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  • Hello, and welcome to a coding challenge.

  • Today, I'm going to tackle the gift wrapping challenge.

  • I'm going to make this code, I'm going

  • to wrap it up as a nice present, and I'm

  • going to hand it over to you.

  • And hopefully you will make something beautiful out of it,

  • or you'll learn something, or all that kind

  • of stuff, that jazz.

  • This is some code that I wrote a long time ago for an example.

  • And this is a demonstration of calculating a convex hull.

  • This, if I did it correctly, is actually

  • using a different algorithm from gift wrapping called the Graham

  • scam.

  • It's not a scam.

  • It's not a scam.

  • The Graham scan.

  • And there are a variety of algorithms

  • for computing a convex hull.

  • There's the Chan algorithm, and more.

  • And they have various different efficiencies.

  • The gift wrapping algorithm is probably the least efficient,

  • but it's a good starter one.

  • So let me talk about what a convex hull is first,

  • and then look at what the algorithm is,

  • and then we'll go and write the code for it.

  • And this, I should say, is an algorithm part

  • of the field of research called computational geometry.

  • And I would really like to do a variety

  • of coding challenges around different computational

  • geometry topics.

  • So if you have an idea for one, write it in the comments.

  • So the idea of a convex hull is, first, we

  • need just a random collection of points.

  • So if we have a two-dimensional space--

  • and these algorithms typically generalize

  • to higher dimensions.

  • But you know me, I just like to be in two dimensions.

  • Here's my random collection of points.

  • Now, first I need to make the distinction between convex

  • and concave.

  • So here is a shape that is distinctly concave,

  • a Pac-Man-like creature, so to speak.

  • All of these angles that are made out

  • of the vertices of the shape, there

  • is one that is greater than 180 degrees.

  • So a convex shape--

  • I always get this confused, but now that I know the term convex

  • hull, I won't forget it again.

  • If I wanted to turn this into a convex shape,

  • I would eliminate this point and connect these two points.

  • And now I have a convex shape.

  • And a convex hull is a polygon that you

  • construct that is convex and contains all of the points.

  • So I can eyeball this, and I can say, OK, I'm going to go here,

  • then here, then here, then here.

  • Now, would I go in here?

  • No, I'm going to go down to here, here, here.

  • Am I going to go here?

  • Nope, I'm going to go here.

  • So this is essentially the gift wrap--

  • I just sort of did my own performance, with my brain,

  • of the gift wrapping algorithm.

  • I'm eyeballing it, you know, I think I got it right.

  • But there's a proper way we can actually calculate it.

  • And the way that you do that is by first starting with a point

  • that we know is exterior to what will be--

  • that's on the convex hull.

  • The way to start with the point that we

  • know that will be on the convex hull,

  • the vertex of the convex hull, is

  • by picking out the leftmost or the rightmost

  • or the topmost, or the bottommost.

  • So a convention is just to pick the leftmost.

  • So I can see, this is the leftmost point.

  • Now what I want to do is check this point

  • against every other point.

  • And whichever one is furthest to the left--

  • whichever one is furthest to the left is the next point.

  • So these are going to be in some random order,

  • I'm going to check them in some order,

  • and I'm eventually going to determine that, ah, OK, which

  • vector is most to the left?

  • It's this one.

  • So now I'm going to go here.

  • And now I'm here, and I want to do the same thing.

  • But now I want to pick which one is left of this,

  • relative to this point.

  • And that's going to be this one over here.

  • We can sort of see--

  • like if I draw a line out to all of the points,

  • if I sort them all along a radial path,

  • the one that's all the way to the left will be this one.

  • And then I just do that over and over

  • and over again, until eventually I get over here.

  • And I find that the one furthest to the left

  • is the one that I started with.

  • And that's going to be my convex hull.

  • Coming back over to the computer,

  • on the Wikipedia page, we can see a nice animation

  • of this playing out.

  • And this, by the way, is one of the reasons why

  • I like to write the code for these algorithms

  • without a library.

  • So ultimately, if, when I'm working on a larger project

  • and I need to compute a complex hull for some reason,

  • having a nice efficient, maintained

  • computational geometry library is most certainly

  • the way to go.

  • And maybe I'll try to find some examples of that.

  • There's plenty in JavaScript that I'll link to

  • in this video's description.

  • But most of those libraries will just compute all of the points

  • all at once and hand them back to you.

  • And if you want to create some type of interactive explanation

  • of the algorithm, some kind of animation,

  • whether it's for artistic purposes

  • or educational purposes, you're going

  • to have to write the algorithm itself.

  • And it actually is harder to write the algorithm

  • and animate it.

  • So I'm going to try to do that as part of this coding

  • challenge.

  • Rather than write the algorithm all at once so that is just

  • calculates it and shows the end result,

  • I want to be able to see something

  • like this animation playing out.

  • That will make this take quite a bit longer.

  • It will be more to figure out.

  • But I think it'll be more satisfying in the end.

  • I also should mention that this 2D

  • case is known as the Jarvis march, invented

  • by R. A. Jarvis.

  • Then the time complexity is O [? nh, ?]

  • n being the number of points, and h

  • being the number of points around the convex hull.

  • And the reason it's that is because, for every point

  • around the convex hull, I have to check all the other points.

  • So that's the number of points around the hull times all

  • of the points.

  • It's a little bit better than o n-squared, but not by much.

  • And again, there are plenty of other more efficient algorithms

  • for doing it, this is just the one that I'm starting with.


  • All right, let's write some code.

  • So I'm just starting with some boilerplate code.

  • I've got an empty array.

  • I'm putting p5 vectors in it.

  • I'm using a p5 vector object to store a point.

  • And then I'm just drawing all the points

  • on the canvas itself.

  • So the first step that I want to do is find--

  • you could say I could run this over

  • and I'm going to get a random collection of 10 points.

  • And eventually I'll do this with a much higher number of points,

  • but let's start with just 10.

  • So the first thing I want to do is find the leftmost point.

  • And an easy way for me to do that

  • would just be to sort the points.

  • So I can actually go here, and I could say points.sort.

  • And the JavaScript sort function takes a callback function,

  • which is a comparison function which compares two elements.

  • And so I'm going to say a, comma, b.

  • I'm going to use the arrow syntax.

  • If you haven't seen the arrow syntax before,

  • I'll refer you to my video on that.

  • I'll say a.x minus b.x.

  • So what this is doing is it's returning a positive number

  • any time a is to the right of b, and a negative number anytime a

  • is to the left of b.

  • And that should make it such that I

  • can create a global variable.

  • I'll call it left, for like the leftmost point.

  • Left equals points index .

  • Zero and now if I were to say, stroke 0, 255, 0,

  • and say point p.x, p.y, I should see that the left point-- oh,

  • I'm sorry, left.x and left.y--

  • I should see that the left point is green.

  • So there you can see that.

  • And every time I run it, whichever point is most

  • to the left is going to be green.

  • Great.


  • Now I need to find the next point on the convex hull.

  • And remember, I want to animate this.

  • So really if I were to just go back to the Wikipedia page

  • and look at the pseudocode, you're

  • going to see everything happens in just a set of nested loops.

  • I don't want any loops to happen because I want--

  • every time through draw, I want to--

  • the p5 draw loop, I want to draw the next stage.

  • So I'm going to need another array, which

  • will be the points that I'm placing along the hull.

  • I want to say a left can be kind of--

  • I think I want the original, left like the leftmost.

  • I'll call this leftmost.

  • And then I'm going to call this current hull, current vertex,

  • like that's the current vertex that I'm checking with.

  • And then I want to say, let, and then current point.

  • So vertex, I'm going to use that term, when it's basically

  • a vertex along the hull.

  • And point is the current point that I'm checking

  • to see if it's the next vertex.

  • So maybe I also need next vertex.

  • So I think these are what I need.

  • And so leftmost is this.

  • And that's also the current vertex

  • is going to start as the leftmost.

  • And then, actually, the current point is really an index.

  • So let me call that, index.

  • And this is next vertex.

  • And index it's going to start at 0.

  • And this is leftmost.

  • We can make the leftmost point a little bigger.

  • Let's also do current vertex as blue.

  • So we don't see the green one anymore

  • because the current vertex-- and I should make these brighter.

  • So let's just do that.

  • The current vertex is now being drawn over the leftmost vertex.

  • So I'm going to make a guess that the next vertex is just

  • points index 1.

  • I'm going to make a guess when I'm

  • starting that the next vertex is whatever it happens to be

  • the next point in the array.

  • It's could be by coincidence, but it's probably not

  • going to be.

  • And then actually the one that I want to check is, then, at 2.

  • So the leftmost point is 0.

  • The one that I'm guessing is going

  • to be the next point is at 1.

  • And then I got to start comparing everything at 2.

  • So just for the sake of argument here,

  • I want to draw a line from current vertex to next vertex.

  • And let's say stroke, 255, stroke weight, 2.

  • So we can see-- look at that.

  • Oh, no, because they're sorted.

  • So of I actually get lucky a lot of the time,

  • because they're sorted.

  • But you can see, in this case, that's

  • not-- it's really got to pick, probably, this one or that one.

  • So that's where it's starting.

  • Now what I need to do is I also want

  • to draw a line with the one that I'm checking.

  • So I'm going to say checking is points index.

  • Then I also want to draw a line to the one that I'm checking.

  • So we can see those are the two that I'm comparing.

  • So these are the two that I'm comparing.

  • And let's make this stroke--

  • so this one's going to be green.

  • And the one that I'm checking will just be white.

  • So this is what's happening right now.

  • I need to compare these two.

  • I need to figure out which one is to the left.

  • And by to the left, I mean basically

  • like counterclockwise rotation.

  • And guess what, there's a really nice way that I can do that.

  • And the way that I could do that is with the cross product.

  • The cross product is a particular vector operation

  • that you can apply on a 2D vector--

  • two vectors that are in the same plane.

  • And it will return to you a vector pointing perpendicularly

  • in the third dimension, away.

  • And so what's interesting about this is--

  • let me let me show you what I mean.

  • And I can never remember which is which,

  • but it doesn't really matter because we just

  • need to know that it's one or the other.

  • If this is vector a and this is vector b,

  • the cross product of these two vectors

  • will give me a vector pointing out this way.

  • This would be in like a left-handed system, I guess,

  • because that's my left hand.

  • No no no, left-handed would point the other way,

  • right handed, I'm pointing out.

  • I think that's how you do it.

  • The point is, it's pointing out.

  • But if I were to say, this one is b so I'm doing a cross b,

  • and this one is a, then I'm going

  • to get the cross product pointing in the other way.

  • So I just need to test, is the z-value of a cross product b,

  • is it greater than 0 or less than 0?

  • If, by the way, they were colinear or along

  • the same path, you'll get 0.

  • And we're just going to assume, for this case,

  • that when I'm picking random points, none of them

  • are going to be colinear.

  • It will probably sort of work out anyway.

  • But so if b is to the left of a if z is less than 0,

  • it's to the right of a if z is greater

  • than 0-- or the other way around, but I'll just test it.

  • And it's flipped, anyway, in a computer graphics system,

  • so it'll work itself out.

  • Let's go try that.

  • So let's write the code for that.

  • So what I need is I need those two vectors.

  • So a is a vector that points-- so I can use the subtraction

  • function, because I can point from what is currently

  • the next vertex to the current vertex.

  • That will be vector a.

  • And then B will be pointing from what I'm

  • checking to the current vertex.

  • And then the cross product is a.cross b.

  • So I can implement the math for the cross product,

  • but it's actually just there in the p5 library for me.

  • And then I just want to say, if cross is greater than 0,

  • then probably something like--

  • So let me not do anything right now.

  • Let's just see.

  • Let's just console.log the cross product.

  • So let's see.

  • We got-- oh, cross.z, the z-component.

  • We got a negative-- oh, come on, it's becoming more obvious.

  • All right, so we got a negative number.

  • So the one that I'm checking is white.

  • The one that it currently thinks is green.

  • So is that right?

  • The current one is green.

  • So if it's less than 0, then that's to the left.

  • So if cross.z is less than zero, then nextVertex

  • should actually be the one that I'm checking.

  • And then I just want to say index equals index plus 1.

  • There we go.

  • So you can see, as it goes through,

  • it's always going to find the correct one.

  • It's checking them all.

  • Let's make a lot of points so it takes longer.

  • Ooh, that was weird.

  • Why did that mess up?

  • It found it, like, instantly, but it's checking them all.

  • Yeah, it's going to find it pretty close because they're

  • sorted.

  • But I think it's doing it correctly now.

  • Something that I want to add that I think will just

  • make this a little visually easier to follow

  • is, let me make a little variable called buffer.

  • And I'm going to say, pick a point between buffer

  • and width minus buffer, and the height also between buffer

  • and height minus buffer.

  • And let's make that buffer even bigger.

  • So now the points won't get picked super close to the edge.

  • So clearly I need an exit condition.

  • So I'm going to say, if index equals

  • points.length, that means I've gotten to the end of the array.

  • Let me at least say, no loop here.

  • So I'm going to just stop it from animating

  • once it gets to the end.

  • And let me just go back to many fewer points.

  • I'll just go back to 20.

  • We'll do that pretty quickly.

  • And so what should happen is hull should

  • get the next vertex.

  • Did I put the current vertex into--

  • so hull should get the current vertex.

  • So now there are two points in the hull.

  • The current vertex should equal next vertex.

  • And then I need to reset index back to something.

  • So let's also now add something where I draw the hull.

  • So I'm going to say beginShape, stroke--

  • let's have the hull be blue.

  • beginShape-- I'm going to draw a let p of hull.

  • And I'm going to draw all the hull points and shape.

  • And I'm not going to say close, but I am going

  • to give it a really light fill.

  • So I'm going to say fill, also have it be blue,

  • but with a lot of alpha.

  • Then I need to add vertex.

  • And I don't think I'm going to see the hull yet.

  • Because I've only drawn two points so far,

  • and I've stopped the loop from looping.

  • So let's see what happens.

  • What if I just reset index back to zero and turn off no loop?

  • OK, it got stuck.

  • So I don't want to-- oh, first of all, that's two equals.

  • That should be equals.

  • Oh, interesting-- so even though you

  • see that it's doing it over and over again,

  • it's stuck just picking the same vertex over and over again

  • because that one is one of the ones I'm checking.

  • So one way I could approach it is remove that one.

  • So the easiest way to do that would be with splice.

  • So I also would want to pick the--

  • I'm going to say, the next vertex,

  • I also should keep track of that next index.

  • [? Let me ?] just set that equal to negative 1

  • as an initial value.

  • And then when I find it, I want next index

  • to be that index value.

  • And then I can say, points.splice nextIndex,

  • and just take that [? 1 ?] value out.

  • Now I'm still stuck.

  • So the reason why I'm still stuck

  • is because nextVertex that it's comparing everything to

  • is still that same one that it got before.

  • So what I should do is just reset nextVertex

  • to something else.

  • I'll just put it back to be that leftmost one.

  • There we go.

  • So now you can see it's working.

  • Now it's stuck when it gets to the end.

  • But guess what?

  • The reason why is--

  • I know when I'm done, right?

  • I am done if it actually picks nextVertex

  • as the same as the leftmost.

  • So when it finds that one, then I

  • can say console.log done, noLoop,

  • and then, otherwise, do all of this other stuff

  • that I'm doing.

  • So let's see how this goes.

  • (SINGING) Voila.

  • So the chat actually is pointing out to me, and rightfully so,

  • that this splicing-out of the one that I saved

  • is problematic because I've corrupted the data itself.

  • I don't have that original array of points anymore,

  • and the context that I might be doing this in,

  • that might actually be important.

  • So I could keep that in a separate array,

  • I could add it back in.

  • But actually it turns out-- and I've just discovered this

  • through some debugging-- that I don't even need to delete it.

  • The problem was really the fact that nextVertex was not

  • reset back to the leftmost.

  • So it's actually going to work just fine every single time

  • without splicing that out, as long as I reset the next vertex

  • back to, like, leftmost, so that it sort of skips getting stuck.

  • So let's just make sure this-- let's watch this happen now

  • with like 200 points.

  • And I will speed this up for you.



  • OK, we can see that it's done, and it looks correct.

  • I'm pretty sure I did this correctly,

  • because it seems to be working.

  • Of course, this is less efficient

  • because I'm checking extra points

  • that I don't need to check because they're already

  • part of the convex hull array.

  • So I could add something to skip those.

  • But this isn't even the most efficient algorithm

  • in the first place.

  • But I just want to get this idea to work.

  • So you could see that it doesn't actually connect at the end

  • because I don't have close as one of the--

  • in endShape.

  • So I could add that in.

  • Let me just put that in for you.

  • You'll see what this does differently.


  • All right, so you can see what it's doing now.

  • It is always closing the shape with whatever the latest

  • vertex is.

  • But really, while I have implemented this and gotten

  • this working, I have not picked nice colors

  • or been really thoughtful about the stroke weight,

  • or how-- this takes a very long time to animate,

  • so it's nice that I'm kind of animating

  • every single possibility.

  • But I think you could probably make something pretty

  • interesting out of this by changing the way you draw it,

  • or thinking about how you might make this interactive,

  • or maybe the user can add points.

  • There's a lot of possibilities.

  • But this will be a nice building block, a foundation

  • to hopefully do more computational geometry coding

  • challenges.

  • In particular, eventually, I want

  • to build a triangulation around all these points,

  • and then figure out how to make a Delaunay triangulation, which

  • has to do with a way of having all the triangles--

  • the circle that fits any given triangle

  • doesn't include any other points.

  • It's known as a circumcircle.

  • So I think I will come back and do a coding challenge just

  • to do the circle that fits any given triangle.

  • It's a pretty quick thing that I can show you.

  • But there's a lot more to come with this.

  • Make your own version of this, share it with me,

  • go to, to the page with this coding

  • challenge, and there's instructions there

  • of how to share your version of this.

  • Maybe you could tie this to sound or something

  • else that I can't even possibly imagine now.

  • I look forward to seeing what you make.

  • Oh, also, you might want to investigate

  • one of the other algorithms, in particularly

  • Graham scan algorithm.

  • Maybe I'll come back and actually just do

  • that as a video also.

  • But if you make a version of that,

  • please submit that as well.

  • OK, thanks for watching.

  • See you soon.





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