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  • I want to speak really English from your first lesson.

  • Sign up for your free lifetime account at English Class 101 dot com to cook to cook.

  • I'm going to cook dinner tonight.

  • To cook is to prepare a meal using heat.

  • Tonight I'm going to cook chicken Marsala.

  • I'm going to cook beef stew to fry to fry.

  • I don't want to fry the chicken because it's too unhealthy to fry.

  • Something is to cook something in hot fat or oil.

  • French fries are fried and fried.

  • Things are unhealthy, so when you ate fried foods, you want to eat in moderation.

  • I don't cause fried stuff is delicious, but Yushin to add to add before you eat, you should taste the food and add salt if necessary.

  • To add in this context means to add something else onto a dish to put more of something onto a dish so you might add salt to a dish or at some paprika to the chicken to cut so cut.

  • Could you please cut up that beef to cut is to use a knife to cut food to make it into smaller pieces usually so you can bite it or so you can mix it more easily.

  • I cut my steak so I can eat it.

  • You make food smaller into more bite sized pieces by cutting to mix to mix.

  • Mix all of the spices in a bowl before putting them in your dish to mix is to combine so you might combine or mix all of your ingredients together before cooking or doing something else.

  • With, um, you might mix ingredients together to create a dish.

  • Breastfeed All right.

  • The first word is breastfeed.

  • Breastfeed means ah, feeding a baby, using the milk from the mother.

  • So there's like baby formula, which you can give to babies.

  • Or there's just natural milk.

  • The mother's milk, which is breast milk or what the verb that we use is to breast feed a baby.

  • So in a sentence, many mothers choose to breast feed their Children.

  • In this sentence, you're not supposed to drink alcohol.

  • While breastfeeding change a diaper, the next expression is changed.

  • A diaper change, a diaper.

  • So diapers are the, um, pieces of cloth or like the disposable things that babies wear because babies off course don't have the ability to use the bathroom like a grown human or like even like Children can't.

  • So babies need diapers, So to change a diaper means to take off a used diaper and put a new clean diaper on a baby in a sentence.

  • I had hoped that I'd never have to change a diaper in my life.

  • Put on a bib.

  • The next expression is to put on a bib, so a bib is any is like a protective cloth that goes right here.

  • So actually, it's some restaurants, even for adults.

  • Like where there's a like a lot of oil, or even like rib restaurants.

  • I think sometimes they'll give you like customers a bib.

  • But for babies who are very messy eaters, you can put a bib on the baby to protect the baby's clothes while they eat.

  • So in a sentence, put on his bib and give him some mashed carrots.

  • Change clothes.

  • The next expression is change clothes again.

  • Of course, you can use this for yourself or for adults.

  • This is not a baby on Lee phrase.

  • This is not a baby only phrase eso to change clothes.

  • If the baby's clothes are dirty or it's just time to I don't know, you just need to change the baby's clothes.

  • You can say, Let's see like Let's change the baby's clothes That's all S O.

  • In a sentence after her accident, she had to change her clothes.

  • That's a weird out of context.

  • Sentence Sing.

  • A lullaby of the next expression is Sing a Lullaby single Lullaby.

  • Lullaby is a song that is especially to help a child go to sleep so they're usually really like quiet, soft songs.

  • They have, like a nice, like soothing sound to them.

  • So singing a lullaby is like a classic way to calm a nup.

  • Set child Down S O, for example.

  • See, when I was little, my mother used to sing me a lullaby before going to sleep.

  • That's true.

  • She's saying the A device from the sound of music.

  • My mom used to sing me Lola buys that she'd made up on the spot.

  • That's that if I ever become a mom, that's gonna be me.

  • Like I'm just making up the little by me like, go to sleep.

  • I'm really tired.

  • I hope you go to sleep now.

  • I think you should.

  • The first expression is I think you should blah blah blah.

  • I think you should is a very neutral not so strong, not so weak way to give advice.

  • I think you should get a different haircut.

  • I think you should find a new job.

  • I think you should give me all your money.

  • Can't hurt.

  • I think you should.

  • Is a very typical way to give advice or just I think is okay.

  • Or you should is okay too.

  • In this sentence, I think you should find a new apartment.

  • Why don't you?

  • The second expression is why don't you blah blah blah.

  • So it uses wth e negative.

  • Why don't you?

  • So that means it's a bit softer.

  • It's a bit more of a weak way to give advice.

  • So why don't you Ah, take a day off, or why don't you help me with my homework?

  • Ah, that's sort of a sneaky way to give advice and ask for help at the same time.

  • Why don't you?

  • Um I don't know.

  • Find a new hobby, for example, So these air kind of ah week ways to give advice in this sentence.

  • Why don't you get a pet?

  • Have you thought about have you thought about blah blah, blah.

  • So have you thought about it?

  • Sounds, it's You're giving your advice, but this is a question for the listener.

  • So have you thought about blah, blah, blah?

  • It's sent your You're sharing your opinion, but you're kind of making it sound like maybe it was the listeners idea.

  • Or maybe the listener has thought of this thing before, So this is also a fairly soft away to give advice.

  • So, like, have you thought about going to a different city?

  • Have you thought about moving in with your friends?

  • Something like that.

  • So these thieves air Probably going to be, um, questions that are a little bit more serious.

  • Like, I don't feel like we would use this for really casual, really light questions.

  • But maybe for something a little more serious and a soft away to give advice in the sentence.

  • Ah, have you thought about looking for a new job?

  • I don't know If is a good idea.

  • So this is, um, kind of a negative way to give advice or to share your opinion.

  • It's I don't know if what blah blah is a good idea.

  • So, um, you're you're giving someone advice, Not to do something.

  • So, for example, I don't know if getting a pet is a good idea.

  • Or I don't know if starting a new project is a good idea.

  • These air, different ways that you can say, Ah, you don't think or you think that the other person should not do something, But this is a soft way to express it in the sentence.

  • I don't know if taking a year off work is a good idea.

  • Maybe you should try.

  • The next one is a suggestion to try something.

  • So this is a soft but kind of encouraging expression.

  • Maybe you should try blah, blah, blah.

  • Maybe you should tribal.

  • So Ah, you are encouraging someone to attempt something to try something.

  • Maybe not forever, but just for a short period of time.

  • So maybe you should try volleyball.

  • Maybe you should try playing sports.

  • Maybe you should try.

  • Ah, spicy food.

  • Maybe you should try something so it's encouragement to do something new.

  • This is kind of positive, but it's a fairly soft way to give your advice here.

  • Maybe you should try studying a new skill.

  • A table for three, please.

  • A table for three, please.

  • you tell them the number of people that you are total so that the host can bring you to an appropriate table.

  • A table for two, please.

  • A table for five, please.

  • Could I please see a menu?

  • Could I please see a menu?

  • Usually, menus are given to you as soon as you sit down at your table.

  • But if that's not the case, and you need to ask, this is a polite way to do it.

  • Could I please see a menu?

  • I like to try this dish.

  • I'd like to try this dish when looking at a menu.

  • Hopefully, you'll find something you want to eat.

  • I'd like to try this dish.

  • Could you leave out the onions?

  • Could you leave out the onions?

  • If there's an ingredient in the dish that you're ordering that you don't want?

  • You can always ask the waiter if it could be prepared without that ingredient.

  • So, for example, I might say, Could I get the burger?

  • But with no cheese?

  • Could you pass the salt?

  • Could you pass the salt when you're at a restaurant, especially if you're at a big table with a lot of people, you might not always be able to reach things.

  • So you would ask, Could you pass me the salt?

  • Could you pass me the ketchup?

  • Could you pass me another napkin?

  • Sing along to a favorite song?

  • All right, so the first tip for improving your pronunciation is to sing along to a favorite song.

  • So if you I should add, though this favorite song should be in your target language.

  • So if you're studying English, pick a favorite English song and sing along to that song or try to sing to the song just from memory, too.

  • So singing along to your favorite song can help you with pronunciation can help you with the rhythm sometimes of, ah, the language you're tryingto learn, so it can be really fun.

  • And it can be a good way to practice your pronunciation.

  • It is sentence.

  • I like singing along to my favorite songs read out loud.

  • The next tip for your pronunciation is to read out loud, so reading out loud you can choose something that's interesting for you, and you're in English.

  • If English is the language you're studying, so pick something.

  • Maybe it's a news article, or maybe it's a book you're interested in.

  • Maybe there's an author you're interested in.

  • Find something in your target language in English and try reading it out loud.

  • So don't just read in your mind.

  • But read the words out loud, speak them so that you can get comfortable pronouncing those words.

  • Ah, and you can try reading Ah, the same passage or the same sentence multiple times to make it smoother.

  • Ah, so this could be a really good tip for And I think it also improves your natural ability to pick up grammar, too.

  • Because if you're reading something like in a book, for example, you can kind of pick up the natural rhythm of grammar, and you also slowly get a feeling for the correct ways that words should connect together.

  • So this, I think, is a really good tip in a sentence.

  • I sometimes read out loud to practice pronunciation.

  • That's true repeat lines.