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  • I consider myself a train vigilante...


  • ..and... I don't think you need to read any more.

  • ..and enjoy clamping down on passengers

  • who break my strict code of conduct.

  • David. OK.

  • What's the code of conduct, Henning?

  • I just think when you travel on public transport,

  • you have to consider others.

  • Oh, was it you consider yourself a TRAIN vigilante

  • or a TRAINED vigilante?

  • No, train. Oh, train. Choo-choo!

  • I thought he said "trained". I thought he said "trained"! Yeah.

  • Would you, for the sake of some of the dimmer panellists,

  • would you read it again, please?

  • I thought he said "trained".

  • I have to be honest, I thought you said "trained" as well.

  • I think maybe you did say trained vigilante.

  • How many people here think he said "trained"?

  • AUDIENCE: Yes!

  • Would you please read it again?

  • I mean, Brexit doesn't make me leave, but you lot definitely...


  • I consider myself a choo-choo vigilante...

  • ..and enjoy clamping down on passengers

  • who break my strict code of conduct.

  • It's interesting he says "clamping down".

  • What would you clamp down on?

  • What I would consider out of orderness.

  • So can we just run a couple past you? Yeah.

  • Someone with their feet up on the seat.

  • They might get a stern look. OK...

  • What else don't you like? Give him another example.

  • So, imagine I'm sitting there,

  • imagine I'm sort of a large, threatening figure...

  • My God, David, give us a minute.

  • ..and I'm playing some, you know... Rachmaninoff.

  • ..frightening, popular music.

  • Yeah, absolutely, some Rachmaninoff.

  • And it's very loud on my phone there in front of me.

  • What do you say to me?

  • I'll do the music, right? Yeah.

  • You can nod your head,

  • and you, Henning, can walk over and tell him.

  • OK. So, first... What I do is....

  • I haven't started the music yet.


  • Rachmaninoff, yeah?

  • It's RAP-maninoff. Nice!


  • Train's speeding up!

  • Should we...? Yeah.

  • Rob. Rob, Rob!

  • That's beatboxing, that's not rap. Sorry.

  • Am I right?

  • RAPS: # I get up in the morning and I have some tea

  • # I like to drink some tea... #

  • That's not, that's not rapping either.

  • Also rhyming is not the same - if you just use the same word twice.

  • Look...

  • RAPS: # I want some tea cos I like some tea! #

  • I was under a lot of pressure.

  • Have you ever thought about doing the new Eminem film?

  • You could have a proper battle!


  • If I see a really imposing figure... That's me. David.

  • ..I'll have a look what the numbers are

  • in the rest of the carriage,

  • how confident I am.

  • Nah, he's too big.

  • All right. Kiri, do you think that Henning's been telling the truth?

  • No. No, of course not.

  • I think it would take a lot of confidence to walk over to someone

  • on any train carriage and just say to a stranger, "Be quiet."

  • I mean it in the nicest possible way -

  • I don't think you've got it in you.

  • I agree with Kiri. I think probably not, actually.

  • You think not? I think we don't think it's true.

  • You're going to say it's a lie.

  • OK, Henning, were you telling the truth, or were you telling a lie?

  • Well, to the best of my knowledge, this story is...

  • ..true.

I consider myself a train vigilante...

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