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  • wind draft.

  • You ever heard of that by the game?

  • Now we're gonna have more of that game smash like Minecraft sub.

  • Ready?

  • I don't know why I never thought of these.

  • This is like free content.

  • It's so obvious.

  • Why have I not reviewed the Minecraft subreddit yet?

  • Instead of me playing Minecraft, you can watch me reacting to other people playing mind crack, Grab your favorite pick axe and let's just dig straight down into it.

  • All right?

  • My heart stopped for the entire time, huh?

  • E like her placing torches.

  • You just like yourself in boy.

  • I think this is why you need to do Oh, wow.

  • He made it where she girls complain Minecraft to.

  • I've been told it's true.

  • If I played, I would have killed them all.

  • New.

  • Clearly not mine.

  • Cracked veteran.

  • Oh my God!

  • Here it is.

  • This is the photo.

  • They never came back.

  • No, don't make me think about what happens when I die.

  • Are remote.

  • What happens?

  • This is like Toy story.

  • The point Someone needs to make a movie about this.

  • What happens to your mind?

  • Cracked dog after you die?

  • I made a world generator that doesn't add bio mes but improves on the vanilla ones.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • I especially like the trees that are inside the ground.

  • I like the mountains, though that's pretty dope like the curves gets no jitters and like curbs.

  • For some reason, I thought my walking house could use a friend.

  • Oh, this is Ah, Mac Macca Stein.

  • He's the guy that did my Pootie pie Voss fight, I think.

  • Yes, there it is.

  • Oh, my God, it controls.

  • See, a lot of people have been telling me I should start using mods in mind, crapping out that it's so dope like mod its survival this thing Thio kind of keep it fresh for you and you can do this kind of stuff back in Stipe if you want to do another one, please.

  • You can do finally trying my crowd of blame terrarium, But something isn't quite right.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • Yeah, I never played Ferrari.

  • I remember, though, when Torok came out, it was like a lot of controversy of people saying it was coughing.

  • It's just to the Minecraft CMA veterans.

  • I remember the old Greaves of the past blast re system walls using water logged chairs stairs.

  • Okay, These walls can't blow up.

  • What?

  • Because of the water on the side.

  • Oh, okay.

  • That's pretty cool, actually.

  • See, I figured out.

  • See?

  • I figured it out, guys.

  • It's because it's water under side.

  • Yeah, I think it's so this ruin it thinking I don't know.

  • You could do that.

  • I mean, that stuff.

  • So many things in my crack.

  • That just makes no sense.

  • But there's nothing to see the hair.

  • These are totally normal doors.

  • Well, uh, that's created God, no.

  • Okay, that's dope.

  • Oh, my.

  • Just open the door place.

  • That's good.

  • That's funny.

  • Don't zoom.

  • Just a casual picture of Chicago.

  • Whoa.

  • Someone looked at Chicago and was like I could build that.

  • Wow.

  • I mean, that is cool.

  • That's cool.

  • Wallpaper mixed up Solar system.

  • Come on, gamers, let's make the universe in mind cracked.

  • Then we never have to leave.

  • What?

  • There's bees in Minecraft week are happy that hears about it.

  • I don't know.

  • Am I allowed to play than you want?

  • Because I don't think you can spawn them without cheating?

  • Or should I just wait for the actual update?

  • I feel like I should just wait for the update.

  • I made a bee source pack.

  • Of course.

  • Of course.

  • How to bring dolphin tome?

  • What?

  • No, they can go on.

  • This is good for me.

  • I'm learning stuff.

  • What?

  • No, they're gonna drown.

  • What is happening?

  • So he threw a potion on them to make them fly.

  • Is that what's happening?

  • What is he doing?

  • Okay, we got Oh, my God.

  • Is he flying?

  • Yeah.

  • Ah, that's great.

  • Bring him a boy's bag.

  • There you go.

  • Oh, that's adorable.

  • I made a debt.

  • A pack that lets you put Saito's onto Oh, my God.

  • Okay, I'm getting the beast.

  • And I think this when you can control them with a flower and a stick.

  • That's great.

  • Next with their battle, I found a completely bird NPC house and this poor farmer in it.

  • So I decided to give him a cozy place.

  • What?

  • Sometimes they spawned randomly.

  • What?

  • Oh, his house is under ground, but he's a zombie.

  • Oh, that's so nice.

  • Oh, God.

  • It's all about the bees Now.

  • I made my my friend maybes into puffer.

  • Now it's a big pufferfish into bees.

  • That's great.

  • Name a better couple.

  • I dare you Name a more iconic dodo.

  • I read her.

  • Distance is low, and this happened.

  • That's terrifying.

  • Okay, that's Sapphic.

  • My mom made a cool Minecraft cake for my little cousin along with another cake that has the creeper face on it with frosting.

  • Okay, all your mom wins.

  • Congratulations.

  • You're not to show it off.

  • So me and my went mate went to kill the under dragon.

  • I got blasted off into oblivion while he destroyed the orders.

  • I ended up taking 1/4 of its health, hitting it with a stake and half with my friends.

  • Trusted shovel whiles he shot it.

  • My weapons have since been immortalized in our base.

  • L Oh, well, it sounds like your friend killed the dragon while you just beat it with the stake for no reason.

  • Okay.

  • And how do you not know how to do a screenshot?

  • Jesus Christ is 2019.

  • I'm sorry, but bra, huh?

  • This is a lot about parenting.

  • Same thing happened with me.

  • Oh, okay.

  • That actually looks really cool.

  • I like that.

  • See, I haven't followed that.

  • Development of Minecraft is so long.

  • But do they take community feedback and stuff like that?

  • Because that's really cool.

  • Actually.

  • See I knew about this drink.

  • It's not It's not even that useful.

  • I mean, I would never shoot in Minecraft.

  • Hello, Next one.

  • That's so cute.

  • Not we need language in Minecraft.

  • Did I say that already?

  • There should be penguins.

  • Come on.

  • They need to do more with the snow step.

  • My friend asked me to sleep, but he seems cactus suspicious.

  • I was wonder if you could do bunk beds.

  • That's awesome.

  • Damn, damn it!

  • What does everyone build such cool stuff?

  • Meanwhile, I just build a meatball.

  • So he put glass on the exterior of of it is Nobody did.

  • I'm confused.

  • Okay, that's epic.

  • I feel so useless on the sudden foe.

  • Okay.

  • Uh damn.

  • Brunt.

  • How bra!

  • Stop!

  • Stop!

  • What?

  • Okay, that's cool.

  • Well played.

  • I made squid towards infinity room.

  • What?

  • Bees were his versus the weather.

  • There it is.

  • So it's already done it.

  • Goddamn it!

  • Come on, Base, please.

  • Oh, Dan.

  • Damn!

  • Bees!

  • Babies!

  • Okay, that was epic.

  • Freaked out my friends by going a f k while looking up skipping at day how to get banned from a server in 27 seconds.

  • Okay, you play some snow.

  • Yes, but you can make snow carpet Okay?

  • Yes.

  • What does that do?

  • Oh, that's another way to do it.

  • Oh, I am learning so much about Minecraft.

  • Not that I need it, though.

  • You can trick a loyal trident.

  • How?

  • Oh, what?

  • No cheat chipped for Tried it.

  • It's trying to help you.

  • The council will test site Council Of what?

  • Their sheep alternate universe.

  • Given your bill that see, I wanna build that.

  • It's awesome.

  • Safe.

  • I'm getting so many great ideas to steal.

  • Damn is that Just maps plays down.

  • I never use mam's.

  • That's actually pretty cool.

  • Hey, by the way, I've been wanting to do this for a long time.

  • Seed, Here's my seed.

  • Tell me where all the epic stuff iss I think my chicken farm got a little out of hand.

  • Those are eggs.

  • Damn.

  • See, I haven't done that yet.

  • I haven't even built a cathedral yet in Minecraft.

  • Come on, be boat.

  • H d.

  • We have to capture bees in vote.

  • Come on.

  • We have so much stuff left to do in my crack.

  • My friend had a near death experience yesterday.

  • Whoa, whoa!

  • That is so unlucky.

  • Lucky to see that again.

  • All right.

  • So that's why you don't place torches on the floor in front of you.

  • Dan, this ender man is disappointed at me.

  • Uh huh.

  • That's great.

  • I made a house, but every block is eight by a What does that mean?

  • Oh, my God.

  • Okay, that's kind of cool.

  • I made a working TV using command blocks.

  • What the Our dead.

  • Wow.

  • I love the channels.

  • That's really good.

  • I just fell in love in our room.

  • Golem doesn't do his job properly.

  • Built him a deserted floating island where I hope he will rethinks his actions.

  • I need Thio also make any to make, like a punishment place.

  • Like the range an actual physical ranch.

  • My God, is that slime or what is happening?

  • Cool.

  • An unfortunate series.

  • Oh, God!

  • Oh, creepers, man.

  • Oh, man.

  • Just like all man walking up every block in mind crap.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • I think I get it.

  • Okay.

  • All right.

  • There's a lot of blocks in my crap.

  • What is your favorite block in Minecraft?

  • Mine is your mom's, but I found out how to get under bedrock.

  • Well, you could just take a piston and push yourself down.

  • Come on, What a nube!

  • Whoa!

  • Okay, well, you're dead now.

  • Congratulations with your Electra building a witch farm.

  • What?

  • How does that work?

  • That's really dope.

  • The what do they spawn in small.

  • They spotted swamp.

  • Oh, yeah, it is.

  • This one doesn't need to be as even as possible.

  • Or And that's to get all the water out, too.

  • Damn grass is growing.

  • Lookout.

  • Satisfying, that is.

  • Oh, man, that's so much work.

  • God, I mean, I respect the hustle, but, bro, Seriously, bro, I think he was having a bit of a bad day.

  • I'm like one of these.

  • I e didn't know pandas could summer, so that's also I mean, it's terrible, but awesome.

  • I realize that sand floats on bubble cons.

  • What?

  • That's so cool.

  • What is this?

  • Oh, my God.

  • What, bro?

  • What am I looking?

  • Ah, stop.

  • Okay, your flip phone is cool and all, but what about playing Minecraft on a t?

  • I ate four plus seat.

  • Damn, That's some nice frame rate you got going there, buddy.

  • Damn.

  • Looks like your died there, buddy.

  • That sucks.

  • Oh, man.

  • Ah, I wish I saw this.

  • That's so much better.

  • Damn it.

  • You find a spawn or next to your base.

  • Oh, my God, No!

  • Is that possible?

  • Isn't there a limit?

  • Texas Christ!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Just let them fight it out.

  • Boys will be boys.

  • You just gotta let them fight it out.

  • The town hall of Hamburg in Minecraft.

  • Good job.

  • Excuse me.

  • What?

  • Uh what?

  • Oh, Minecraft.

  • The most realistic game.

  • I just witnessed a murder.

  • No.

  • Okay, about it would push it now.

  • Okay, See now I don't feel it's bad for doing that.

  • The Council of Dogs.

  • There's a lot of councils.

  • I thought there was only one count, so thank you very much.

  • Oh, my God.

  • They have a secret entrance.

  • I have a secret ends in interest in my counsel as well.

  • Thank you very much.

  • That's cute.

  • That's adorable.

  • Alright, gamers, that's it for this week.

  • Elmer said yet it is not a weekly thing, but it's a Minecraft thing.

  • So why should I have enjoyed, uh, my sweater designed by me and Marta.

  • Very epic.

  • Chicken out, suki dot Market.

  • Thank you very much.

  • And I'll see you guys next time.

  • Bye bye.

  • What?

  • You haven't tried to per simulated city after 50 million Astros?

  • My I can't do it.

  • My down just now.

wind draft.

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