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  • No, no.

  • Say it ain't so.

  • You took everything from it.

  • It had to be done in times of great need.

  • One must look up for advice.

  • It's when dies.

  • The series is over.

  • I said it many times.

  • Oh, great idea Tower!

  • Guide me!

  • Give me hope.

  • Give me strength.

  • Give me reasons not to quit.

  • Did you hear that?

  • Oh, it's Figi Figi.

  • All my friends are dead.

  • What do we do?

  • I should plant 20 million trees in mind.

  • Crime Way.

  • I will get back all my friends.

  • That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard.

  • Okay, gamers.

  • So to plant five billion trees in Minecraft, we're gonna need a lot of materials.

  • Okay, So to plan 20 million trees, that's not gonna be easy.

  • It's gonna be hard, but I like things done her heart.

  • Be quiet.

  • First we're gonna need bone meal, a lot of bone meal.

  • It's gonna be a whole bone fast.

  • And to do that, we're going to use the most common farm thing ever.

  • Zero take far me.

  • I know Sarah for my once talking about it.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Hey, look.

  • Hold Oh, stop talking.

  • Your slaves, Your slaves.

  • Remember your purpose.

  • Okay, Uh, we're gonna put one hopper sniper into the chest pesty.

  • Then we put the composting pastilles there.

  • And then we put the hope for sniper there.

  • I build it too low.

  • Dang it.

  • Hope for snow composed the cluster and hopper into peopie.

  • I guarantee.

  • Pippi, operate pee pee.

  • You put the rail.

  • You put the rail playing blank long for all.

  • Carefully Listen carefully.

  • Mind cards with Hopper's on them Black removed the mind cards do four and snow Perfect Chained.

  • You like sands?

  • Course you do.

  • Put sand in them.

  • Do it through it.

  • Do it now we can plant cactus, but not yet only fools with plant characters on the stage.

  • Pistons missed in here.

  • Look carefully, you stinky brainers.

  • You're naked, too.

  • Embarrassing Your naked look, They're crying.

  • Think this idea You put a no plug, right?

  • I don't remember Slime Crime Red Dead.

  • I should be a rapper or something.

  • And then, for whatever reason, that booty though.

  • And now we plant the filling trampy and activate.

  • Is it working?

  • Let's check it out.

  • Three bone meal.

  • We're gonna like that.

  • You chew up a bit.

  • Look at that speeding up speeding up.

  • I like it.

  • I like it.

  • While the bill bone meal is taking speaking, we're gonna get it down to the real business of building 20 million trees.

  • I forgot to mention why I'm filming 20.

  • Military's, obviously is Mr B's.

  • Ah, charity team trees were doing that for?

  • I mean, we're doing it to save L of animals, which makes perfect sense.

  • I'm sure someone's already done planting 20 million trees, but I doubt anyone's done it the way wearing about to do it.

  • I need to go back and get some materials.

  • B r B.

  • Hey, are you not getting Frank?

  • Don't stop that freak.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • It started liking my computer.

  • That's why we're gonna need a lot of fricking speaking clicking here.

  • Okay, Okay, Okay.

  • Observer Smer Vers servers.

  • Pistons lost the piston ce How tall is a tree?

  • About us?

  • Tallest.

  • My height in real life.

  • 1234 Yeah, that should be tall enough.

  • It's a dispensary is a dropper.

  • Things dispensing.

  • So you put it a Don't make that sexy face.

  • Don't make that set.

  • How is this legal in Minecraft?

  • Can someone explain?

  • This'll baby will shoot out.

  • Let's put this month.

  • Day.

  • But the compass Monty activated play tea, but the reddest ot and activated being being, being, being, being, being thinking, his mouth is making well what?

  • Okay.

  • Okay, now you're annoying.

  • Stop it.

  • I know you're 60 baby.

  • What's your name?

  • Mama.

  • Mama, I'll call you Mama.

  • Nothing right about that.

  • When tree grow, it will activate signal.

  • I guess we can put an observer.

  • How did I do the red stone for that?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • This is Redstone episode.

  • Very epic.

  • Okay, so now work.

  • Thanks, Johanna.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • I will stand here.

  • Although I think we need a roof on it.

  • Right.

  • Yeah, that's you.

  • Give him a little, uh, little hat.

  • Let me just see if this actually works.

  • Let's check.

  • Our bone meal is going.

  • Go.

  • Remember, with this from the show was about friendship and love.

  • Okay, let's try this for all my child.

  • Grow, grow ground.

  • But this your problem, you're useless.

  • I mean, the worst tree I've ever seen.

  • Oh, my God.

  • You're the why it work?

  • Uh, yes.

  • Does these fall off where they fall?

  • Eventually.

  • Ooh.

  • And if we get hoppers underneath, then that means we can collect all the p p.

  • Who collect o p p.

  • I like that.

  • I like that.

  • This is, however just the beginning.

  • Okay, this is gonna take a long time, but it means we'll get a lot of bone.

  • Me?

  • It's 20 million trees.

  • This is how you do it.

  • This is the most stink.

  • Yes.

  • Brainiest thing.

  • Hey.

  • Oh, Bob, That's super rare.

  • That's so cool that you're dead.

  • You're dead.

  • I wish your parents were here so they could see what failures you are.

  • Okay, so 123456789 10 11 12.

  • Epic.

  • Not Let's do that.

  • Four more times.

  • Things is fun, right?

  • We're having fun.

  • You're on fun yet You missed when?

  • Well, what do you think I'm doing this behind?

  • Why, Mr Busy?

  • Why could we not have found better solution?

  • Okay, okay.

  • I like it.

  • I like it.

  • I like it.

  • We'll put an observer here, and that is going to power.

  • I said as soon as the region's hear all the things we're gonna push, it's just gonna keep threat to Malin trees.

  • Blank the milling treat.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • 20 million trees, 20 million trees easy, easy.

  • Look at things.

  • That's the sweet sound of bones being crushed.

  • Goddammit!

  • I just realized observer will activate itself once it reaches here, will it?

  • Yeah.

  • Damn, it is, uh, the most overly complicated thing, but it just might work.

  • It's a good edge of my work.

  • Uh, yes.

  • Okay.

  • Maybe my brain and small, but I think this might just work.

  • All right?

  • We just gotta power.

  • Go away.

  • Just got a power.

  • So what we do is we played plop plate, okay?

  • Follow carefully being poem this way we don't need Ah, repeaters, Flip flop, flip flop, flip flop.

  • And then we got to make a signal.

  • Go up like your mama's smut.

  • I'm gonna put a repeater just to be safe because I'm all about that.

  • Why did I decided Tiu this?

  • Okay, then they will go there being bone bing bung and then being blown all the way over here.

  • You're following me.

  • Yeah.

  • Big bunk all the way.

  • All the way, all the way thing buying all the way.

  • And I think that's it.

  • I think that's it for the piston bits.

  • Look at this door.

  • It will.

  • It will make it a symmetric a little bit, but hey, hey, let's try it.

  • Okay.

  • Flinty plant.

  • I guess it's not day, so it might take longer.

  • Oh, never mind.

  • Oh, I go to bag happens to me all the time.

  • That was peepee joke in Minecraft.

  • No, it didn't grow too big.

  • These ones, the connective.

  • Oh, it's cause this slide here.

  • Africa.

  • Yes.

  • Uh huh.

  • All right.

  • We just gotta make sure it works until it gets there.

  • That's the scary bit.

  • I need to do something about these as well.

  • Okay, Looking good.

  • Looking good.

  • Oh, God, I'm so scared.

  • Dammit!

  • What did these not activate?

  • Okay, now it work.

  • Yeah, Yeah!

  • Banya ready, She mata.

  • Hola, Papa.

  • Papa!

  • Papa!

  • Up by.

  • Hope up a snap, huh?

  • Oh, Papa.

  • Snap, Papa.

  • Now we got to do something about these bushes.

  • This filthy goddamn bushes!

  • Okay, now I built him.

  • I built a monster.

  • It's a month!

  • Oh, my God.

  • I'm scared of it.

  • Uh, will it work?

  • Oh, no, it won't work there.

  • Damn AG necks were gonna put up a bunch of Hopper sme upper making things a lot more unnecessarily difficult.

  • Let me use.

  • Needs to be right.

  • Last one last test.

  • I mean, come on, please.

  • Work.

  • Uh, kind of.

  • How did that happen?

  • Alright, here we go.

  • Last one it work, sort.

  • The last one.

  • Let's see if I can catch it.

  • Coming?

  • Yep.

  • Please work.

  • It worked.

  • Yeah, he tries slide problem 90 Problem.

  • I can't reach a chest.

  • I don't know why I put it under me, but now we have a fully functioning Yeah, it looks spiders impress.

  • Don't look.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Okay, Now let's make 20 million of them.

  • Cute A montage to save Sven once and for all.

  • Bra.

  • Okay.

  • Keep doing your thing, girl.

  • There you have it, folks.

  • 20 million trees.

  • Yeah, it's 20 million.

  • Okay, A Marzia.

  • What?

  • Where'd she go?

  • Okay, so maybe wasn't 20 million trees, But this is a cz, Many as I can get.

  • Let's talk to faggy once and for all.

  • I can't tower.

  • I've done this.

  • You policed?

  • I made 20 million trees in mind cry.

  • I could probably make more if I just planted them.

  • But still fakey what they do.

  • Just go back my old safe.

  • How Oh, my dog!

  • Why did you not say so?

  • What?

  • This This old safe I'll he's talking about that will never work.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Stop!

  • Why am I so close?

  • Mike?

  • Bag!

  • You're all here.

  • You are again.

  • Smart again.

  • Hurry!

  • Let's get out of here.

  • Bank full of me.

  • There you go.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Yes.

  • I missed you all so much.

  • Vince.

  • Boyfriend, son, and spend that.

  • But why?

  • Why did you do this?

  • Why did you leave me for so long?

  • You wanted to surprise me for my birthday.

  • You were all planning a party for me.

  • But where is Ola?

  • Britta?

  • Britta!

  • My gold!

  • That Britta.

  • You found the recipe online for beetroot cake.

  • And Beatrice told you they should all hide to make a surprise party.

  • What kind of what do you mean?

  • For my 30th birthday sets in.

  • Close your eyes, bro.

  • Okay, bro.

  • Turn the round, bro.

  • Keep brute open.

  • Your eyes broke.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Thank you guys.

  • Uh, look at the new.

  • I kept our guys.

  • I build it because I was lonely and sad.

  • But now I am had never leave me again.

  • Gamers, check out team trees.

  • Save the planet.

  • Smash like you guys in the booth.

No, no.

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