box of theseventies that I had to change actually go into the network settings for the particular virtual machine that we're using.

  • And I actually had to modify those so that my host system was able to connect to the I.

  • P address of the virtual machine, the Lenox virtual machine that we're using.

  • So that's one of things I'm going to be showing you today.

  • But that's important again.

  • You have to understand, how do things like Ping, you have to understand how to do basic network troubleshooting to make sure that the client, so whatever the client is installed on, can actually talk to the server today.

  • I'll show you like I have config.

  • I'll show you how to pay.

  • You do that kind of basic stuff, but to get to this point, you should have a reasonable understanding of how basic networking works because again you can have the you're gonna have a server.

  • You can have a client, but you can't talk to each other literally.

  • Nothing else matters.

  • So with that, let's go over to the computer and I'll show you how this works.

  • So here we are, at my system again.

  • I'm using Mac OS, some using virtual box, and I have a virtual machine here.

  • Now it is completely shut off right now because we need to be able go to settings and then we need to go to network.

  • And what you're going to need to do is you need to change the network to Brady did after eso by default.

  • It's on that.

  • So basically what Nat allows Napa wow, is your Lennox system to be able to get to the outside world and download software and see websites or whatever else.

  • But right now we're going to actually need this max system to be able to connect to our virtual machine.

  • So that's why we put it over here to bridge adapter, so make sure to select abridged adapter.

  • This will allow the local host machine to be able to communicate directly with the virtual machine.

  • Literally.

  • If you don't do that, everything else isn't gonna work for you.

  • There's a name here.

  • These are the different Internet network connections that we have on the on this particular Mac computer s O e N zero WiFi s O.

  • This is the WiFi connection that we have.

  • And so I will leave that with that.

  • And then you just simply do okay past that, Then all you d'oh!

  • Who is you simply double click and you turn on your virtual machine for you.

  • Bon dieu server on.

  • Then you're gonna wait a CZ.

  • Everything goes by.

  • Nice part is relatively fast to be able to boot up one of these Lennox machines within within virtual box.

  • Okay, so now we're here and we're gonna log in.

  • So again, we're gonna use my my super fancy, my super fancy log in names.

  • I'm Bob.

  • It's gonna be a password.

  • So my password is 123456 Super secret, super secure.

  • And there we are.

  • We are now currently along into this system.

  • Someone do clear.

  • Just clear the screen.

  • And now the first thing that I want to take a look at is is SS uh is open sshh installed on this server, right?

  • So when you install or when you're installing the operating system for a bun, too now, many times it asks you if you want open SS ai installed.

  • If you don't need it insult, I would recommend you don't install it because again, it could be a security problem.

  • So that's one of things you have to look at is to see OK in this particular box isn't there.

  • So what we're gonna do is we're simply going to go to service is or any service is system see, t l status and then the it's s s take d.

  • So it's s s a demon, basically.

  • So this is the service.

  • And so we're going to look for the we're going to look for the service so pseudo the system C t l command.

  • This allows you to start restart.

  • Stop Service is and also allows you to see the status of a service.

  • So we're just going to say, Hey, what is the status of this particular service?

  • We're gonna type in a password and as as a D D service could not be found so this is not installed on this particular server.

  • So then all we need to do is we simply need to install it.

  • So we're gonna do a pseudo space at Typhon, get Ben Stone, and then it's open SS age hyphen server.

  • So this is what we're going to be installing.

  • And the S s a T.

  • D is the name of this service.

  • Once it's installed around hit, enter, it's going.

  • That's what packages going through, doing all the stuff processing triggers.

  • And there you go for you when you do this.

  • I had this installed before.

  • Then I uninstalled it so you might get like a Yes, no question there.

  • But otherwise that's literally all you have to do in order to install a sigh.

  • Said so from there you go back.

  • We didn't take a look at the status so pseudo system.

  • C t l status s s h d.

  • We need to make sure that the status is they're running.

  • So now we can see that it is active and it is running from this point.

  • What we need to know then, is what is the I p address of this particular server?

  • Right?

  • So I mean again.

  • That's one thing you have to be thinking about.

  • If you're gonna be connecting to remote systems, you actually have to know what I p address you're trying to connect to.

  • So I'm gonna do is I'm going to use a command called I peek Unfit IQ r I f config Oh, that was That was wrong.

  • I peek and figure the windows world in the Lenox world is I f i f config and then you hit Enter.

  • It's gonna give you a whole bunch of information.

  • But what you want is this.

  • I think so.

  • This is your internet address, so it's 10 1.4.

  • So this is your TCP I p for address.

  • And so this is what you're going to be using to connect to the server.

  • Now, Gannon's I've talked about there are are many types of clients software for S s sake.

  • Again, if you're using windows, you know all you do is type in S S H clients.

  • Five best sssh client for windows and putty and solar putty and secure.

  • See Artie and there's a whole bunch of different things.

  • I'm sure you can get into an asset not only stupid argument about which sssh client is the best again.

  • I'm just showing you the into directory.

  • So I'm just showing you how this works and then you can figure out what's the best.

  • But the nice part again in the Olympics world is that S s a is actually already installed by default within terminal.

  • So I simply open up a terminal.

  • So in order to get to terminal, if you're on the Mac world, he simply goto applications.

  • Then you go to utilities, then you go to terminal and this will open up.

  • And then here all you have to dio is S s a and so this calls the s s sake application the client application within terminal.

  • Then you do the user name that you're gonna be longing in with us.

  • So we have a good old fashioned a Bob as we can before then we do at and then for the at we plug in the i p address of the server there we're trying to connect to.

  • So this is a 10 1.4 on.

  • Then we hit Enter basically is asking, you know, do you want do you care about the authenticity is the key.

  • Correct?

  • Whatever else.