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  • - We're streaming into the void Clara,

  • into the void of the internet.

  • (chuckles)

  • - We're, feeding content.

  • - Oh wait, is it working now?

  • - [Clara] We're back.

  • - Oh, my goodness.

  • Yes, hello.

  • We are back.

  • Everything is working.

  • Delightful, delightful.

  • I am delighted and happy to be back with everyone.

  • I don't know whether this is the same stream

  • or whether this has started as a new video.

  • We're not yet clear on that

  • because we're using a new encoder for the live streaming,

  • which means that we can have subtitles.

  • Because if you've watched one of my live streams before,

  • you know that we didn't have subtitles and now we do,

  • which is magnificent, excellent, right.

  • For anyone who missed the start of this little stream,

  • I'm gonna tell you what's going on.

  • So, captions of live streaming amazing

  • to test them and see how good they actually are

  • today in this lovely, calm, beautiful livestream.

  • I'm going to be reading to you from the book

  • on how to be the perfect modern woman,

  • written in the 1930's so, modern is subjective,

  • but we will be learning all about wonderful things

  • like the right corsets to wear to the beach,

  • why bathing is important and exactly

  • what you should be doing for your hackler.

  • Oh hello and Life on the Batteries

  • has been our first super chat of the day

  • and says they're doing a project on pots this summer

  • that it's very fun.

  • All right, I'm going to get you all to vote

  • using colored emojis,

  • to tell me what you would like to hear about first.

  • Is it the importance of liquids?

  • Oh does seem important.

  • Is it the ideal foot or is it the types of people?

  • So, vote with a red heart

  • if you would like to know about liquids,

  • a blue heart, if you'd like to know about the ideal foot

  • and a yellow heart if you'd like to know

  • about the types of people.

  • And now I wait for ages because your chat is delayed for me.

  • So we'll see.

  • I'm literally just waiting for colors to pop up.

  • No, there's nothing yet.

  • Oh, I've got pink.

  • People are giving me pink.

  • Oh, hello.

  • I've seen three blue hearts.

  • Oh, this is a mixture.

  • Oh God, actually.

  • Wow, that was a lot of yellows certainly, boom.

  • Okay, I'm going to say that the winner is yellow.

  • The types of people.

  • Let's begin.

  • (clears throat)

  • Are you a big blonde, a baby blonde,

  • a steaky brunette or the petite variety?

  • Please try not to be offended by the way,

  • by anything in this book.

  • I'm already offended and I've only just started reading it.

  • Blondes, the big blonde is the tall,

  • often highly colored type, needing very careful makeup,

  • careful clothes, and very often a careful diet

  • for whisper the words she is inclined to be plump.

  • How dare you?

  • How very dare you book?

  • How very dare you?

  • She looks magnificent in cloths with sweeping lines,

  • by reason of her lovely figure,

  • but it should be aware of ultra-fashions,

  • which tend to cause some her appearance.

  • You know what?

  • Actually, no, whatever the hell you like.

  • The baby blonde is the eternal little girl.

  • She can wear fluffy, frilly clothes.

  • Again, no startling fashions.

  • Lots of girls' rouge with a hint of tangerine, really?

  • And in general dressed in China ad.

  • No, I think you'll find, if you're a blonde

  • and you'd like to be a golf,

  • you go ahead and you'd be a don golf, all right.

  • Don't you listen to this crazy book.

  • Brunettes, the steaky brunette is really the showgirl

  • of the family.

  • Do you have a brunette in your family?

  • Is she the show girl?

  • Is that a thing?

  • She can look positively ill-favored

  • and yet maintain or represent a reputation for chic

  • that the other types would give their hairs to possess.

  • Only brunettes can be chic, ladies and gentlemen and others.

  • Only brunettes.

  • Great wonderful, good to know.

  • She can wear ultra clothes with a most distinguished hair.

  • She can experiment with her ego filled,

  • without looking cheap.

  • Makeup suits her wonderfully or again

  • she can look equally striking without any at all.

  • Wow, all right.

  • Well, it's all over for everyone else.

  • If you're brunette, you have apparently one life,

  • the rest of us give up now, give up now.

  • Lucky brunette, your charm lies

  • in the fascinating contrast of your dark hair

  • and creamy skin.

  • I see where they're going now, right, well.

  • That's enough about types.

  • Would we like to now learn about the ideal foot?

  • Of course, we would.

  • Be prepared.

  • I hope you've got your foot uncovered in front of you.

  • Are you checking it?

  • You should be.

  • I'll be looking at mine.

  • It's there.

  • I don't know if you can see it because these legs,

  • but it's there, right.

  • The ideal foot.

  • Thank you for that supper chat Sophie.

  • I didn't notice we have a new man who will be joining us.

  • Hello Fiona.

  • Welcome to the Kellgren-Fozard Club, thank you very much.

  • Right, so we've already learned that brunettes

  • are the wonders of the world.

  • Pick human, well done to them.

  • Now we're going to learn about the best foot.

  • The ideal foot is narrow and slim.

  • The heels soft and rounded, rosy in color

  • and the skin unblemished.

  • Are our foots fitting these?

  • Have we probably seen our feet?

  • The toe should lie flat.

  • I'm already ruined, all my toes are carved, sorry.

  • No, I was so close, with a great term

  • and little apart from its neighbors.

  • It should be possible to draw a straight line

  • from the inside of the great toe along the arch of the foot

  • to the heel.

  • Oh, straight, narrow, slim feet here people.

  • That's what we're after.

  • We would like a large gap between the big toe

  • and the other toes, very important.

  • Those little toes should all live very flat on the ground.

  • No carving.

  • I mean, I'm out, I'm ruined.

  • My feet are terrible, clearly.

  • Oh, disgusting.

  • Oh hello, welcome Steve

  • Also, a lovely new member

  • and thank you for that super chat Bookish Dancer.

  • I hope you guys have got good feet because I don't

  • so you gonna be making out for me, right.

  • The next time the feet are wet,

  • stand firmly upon them on some substance,

  • which will retain the wet impression,

  • study the outline and it should show the round Mark

  • of the heel and the ball of the foot.

  • Dear Lord, people, the hours that you must put in

  • to see whether your feet are perfect or not.

  • Thank you very much for that super chat Paulson,

  • have I ever been to Denmark?

  • I actually haven't, but I would love to go to Denmark.

  • I've heard you have castles

  • and I am quite partial to a castle.

  • Let's be honest.

  • And most of the restaurants are good.

  • Well, that's exciting too.

  • And another new member.

  • Hello, 3000 Smiles.

  • Is that a lovely name?

  • You should have 3000 smiles a day.

  • And hello Thompson.

  • I'm very much enjoying everyone joining in right now.

  • Now shoes and stockings for our perfect feet.

  • Pay attention those of you who do have perfect feet,

  • you need to know this.

  • The importance of correctly sized shoes

  • cannot be overestimated.

  • Too tight or too large,

  • they are equally bad for the foot.

  • Shoes which are too tight cause corns and bunions,

  • those which are too large bring blisters and calluses

  • on the heel, and we don't want to ruin our perfect feet,

  • do we now?

  • Come on, no, no, no.

  • They must be very soft, subtle indeed.

  • Spend as much as can be afforded on good shoes

  • and stockings.

  • Actually, I kind of like that is good advice.

  • I do think that if you look after your feet,

  • they will look after you

  • because that's really the one piece of body

  • that you're going to need to keep going

  • for a very long time.

  • Says a girl with terrible feet, so, take my advice.

  • Don't go down my route.

  • Now, shall we learn about

  • how to maintain a youthful complexion,

  • or how to pat away the lines,

  • or how to pack your greasy skin.

  • We're gonna go with,

  • if you would like to learn about

  • how to retain your youthful complexion, give me a red heart.

  • If you'd like to know about how to pat away the lines,

  • give me a blue heart.

  • And if you'd like to know how to pack your greasy skin

  • give me a yellow heart.

  • Thank you.

  • Now I wait.

  • My eye just collapsed.

  • No, same same friend.

  • (speaking foreign language)

  • Whenever I stand up, my feet become flat.

  • When I take them off the ground,

  • they incredibly high arched.

  • I mean, it's just a wonder, isn't it?

  • It's always fun.

  • Always something new.

  • I'm getting a lot of, to be honest guys,

  • I'm getting a lot of pink hearts,

  • which you need to handle that.

  • But I think you're trying to send me red hearts,

  • but your phones are sending me the wrong ones, all right.

  • Well, we're gonna go with red

  • even there is a lot of red and pink.

  • It's a thing, we're trying.

  • Okay, this is very apt.

  • I need to know this apparently.

  • Round about the 30s, the first-time signals

  • begins to make their appearance,

  • so tiny, so faint as to be almost unnoticed,

  • but so dangerous.

  • Jesus, I mean, I know I turned 30 this year.

  • This is me.

  • I'm dangerous now.

  • Now is the time to take just that little extra trouble

  • there'll be repaid a hundred-fold in the years to come.

  • Stand in a strong north light before a mirror.

  • Don't do that.

  • Tiny fine lines around the eyes and nose will be seen.

  • Great.

  • The skin becomes more sensitive to wind and rain.

  • Spring rather is definitely more trying.

  • The moment is calm for a little extra skin care.

  • Oh goodness.

  • Be ready.

  • Oh, we got another new member.

  • Hello, welcome Kate.

  • Nice to have you.

  • Right, please do not think all day just creeping on

  • nothing of the sought.

  • Oh, you just told me that it's dangerous.

  • You've just told me to be scared,

  • and now you're telling me I don't have to be scared.

  • I'm confused.

  • Let's read on.

  • Classifying the complexion,

  • by now we have passed through and overcome these trials

  • of our early complexion worries.

  • Spots and pimples, which pains our youth,

  • are a thing of the past, really?

  • because I know quite a few people over the age of 20

  • who still get spots.

  • I mean, sure.

  • First, there's the general classification of normal dry

  • and greasy skins.

  • The normal skin is that which is smooth

  • and subtle to the touch.

  • I bet that's the skin this right things Burnett's have.

  • They came moist, as the petal of a flower.

  • Retains powder, does not flush unbecomingly

  • in a heated atmosphere.

  • Who doesn't flush in a heated atmosphere?

  • Actually, sometimes me because

  • I can't regulate my temperature,

  • but I don't think that's a great thing

  • because I get overheated and I faint, sure.

  • The dry skin usually found in blondes,

  • is right indefinitely as only against blondes.

  • Is that which flakes at every provocation.

  • Sometimes takes unto itself a purple hue,

  • feels tight after washing

  • and accumulates wrinkles with astonishing rapidity.

  • Christ, I mean lay off the blondes.

  • The greasy skin, often the bugbear of our urban sisters

  • and in fact, the most common affliction of all

  • is caused by over secretion of the glands

  • and gives rise to a sallow relaxed condition.

  • This book is coming for all of us, all of us,

  • we're doomed.

  • Right, among the greases, that's how we call people now.

  • The greases.

  • We have the slightly greasy, the course greasy

  • with its crop of black heads

  • and strangest of all the dry greasy skin.

  • Good, good, good, good.

  • Thank you for the super chat there Gracie, I appreciate it

  • because I have to go through this drama.

  • The dry greasy complexion is really

  • the most trying of all.

  • The poor unfortunate possesses suffer,

  • the cracking propensities of the fair dry skin

  • and at the same time the overactive oil glands

  • cover their face with a film of grease at every opportunity.

  • I mean I suppose we should all be terrified,

  • but I think we should chill

  • because it's not the most important thing in the world.

  • I think we're good.

  • Now we're going to learn about how to patch the skin

  • and pat away those lines,

  • which we should apparently all be terrified of and also not.

  • Confusing book.

  • No one's really sure what's going on with it,

  • except that brunettes are amazing

  • and blondes not so much.

  • Maybe the writer is blonde.

  • Maybe it's just a lot of self-hate.

  • It's unfortunate, right.

  • Patting the lines away.

  • Not only should the skin be protected

  • by applications of food,

  • but as an extra precaution, indulge in a course of patting.

  • Treat yourself to one of the many patters on the market.

  • Is it a paddle that you smack yourself in the face with?

  • Is it working?

  • Am I beautiful now?

  • Okay, now I'm giving up on that one.

  • I don't like it.

  • These little gadgets are not only quite inexpensive,

  • but they are worth their weight in gold.

  • If the penny is really weren't run to this outlay,

  • well, here you could just use your hand.

  • A very good patter can be made out of an ordinary shoe tree.

  • What?

  • The thing you use to stretch your shoe,

  • the kind of small wooden toe,

  • a steel band and a nob at the other end.

  • Genuinely guys, we're going to have

  • to smack ourselves in the face.

  • This is what's happening now.

  • Cover the toe with a layer of cotton wool

  • and a piece of fine coarse,

  • securing the ends with a rubber band

  • so the fresh surface can be used to each operation.

  • We genuinely going to have

  • to smack ourselves in the face, right.

  • What?

  • What?

  • I'm not ready.

  • Dip the pad into a good skin tonic

  • or a stringent and prepare to slap yourself lightly,

  • but firmly on the face.

  • This isn't going to go well.

  • Hold the tree by its wooden nob

  • and start patting under the chin.

  • All right, okay.

  • Now pat along the jaw bone,

  • from one point of the chin to the neck of the ear.

  • Lovely.

  • Pat from the corner of the mouth to the top of the ear.

  • I think we can all now agree

  • that this side of my face is more beautiful than this side.

  • Thanks to the smacking.

  • Don't worry though.

  • If smacking yourself in the face is a bit much,

  • you can seek professional aid.

  • It would be a wise move to visit a beauty salon

  • once a month, the expert massage and skin treatment

  • because we all have time for that.

  • Also pay special attention to the hands and elbows.

  • A cut lemon rubbed into the point of the elbows

  • will whiten the skin and tighten the wrinkles.

  • I mean, I think I may have a cut lemon.

  • Should we try?

  • Are we gonna whiten my elbows?

  • What do we think?

  • All right.

  • Give me red hearts if you'd like me to

  • get rid of the wrinkles on my elbow,

  • and a blue heart if you think I can live without it.

  • Oh my goodness, Tracy, thank you very much

  • for that super chat.

  • It came up in red.

  • I don't know whether that was your intent or not,

  • but it was red and that seems to imply

  • I should do something about my elbows,

  • so, getting a lemon, I'll be right back.

  • All right.

  • Oh, actually there's a lot of blue hearts here,

  • (Clara chuckles) there's a mix.

  • Why the all reds?

  • Sometimes I'm getting red hearts,

  • sometimes I'm getting pink, but it's happening.

  • Fortunately, I made my wife a smoked salmon

  • and cream cheese sandwich this morning

  • so, I had packed lunch,

  • and she likes to have a squeeze of lemon

  • on her smoked salmon.

  • So here we go, I'm ready.

  • I think my elbows are fine,

  • but I should be doing this once a month, okay.

  • I mean, it feels a bit weird.

  • Kinda covered in lemon now.

  • I mean guys, this not tiresome to get.

  • (laughter)

  • What are you saying Clara?

  • No, is it working?

  • Are they beautiful?

  • No.

  • I'll say that's beautiful, beautiful.

  • Is my elbow beautiful now?

  • - [Clara] Gorgeous.

  • - Clara says that my elbow is gorgeous now, so we're good.

  • Can you tell the difference?

  • Anyone?

  • (Clara chuckles) - I do.

  • (laughter)

  • - And you didn't tell me, you actually can.

  • - [Clara] It's just they have a weird

  • differently color right now.

  • - Clara says that yes, yes.

  • All right, well, let's do on the other elbow.

  • Someone wrote an affordable juicer alternative.

  • Yeah, here it is.

  • This is what we do for beauty of the elbow.

  • There are bits in that one, all right, lovely.

  • Your elbows will smell nice at least.

  • Yes, they will, Emma, yes they will.

  • Okay, is there a difference?

  • Thank you.

  • 10 out of 10 elbow games has caged.

  • Thanks Kate, I agree.

  • Yes, great, I mean we've done well.

  • There we go.

  • - [Clara] That's hilarious.

  • - If nothing else from this live stream,

  • we've improved my elbows, excellent.

  • Now, we're going to talk about packing for a greasy skin.

  • Mix a sufficient quantity of toilet oatmeal

  • Mix a sufficient quantity of toilet oatmeal

  • into a paste with Witch Hazel.

  • Apply in the usual way and remove with cool water,

  • to which has been added a little lemon juice.

  • We've got another use for the lemons, wonderful.

  • A greasy skin can be greatly helped

  • by cleansing with oatmeal.

  • Excellent.

  • Those of you with greasy skin,

  • I would like you tonight to make yourself some porridge,

  • slap it all over your face

  • and let me know in the morning how that's gone.

  • Also, try not to touch anything

  • that's gonna be gross and get everywhere.

  • Oh, new member.

  • Hello, hi Lily.

  • Nice to meet you.

  • Welcome to the Kellgren-Fozard club.

  • If you have greasy face,

  • please pack it with ovil and let me know.

  • But don't worry.

  • If you've got dry skin, I'm not leaving you out.

  • I'll let you know what you should do.

  • This is me.

  • I have kind of dry skin.

  • I guess I was born with eczema,

  • literally like across my face.

  • Even on my eyelids,

  • I was the most hideous baby you've ever seen.

  • It was just, eczema everywhere.

  • Now I have a very dry face

  • and if I touch anything that I'm allergic to

  • eczema in the face.

  • Can't sleep on feather pillows and so on so forth.

  • Yesterday because it was our anniversary so,

  • I went to dinner at this amazing seafood restaurant

  • and I had crab because I'm obsessed with eating hot crab.

  • Is there anything better?

  • I don't think so.

  • It was so delicious.

  • But my stripe problem with crab

  • is that I'm allergic to it when it touches my skin,

  • so, I could eat it, but if it touches my hands, they burn.

  • All the way home I was scratching my hands

  • as they were burning.

  • But you know what?

  • Still worth it.

  • It's fine, it's fine.

  • Someone says "Same, my mum bathed me in oil."

  • Oh my God.

  • Eyelid eczema sounds great.

  • Yes, it was great, it was.

  • Right, packing for dry skin are we ready?

  • Break one very fresh egg into a bowl

  • and mix with the juice of one lemon.

  • Well, the thing that you can do with a lemon, who knew?

  • Add enough almond meal to form a thin paste,

  • cleanse and prepare the face and apply the mixture.

  • It will probably be found easier

  • to use the fingers for this pack.

  • Are you ready?

  • Oh, hello.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • We've got a new member.

  • Hi Freya and as super chat from someone

  • whose name I can't say, Clara?

  • - [Clara] "Sinof".

  • - Sinof? Is that right?

  • Sinof.

  • Clara is learning Swedish for her wife who is Swedish.

  • - [Clara] But I was no (mumbles).

  • - But that was Norwegian,

  • but still - Or Danish.

  • - Or Danish.

  • It's still the right area.

  • I'm going to say, I'm so sorry.

  • Also, I hope that you're doing a little better later

  • and I'm glad that this livestream is helping.

  • And cheer to everyone, who's feeling a bit (mumbles)

  • and this live stream is helping cheer you up.

  • I am very happy for that, right.

  • Now, are you ready?

  • Have you mixed your fresh egg,

  • your lemon juice?

  • And your almond meal?

  • Wonderful.

  • Cleanse and prepare the face and apply the mixture

  • easier to use fingers as its consistency is so light,

  • that much of the quantity

  • we be lost if you're using a brush.

  • Allow to dry in this case about five minutes

  • until it cracks, nice.

  • And remove with tepid water to which has been added

  • a few drops of lemon juice.

  • Lemons.

  • Follow this, with the beaten white of an egg

  • painted over the face.

  • This is the advantage of you taking a few minutes to apply.

  • Wait for 20 minutes until hard.

  • Lovely.

  • This pack might be used when bathing.

  • Yes, that's what I love to do.

  • I love to have a nice long bath

  • and cook an egg on my face.

  • Wonderful.

  • We're moving onto a fantastic thing that I'm pretty sure,

  • we all need certainly.

  • No, it's cool.

  • Concealing figure defects.

  • Wonderful.

  • Who of us, has not at one time or another

  • longed to change something?

  • Apparently, the defects in this by the way,

  • are not defects in any way

  • such as the first defect it lists.

  • One of the most common trials is the two hollow back.

  • The two hollow back.

  • I'm sorry, what?

  • This is a defect in a human I,

  • What?

  • The waist seems to curve in with a sweep.

  • I mean, is that not just a waist?

  • Confused.

  • Try the effect of the large flat flower

  • or (mumbles) bow placed in the center of the hollow.

  • I mean, I do love a bow and I do love a flower,

  • but I'm pretty sure that's just a waist.

  • If the bust is too generous in proportions,

  • wear frock with a pointed neck line

  • and place a large matching flower at the opening.

  • It will help to disguise the cleavage

  • and so present a flatter line across the borders.

  • All right, hang on now.

  • As a lady with a larger chest than some might imagine.

  • Yes, when I run, I'll think I got, 28DD/E

  • depending on the bra.

  • It's a large chest.

  • If you tell me to wear a frock with a pointed neck line,

  • and then to place a humongous flower on top of my boobs,

  • how is that going to do anything

  • but attract people's view of my ginormous boobs.

  • I think everyone's looking now.

  • No, moving on.

  • If you are diminutive,

  • it is advised that all of your clothes are tailor made.

  • Clara, you're a diminutive person,

  • (chuckles) otherwise known as short.

  • - [Clara] Sure.

  • - Do you have all of your claims tailor-made?

  • - [Clara] Of course my butler brings them in for me.

  • - She says yes, her butler brings them in.

  • Of course, because (mumbles) nowadays.

  • - [Clara] I definitely don't go to primer.

  • - No, never primer.

  • That's not a thing.

  • Right, well.

  • Oh, another new member.

  • Hello Erica?

  • Lovely to have you and hello Paulsia?

  • Right, we're now going to learn about,

  • the art of being popular.

  • Are we ready People?

  • Are we ready?

  • Oh, actually before we do that,

  • would you like to learn about when to smile?

  • They'd just be throwing their smiles around.

  • Oh no.

  • You have to know when to smile.

  • There can never be a moment

  • when it is not worthwhile smiling.

  • A pleasant expression will carry its own

  • and through any difficulty and over any trouble.

  • This does not mean to stay

  • that the next time you get into a spot of bother

  • you should smile happily as though

  • it did not matter in the list.

  • I agree, actually.

  • No, wait, I disagree.

  • I smile all the time.

  • Just smile, it's fine.

  • It'll get you through life.

  • Receive the lecture if there has to be one

  • with due humility.

  • And when it is over and all is forgiven

  • smile gratefully and promise to be a good girl in future.

  • I'd like to point out this book is not written for girls.

  • This book is written for women.

  • Women who apparently get lectured

  • and then have to smile like a good girl.

  • I watched the finale of "The Handmaid's Tale" last night

  • and now I'm getting vibes from this book

  • and it's just stressing me.

  • If you're applying for a new job

  • where your neatest means business might close

  • and go off to the appointment with a happy expression.

  • Wow, Thank you.

  • I had no clue.

  • I was planning to go to my job interview scowling.

  • When the great moment arrives,

  • enter the room with a chuckle smile,

  • and a branch, good morning.

  • Sit down if you are asked to,

  • with neatness and precision and looking alert.

  • Just a hint of a smile at the corners of your lips.

  • Are you smiling just with the corners of your lips?

  • Come on now.

  • All right, lovely.

  • Answer the questions you are asked.

  • Recite your own qualifications concisely.

  • Produce your own notebook and pencil.

  • You were asked to take down notes.

  • Do you (mumbles) to take down notes at a job interview?

  • Is that normal?

  • Is that regular?

  • Have you ever had a job interview?

  • All right, I've never had a job interview,

  • but now it definitely, no one's going to ask me

  • to take down notes.

  • That seems a bit strange.

  • Oh wow, every employer likes cheerfulness about him.

  • Every employer likes cheerfulness about him.

  • Okay, and though your experience may not be as good

  • as the next girls', your happy expression and pleasant smile

  • may tip the scales in your favor

  • by the impression they have created.

  • Really?

  • Above all, try and smile

  • when there is the hint of quarreling in the air.

  • Anger and scales leave marks upon the face

  • far more quickly than anything else.

  • Oh yeah, that's why they're smiling.

  • Yes, we're smiling not because we're happy,

  • not because we want to be friends with people,

  • not because we are pleasant human beings.

  • No, we're smiling, so we don't get frowned nines.

  • That is after all the most important thing.

  • Wonderful, wonderful.

  • And lastly, do not keep all of your smiles,

  • for out of doors.

  • Bring them into the house and try them

  • on the members of the family.

  • Mother would appreciate a smiling, happy daughter

  • and you will find yourselves suddenly popular,

  • with your hitherto unresponsive brothers.

  • Even though you do happen to be a little sister,

  • who said you were a little sister?

  • You can prove yourself.

  • You've spoken Panion and so get taken about to places

  • where other girls' brothers congregate

  • because you are a spot.

  • Want to meet your husband?

  • Smile at your brothers.

  • That's the only way.

  • Oh Christ.

  • What even as life at this point?

  • What even is life?

  • To be fair, if you did start frowning,

  • you could probably just like rub some lemon on your face.

  • So moving on to the art of being popular,

  • what is the secret of popularity?

  • It's hard to say,

  • which is the most attractive attribute

  • of the human character or that which makes a person

  • welcomed or avoided.

  • Personally, I think sympathy,

  • the ability to listen and the willingness to help

  • are the three most likable qualities any girl can possess.

  • Oh good.

  • These are the things that as a young lady you need.

  • Sympathy, the ability to become a vessel.

  • Intuition all those troubles, confidences or heartbreaks

  • can be poured.

  • You don't have your own feelings girls,

  • oh no, you just take in other people's.

  • Lovely, lovely.

  • Yep, yep, yeah, sure.

  • Oh my God.

  • What?

  • It definitely is bad for the constitution

  • to bottle all of our worries inside all of us.

  • Like steam inside a sealed container,

  • it most and will break out.

  • And when the upheaval does come,

  • it brings mental breakdown and hysteria.

  • Try therefore to cultivate the art of listening.

  • What about my feelings?

  • I'm supposed to be listening to everyone else's feelings

  • so they don't get upset.

  • But what about my feelings?

  • I'm waiting for the bit where you're telling me

  • to talk about my feelings.

  • No, no, no.

  • Still waiting.

  • No, no, no.

  • Oh, when you are listening to other people's worries,

  • do not try and tell them of similar instances of your own.

  • They won't be interested.

  • They are selfish and they have right to be,

  • because they are worried.

  • Wonderful, okay.

  • When it is all over and she gives a sigh of relief,

  • just say how sorry you are

  • and you assure everything will be alright

  • and any other appropriate expression,

  • and then go and have a cup of tea.

  • Well, I mean, if that's not the most British thing

  • you could possibly do, I don't know what is.

  • Sure, wonderful.

  • Good stuff.

  • Let's move on, shall we?

  • Oh, what are we going to learn about next?

  • We can learn about (mumbles).

  • Oh, okay.

  • - [Clara] Instead people we're wondering

  • if there's any bit about how to act

  • in front of the boy you like?

  • - Oh, okay, romance.

  • We're looking for romance.

  • Beauty in her prime.

  • Beauty for the not so young.

  • Cheating the scales, (mumbles) beauty.

  • Yeah, to be fair, I should just read you the chapters.

  • Is that fun?

  • Beauty programs, the hair, the face beautiful,

  • the finger beautiful, makeup,

  • sun bathing, personality, short beauty talks and hints.

  • I don't think that is for short people.

  • I think that was just in brief.

  • Diet, what we eat.

  • Diet, when how to eat.

  • Drink to health.

  • Cleanliness within.

  • All right, care of the skin, the daily dozen,

  • maintaining suppleness.

  • Don't we all want to be supple?

  • It is essential to relax and rest.

  • Clothes for health, importance of nerves and spine,

  • the breath of life, eye, ear, nose and throat,

  • foot health, smoking and drugs, healthy mothers,

  • healthy and happy.

  • Shockingly, there is no advice

  • on how I should find a husband.

  • I know, I'm just as shocked as you.

  • Well, who knew would we like to know about,

  • hello, hello (mumbles) the Jester.

  • Oh, I got that.

  • Hi Fiona, thank you very much both of you

  • for your super chats, much appreciated.

  • What would we like to learn about clothes for health?

  • Clothes for health.

  • We're gonna learn about corsets.

  • Give me a red heart if you'd like to learn about corsets

  • or blue heart if you'd like to know about,

  • oh, scanty is in season.

  • Pretty sure it means underwear, so fun.

  • Or a yellow heart if you'd like to know

  • about the strain of modern times.

  • - [Clara] While we wait, we have around 20 minutes

  • in case you want to like

  • talk like a normal person towards the end.

  • (chuckles) Clara is like,

  • - [Clara] About normal things they have.

  • - Like a story, in case you wanna talk like a normal person.

  • Okay, I will.

  • This will be our last reading from the book.

  • I love the Lifelong Batteries was like,

  • here's some rainbow hearts, perfect.

  • Okay, oh, I'm seeing lots of blue.

  • Now I'm seeing some red, a little bit of yellow,

  • a little bit of yellow.

  • What are we seeing?

  • I'm gonna say red.

  • Corsets and girdles.

  • Would you agree?

  • Wonderful.

  • Right, 327.

  • Let's find it.

  • Ooh, it's a lot in this book about being supple.

  • It's one of their absolute favorite things to talk about.

  • Be supple everyone.

  • Next to the skin.

  • So you look at corsets and girdles.

  • Right, are we ready?

  • - [Clara] I've never been more ready.

  • - Right, so let's all remember,

  • this book is from the 30's when corsets were not so popular.

  • Right.

  • Ideally, the healthy woman is better

  • without corsets, girdles

  • or any other devices to support the figure.

  • Well, there we go.

  • I'm happy about that.

  • These devices tend too often in that constricting effort

  • to displace slightly organs and muscles.

  • Moreover, they tend to do the supporting work

  • that should be done by the muscles themselves

  • and in time, these muscles, particularly in the abdomen,

  • become flabby from lack of work.

  • The corsets instead of becoming a help,

  • therefore lead to flabbiness.

  • Right, lovely.

  • Nevertheless, there are times when artificial support

  • for the abdomen and back has advantages,

  • which outweigh the drawbacks.

  • Can't lie, when I was a teenager,

  • I desperately wanted the corset to help with my scoliosis,

  • but that didn't happen.

  • I don't know why.

  • They wouldn't let me have one.

  • I asked, they said no.

  • I asked numerous times, they still said no.

  • And now I'm considering

  • whether I should just get one anyway.

  • Now as an adult, because hey, I'm quite flexible still.

  • I do.

  • Young women and girls should not wear corsets

  • unless they work exceptionally heavy

  • or they have any severe weakness of the lower spine abdomen.

  • But daily exercises to turn up abdominal and spinal muscles,

  • are worth more than expensive corsets,

  • especially in later years.

  • I mean, I am fully impressed.

  • Fully impressed.

  • I was expecting this to be very much.

  • No, you strap yourself in young lady

  • and you make yourself have

  • the most beautiful figure possible

  • to the half of the book is just exercises to stay thin.

  • Because apparently, that's the most important thing.

  • There's even a section of this book

  • that talks about the exercises you need

  • to start getting your child to do,

  • your child, your little girl.

  • I don't know why I was about to say excellent there.

  • It's not excellent.

  • It's not, it's not.

  • I've lost it now, but there's also a section in here

  • where it talks about how you need to treat

  • your girl children and your boy children differently.

  • Because your girl children need to learn

  • about things like doing their finger nails and being tidy.

  • Apparently, boy children don't need to be tidy.

  • Well, wonderful.

  • Now, I think that's a perfect ending for this book.

  • At the start we thought, what on earth?

  • What does this vendetta against blondes?

  • The vendetta against blondes continued.

  • We now know that brunettes

  • are apparently the most beautiful people ever.

  • But anyone who's not a blonde or brunette, doesn't exist.

  • And also the elbows can actually be made gorgeous,

  • by some lemon.

  • Oh, thank you Tracy for that super chat, very kind.

  • So I think my lemon,

  • I think my elbows had been bettered by lemons

  • and that is excellent.

  • What more could we ask for really?

  • What more could we ask for?

  • But now let's move on to modern times.

  • Me, here right now today,

  • shall we do a quick Q&A session?

  • - [Clara] Yeah, (mumbles).

  • - We have just a short time left.

  • Hit me.

  • Now, I have to wait for someone to ask me a question.

  • - [Clara] It's a big delay.

  • - Where was that one, Blowman said,

  • I vote that you drowned the book in a VAT of lemon juice.

  • (Clara chuckles)

  • I'm not anti that.

  • I think that's probably a good idea.

  • Is a good idea, all right.

  • And we also learned that toilet oatmeal is a thing.

  • Very true, it least of lean apt.

  • That's actually a wonderful name.

  • That's a wonderful name, right.

  • Where's the question?

  • Your elbows has been buttered.

  • Oh, is that the captions being weird?

  • - Yes. - My elbows have been lemoned.

  • So when life gives you lemons, fix your elbows.

  • Yes, Susan, perfect joke, perfect.

  • - [Clara] Love these questions.

  • What show are you watching right now?

  • Favorite buffy character.

  • (mumbles) Joe Orton.

  • - Hang on.

  • What show am I watching right now?

  • Well, we just finished "The Handmaid's Tale" last night.

  • Watched the finale.

  • I have started with a feeling.

  • I mean what the hell, mainly?

  • Like what?

  • I don't wanna spoil it.

  • I felt like the season was quite slow

  • and then it suddenly took off with her big idea

  • and it was like, yes.

  • We tend to watch "The Handmaid's Tale"

  • whenever we're feeling emotionally ready

  • because it's going to draining show to watch.

  • Would advise though to everyone,

  • just know when you're feeling feelings.

  • We did watch it and kind of be like,

  • so when's it gonna get less gloomy?

  • Huh, when's the good stuff going happen?

  • Waiting for things to get better.

  • And then surprisingly there was a little optic finally.

  • So I'm looking forward to seeing

  • what's going to happen next.

  • So I think they are having another season.

  • I don't think that's the end.

  • That'll be a terrible end actually.

  • A little bit of a downer, I would say on that.

  • Ooh, you asked me what my favorite buffy characters?

  • Obviously Faith.

  • Obviously, she's the amazing.

  • Oh, will you be seeing the new "Downton" film

  • and will you do a review?

  • Actually, yes, less.

  • I got invited to go and see the costumes

  • that have been used in the film,

  • it was actually last night.

  • The one night I had plans.

  • Obviously, much I prefer spending time with my wife

  • on our anniversary, three years since we got married.

  • It's very special.

  • Okay.

  • Oh, someone asked about my p.o box.

  • I actually have news and update on my p.o box.

  • It doesn't cover the area

  • that we that we've currently moved to.

  • We're still in Brighton.

  • So I don't know what the problem is, but fine.

  • So currently it's being redirected to my house,

  • which is very secure, securities.

  • I'm getting tired.

  • I've lost my words.

  • Which means that my p.o box will be closing in January,

  • I believe of next year.

  • Around January of next year.

  • So my last kind of big p.o box opening

  • is going to be in December for Christmas.

  • So I was going to say like

  • start getting your Christmas cards in now.

  • It's September.

  • It's a bit soon, yeah.

  • But just make sure that they're in time

  • before the new year and they will be included

  • in a big p.o box unboxing, which we part of flag mask.

  • Which I'm really excited about.

  • (mumbles) again this year.

  • Clara's less excited.

  • - [Clara] No, I am.

  • It's just a lot of work.

  • - You love it. - (mumbles).

  • - You love it, you love it, we love it.

  • I love Christmas.

  • It's my favorite thing in the world.

  • Oh, someone at Christmas 52.

  • We'd love to support your channel

  • by becoming a member or sending a super chat.

  • I have so many medications to people.

  • I completely understand.

  • I'd like to ask what else can I do to support your channel?

  • If in a nonmonetary sense

  • so you can support my channel

  • by becoming a member of the Kellgren-Fozard club,

  • by much sending me like KOFIs,

  • which at the LinkedIn description, K-O-F-I, very confusing.

  • But you don't have to do that.

  • Another way that you can just support my channel

  • is just by watching my videos and without an ad blocker.

  • (chuckles) Thanks.

  • Yeah, because we get paid ad cents,

  • by the views on our videos and also just sharing my videos

  • with other people who you think may enjoy them.

  • If you are part of a group of friends, be like,

  • Hey friends have you seen Jessica's videos, there you go.

  • That's how you can support my channel.

  • But yeah, don't worry.

  • There's absolutely no responsibility, also the right word.

  • But don't worry your support

  • or my child does not have to be monetary.

  • I am very happy to just have people be here,

  • watching my videos and being subscribed

  • because you guys are awesome and I love you guys.

  • Okay, oh wait, someone said, read the super chat.

  • This one?

  • Oh, Rebecca says if you put it in two weeks,

  • it's only 16 weeks until Christmas.

  • Is that the one that you asked me about?

  • I think I saw one pop up actually that was about deafness.

  • Is that the one you're talking about?

  • This goes so slowly.

  • If you're talking about the one

  • where it's about losing your hearing,

  • I am intending to make a video about losing your hearing.

  • It is the least of videos that I have to make

  • that it keeps getting longer and stuff.

  • Yeah, life steam soldering me still at the moment

  • moving house, it has been our thing.

  • Has it not?

  • The amount of like life stuff I have to do

  • along with all life stuff as well has been a lot.

  • But obviously, it's all very good

  • and it's all very exciting.

  • It's just then difficult to manage

  • with a health condition

  • as I'm sure many of you guys understand,

  • especially in summer.

  • Summer's such a busy period because everyone gets married.

  • Been to three weddings so far this year

  • going to our fourth wedding this weekend.

  • It's a lot, it's a lot.

  • But I'm looking forward to a day when I can chill

  • and play the Sims

  • I just want to sit and play the Sims.

  • Oh another, but relating to the Sims,

  • we now have an encoder,

  • which is how I'm streaming to you right now.

  • That's what it's called an encoder.

  • Look at me.

  • I totally know internet stuff.

  • It's fine, totally yeah.

  • Which means that I may possibly be able

  • to do some live streams where I can play the scenes

  • and then my little face will be in the corner

  • and I could just chat to you guys

  • while I play the scenes which I'm very excited about.

  • I don't know whether that'll be on YouTube

  • or on a different platform, but I'll let you know.

  • I'll keep you updated and also

  • please give me your own opinions

  • if you would like to see me just chilling,

  • paying the Sims, telling you a little story.

  • I love making stories.

  • That is like my favorite thing.

  • When I was a little kid,

  • we used to go and really long car journeys

  • to the late district from Bristol.

  • That's about between six and eight hours in the car,

  • depending on the traffic.

  • And I turned my entire time in the back of my car

  • just creating stories.

  • The six hour long epic story for my little brother

  • who's five years younger than me, the entire journey.

  • It just always been my joy to create stories.

  • So I guess I can do that with the Sims.

  • And also one day I write and publish that book

  • that I'm supposed to be working on.

  • Derek has asked me,

  • what is your opinion on the new "Star Wars"?

  • - [Clara] (mumbles).

  • - I don't know, if they're all "Star Wars".

  • I'm sorry, I don't know.

  • I haven't seen it.

  • Can you share you own opinions with each other?

  • Anyone?

  • Anyone?

  • Oh, have you gotten the new expansion?

  • I'm guessing this is the Sims related comment.

  • Yeah, I really, really, really

  • want to get the new Sims four, wonderful.

  • I didn't live in pack.

  • I've been watching "Plum Bella" a lot

  • and I am really obsessed with game play

  • in the new Sims,

  • and I'm really actually want that.

  • I really wants it but not rejustify it to myself.

  • Unless it's on sale because that's how I work.

  • I'm just weird like that.

  • So hopefully it'll go on sale soon

  • because they're releasing a new pack,

  • which is about magic and I'm less interested in magic,

  • but I'm quite interested in mermaids.

  • So I'm gonna get the Island Living pack.

  • It's gonna be amazing.

  • Just you wait and see, right, next.

  • Oh, have my first day of sixth form today.

  • Angel, well done.

  • Congratulations.

  • I hope everything goes well for you.

  • Oh, okay.

  • I'm trying to read them.

  • Other than the scenes, do you play other games?

  • I actually don't.

  • Sometimes I just become addicted to games on my phone.

  • Like I'll just be a game that I have to play

  • like an hour every day for two weeks

  • and then I forget about it.

  • I'm like that flushing a pound.

  • But, yeah, the Sims love continues.

  • Always continues.

  • What's your feeling on the Sony/Disney Spiderman

  • whole thing?

  • I mean, why have (mumbles) shot themselves in the foot

  • is what I'd like to know.

  • Ridiculous.

  • I'm sorry, but I think the only true good Spiderman

  • is a small of a Spiderman.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I know like the old ones were good.

  • The custom danced era.

  • That was nice.

  • Did anyone watch the Andrew Garfield ones?

  • I didn't.

  • Did you?

  • No, no.

  • No one saw those.

  • But the new stuff, oh so good, so good.

  • I think it's ridiculous.

  • I think that like now we've lost.

  • Anyway, so I was gonna go like a whole Ironman thing

  • there for a moment

  • like Oh, Jody's dark.

  • Anyway, that's not what we're here for.

  • I think our time is almost up.

  • Wait, someone says,

  • I don't know if it was on sale a few weeks ago.

  • I'm not sure if what?

  • - [Clara] It was at 25% off.

  • So I didn't tell you because everything else was 50.

  • So when Magic comes out,

  • appreciate Island Living would be on 50%.

  • - All right, well I'm waiting for that some 50% off then.

  • Anyway, I was going to say, yeah, Tom Holland, I'm sorry.

  • I really like to applaud Spiderman, that was my point.

  • Sorry, sorry everyone.

  • All right, I hope that you have enjoyed this live stream.

  • I hope that you've learned a lot about

  • the wonders of being a modern woman and,

  • hello, oh, it's really just in the street

  • and someone wants to see them

  • and it just came to say hi as well.

  • - Hello, (mumbles) is very sleepy

  • because she just had a really big walk today, didn't you?

  • Oh yes, thank you very much,

  • everyone who has joined in on the stream.

  • It's been absolutely wonderful fun

  • as always chatting with you guys.

  • I really love doing live streams actually.

  • I should do them more.

  • How often would you want to see a live stream then?

  • I don't know how you can tell me that.

  • But, yeah, tell me how often you would like to see

  • live streams and I will try and make it happen.

  • All right, signing off now guys?

  • Someone says, what?

  • - [Clara] Sorry it's a bit delayed.

  • So now (mumbles). - Clara just did her half lick

  • that she does never spend and looks at her.

  • What are you doing?

  • Does someone asked to see your hair?

  • Is that's what's happening?

  • - [Clara] They all say nice things about my hair

  • in my comments, so I'm like uuh.

  • - Come here and say goodbye.

  • All right, wonderful human beings.

  • We shall see you very soon.

  • - Yes, thanks for the chat.

  • - Thank you very much for joining.

  • Absolutely lovely to chat with you all

  • and we'll see you again soon.

  • - Bye. - Bye guys.

- We're streaming into the void Clara,

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