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  • (cheery music)

  • Hi everybody!

  • Today I'm going to show you how to make Korean traditional black beans.

  • Braised black beans.

  • In Korean: Geomeun kongjorim.

  • I brought these dried black beans.

  • I'm going to soak these guys and then cook.

  • With soy sauce, and sweetener.

  • When it's cooked, each bean will look like a really gorgeous

  • pretty black jewel.

  • So it has to be really really nicely cooked.

  • First let's measure 8 ounce black beans.

  • Give me 8 ounce black beans!

  • I will make a really really shiny delicious side dish!

  • This is 8 ounce.

  • These black beans are very special.

  • You see, black beans.

  • With green kernels.

  • So, also in Korean: Seoritae.

  • I like to wash very nicely.

  • Come on, let's wash!

  • You see? The water is a little dusty.

  • Right?

  • You have to wash nicely.

  • So this water is maybe around 5 cups, and soak.

  • Like this.

  • For 10 hours.

  • But we cannot wait 10 hours, right?

  • So I did it already exactly 10 hours before.

  • I soaked this.

  • So it looks like this -

  • This water is dark, right?

  • I told you: inside the kernel is a green color.

  • Like this.

  • Let's drain.

  • And put this here.

  • And I need 2 and a half cups of water.

  • Water or this soaked water.

  • Because we washed this really nicely so we can use this.

  • One..

  • Two...

  • I will bring more water.

  • So I added some cold water.

  • 2 and a half cups water or bean water.

  • And then let's cook!

  • Cover...

  • So medium heat...

  • I'm cooking this for 30 minutes.

  • Around 10 minutes later, 8 to 10 minutes later it will boil over

  • Then I will just cover half.

  • Let's set the timer.

  • What is the benefit of black beans? Why do Koreans love love this side dish?

  • Black beans have a variety of good nutrients.

  • Of course protein, minerals, calcium

  • And vitamins. In Korea a few years ago there was a fad

  • about black beans.

  • They said that black beans are really good for your heart.

  • So that it regulates your blood pressure and also cholesterol.

  • And all kinds of things, even anti-cancer.

  • And also it's good for kidneys.

  • So you can even use it to detoxify your body.

  • So, it sounds like a real panacea! (laughs)

  • Most interesting thing for me is that it's good for my complexion!

  • It's also good for hair growth.

  • (laughs) Kidney, heart, hair growth, everything!

  • Some people make a side dish like this.

  • But some people don't want to add any sweetener,

  • They want to eat just as it is after cooking it.

  • They usually cook: boil and just eat like a snack.

  • So this one is... I made this.

  • Like this.

  • I didn't add any seasoning.

  • Let me taste.

  • Just a little nutty.

  • I can't say it's really delicious, you know.

  • But good for your body and good for your health.

  • So around 7, 8 minutes later.

  • Just now it's boiling over.

  • You see? A lot of foam.

  • Foams. And you can just skim off.

  • And stir like this.

  • This foam is edible.

  • But to make a clear broth I'll just skim off a little bit.

  • And then...

  • Cover, cover just half like this.

  • And keep cooking.

  • (people talking)

  • (birds chirping)

  • In a few minutes it will be 30 minutes cooking.

  • I wanna show you.

  • And stir this with your woooden spoon.

  • Next I'm going to crush my garlic.

  • Three cloves of garlic.

  • Minced.

  • (alarm rings)

  • You heard that, eh?

  • (laughs) 30 minutes is already passed.

  • Chop chop chop!

  • Fast fast!

  • Now I turned off and I will add some seasoning here.

  • Garlic.

  • And 3 tablespoons soy sauce.

  • I used organic dark brown sugar.

  • But you guys can also use white or any brown sugar.

  • So...

  • Quarter cup.

  • And vegetable oil, 1 tablespoon.

  • And stir this.

  • And I will turn on the heat.

  • Cook over low heat 10 minutes.

  • During the 10 minutes cooking, all the sugar is melted

  • and the garlic is infused, soy sauce is going to be infused into the beans.

  • So 10 minutes passed.

  • Let's see!

  • Look at that!

  • Let's see.

  • I have to really evaporate this and make it shiny.

  • So I will add a quarter cup rice syrup.

  • Turn up the heat over medium high heat.

  • Yeyyyy!

  • Rice syrup.

  • And stir this.

  • I will keep watching these beans and occasionally I'm going to stir this with my wooden spoon.

  • Until all this brine is evaporated, but still some brine is left over.

  • Cook the beans and season the beans and glaze the beans

  • (laughs) until shiny! That's all we have to do.

  • I didn't add anything to these beans, I showed you.

  • And these are, look at this!

  • I made these, more than one pound of beans.

  • And just keep in the refrigerator. I will eat for a long time.

  • More than one month.

  • And then, these beans again, and then soaked some beans again I'm going to make again.

  • So I'm really rich in beans.

  • Better than rich in money, isn't it? (laughs)

  • Because money you cannot eat it! (laughs)

  • But these guys I can eat just right now. (laughs)

  • Getting shinier and shinier!

  • Now 10 minutes I braised.

  • Over medium high heat, I'm going to turn off the heat.

  • We still have some sticky, shiny brine on the bottom.

  • And then I will add sesame oil.

  • And sesame seeds.

  • Sesame oil, about 2 teaspoons.

  • Sesame seeds about 1 teaspoon.

  • And stir this.

  • Look at that! It looks like a black jewel!

  • Look at that, shiny, you see?

  • Still some leftover brine here.

  • Really shiny and sticky.

  • Refrigerate this and then you can eat it for a long time.

  • Let's add more sesame seeds on top.

  • Hello hello?

  • It's time for Maangchi to taste!

  • (laughs) Let's taste together.

  • Lots of beans!

  • Mmmm.

  • Mmm!

  • Delicious!

  • (laughs) Delicious, delicious!

  • It's sweet and nutty, a little chewy.

  • Just the more you chew, the more delicious.

  • It goes well with rice, it's also a good side dish for beer.

  • Today we made geomeun-kongjorim. Braised black beans

  • Enjoy my recipe, see you next time!

  • Bye!

(cheery music)

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