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  • All right, so we talked about separable

  • Filters and the nice thing about separable filters is that they're incredibly quick

  • And this means that for example in computer games you could actually do some of this on the graphics card

  • At 60 frames a second, right? These are the kind of things that people who are writing computer games

  • Not me people who know what they're doing

  • well, I think if you the games are thinking about right, how can we do post processing like motion blur and

  • Bloom and other kinds of filters that look good in a game, but don't drive the whole thing to a halt

  • Separable filters are a great way of doing this

  • The problem is that Gaussian blur which is the thing

  • We kind of focused on

  • Doesn't look that good as a blur right if you say well I want to do some depth of field

  • I want to do some optical depth of field

  • All right

  • So I want the foreground person in my game to be nice and sharp and I want the background to be lovely blur, right?

  • It will look a bit odd. If you use a Gaussian because that's not what a lens does

  • You need to use a proper bokeh blur. I don't know how you pronounce that where bouquet is right bouquet right bokeh bouquet

  • Oh, yeah, I lost interest. It's because of the way that the optics of a camera work, right? So a

  • Gaussian your point is spread over a sort of Gaussian function. So it decreases like this, right?

  • That's not what happens in an optical blur my lens blur

  • So if we remember back a while ago, we did a light-filled video

  • You've got a point light source here, which is something in your scene a person a light. They've tree not important, right?

  • It's gonna be quite a few of these if they if your image has more than one pixel in it

  • You have a lens right which looks like this

  • it might have other glass optical elements and you have an imaging plane here like this and

  • What happens is point light don't just travel directly into your camera. Everything just emits light in lots of directions depending on its properties

  • so it comes in like this and when it's in focus

  • It will come and it will hit a point on here and that pixel will obtain that color

  • the color will be the sum of all of these light rays and then it sort of simplified to be usually between nought and

  • 255 if you're out of focus

  • What will happen is these light rays will come pass the camera like this and focus on a point behind it

  • And actually you'll have this light will now be spread over this whole area

  • From the front if this is the front of our square sensor every point will now be a circle like this

  • and each other point will also be a circle and another circle in another circle and this gets you that kind of

  • Characteristic Lens Blur that you see when something like light sources christmas tree lights or something are out of focus

  • Cut to a nice shot of this so people spend a lot of money on lenses

  • Primarily, I think because of the quality of this kind of blur. They're not perfect circles all the time

  • Sometimes there's slightly odd all their hexagons because you've got an aperture and things like this

  • They give this blurry sort of unique characteristic even down to a lens which you can't really get on a computer

  • But we can have a go because we've got to do it at 60 frames a second

  • You haven't got the option of thinking about Zeiss and like although this is most obvious when you're looking at point light actually this applies

  • To any blur right? If you do a Gaussian blow of a scene, that doesn't have very bright bits

  • It will still look a bit different than if you have a normal bouquet blur

  • Right, and and actually you look much better. If you do it properly. Can we recreate our

  • Separable filters, but now perform a lens blur or at least an approximation to a lens blur

  • And the answer is not it's not so easy, but you can kind of have a go

  • You have to start looking at imaginary numbers a little bit

  • But if we just sort of not worry about it too much you essentially replace your separable

  • Convolutions with two complex separable convolutions and we can start to start to get something going

  • So one particular game engine that does this is EA's Frostbite engine which drives a lot of its sports games

  • So things like Madden will have a nice blur on certain shots that's created by an artificial lens blur

  • Not a Gaussian blur other games might kind of fake it a bit of a Gaussian

  • I don't know Primavera folks. It's not technically correct. There's a kind of short paper on this

  • There's a few blogs online that talk about stepper lens blur. There's some implementations out there

  • I've got my own implementation that I wrote which I'll release at the end of this video

  • There was a nice presentation at the Game Developers Conference in 2017 showing office technology, right? So, this is real-time

  • Bouquet blur not Gaussian blur right? So how does it work?

  • well

  • the idea is that what we want to do is instead of having our kernel which is sort of like this and a

  • Gaussian we need to have it be a circle right in an ideal world that right

  • Which from the top looks like a nice cut clear-cut circle now you can do that

  • But you can't separate it

  • you can have a

  • kernel

  • Which is jazz a load of zeros and then a circle of ones in the middle and that will produce you a very nice filter

  • But it will take ages because you have to do all this point wise and it's not separable

  • So what we need to do is find a function that we can split into a vertical pass and a horizontal pass

  • All right, let's look at example, right one of the nice things about Gaussian is but it's separable right? It's a naturally separable function. So

  • How can we convert a Gaussian to something that kind of approximates this circular shape?

  • And the answer is that we can sort of add in an imaginary component and create sort of complex Gaussian

  • Now obviously we're not gonna go into huge amount of detail on complex numbers

  • But they have an imaginary and a real component. The imaginary component is multiplied by I which is a square root of minus 1

  • the good news for us is that most of the time when we actually need to use it the eyes get multiplied out and they'd

  • a sort disappear or become a minus number

  • All right

  • That's all buddy time gonna go into actually it's a bit like when we talked about our discrete cosine

  • Transform and when maybe some time we'll talk about Fourier transforms

  • We have waves that add together to create something the shape we want in this case

  • The wave is going to be a Gaussian, right? But it's going to go up and down like this

  • So instead of our Gaussian going like this, which is not quite centered what we're going to roll on it

  • We have one that goes up and down right in the complex the complex

  • Component of this Gaussian is the bit that makes it do that

  • So we have a Gaussian that sort of goes down like this and sort of centers around here and it comes down like this

  • All right. It's symmetrical

  • And then we have another one but perhaps come sort of like this

  • and when you add them together you

  • get the thing we want so these kind of cancel out and you sort of get some of looks a bit like this with a

  • Bit of wobbling around and then it comes up about here and then kind of goes like that and then down like that

  • Right and that is our circle and that is also separable because it's essentially got a Gaussian as it's sort of primary function

  • So I've coded this up and I've been using it to mess around with different blurs

  • Most of the code is to do with creating the kernels

  • I do some normalization and things like this then I pass the image from each component and the very end

  • I combine them Mayon. I'll draw a little diagram to show how that works

  • the more components you use a bit like in

  • JPEG or any kind of sort of adding of waves the more ways you use the better approximation. You're going to get right?

  • So if you're not watching it for a game engine, you can use maybe two each time you do this

  • You've got quite a few convolutions you can have to do these are complex multiplication operations in addition

  • It takes time, even on a graphics card, right and bear in mind. There's other game things to do, right? The game isn't static

  • with just this nice blur

  • So you've got other stuff to be worrying about fact that there's an imaginary number involved in some sense to me

  • Anyway, personally, I like to look at it. It's basically not making any difference at all

  • The only difference is but the addition and multiplication that you would normally do in a convolution is now a complex addition and a complex

  • Multiplication which are sort of well defined structures that you can just apply and this is a mathematical term not just as saying it's different

  • It's absolutely a mathematical term right and it's actually not very complicated. You have your image, right?

  • We have our first component C naught here and we have another component so you want we could have lots of errs

  • this has a

  • Complex kernel so that we'll have a real and imaginary right but they're just going to look a bit like gaussians like I showed you

  • This is going to be the same over here. These are different ones

  • And the idea is that when we add these two together, we get a very nice disk

  • so what we're going to do is we're going to

  • converge with these and we're going to converse in which with these and we're going to add them together at the end because I see

  • A lot of addition goes on. All right

  • so we take our image we go through here and we get another image out, which is our

  • Real and another image out which is our imaginary we go through here we get an image out. That's real and image out

  • that's an imaginary and

  • Then we add these two together

  • in a weighted sum and then we take our fine or weighted images for each component and we add them together in our

  • Final output like that. The reason we have to do these separately is so that we can make it separable, right?

  • This is this can be done separately

  • This can be done in the same way very very quickly, right if you're doing it for just two components

  • There's a few convolutions you have to do add it all together and you have your result the SEPA bility means that instead of doing

  • all the kernel for every location

  • we do a vertical pass of a strip and we take that output and put it through a horizontal pass and

  • Then we combine the outputs at the end and that's that's it mathematically equivalent to doing the 2d version but much much faster

  • So let's have a look at some outputs right now

  • I've written some code here very straightforward that essentially produces these complex kernels in one dimension and kind of higher than 10 image

  • You know in the correct order add them up at the end so we can blur smooches, you know

  • I'll release the code so you can have a look the original post that led me to this work

  • Outlined a few parameters for these kernels that butt looks good, right they heat optimized so I put them in as well

  • So let's have a look a couple of these kernels and see what they are. So if I just look at the zero

  • The one component pass, right?

  • So this is if you want to try and create a disc with just one of these complex kernels, like what would it look like?

  • Well, let's have a look. These are the real and imaginary parts of this particular component

  • And this is going to look roughly like a disc when we add these two together. Let's see. So if I take the two together

  • We can run it and it's kind of a doughnut he disc right?

  • And the reason is because you can't get a perfect disc with just a real and imaginary part added together

  • It's not going to work. So what we can do is we can take another kernel add that to it

  • and now we've got kind of two wheels and two imaginaries in some loose sense add these all together and maybe we can start to

  • Approximate this disc so we'll get a little bit better if I change this

  • And run that together

  • All right. So now it's got a bit of a ripple to it

  • But this is starting to look quite a lot better. Like this looks to me quite a lot like the disc

  • I'm hoping for and this is still separable so I can take a strip from the middle with a strip here and

  • I can run it in two passes and save a huge amount of time

  • because this is a sort of a this is I think a

  • 64 or 65 by 65 pixel kernel, this will be a big deal if you wanted to run this over an image

  • Especially, you know a sort of resolution of modern games run out so we can get even better we can add more and more components

  • So if I've ramped up the number of components like we get somebody looks really really quite good. There we go

  • so this now looks I think quite a lot like a disc so essentially

  • This is equivalent to running a circle of ones in a convolution over an image

  • It's just that now we can do it in these separable components and save ourselves a huge amount of time. It's not perfect, right?

  • The size is difficult to manage. The edge is not as sharp as I'd like this should be a sharp edge

  • But you can't get an absolutely sharp edge, but for a sort of game engine something in the background, it's gonna look great

  • And it's going to run really really quick in the EA and in the Frostbite engine

  • They'll only use two components so it won't be a perfect

  • Colonel but it will look pretty good stars are a classic example of some where we can use this blur

  • Because of course their point lights have a nice spread out nicely

  • So this is what happens if we Gaussian blur this image, it looks dull and light just like not high-resolution and doesn't look great

  • right, if we if we look at the lens version, I mean

  • I think it's aesthetically better, right?

  • When it looks like this, right each of these points has spread out into a nice disc

  • I've had to do some exposure here because it's that's difficult to do but I think it looks pretty good

  • So that's the Gaussian and that is the lens blur. I think that looks a lot better

  • so this is our fake lens blur by using our

  • Our circular disc kernel with lots of components because I wasn't worried about speed right?

  • Even if you did it with two components, we still look good

  • So if you were running this in a game

  • What you would do is you would start to separate out the foreground and the background of a scene you'd blur

  • Anything you wanted to not be in focus and keep anything

  • You did want to be in focus sharp, and then you'd start to bring them all together at the end by you know

  • Alpha blending or overlaying

  • so you sent me a picture of

  • Some Lego so we've got a lego man here on a table with some lights in a jar behind, right?

  • so this is quite a good example of something we could try this out on so you also

  • Thankfully gave me some foreground and background

  • Masks for this so I blurred the background and I blended in the foreground as you might do in a game

  • But love and encode it. I kind of hacked it together in paint, but I think it looks really good

  • So so this is our Gaussian attempt. So here I've essentially taken the man away

  • I've blurred at this using a Gaussian and I put the man back in basically and he looks okay

  • But if we flip to the lens blur, I think it looks a lot better, right?

  • It looks a lot more like a true sort of bouquet blur. You might expect from a lens

  • and so this is exactly what you'll see when you play FIFA and when you play

  • PGA Tour and when you play Madden and any of these sports titles when it cuts to a kind of nice depth of field shot

  • Let let's say means instant replay. This will be at work behind the scenes. There's loads of different tricks

  • It's just one of them. I think this is really interesting because apart from the fact that I think this is quite mathematically elegant, right?

  • Not everyone will agree. I

  • Just think it's cooler in these games and in you know

  • They're doing all these little tips and tricks to make it run at 60 frames

  • but still look really good and you don't notice like you know what no one really knows until you read up on it that

  • Madden has a different depth of field approach to some other games, but maybe you just liked that a little bit better

  • You didn't know and that's one of the things you liked about that game

  • And I just think that's really cool that you know

  • These things are going on behind the scenes so we don't know they exist but they just make it a little bit better

  • What you think right? So in this case, it's going through glass. The glass is moving things around that

  • Is going to be lost a little bit in our in our blur

  • Another thing is about our disk is not absolutely sharp. Right and we can't approximate hexagons with it

  • So you can't do that kind of blur

  • But I think the main problem is that the exposure is very hard to get

All right, so we talked about separable

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