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  • It’s the morning of July 22, 2019.

  • A neighborhood in the Syrian city of Maaret al Numan

  • has just been hit by an airstrike.

  • Rescuers are rushing to the scene

  • when warnings of another attack come over the radio.

  • As the camera tilts upward, it captures a small speck

  • in the sky.

  • This is a Russian plane,

  • and it’s about to strike the city again.

  • For years, Russia has been suspected

  • of recklessly bombing civilians in Syria

  • as they try to break the remaining pockets of resistance

  • to President Assad.

  • Theyve strongly denied it,

  • and proving their role has been all but impossible.

  • But now we have evidence.

  • [Sirens blaring]

  • Earlier Times investigations established that

  • the Russian air force repeatedly bombed hospitals in Syria,

  • and this latest investigation traces how Russian pilots also

  • launched some of the deadliest attacks on civilians in 2019.

  • [Shouting and sirens]

  • At the core of our investigations

  • are intercepted cockpit recordings of Russian pilots

  • and air controllers.

  • Combined with video and photo data and warplane sightings,

  • these recordings provide a critical missing link

  • that show how, in two recent airstrikes,

  • Russian pilots killed dozens of civilians.

  • First, well take a look at this settlement

  • for displaced people in Syria’s last rebel-held area.

  • It’s called Qaryat al Rahma, orVillage of Mercy.”

  • This isolated complex was located near

  • the city of Hass, around 8 miles from the nearest front line,

  • and was home to over 100 families

  • uprooted by years of war.

  • One resident told us that families use the evening time

  • to sit outside and cool off.

  • Near sunset on Aug. 16, he heard planes flying overhead.

  • It was a devastating strike.

  • And here’s how the evidence shows

  • that Russia was responsible.

  • This photo, taken by a local journalist

  • immediately after impact, is a crucial piece of the puzzle.

  • We know it was taken in Hass because the features match

  • earlier drone footage of the town.

  • The buildings and pylons are all the same.

  • And shrouded in smoke is the settlement

  • for displaced people.

  • We know because these windows and the mast on the roof

  • also match the drone footage of the camp.

  • Using the picture’s file data,

  • we verified it was taken at 7:17 p.m. on Aug. 16,

  • pinpointing the exact time of the attack.

  • What was happening in the skies around this time?

  • Five minutes before the strike,

  • observers spotted and logged a Russian warplane

  • over a nearby town.

  • And at precisely 7:17, we hear a Russian pilot,

  • with a call sign 464, launch an attack.

  • The weapon landed in the middle of a courtyard

  • where families had gathered.

  • The blast leveled buildings, and the scene is carnage.

  • [Shouting]

  • The dead include a pregnant woman, her husband

  • and their 2-year-old child.

  • In all, 19 residents of the camp are killed,

  • and 13 more are wounded.

  • Another deadly attack this summer occurred

  • just 4 miles away in Maarat al Numan

  • a densely populated city in the heart

  • of opposition-controlled territory.

  • On Monday morning, July 22, the city

  • was hit repeatedly by airstrikes.

  • The attack sparked so much outrage

  • that Russia was forced to respond.

  • They denied involvement.

  • But the combined evidence of witness videos, flight logs

  • and cockpit recordings contradict this

  • and show how Russian Pilot 17 killed over 20 people

  • in just half an hour.

  • Weve retraced what happened minute by minute.

  • It’s 8:31 a.m.

  • Pilot 17 receives a target, and four minutes later he

  • launches a weapon, calling itcandy,”

  • and prepares a second attack.

  • The strike levels an entire building

  • in a busy commercial area in the city.

  • Local journalist Mohamed Sharawi

  • films his rush to the scene.

  • As the dust clears, he joins first responders

  • who try to reach victims

  • through the rear of an adjacent building.

  • Above them, the Russian pilot

  • is preparing to launch again, in two minutes,

  • at 44 minutes past the hour.

  • Mohammad and the others take cover, as flight spotters

  • warn of another attack.

  • He looks up and films a Russian fighter jet overhead.

  • The pilot launches his weapon.

  • Then the explosion.

  • [Explosion]

  • It’s what’s known as a double tap.

  • It hits almost exactly the same location

  • and kills a rescue worker.

  • At 8:54, Pilot 17 confirms his third strike in the city,

  • hitting a building around 800 yards away.

  • [Explosion]

  • Minutes later, he calculates his fourth and final round

  • and strikes another building on the outskirts of the town.

  • [Explosion]

  • The number killed is estimated at between 23 and 42 people,

  • including two children

  • making it one of the worst attacks

  • on a civilian area this year.

  • The Russians are by no means alone in this.

  • Combined with Syrian attacks, the U.N. says,

  • over 1,000 civilians in northwest Syria have been

  • killed or injured since April

  • hundreds of them children.

  • So why is Russia attacking civilians?

  • Experts tell us it’s the same reason

  • theyre bombing hospitals.

  • It’s all part of a strategy to break the will of the people,

  • force them to flee, and to help the Syrian government

  • retake the last opposition stronghold.

  • And after more than eight years of war

  • and very little in the way of consequences,

  • Russia shows no signs of slowing down.

It’s the morning of July 22, 2019.

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