I don't knowwhattheshrine's called, butas I'vebeengoingthrough, I realizedthatbeingherebefore I cameherewithmyschooltripin 2012 anditwasjustnicetoremembereverything, justlike, reallyOh, yeah.
Um, it's three o'clockinthesunissetting a littlebittiredtoday.
Didn't getmuchsleeplastnightbecause I wasediting, butcomeincluded.
Yeah, it's a It's anallrightbeach, butthisquite a bitofrubbisheverywhere.
It's nottoomuch, butthere's enoughtobelikebecause I don't knowwhattodowithrubbishhere.
There's nobinsanywhere.
There's only, likepetBubbleandcanbins, and I justwanttohavemyownplacesothat I canrecycleproperlybecauserightnow I don't knowwhattodo, and I justwanttogetalltherubbish.
It's timetoget a bagandmakeit a lot, but I wouldn't knowwheretoputit.
I'm justchillinandso, youknow, getsome.
I traveledveryfartobeheretoday.
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