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  • Hello.

  • So this is another video on working with vectors in p5.js.

  • And in this video, I really just want

  • to talk about what it means to make random vector, which

  • seems like, why is there even a whole video about that?

  • But I have a point to this, which I will get to.

  • It also is, I think, useful, because it's

  • kind of opening up this can of worms, this vector of worms,

  • which I want to open up, because I'm

  • going to end up looking at some other math functions

  • that I need.

  • And it's going to lead me to something

  • about static functions.

  • But that'll be in the next video.

  • Right now, I just want to look at this example that I have.

  • And what I have here is, first of all,

  • notice I'm translating the coordinate space

  • to the center of the canvas.

  • This is very important because I want to treat--

  • just for this visual demonstration--

  • I want to treat 0, 0 as the center of this canvas.

  • Then I'm making a vector with an x component of 100

  • and a y component of 0.

  • And I'm representing the vector as a line from 0,

  • 0 to the x and y.

  • So it would be nice if I could draw a little hat on the end,

  • so it looks like an arrow.

  • But that's going to be too much work.

  • I could change these numbers, you know, negative 150.

  • And you can see there's my line.

  • So let's just think about, first,

  • what would it mean to pick a random vector?

  • Well, your first instinct might be

  • this, which is a very reasonable instinct,

  • let's make a vector that has between negative 100

  • and 100 as it's x.

  • And this is going to start getting very long.

  • I'm going to have to drag this way off over.

  • Negative 100 as it's y, that's like the range of stuff

  • that I'm picking.

  • And if I run the sketch, you know, at every single frame,

  • it is picking a new value for x and y,

  • and I'm seeing that line point off in a direction.

  • So this is a random vector generator, in a way.

  • But I want to show you something a little bit odd, which

  • is that if I take back ground 0 and put it into Setup,

  • what do you expect to see?

  • I'm going to see collect over time every single vector that

  • points from anywhere from 0, 0 to what?

  • Something with an x and y, minimum maximum

  • between negative 100 and 100.

  • Let's run this.

  • I'm going to let this play out for a little bit.


  • Look at that result. I am seeing all of the vectors

  • fill up a square--

  • the worst drawn square ever.

  • Any vector, this vector, this vector, this vector,

  • this vector, right?

  • Because minimum, maximum.

  • This is, you know--

  • In many cases when working with vectors,

  • however, it's quite common that you

  • want to pick a vector with a random direction, but a fixed

  • magnitude.

  • What do I mean by that?

  • Here, the direction and the magnitude, it's all random.

  • And the magnitude even has kind of this arbitrary range,

  • because this is the longest vector possible,

  • but if I go to extend to here.

  • This one is actually shorter.

  • What would it mean for me to pick

  • vectors that fill out a circle?

  • There is something called a unit vector.

  • And a unit vector is a vector of length 1--

  • that's the unit-- with any direction.

  • So it's a kind of vector that you

  • use when you only really want to talk about the direction.

  • Ah, the magnitude doesn't matter.

  • Let's just pick 1 as a standard, and let's now pick a direction.

  • So what if I wanted to pick any unit

  • vector, any vector of length 1, but in any direction?

  • Oops.

  • So I could start to look into some trigonometry math

  • to do this.

  • And I will come to that soon enough.

  • But one of the benefits of working with vectors in p5.js

  • is there's a function that'll pick a random unit

  • vector for you.

  • And that function is just called random 2D,

  • because I want a random 2D vector.

  • v equals p5.vector.2D.

  • Now, there's something really odd about this,

  • which is I'm calling this function random 2D,

  • p5.vector.radom2D.

  • What is all that?

  • So this is veering off into this other topic

  • about static functions.

  • And I'm going to talk about that and cover

  • that in the next video.

  • But for right now, let's just understand

  • this as a function that returns a random unit vector.

  • So now, if I were to run this, look at all those random unit

  • vectors.

  • They're all of length 1.

  • Well, I can't really visually see

  • what's going on, because 1 pixel isn't very much.

  • I could use scale.

  • I could try using the scale function to kind of blow things

  • up.

  • But this is a really nice opportunity for me

  • to talk about another vector math function-- multiply.

  • Remember, when I had vectors a and b?

  • And I said a plus b is add the x's together, add the y's

  • together, and I'll get 8, 3.

  • Those are the numbers I used before,

  • but I think this math is correct.

  • And the function in P5 to do this was add.

  • Now, what if I wanted to use the idea of multiplication

  • with vectors?

  • Oh, my goodness, could I say a times b?

  • Well, I kind of can, but vector multiplication--

  • the vector product is a whole other topic

  • that I'll cover eventually.

  • But you might have heard of things like the dot

  • product or the cross product or even something called

  • the Hadamard product.

  • But I'm not covering those now.

  • When I'm referring to this function in P5, called

  • mult for multiply, I'm talking about scaling the vector,

  • multiplying the vector by a scalar quantity.

  • So, in other words, I'm talking about saying a times, not

  • another vector, but like the number 2.

  • And what do I mean when I say that?

  • If I have a vector that's pointing

  • in a given direction with a given magnitude, like 3--

  • well, let's actually make it 5, because I'm going

  • to use the 3, 4, 5 triangle.

  • If I multiply it by 2, now I have that same vector--

  • no, sorry, I have a different vector,

  • but it's the same direction with length twice as much.

  • So the length of this vector is 10.

  • And the way that this works is if it's in 3, 4, 5--

  • if the components are 3 and 4 because it's in 3,

  • 4, 5 triangle, then all I have to do

  • is multiply each component.

  • So if I want to take a and multiply it by 2,

  • the vector I get is 6, 8.

  • 3 times 2, 4 times 2.

  • So in this case, after I pick this random unit vector, which

  • has length 1, I can scale it to any quantity

  • by saying v multiply 100.

  • And think about what's going to happen now.

  • I'm going to run this sketch.

  • And I get any vector, always of length 100,

  • pointing in any direction.

  • This opens up, incidentally, a lot of possible,

  • just like visual possibilities, just from this alone.

  • And certainly, I could change this and say, oh,

  • any vector between 50 and 100-- and I should probably give this

  • some alpha to sort of see.

  • And we can see now I have any vector,

  • it's at a minimum length 50, maximum length 100.

  • And just from that I'm getting this sort

  • of like nice visualization.

  • That would be harder to do without these

  • built in functions in vectors.

  • Before I move on, let's just quickly move back

  • to this walker example and see that I could now

  • say this top velocity equals p5.vector.random2D.

  • And this would now be a way of taking a walker

  • and every time I run the sketch, it's

  • going to go in a random direction.

  • The speed, the magnitude of the velocity

  • is always going to be 1.