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  • PROFESSOR: Well today we're going to learn about something

  • quite amazing.

  • We're going to understand what we mean by a program a little

  • bit more profoundly than we have up till now.

  • Up till now, we've been thinking of programs as

  • describing machines.

  • So for example, looking at this still store, we see here

  • is a program for factorial.

  • And what it is, is a character string description, if you

  • will, of the wiring diagram of a

  • potentially infinite machine.

  • And we can look at that a little bit and

  • just see the idea.

  • That this is a sort of compact notation which says, if n is

  • 0, the result is one.

  • Well here comes n coming into this machine, and if it's 0,

  • then I control this switch in such a way that the switch

  • allows the output to be one.

  • Otherwise, it's n times factorial of n minus one.

  • Well, I'm computing factorial of n minus one and multiplying

  • that by n, and, in the case that it's not 0, this switch

  • makes the output come from there.

  • Of course, this is a machine with a potentially infinite

  • number of parts, because factorial occurs within

  • factorial, so we don't know how deep it has to be.

  • But that's basically what our notation for programs really

  • means to us at this point.

  • It's a character string description, if you will, of a

  • wiring diagram that could also be drawn some other way.

  • And, in fact, many people have proposed to me, programming

  • languages look graphical like this.

  • I'm not sure I believe there are many advantages.

  • The major disadvantage, of course, is that it takes up

  • more space on a page, and, therefore, it's harder to pack

  • into a listing or to edit very well.

  • But in any case, there's something very remarkable that

  • can happen in the competition world which is that you can

  • have something called a universal machine.

  • If we look at the second slide, what we see is a

  • special machine called eval.

  • There is a machine called eval, and I'm going to show it

  • to you today.

  • It's very simple.

  • What is remarkable is that it will fit on the blackboard.

  • However, eval is a machine which takes as input a

  • description of another machine.

  • It could take the wiring diagram of a

  • factorial machine as input.

  • Having done so, it becomes a simulator for the factorial

  • machine such that, if you put a six in, out comes a 720.

  • That's a very remarkable sort of machine.

  • And the most amazing part of it is that it fits on a

  • blackboard.

  • By contrast, one could imagine in the analog electronics

  • world a very different machine, a machine which also

  • was, in some sense, universal, where you gave a circuit

  • diagram as one of the inputs, for example, of this little

  • low-pass filter, one-pole low-pass filter.

  • And you can imagine that you could, for

  • example, scan this out--

  • the scan lines are the signal that's describing what this

  • machine is to simulate--

  • then the analog of that which is made out of electrical

  • circuits, should configure itself into a filter that has

  • the frequency response specified

  • by the circuit diagram.

  • That's a very hard machine to make, and, surely, there's no

  • chance that I could put it on a blackboard.

  • So we're going to see an amazing thing today.

  • We're going to see, on the blackboard,

  • the universal machine.

  • And we'll see that among other things, it's extremely simple.

  • Now, we're getting very close to the real spirit in the

  • computer at this point.

  • So I have to show a certain amount of reverence and

  • respect, so I'm going to wear a suit jacket for the only

  • time that you'll ever see me wear a suit jacket here.

  • And I think I'm also going to put on an appropriate hat for

  • the occasion.

  • Now, this is a lecturer which I have to warn you--

  • let's see, normally, people under 40 and who don't have

  • several children are advised to be careful.

  • If they're really worried, they should leave. Because

  • there's a certain amount of mysticism that will appear

  • here which may be disturbing and cause

  • trouble in your minds.

  • Well in any case, let's see, I wish to write for you the

  • evaluator for Lisp.

  • Now the evaluator isn't very complicated.

  • It's very much like all the programs we've seen already.

  • That's the amazing part of it.

  • It's going to be-- and I'm going to write it right here--

  • it's a program called eval.

  • And it's a procedure of two arguments in expression of an

  • environment.

  • And like every interesting

  • procedure, it's a case analysis.

  • But before I start on this, I want to tell you some things.

  • The program we're going to write on the blackboard is

  • ugly, dirty, disgusting, not the way I would write this is

  • a professional.

  • It is written with concrete syntax, meaning you've got

  • really to use lots of CARs and CDRs which is exactly what I

  • told you not to do.

  • That's on purpose in this case, because I want it to be

  • small, compact, fit on the blackboard so you can get the

  • whole thing.

  • So I don't want to use long names like I normally use.

  • I want to use CAR-CDR because it's short.

  • Now, that's a trade-off.

  • I don't want you writing programs like this.

  • This is purely for an effect.

  • Now, you're going to have to work a little harder to read

  • it, but I'm going to try to make it clear

  • as I'm writing it.

  • I'm also--

  • this is a pretty much complete interpreter, but there's going

  • to be room for putting in more things--

  • I'm going to leave out definition and assignment,

  • just because they are not essential, for a mathematical

  • reason I'll show you later and also they take up more space.

  • But, in any case, what do we have to do?

  • We have to do a dispatch which breaks the types of

  • expressions up into particular classes.

  • So that's what we're going to have here.

  • Well, what expressions are there?

  • Let's look at the kinds of expressions.

  • We can have things like the numeral three.

  • What do I want that to do?

  • I can make choices, but I think right now, I want it to

  • be a three.

  • That's what I want.

  • So that's easy enough.

  • That means I want, if the thing is a number, the

  • expression, that I want the expression

  • itself as the answer.

  • Now the next possibility is things that we

  • represent as symbols.

  • Examples of symbols are things like x, n, eval, number, x.

  • What do I mean them to be?

  • Those are things that stand for other things.

  • Those are the variables of our language.

  • And so I want to be able to say, for example, that x, for

  • example, transforms to it's value which might be three.

  • Or I might ask something like car.

  • I want to have as its value--

  • be something like some procedure, which I don't know

  • what is inside there, perhaps a machine language code or

  • something like that.

  • So, well, that's easy enough.

  • I'm going to push that off on someone else.

  • If something is a symbol, if the expression is a symbol,

  • then I want the answer to be the result, looking up the

  • expression in the environment.

  • Now the environment is a dictionary which maps the

  • symbol names to their values.

  • And that's all it is.

  • How it's done?

  • Well, we'll see that later.

  • It's very easy.

  • It's easy to make data structures that are tables of

  • various sorts.

  • But it's only a table, and this is the access routine for

  • some table.

  • Well, the next thing, another kind of expression--

  • you have things that are described constants that are

  • not numbers, like 'foo.

  • Well, for my convenience, I want to syntactically

  • transform that into a list structure which is, quote foo.

  • A quoted object, whatever it is, is going to be actually an

  • abbreviation, which is not part of the evaluator but

  • happens somewhere else, an abbreviation for an expression

  • that looks like this.

  • This way, I can test for the type of the expression