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  • All right, guys, welcome to the spite on game development.

  • Video Siris on.

  • We'll be using the famous spy game library off Fight on to create the school space in Reno.

  • Game on.

  • We're going to go really in depth into the spy game and learn about a lot of different concepts on Specifically, we'll be learning a lot about, like, new parts off pipe down that you haven't exploded on new parts off my game Lake moving characters, shooting bullets, understanding game concepts like game loops and stuff like that.

  • So if you haven't ever created a game or you have only created a very basic game, this would be a very good starting point for you guys.

  • So before we get started on all of that cool stuff, learning about game, the Le Pen and stuff like that, you should make sure that the basic stuff is in start.

  • So first basic stuff.

  • It's obviously bite onto.

  • If by Thomas Norden start.

  • If you're using, fight on for the first time, just goto fight on door arc and then click on downloads and just download the legal portion off.

  • Fight on after downloading Fight on.

  • We are going to be using i e.

  • Vision.

  • Basically a cool Oh, wait, right, good off, fight on.

  • So I'm going to using my charm on if you don't want to buy the professional version, although you have a 30 day trial, which you can use for this course.

  • But if you don't want to buy it, just download the community was in, which is free, and you won't need more than the community was in.

  • But if you're using something like sublime text or maybe the mean fight on terminal, that's also fine.

  • It won't matter.

  • But if you want to follow along completely, make sure that you don't by chance.

  • And thirdly, you can just have a look at the buy game.

  • Let's say that you're going to be using to create our game so you can just have a look at it.

  • It's not really necessary, but you can just have a look at what has been done with this by game on.

  • Dhe.

  • Look at the games, maybe, and, you know, just kind of get ideas.

  • Phyllis gets started.

  • Make sure that you have downloaded by jump after you have downloaded by jump, it will look somewhat like this.

  • Now that we have everything in start, we need to make sure that we have this new project over here.

  • So for that, just go to file, click on New Project on, then tried down the project name over here.

  • I want to be created the project, and I'm calling it space in reader because it's the game that will be creating on Probably have already played this game when you were a child, but the main idea is that there's a ship at the bottom.

  • I'm going to hit the enemies that are under dog by shooting a bullet, and every time you hit the enemy, your point increases and the enemy slowly come down.

  • If it touches the spaceship, you lose on the final score is what?

  • How many enemies you have shot.

  • So that's the basic idea off the game.

  • But you'll understand mood as we go through the videos.

  • So after you have created this project, we are going to create a new file over here.

  • I'm just gonna call it Main because most of her court is going to go inside this mean God bite on fire.

  • And after that, we need to install my game.

  • So if you're using terminal, you can just open up your terminal by typing in CMG and you get a statement pip install by game.

  • And this is for people who are not using by chump or you're using something else likes to blame.

  • Takes a bite on terminal.

  • But if you're using my charm Ward, you would do is you would go to file and then you would go to settings on in settings.

  • You would goto project name the whatever name you have given if wanna follow along, called Space and read up and then go to project onto Britto And what there you can see you have already installed by game.

  • And if this, by giving is not already in story, just goto this plus sign over here on search for my game by game, and then you can select it and click on Install package, and this will install by game onto your computer.

  • Now already installed by games, I'm not gonna install it again, and after that you can just type in by import by game.

  • And if this doesn't show on editor, that means that my game is in Start on your computer.

  • So this is pretty much a This is a pretty small video, just an introduction video.

  • We're going to be doing a lot of cool stuff from the next we do.

  • We are going to be creating our team.

  • We are not going to go into a jury and stuff here that's gonna start with practical stuff and actually start creating again.

  • So we're going to be creating a game window next time.

  • So as you can see, the spike has a window right now.

  • So we're going to be creating this kind off a window in the next video with the cross button over here.

  • So I'll see you over there and this to recap what we did in the last meteor.

  • What installed by game.

  • And in this video, we are going to be creating our first fight on game window using biking.

  • So obviously the first thing we need to do is import my game in tow, our program and hopefully have already created this means or my file.

  • If you haven't just created right now on first of all, get into import my game and then we need to initialize fighting toe access.

  • All of the code methods and all of the other stuff that is inside the spy game.

  • More deal.

  • So to initiate this, I gave model what we need to do it.

  • Just type in my game dot in it.

  • So when you go from no one who create a game or create a new game, just make sure you act this lane.

  • Otherwise, your pipe on my game court is not going to work.

  • So let me just act a little bit coming over.

  • You're saying off initial A's my game, All right, so after initialization we have to create our screen on my game makes it really, really easy.

  • It's just one line of code.

  • It's crazy.

  • So it is going to write Scream on.

  • This is our available on.

  • We can just right by game on.

  • This is to access the methods that are inside this bag, a model on neither ancestor display dot said more metal.

  • And then inside these brackets, we need to add another bracket.

  • So this is a pupil.

  • Make sure you add another bracket inside it.

  • Otherwise it's not going to work on our people mess up over here and then ask why they're not working is because you haven't 100 Another bracket over here and then inside it is gonna take Duke values the height and the weight off the window that you want to create.

  • So I'm just gonna give it for no no value off 800 pixels off height and 600 pixels off wit.

  • So this should be good.

  • And let me this either comment create the screen on Let me just for my just probably So this is all you need to create a screen.

  • But as you'll see after you run this program that it has won me back.

  • Think about it.

  • So as you can see, the game window was created.

  • But after a few seconds is just went away.

  • Be sure to you guys again so quickly.

  • Complete stays there for, like, one or two seconds.

  • Then it goes away on.

  • This is because our fighting program goes through these three lines and then just exits the program.

  • And therefore you can't see that screen for a long time because it just takes one or two seconds for this program run and that's it.

  • So when we do buy parts, that is, just create an infinite loop over here on this also has problems.

  • But just to show you guys that it works, I'm gonna do it.

  • And I'm gonna make sure that my task manager's open because this will hang my computer.

  • So make sure that your past managers are open because this will Hank the window, at least that you're working on.

  • But just to show you guys, I'm gonna run this and you will receive that the window is dead, but it is totally had.

  • So you can see the window is there.

  • But it's nothing is walking over here on this crowd, but and it's not working.

  • Let me just go back over here in close.

  • My, I don't know, click on and task, and it has been closed.

  • Now why is it hanging by?

  • Did not just closing down by pressing this cross, but it is because we don't have an event off a quick function over here.

  • There's no we do create the program.

  • Our program is just inside this.

  • If I look on snow able to end on windows, make sure that that program gets hung.

  • That's why we need to add a quick functionality.

  • R.

  • I gave keep window, just like this window has on pressing disclosed.

  • But in this window closes.

  • So for that, we're going to be using something known as evidence.

  • No, we'll get into evidence more a little bit later.

  • But for, you know, just understand that even is anything that is happening inside your G.

  • Brendel my game.

  • And oh, I just mean a window inside which your game is being played.

  • So anything happening inside that game window is basically even So, For example, if you press arrow keys or anything on your keyboard, you move your mouse.

  • That is an event I'm even when you press this close button, that is also an event in again.

  • So this pressing off the close button actually known as a quid, even in again.

  • So we're gonna make sure that we exit this loop when this close button expressed.

  • So for that, what we're gonna do ESPIRIT is gonna create very bill.

  • Let's call it running on.

  • We're gonna get a value off true on inside this by Lupita, instead of just having invited true to make it an infinite loop, gets a phone, call it running, and when we want to break outside of this infinite loop, you're just gonna turn the variable off running into false on its will automatically break this by Lou.

  • So if you don't know the basics, our fight on our programming basically by through grants for nightly and then this value off, truest onto falls, it comes out on the loop.

  • But we're not gonna go in too much into that because that's just like, very basic programming.

  • So anyways, after writing by running, what we need to do is go through the list off events that are happening inside a game window.

  • So for that, we're gonna create a for loop and create available event on.

  • Then we're gonna look through all of the events that are happening inside the game window.

  • How do you do that I gained Makes it really easy.

  • Just typing by game.

  • Don't even don't get on the brackets on this.

  • Make sure that all of the events that are there that happening get into this.

  • I gave not even dark get and then we can loop all off these events using the four loop on one by one check.

  • If this cross button has been pressed on women better with this cross, but it is being pressed You just telling this by Lou into false.

  • So this is pretty easy.

  • So inside this father in Bergen, a chick If the close button has been pressed on how you do that, just a pin.

  • If even dog type equal equals two and then we're gonna check whether the event in my game is quit or not.

  • If it's great, then we're gonna change the family off running into faults.

  • This is pretty easy.

  • So we have changed our value off through into force.

  • Whenever the close button is being pressed on, this close button is basically occurred.

  • Event on.

  • We're gonna look through all of the events to find this quit.

  • Even so, we're gonna go into mourning to events a little bit later.

  • But for right now, just understand.

  • This is what we are doing.

  • Lists displayed this, understand?

  • But it's working or not.

  • Let's see.

  • So right now you can see that video system is not initialize is giving us a better.

  • It's a spy game.

  • Don't even don't get all right to the problem is that we have misspelled this.

  • It's not my game dot small letters quit is just my game.

  • Not quick on it has pretty much it.

  • So when you were dealing with a lot of syntax, you have to make sure that your current one but small problem here's gonna click on play.

  • And now you can see that this is working on our window.

  • Is not going anywhere.

  • The computer is not hanging.

  • It's looking pretty good.

  • Alright, guys, let me just go through this once more what we are doing over here.