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  • PROFESSOR: Well, yesterday we learned a bit about symbolic

  • manipulation, and we wrote a rather stylized program to

  • implement a pile of calculus rule from the calculus book.

  • Here on the transparencies, we see a bunch of calculus rules

  • from such a book.

  • And, of course, what we did is sort of translate these rules

  • into the language of the computer.

  • But, of course, that's a sort of funny strategy.

  • Why should we have to translate these rules into the

  • language of the computer?

  • And what do I really mean by that?

  • These are--the program we wrote

  • yesterday was very stylized.

  • It was a conditional, a dispatch on the type of the

  • expression as observed by the rules.

  • What we see here are rules that say if the object being

  • the derivative is being taken of, if that expression is a

  • constant, then do one thing.

  • If it's a variable, do another thing.

  • If it's a product of a constant times a variable, do

  • something and so on.

  • There's sort of a dispatch there on a type.

  • Well, since it has such a stylized behavior and

  • structure, is there some other way of writing this program

  • that's more clear?

  • Well, what's a rule, first of all?

  • What are these rules?

  • Let's think about that.

  • Rules have parts.

  • If you look at these rules in detail, what you see, for

  • example, is the rule has a left-hand side and a

  • right-hand side.

  • Each of these rules has a left-hand side and the

  • right-hand side.

  • The left-hand side is somehow compared with the expression

  • you're trying to take the derivative of.

  • The right-hand side is the replacement for that

  • expression.

  • So all rules on this page are something like this.

  • I have patterns, and somehow, I have to produce, given a

  • pattern, a skeleton.

  • This is a rule.

  • A pattern is something that matches, and a skeleton is

  • something you substitute into in order to get a new

  • expression.

  • So what that means is that the pattern is matched against the

  • expression, which is the source expression.

  • And the result of the application of the rule is to

  • produce a new expression, which I'll call a target, by

  • instantiation of a skeleton.

  • That's called instantiation.

  • So that is the process by which

  • these rules are described.

  • What I'd like to do today is build a language and a means

  • of interpreting that language, a means of executing that

  • language, where that language allows us to directly express

  • these rules.

  • And what we're going to do is instead of bringing the rules

  • to the level of the computer by writing a program that is

  • those rules in the computer's language--

  • at the moment, in a Lisp--

  • we're going to bring the computer to the level of us by

  • writing a way by which the computer can understand rules

  • of this sort.

  • This is slightly emphasizing the idea that we had last time

  • that we're trying to make a solution to a class of

  • problems rather than a particular one.

  • The problem is if I want to write rules for a different

  • piece of mathematics, say, to simple algebraic

  • simplification or something like that, or manipulation of

  • trigonometric functions, I would have to write a

  • different program in using yesterday's method.

  • Whereas I would like to encapsulate all of the things

  • that are common to both of those programs, meaning the

  • idea of matching, instantiation, the control

  • structure, which turns out to be very complicated for such a

  • thing, I'd like to encapsulate that separately from the rules

  • themselves.

  • So let's look at, first of all, a representation.

  • I'd like to use the overhead here.

  • I'd like-- there it is.

  • I'd like to look at a representation of the rules of

  • calculus for derivatives in a sort of simple language that

  • I'm writing right here.

  • Now, I'm going to avoid--I'm going to avoid

  • worrying about syntax.

  • We can easily pretty this, and I'm not interested in making--

  • this is indeed ugly.

  • This doesn't look like the beautiful text set dx by dt or

  • something that I'd like to write,

  • but that's not essential.

  • That's sort of an accidental phenomenon.

  • Here, we're just worrying about the fact that the

  • structure of the rules is that there is a left-hand side

  • here, represents the thing I want to match against the

  • derivative expression.

  • This is the representation I'm going to say for the

  • derivative of a constant, which we will call c with

  • respect to the variable we will call v. And what we will

  • get on the right-hand side is 0.

  • So this represents a rule.

  • The next rule will be the derivative of a variable,

  • which we will call v with respect to the same variable

  • v, and we get a 1.

  • However, if we have the derivative of a variable

  • called u with respect to a different variables

  • v, we will get 0.

  • I just want you look at these rules a little bit and see how

  • they fit together.

  • For example, over here, we're going to have the derivative

  • of the sum of an expression called x1 and an

  • expression called x2.

  • These things that begin with question marks are called

  • pattern variables in the language that we're inventing,

  • and you see we're just making it up, so pattern variables

  • for matching.

  • And so in this--

  • here we have the derivative of the sum of the expression

  • which we will call x1.

  • And the expression we will call x2 with respect to the

  • variable we call v will be-- here is the right-hand side:

  • the sum of the derivative of that expression x1 with

  • respect to v-- the right-hand side is the skeleton--

  • and the derivative of x2 with respect to v. Colons here will

  • stand for substitution objects.

  • They're--we'll call them skeleton evaluations.

  • So let me put up here on the blackboard for a second some

  • syntax so we'll know what's going on

  • for this rule language.

  • First of all, we're going to have to worry about the

  • pattern matching.

  • We're going to have things like a symbol like foo matches

  • exactly itself.

  • The expression f of a and b will be used to match any list

  • whose first element is f, whose second element is a, and

  • whose third element is b.

  • Also, another thing we might have in a pattern is that--

  • a question mark with some variable like x.

  • And what that means, it says matches anything, which we

  • will call x.

  • Question mark c x will match only constants.

  • So this is something which matches a constant colon x.

  • And question mark v x will match a variable,

  • which we call x.

  • This is sort of the language we're making up now.

  • If I match two things against each other, then they are

  • compared element by element.

  • But elements in the pattern may contain these syntactic

  • variables, pattern variables, which will be used to match

  • arbitrary objects.

  • And we'll get that object as the value in the name x here,

  • for example.

  • Now, when we make skeletons for instantiation.

  • Well, then we have things like this.

  • foo, a symbol, instantiates to itself.

  • Something which is a list like f of a and b,

  • instantiates to--

  • well, f instantiates to a 3-list, a list of three

  • elements, okay, which are the results of instantiating each

  • of f, a, and b.

  • And x well--we instantiate to the value of x as in the

  • matched pattern.

  • So going back to the overhead here, we see--we see that all

  • of those kinds of objects, we see here a pattern variable

  • which matches a constant, a pattern variable which matches

  • a variable, a pattern variable which will match anything.

  • And if we have two instances of the same name, like this is

  • the derivative of the expression which is a variable

  • only whose name will be v with respect to some arbitrary

  • expression which we will call v, since this v appears twice,

  • we're going to want that to mean they have to be the same.

  • The only consistent match is that those are the same.

  • So here, we're making up a language.