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  • Hey, everybody, It's Jesse.

  • Welcome to live coating with Jesse.

  • And we have a lot to do today.

  • I want to get this app submitted to the APP store today and I'd love to do it while I'm on the stream s o I think city.

  • So if you can hear me, put some in the chat.

  • The, uh, live stream is Analects.

  • Look a little bit weird.

  • Ah, but let me know otherwise I'm gonna get started.

  • I see is a lot of people in the chat saying hello.

  • So hey, everybody, just a quick Ah, quick intro.

  • We've been working on this app for This is the fifth livestream.

  • Alright, cool.

  • It looks like you can hear me for some reason.

  • My video preview in the like the stream settings panel is saying the videos private, which is really odd since obviously you are in the chat.

  • But I've never had it Show that before.

  • All right, so we've been working on this app for five live streams now, and, um, we are using we're connecting a react native app that's built with Expo with a brain computer interface called the Notion by a startup company called Know Rossi, and we've successfully connected it so that it measures we wear this device.

  • It measures are level of focus.

  • And when we dropped below a certain level, the screen changes to read and it makes a device vibrate.

  • So just really kind of like bare essential functionality.

  • And now I want to actually put it out there so we can test it on devices.

  • Eso We had a lot to do before we can put it out there.

  • And I've been going over some of the documentation just so that I have some idea of this process.

  • This is my very first time actually publishing.

  • So I've I've made a few APS that that definitely work, and I can run on devices, but I've never actually going through the step of putting it out to the APP store.

  • And there's a few extra things you need to do to get your app from working too publishable.

  • So that's what we're gonna do today.

  • I'm gonna set a, um, timer and here on one of my other screens.

  • And when that timer goes off so it's going to 25 minutes when the timer goes off, I'm gonna go over to the live chat.

  • I'm gonna answer some questions.

  • So there's a lot of you in the chat.

  • I see you.

  • And I'm not going to ignore you forever.

  • I'm just gonna focus on doing the work for about 25 minutes, and then I'm gonna go the Shatt answer as many questions as I can.

  • So feel free to ask as many questions as you want in the chat.

  • I will get to them and you keep it, keep it positive and try to keep the spam down.

  • Ah, the last couple of streams.

  • It's been a little bit weird.

  • We've had a lot of, ah, people spamming the chat.

  • And by that I mean, um, they're just they keep saying the same things over and over again or just typing in a bunch of nonsense over and over again.

  • It makes it really hard to read the chat for everybody watching.

  • So try to keep that to a minimum.

  • If I see that you're doing that, then I will, um, stop you from being in the chat.

  • So, uh, I really I won't even mention anything.

  • Like I'm just gonna stop you from, you know, chats.

  • Um, there's not going to really be a warning.

  • I don't have time for that.

  • Especially if you get a lot of people in the stream like we have right now.

  • So, um, if it gets too bad, I might have a moderator.

  • But really, it's it's never been a problem before.

  • I mean, we've done, like, literally hundreds of streams, and it's only been the last few streams.

  • It's been a problem.

  • So obviously any type of, like, bad language or, you know, saying mean things to each other, stuff like that, you're gonna be out of the chat.

  • So let's keep it all positive.

  • Hey, All right, so let's get started.

  • If you want to try to follow along, this project is on Get hub.

  • I believe I put a link in the description to the code on Get helps.

  • You can check out the code.

  • I'm also gonna be on, um, the, uh on expo.

  • So their documentation let me put the link to the docks that I'm using in the chat.

  • So I got a lot of these windows open for things that we need to do, and so I'm gonna be jumping around a little bit, but This is where I started at the link.

  • I just put in the chat.

  • Eso this started this way I started.

  • We're gonna start from here.

  • So we're starting with, um, deploying the app.

  • All right.

  • So from deploying the app, I believe I went to distributing or deploying.

  • Yeah, this is the distributing, so we need to create native builds.

  • So to build the app.

  • I told you it's gonna be a lot of jumping around here.

  • The docks for Expo are actually really good, but it's there's a lot of steps here.

  • Uh, so we we've I believe we do have the expo cli installer.

  • Um, already which Actually, Aiken, let me double check that now, uh, make sure having a stone.

  • I know I have installed in one of my machines, actually might not have it on this one, so you might need to do that.

  • Uh, let's make some space here, because we're gonna be in the in the terminal a bit more than normal, so I want to see All right, it looks like yeah, we have this installed, Otherwise we wouldn't be getting all of this stuff, so yeah, I believe the OFHIS Expo now, it says for Windows users, we need to have, um, wsl enabled.

  • So we need to do that.

  • So, this step, if you're on a Mac or if you're on Lennox, you probably won't need to do this step.

  • If you're on Windows, you need to do this step.

  • So let's do this s o.

  • I have the documentation open already.

  • For this.

  • We do install the windows, uh, subsystem for Lennox, so I'll make this a bit bigger.

  • I've never done this before.

  • Let's see.

  • Let's see if it works.

  • So we need to copy this and run it in power show as an admin.

  • So let's tryto open Windows Power Show and let's see if we can run his administrator.

  • Yes.

  • All right.

  • So running power show as an admin.

  • See if I could make it bigger.

  • All right?

  • I don't know how to make it make the text bigger, but I'm just copying and pasting what I just got out of this window on the right hand side and enable windows optional feature.

  • Cool.

  • All right, so it looks like it's doing something here.

  • Let's see.

  • Do you want to restart a computer to complete operation now.

  • Oh, no.

  • I gotta restart.

  • All right.

  • It looks like we're gonna have to restart.

  • So here's what I'm gonna do.

  • I'm gonna restart which, based on the stream is just gonna freeze up for, like, a second.

  • The restarts on this machine, because it's pretty new, are actually very quick.

  • So, um, let's just get it over with now.

  • Um, let's restart.

  • I should be back.

  • Hang in there for maybe, like, I don't know, two minutes at the most.

  • And, um, and we'll do this restart.

  • All right.

  • Cool.

  • Can you hear me now?

  • In my back, it looks like I'm back.

  • So, uh, I'm gonna keep going.

  • All right.

  • Sweet back up.

  • Yeah.

  • Actually, the thing that took me the longest that was really quick restart was that it restarted May.

  • And by default, my YouTube account is set to my personal account.

  • So it tried to log me back into the free code camp, um, control panel, but it wouldn't let me in because I wasn't free code camp.

  • So, um, I switched on my phone for a second just to give you an update.

  • But anyway, it's working now, So let me turn the stream off my phone and let's bring to get rid of my VPN and bring up my code sweets, Actually.

  • Honestly, like, uh, if you get a good window system restarts air really fast.

  • It used to be windows were, like, super hard to restart.

  • Sweet.

  • Um, looks like there's a V s code extension for the windows Lennox subsystem.

  • So I'm just going to stall it because it seems like, uh, cool.

  • I'll read about more about that later on.

  • Um, but I guess it's good to have semantic highlighting has been applied.

  • Sweets.

  • All right, so now that we have that we can continue on, we need to install a Linux distribution.

  • I think I'm gonna go with Boon to because that's what I'm used to using, uh, out of out of any limit.

  • Destro, um, I don't really know if anybody has any suggestions as to whether it to install a boon to 16.4 or 18.4 Let me know in the chat.

  • I've used 16 more often.

  • Um, but I don't really know what the difference is in upgrading to 18 So I'm gonna have to make a decision here and like three minutes.

  • So just let me know.

  • Let's go 16.

  • 18.

  • Alright, so looks like we got one vote for 18.

  • We'll go with 18.

  • I mean, honestly, it's obviously the new the newer versions who may as well go with the newer version.

  • I'm open this in a new windows.

  • I can keep the documentation open and ah, three, the next.

  • It looks like we open it up.

  • We just get it.

  • It installs it and then we initialize which already have that documentation open as well.

  • We'll do the initialization, all right.

  • Looks like everybody's saying 18.

  • Cool.

  • Um, gam 002 says do Ah, Debbie in.

  • It's the most stable.

  • Uh, if I had more time to research, maybe I'd think about Debbie in, but for right now, like it's been a while since I used a boon to.

  • But I'm more familiar with all the commands and stuff, so I think you should go to Boon to not I don't really think that we're gonna have to do that much with it.

  • I think it just needs to be installed to do the rest of the steps for Expo.

  • Um, but let's get that and get it started.

  • Yeah, it's open Mike Shaw store.

  • Get it?

  • It's still all right.

  • It's going pretty quick.

  • It doesn't seem like it'll be too, too much longer.

  • So once we get this, we need to initialize.

  • So let's look at de steps while we're waiting for the install and, ah, dish.

  • Uh, eso launch it and we need to set up an account updating upgrade the packages.

  • Hopefully, this doesn't take too long.

  • And that's it.

  • All right, that's that's pretty.