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  • please go to the line the computer guy dot com in order to view schematics, code and Maur for the projects that you are learning about.

  • Welcome back to today.

  • I want to talk about data center co location for your cloud infrastructure.

  • So I've thought about software as a service and infrastructure service and platform is a service and metal as a service and all of these ways that you can off load the types of technology work that are not important for your company, right?

  • So again, if you're out there and you're a construction company, you're trying to sell construction projects.

  • You don't wanna worry about servers and data centers and dealing with operating systems and all that kind of thing.

  • You just want software as a service.

  • You just simply want salesforce dot com or quickbooks dot com or something like that.

  • You want to be able to use functionality and features from software, but you don't want to worry about the infrastructure and servers that go along with it.

  • Now, if you're with a coding or development company, you may want some place to be able to host your code so you'll go and you will write all of your code.

  • You want someplace to put that code where it will run.

  • But you don't want to worry about the servers and you don't want to worry about the rounding and you don't wanna have to worry about all that kind of stuff.

  • You get all the way to mental as a service and with metal as a service.

  • For some reason, maybe you need to get down to those root level permissions and an operating system, so you need to be able to control user accounts and permissions on that operating system.

  • You might even want to be able to go in there and tweak the colonel.

  • But again, you don't really want to worry about that data center.

  • You don't want to really have to worry about buying physical equipment, all of that kind of thing.

  • So you can go and you can simply a rent a dedicated server from one of the service providers while in the same idea in the same concept.

  • You may be sitting there going Oh, you know what I want to do?

  • I want to create the next face, but I don't want to create the next YouTube.

  • And in order to create the next YouTube, I need to use a sand or a NASDA vice.

  • That's very specific, but I don't want to host that in my own facility.

  • I don't wanna have to build out of data center.

  • I don't wanna have to worry about a TV, A C systems and power redundancy and all that kind of stuff.

  • And so what I'm going to do is I'm going to go out and I'm going to buy all this physical equipment.

  • So at this point, I am buying all the physical equipment I own, all of the physical equipment.

  • I'm responsible for the physical equipment, but I'm simply going to go out and rent a place to be able to install this equipment.

  • So have people on the Internet are able to access it, and that's what we get to with a co location.

  • Data centers essentially, these air data centers, where you are able to rent space in the data center and rent functionality from the data center on.

  • Then put your own equipment in there so you can go in there and again if you're going to some of these co location facilities you can see some amazingly high end equipment.

  • You go in there and you're like, Wow, I haven't actually seen one of those things in the wild on then Other other racks you could go and you can take a look.

  • You go.

  • Wow, I didn't know one of these.

  • Those things is still running like it's really interesting.

  • Go into a co location data center because it is.

  • You'll go in there and you'll see Iraq of the highest and equipment that money can buy and then another rack right beside it.

  • I swear we don't see some piece of crap.

  • 10 year old Dell server just chugging along on The reason is, is the reason is because that crappy asked, 10 year old Dell server is doing whatever the customer needs it to do.

  • Basically, they need a place to be able to have it run.

  • They need to be able to connected TV, Internet.

  • They need to have power and all those kinds of things.

  • But again, they don't really care about the power of the machine.

  • Doesn't have to be the latest doesn't have to be the greatest.

  • We just need some place to be a plug in our machine and make sure that it's running 24 hours a day.

  • So we're talking about co location facilities.

  • This is where you own all the equipment.

  • You're responsible for all of the equipment.

  • You are simply a rate renting space and racks, or you're renting entire racks on their own, and you're getting a connection to the Internet at whatever speed your contract ID for so basically, it's kind of like a condo space for servers and for networking equipment.

  • So that's what we're talking about, what we're talking about, a co location in data centers.

  • So the first thing to be thinking about when you're thinking about a data center co location is basically the physical location of where you would like your servers to run.

  • There's a couple of things you need to think about when you're thinking about that.

  • So when you're thinking about Data Center co location, the first thing to realize is that there are a crap ton of co location facilities out there in the world.

  • So they're cool location facilities all throughout the United States, throughout Europe, throughout Asia, throughout Africa, the whole nine yards.

  • So when you're thinking about co location.

  • This is not something where there is only one or two vendors out there with a couple of dinos centers that you could go with.

  • There are guests.

  • There are an enormous number of vendors out there with an enormous number of different options for you.

  • So one of the first things that you need to be thinking about is does it matter geographically where your servers are located?

  • So you're gonna be thinking about things like a leighton see, and that type of thing.

  • So if you're used doing video game servers right late and see is very important.

  • So you want your servers to be physically as close to your end user as possible.

  • Another hand.

  • If you're doing something like an online backup system, you know, as long as the system's back up in a reasonable amount of time, it doesn't really matter, Right?

  • Eso?

  • If you're doing online backup system, you might be able to put your servers anywhere in the world that you want based off of things like a regulatory compliance and costs in that type of thing.

  • So the first thing you need to be thinking about is as far as your indie users are concerned doesn't matter where your server's are physically located.

  • The next thing you need to be thinking about is how are you going to be maintaining your servers once you spend them up?

  • And are they close enough to you to actually be able to maintain your server?

  • So it is very important to understand here, this is not metal is a service, right?

  • So metal as a service is where you rent a dedicated server.

  • And if something happens in that dedicated server, then the tech support for the company that you're dealing with has to deal with it.

  • Remember these air your physical machines.

  • These air your physical machines of a CPU fail fans on one of your physical machines.

  • You are responsible for it.

  • And so this is something that you really do have to think about, right.

  • So if you go with a data center that's within half an hour of you and and something crashes, then it's rather easy for you to be able to get in your car and go and try to try to fix whatever's going on.

  • On the other hand, again, if you pick a data center.

  • That's closer to your end users but may be far away from you.

  • That means you have to travel to wherever that data center is to repair the equipment.

  • Or you have to have some kind of maintenance contract with some kind of let's say, I t consultancy or manage service provider to go and repair that equipment.

  • So that is something that is very important to be thinking about is when you think about spending up your equipment somewhere.

  • If something fails, if that stupid ass CPU fail fan fails, how are you going to get your systems back online?

  • And again, if your equipment, you know, it was halfway around the country or halfway around the world, and you literally have to hop on a plane in order to repair that equipment that can run you into a lot of problems?

  • So that's something to be thinking about, then passed that when you're going out and you're thinking about renting in a co location facility, you're going to be renting by what is called the U.

  • S.

  • O.

  • U.

  • U was a standard unit of measurement a SZ faras rack servers are concerned, so whenever you're dealing with rack mounted equipment.

  • Whether it's rack mounted servers with this rack mounted switches or other networking equipment, there will be a size of that equipment in U.

  • S.

  • O normal size servers.

  • You'll hear of one U servers or one you size networking equipment or whatever.

  • And so that is a unit of measurement.

  • Larger servers such as Let's Say, servers that hold a lot of hard drives.

  • Let's a storage servers those might be fore you piece of equipment.

  • So when you're going to go out and rent space and a cold location facility, you need to think about how many you you need to be thinking about how much space you need.

  • So basically, a lot of times you'll actually go out.

  • And for me, I actually had my servers and a co location facility for a while when I started the business.

  • And so it was, ah, $100 per month per you.

  • So I went in with 21 U servers.

  • That means I had to use to use a space, and so that cost me $200 a month.

  • When you go out to rent space, you can either rent buy to you Sometimes you can rent by the quarter rack.

  • Sometimes you can rent by 1/2 rack, and sometimes you can rent by the full rack.

  • But something to be thinking about is if you rent rent by the full rack or the quarter rack or the half rack is just making sure you know how many you are in that rack.

  • So so when you have a server rack, different server racks have different sizes.

  • So the standard size, like a 40 to U server racks of Theoretically, you could put in 40 to 1 year's U servers, theoretically, but one of things that would be thinking about with whatever cool location facility you go with.

  • The rack size is maybe different.

  • Might be a 50 Iraq.

  • Or maybe it's a 35 year, 36 years.

  • Iraq, I suppose on.

  • So when you go out to rent a full rack, you do.

  • You need to remember how much space is in that actual rack and then me thinking about how much space you need for your equipment.

  • So the first thing you need to be thinking about is how many you do you need past that?

  • Is that power consumption's of power consumption is one of those things a lot of us don't really think about when we're spinning up servers, right, You plug your server, you're pulling your computer into the wall, you turn it on right.

  • As long as it turns on you have enough power.

  • You don't really think about it much more than that, right?

  • Uh, well, one of things be thinking about when you go into a cold location facility, it is that they are part of the contract is they will give you so many amps.

  • So one and five and 10 at 30.

  • And so when you put a piece of equipment into the rack that will have a certain amount of power draw, it might be half an AMP.

  • It might be five amps, right, depending on the piece of equipment.

  • So if you have something like a switch or a router or rather just a normal crappy server or something like that, you might have, like a one and power drop another hand.

  • If you have some big piece of storage equipment that has a lot of hard drive's spinning and doing whatever it is that they dio, you may have a lot larger power draw may have up to something like a four and power drop.

  • So one of the things that you need to be thinking about is what is the power consumption of the equipment that you're going to be putting into the co location facility, And then how much power are you actually bind?

  • Right, If you buy one amp of power and your equipment requires 10 amps of power is basic math your equipment isn't going to work on.

  • So this could be a frustrating thing, especially for new folks.

  • Now, when you're trying to figure out the actual power draw of equipment, it can be a little bit confusing, cause again when you have equipment.

  • Um, but then you know what load there under depending on what additional things you've added to that equipment.

  • Do you have GPU cards in your equipment?

  • How many hard drives you have spending your equipment?

  • Do you have platter based hard drives or do you have solid state drives?

  • You can have a lot of different results for what the power draw.

  • Maybe I would argue you can get a little device that will actually show you how much amps.

  • How many amps your equipment is pulling?

  • I would say that you should probably purchase one of those devices.

  • Plug your equipment into that device to make sure what the power draw is.

  • If if you don't have that or if you don't have the equipment yet, then you can call up the vendors and communicate with the vendors and try to see what the expected and use it will be.

  • And so this is an important thing to be thinking about when you're gonna be actually going out there and renting from a cold location facility past that.

  • You then have the band with that you are allocated.

  • So whenever you're dealing with band with first, you're going to get the speed.

  • So what is it?

  • What is the total amount of concurrent speed that you can use is a hunter megabits per second?

  • Is it a gig per second?

  • Is it 10 gigs per second?

  • Is it literally almost unlimited?

  • You might go with the data center that gives you almost unlimited.

  • But one of the important things be thinking about is what speed are you going to be getting out of your co location facility?

  • So you're doing basic things such as you're doing an email server.

  • Oh, I don't know.

  • Things like e mail servers, that type of thing, maybe 100 megabits per second connection.

  • It is more than enough for you.