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  • CHARLES LEISERSON: It is my great pleasure

  • to welcome Jon Bentley, now retired from Bell Labs.

  • Jon was my PhD thesis supervisor at Carnegie Mellon.

  • I actually had two supervisors.

  • The other one was HT Kung, who is now at Harvard.

  • I guess people flee Carnegie Mellon like the plague

  • or something.

  • So Jon is, as you know because you've

  • studied some of his work, is a pioneer in software performance

  • engineering.

  • And he's going to talk today about a particularly neat piece

  • of algorithmic engineering sets that

  • centers around the so-called traveling salesperson problem,

  • which is an NP-hard problem.

  • NP-complete problem in fact.

  • And so, without further ado, Jon, why don't you

  • tell us what you've got to say?

  • JON BENTLEY: As Charles mentioned,

  • I want to talk with you--

  • I want to tell you a story about a cool problem.

  • This is a problem that I first heard when I was a young nerd--

  • not much older than this little pile of nerds in front of me--

  • in high school, the traveling salesperson problem.

  • Who here has heard of the TSP at some point?

  • I heard about this in high school, one of the things

  • you read about it in the math books.

  • And a few years later, I had a chance to work on it.

  • In 1980, I was doing some consulting,

  • and I said, well, what you need to do is solve a TSP.

  • Then I went home and realized that all

  • of the stuff that I learned about it was sort of relevant

  • but it didn't solve the problem, so I

  • started working on it then.

  • Our colleague, Christos Papadimitriou,

  • who's been at Berkeley for a long time

  • after being at a lot of other places,

  • once told me the TSP is not a problem.

  • It is an addiction.

  • So I've been hooked for coming up on 40 years now.

  • And I want to tell you one story about a really cool program I

  • wrote.

  • Because this is one of the--

  • I've been paid to be a computer programmer for coming up

  • on 50 years, since I've been doing it for 48 years now.

  • This is probably the most fun, the coolest program

  • I've written over a couple day period.

  • I want to tell you a story.

  • Start off with what recursive generation is.

  • Then the TSP, what it is.

  • Then I'll start with one program,

  • and we'll make it faster and faster and faster.

  • Again, I spend my whole life squeezing performance.

  • This is the biggest squeeze ever.

  • And then some principles behind that.

  • We'll start, though, with how do you enumerate

  • all the elements in a set?

  • If I want to count--

  • enumerate the guys between 1 and a hundred, I just count.

  • That's no big deal.

  • But how can I, for instance, enumerate

  • all subsets of the set from the integers from 1 to 5?

  • How many subsets are there of integers from 1 to 5?

  • AUDIENCE: 2 to the 5.

  • JON BENTLEY: Pardon me?

  • AUDIENCE: 2 to the 5.

  • JON BENTLEY: 2 to the 5, 32.

  • But how do you say which ones they are?

  • How do you go through and count them?

  • Well, you have to decide how you represent it.

  • You guys know all about set representations.

  • We'll stick with bit vectors for the time being.

  • An iterative solution is you just count--

  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, up to 31.

  • That's pretty easy.

  • But what does it mean to count?

  • What does it mean to go from one integer to the next?

  • How do you go from a given integer to the next one?

  • What's the rule for that?

  • It's pretty easy, actually.

  • You just scan over all the 0's, turning the-- you start

  • at the right-hand side, the least significant digit,

  • scan over all the 0's, turn it to 1.

  • Oh, I lied to you.

  • You scan over all the 1's, turning them to 0

  • until you get to the first 0.

  • And then you turn that to a 1.

  • So this one goes to 10.

  • This one goes to 11.

  • This one goes-- that one becomes 0, that one becomes 0.

  • Then it becomes 00100.

  • So a pretty easy algorithm.

  • You could do it that way.

  • Just scan over all the 1's, turn them

  • to 0's, take that first one and flip it around.

  • But that doesn't generalize nicely.

  • We're going to see a method that generalizes very nicely.

  • This is a recursive solution to enumerate all 2

  • to the n subsets of a set of size n.

  • And the answer is this all sets of size m

  • is just put a 0 at this end, enumerate

  • all sets of size m minus 1.

  • How many of these will there be?

  • 2 to the m minus 1.

  • How many of those 2 to the m minus 1?

  • What do they add up to?

  • 2 to the m.

  • But all of these have the 0 at that end,

  • and the one at that end.

  • Everyone see that recursive sketch and how that works?

  • Here's the example.

  • A period with 0's at this end and you fill it out.

  • You have the 1 at that and you fill that out.

  • If you do that, you notice that in fact we're

  • just counting backwards--

  • 000, 001, 010, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7.

  • That's the algorithm.

  • And the cool thing is the code is really simple.

  • I could probably write a program like that in most languages

  • and get it correct.

  • So if m equals 0 in generate all subsets of size m,

  • this doesn't occur at 1.

  • You have a pointer going down the array.

  • Otherwise, set the rightmost bit to 0,

  • generate all subsets recursively, set it to 1,

  • do it again recursively.

  • That's a starting program.

  • If you understand this, everything else

  • is going to be pretty straightforward.

  • If you don't, please speak up.

  • One thing that-- you people have suffered

  • the tragedy of 14 or 15 or 16 years of educational system

  • that has sort of beaten the creativity out of you

  • and you're afraid to speak up.

  • So even if something-- even if I'm up here spouting

  • total bullshit, you'll ignore that fact and just

  • sort of politely stare at me and nod.

  • But this is important.

  • I want you to understand this.

  • If you don't understand this, speak now or forever hold it.

  • Anyone have any questions?

  • Please, please.

  • AUDIENCE: What does mean, [INAUDIBLE]??

  • JON BENTLEY: I'm sorry.

  • Why did we set p to the--


  • JON BENTLEY: So here, first I go out to the extreme rightmost

  • and I set it to 0.

  • Then I recursively fill those in.

  • Then I change it from a 0 to a 1 there, and I fill all those in.

  • So this is a program that will go through,

  • and as it enumerates a subset, it

  • will call the visit procedure a total of 2 to the m times,

  • then it comes down to the bottom of the recursion.

  • Thank you, great question.

  • Any other questions about how this works?

  • OK, we'll come back to this.

  • The traveling salesperson problem.

  • I apologize.

  • I will really try to say the traveling salesperson problem,

  • but I will slip because I was raised with this being

  • the traveling salesman problem.

  • No connotations, no intentionality there,

  • just senility galloping along.

  • It's a cool problem.

  • Abraham Lincoln faced this very problem in the years

  • 1847 to 1853 when he--

  • everyone here has heard of circuit courts?

  • Why do they call them circuit courts?