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  • MICHAEL SHORT: So today is going to be the last day of neutron

  • physics.

  • As promised, we're going to talk about what

  • happens as a function of time when you perturb the reactor,

  • like you all did about a month ago.

  • Did any of you guys notice the old-fashioned analog panel

  • meter that said, reactor period, when you were doing your power

  • manipulations?

  • We're going to do that today.

  • And you're going to explore that on the homework.

  • So I'm arranging for all of your actual power manipulation

  • traces to be sent to you.

  • So each one, you'll have your own reactor data.

  • You'll be able to describe the reactor period

  • and see how well it fits our infinite medium single group

  • equations, which it turns out is not very well.

  • But that's OK, because you'll get to explain the differences.

  • First, before we get into transients

  • I wanted to talk a bit about criticality and perturbing it.

  • So let's say we had our old single group kit criticality

  • relation.

  • And I'd like to analyze, just intuitively or mentally

  • with you guys, a few different situations.

  • Let's say we're talking about a light water

  • reactor or a thermal reactor, like the MIT reactor, or pretty

  • much all the reactors we have in this country.

  • What sort of things could you do to perturb it?

  • And how would that affect criticality?

  • For example, let's say you shoved in a control rod.

  • Let's take the simplest scenario.

  • Control rods in.

  • What would happen to each of the terms

  • in the criticality condition?

  • And then, what would happen to k effective?

  • So let's just go one by one.

  • Does nu ever change, ever?

  • Actually, yeah, it does.

  • Over time, you'll start--

  • that nu right there, remember, that's

  • a nu bar, number of neutrons produced per fission.

  • As you start to consume U238 add neutrons.

  • And as you guys saw through a complicated chain of events

  • on the exam, eventually make plutonium 239,

  • which is a fissile fuel.

  • The nu for 238 is actually different than the nu for 239.

  • So I don't want to say that nu never changes.

  • It's just that shoving the control rods into the reactor

  • is not going to change nu.

  • But it does change slowly over time as you build up plutonium.

  • What about sigma fission?

  • If this were a blended homogeneous reactor

  • or a reactor in a blender, what would happen to sigma fission

  • as you then shove in an absorbing material?

  • Does it change?


  • MICHAEL SHORT: You say, no.

  • And I'm going to add here homogeneous.

  • So in this case, remember if we define the average sigma

  • fission as a sum--

  • I'll add bits to it--

  • of each material's volume fraction, or let's say

  • atomic fraction, times each material's sigma fission,

  • if we throw nu materials into the reactor,

  • then this homogeneous sigma fission

  • does change when we put materials in

  • or take materials out.

  • So you guys want to revise your idea?

  • AUDIENCE: Yes.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yes, thank you.

  • There's only one other choice.

  • Now the question is, by how much?

  • If you put in a control rod where let's say the control

  • rod's sigma fission would be equal to zero,

  • but volume would be equal to small.

  • Can't be any more specific than that.

  • How much of an effect do you think

  • you'll have on sigma fission?

  • AUDIENCE: Small.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Very small.

  • So let's say a little down arrow like that.

  • What about sigma absorption?

  • The volume is still small, but a control rod by definition sigma

  • absorption equals huge.

  • So what do you think?

  • AUDIENCE: It's going to increase.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: It's going to increase a little or a lot?

  • AUDIENCE: A lot.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Quite a bit.

  • Now let's look at the diffusion constant.

  • And remember that the diffusion constant is 1 over 3 sigma

  • total, minus the average cosine scattering angle

  • sigma scattering.

  • What do you think is going to happen to the neutron diffusion

  • coefficient as you throw in an absorbing material?

  • Something that's got an enormous absorption cross-section

  • is also going to have an enormous total cross-section,

  • because sigma total is sigma absorption plus sigma

  • scattering.

  • And sigma scattering doesn't change that much.

  • But if sigma absorption goes up, sigma total goes up.

  • If sigma total goes up, then what happens

  • o the diffusion coefficient?

  • AUDIENCE: Decrease.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Yep, it's got a decrease.

  • And how does inserting a control rod change the geometry?

  • AUDIENCE: It doesn't.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Very, very close.

  • Yeah, you're right.

  • The control rod better not change the geometry,

  • but what I do want to remind you of is

  • that this buckling term includes-- let's say,

  • this was a one dimensional infinite slab

  • Cartesian reactor.

  • That little hot over there means we have some extrapolation

  • distance.

  • Remember, if we were to draw our infinite reactor

  • with the thickness A and we wanted

  • to draw a flux profile on top of that,

  • it would have to be symmetric about the middle.

  • And let's say we had our axis of this is x and this is flux.

  • Flux can't go to zero right at the edge of the reactor,

  • because that would mean that no neutrons were literally

  • leaking out.

  • So there's going to be some small extrapolation

  • distance equal to about two times

  • the diffusion coefficient.

  • So the geometric buckling is actually

  • pi over the reactor geometry, plus 2 times

  • the diffusion coefficient.

  • And if the diffusion coefficient goes down,

  • but it's also very, very small compared

  • to the geometric buckling, how much does the buckling change

  • and by how much?

  • And in what direction?

  • AUDIENCE: It increases very slightly.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Increases very slightly.

  • So the buckling might increase very slightly.

  • What's the overall net effect on k effective?

  • AUDIENCE: It goes down.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Should go down, you would hope.

  • If you put a control rod in, it should

  • make k effective go down, because there's

  • a little decrease here.

  • Things kind of cancel out there.

  • But the big one is putting an absorption material,

  • like a control rod in, should make k effective go down.

  • And that's the most intuitive one,

  • but you can work out one term at a time what's

  • generally going to happen.

  • So let's now look at some other scenarios

  • for the same criticality condition.

  • I'll just rewrite it so that we can mess it all up again.

  • Now we want to go for the case of boil or void your coolant.

  • And now we're getting into the concept of different feedback

  • mechanisms.

  • We've already talked once about how

  • raising the temperature of something

  • tends to increase cross-sections in certain ways.

  • But now let's say, what would happen

  • if you boil your coolant?

  • If things got really hot and the water started to boil.

  • What do you want to happen to k effective?

  • You want it to increase?

  • AUDIENCE: Decrease.

  • MICHAEL SHORT: Decrease, thank you.

  • You want it to decrease, or else you'd get a Chernobyl.

  • And we'll talk about how that happened in a week or two.