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  • I want to speak really English from your first lesson.

  • Sign up for your free lifetime account at English Class 101 dot com.

  • Do you want to crush your language learning goals and overcome setbacks on the road to mastering a new language?

  • In this video, you'll discover why learning goals air so vital to learning a new language and overcoming the inevitable setbacks you'll encounter on your way to mastering the language.

  • Here are some useful strategies you can use to crush your goals first switch to strategic goals rather than general internal motivations.

  • People are motivated to learn a second language for any number of reasons, including personal in Richmond, better career opportunities or even meeting new people.

  • However, unlike simpler goals, which may only take a week or two to complete learning, a new language takes time and there will be occasional setbacks and failures.

  • So to reach your overall objective of mastering a new language, you need to learn how to motivate yourself and stay focused on the bigger picture.

  • To do so, it is vital to set specific strategic goals with an action plan.

  • Second reasons learning goals are vital to success, learning an entire language well enough to carry on full conversations with native speakers is certainly a goal.

  • But with this as your primary objective, there's a long period of time between the time the goal is set and when it could be realistically attained.

  • The problem is that a failure to achieve an objective creates stress that can build until you either reach the learning goal or quit.

  • The solution is to set more realistic strategic learning objectives that are easier to attain but still keep you on track to learning.

  • Here are some examples of strategic learning objectives that you might set on your way to mastering a new language study for 10 minutes every day.

  • Complete one lesson or chapter each week.

  • Learned 20 new words each week or even learn one new word each day.

  • The key here is that you're learning goals, and objectives need to be very concise, attainable and relevant to your overall objective.

  • As long as you can see progress towards your learning goal, your stress levels will be lower and you're far more likely to succeed.

  • Next to learn a new language or virtually any new skill, you'll need to make adjustments to your routine.

  • Simply telling yourself that you want to be able to speak fluently probably won't force you to alter your daily or weekly routines.

  • But when your strategic goals include learning a new word each day or a lesson every week, you're forced to alter your schedule to reach the goal or risk certain failure, although altering your schedule may cause some minor degree of stress.

  • At first, Theo added, motivation you get from achieving goals quickly eliminates any initial discomfort.

  • And the more strategic goals you complete each day or week, the faster you can achieve your larger goal of mastering the language.

  • The key to achieving goals includes learning how to deal with the inevitable setbacks and failures.

  • The great part about setting smaller, attainable strategic learning goals is that you can occasionally miss your objective but quickly make up for it.

  • So if you can't finish a lesson one week, it's entirely possible to either learn the lesson the following week or even do two lessons to make up for the initial failure.

  • The point is that failing to achieve smaller strategic learning goals won't kill your motivation or derail your overall objectives.

  • There are many ways to crush your language learning goals using our program.

  • First, check out our custom learning paths, which are based on your specific goals.

  • Learning pads are designed to help you reach your specific learning objectives by providing you with step by step strategic goals.

  • So imagine you're about to travel and just wanted to learn enough essential language to navigate any potential emergency situations you might encounter.

  • Our language learning program has created a custom learning path for your goal that includes just 10 lessons or strategic learning objectives.

  • Once you complete the 10 lessons, your larger overall learning goal is complete.

  • Learning paths are one of the most powerful features at our website and help you quickly and efficiently achieve larger learning goals and objectives For premium and premium plus members, our website offers more than 20 advanced learning tools to make it easier than ever to reach and achieve your goals.

  • These include teacher feedback and comments for every lesson.

  • Full lesson transcripts and review tracks, voice recording tools to perfect your pronunciation, lesson review quizzes and much more.

  • Our language learning program makes it easier and more convenient to achieve your smaller strategic goals, so you can quickly reach your larger overall objectives in less time and with less stress without setting realistic and attainable learning objectives and goals, your larger dream of mastering a new language might never be realised.

  • Specifically, strategic objectives helped to reduce stress, adjust your daily routine and make it far easier to deal with the inevitable setbacks on your way to mastering a language.

  • We've made it simple and easy for you to set and attain your strategic goals so you can successfully reach the larger goal of mastering your target language.

  • Can you really learn a new language all alone?

  • Learning a language without traditional classroom instruction may seem quite daunting at first.

  • What if you run into questions?

  • How do you stay on track and motivated to achieve your goals?

  • Don't worry.

  • Not only is it possible to learn any language without traditional classroom instruction, we have created an advanced and extensive online language learning system to help you do just that.

  • It's designed to help you learn a language on your own, and it's faster, more convenient and less expensive than traditional classroom options.

  • Here are three reasons to learn a language alone.

  • Number one.

  • Learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.

  • In today's fast paced world, there isn't always time for traditional classroom instruction, but when you learn alone, you can study anywhere.

  • And any time that suits your schedule best, it makes it far easier to actually reach your goal of learning and mastering the language.

  • Number two.

  • Learning a language on your own can reduce stress and anxiety in traditional classroom settings.

  • There are pop quizzes, tests and presentations in front of classmates.

  • While it's valuable to learn public speaking skills and to be able to perform under pressure for some people, these classroom pressures are a big hurdle for their language learning dreams.

  • Learning alone, however, removes these stressors.

  • Learning outside of a traditional classroom setting can help reduce some of the stress you may feel, and you can work towards your goals all on your own.

  • Number three Learning alone can help improve cognitive function well.

  • Classroom settings often require learners to spend lots of time memorizing information and following instructions.

  • Studying the language on your own requires you to problem solve so that you can self teach and hit your goals.

  • You'll also need to be strict with yourself and stick to a regular study schedule.

  • So, yes, in some ways, learning a language on your own can be more challenging than learning in a traditional classroom setting.

  • But teaching yourself a language pays dividends throughout life.

  • In addition to learning a language, you'll also learn time management and problem solving skills, these air skills that will aid you when social and professional opportunities arise.

  • So how do you actually learn a language on your own?

  • Number one access are huge collection of audio and video lessons.

  • Ideally, you want audio and or video lessons that teach vocabulary, grammar and provide actual conversations and dialogue in your target language to help you with real pronunciation.

  • We have hundreds of hours of HD audio and video lessons on our website, created by professional teachers and actors to help you achieve perfect pronunciation.

  • Plus, all lessons can be accessed 24 7 via any device with Internet access.

  • Number two Learning paths with course is based upon your exact needs and goals.

  • Simply tell us your goals and we will identify the best courses and study plan to help you reach them in the shortest time possible, even though you are technically learning a language on your own.

  • Our team is always here to help and make sure you reach your goals fast.

  • Number three.

  • Use advanced learning tools When you have the right tools on learning.

  • Resource is, it's actually easy to teach yourself a language.

  • Over the last 10 years, we've developed, tested and refined more than 20 advanced learning tools.

  • These tools aimed to boost retention and reduce learning time.

  • Eliminate stress and start learning at your own pace in bed, your car or wherever you have a few spare minutes are learning.

  • Resource is, and tools are designed to help you get to the next level in the fastest, easiest and most fun way.

  • Just click the link in the description to sign up for a free lifetime account.

  • Have you always wanted to learn a new language?

  • You probably have your own reason for wanting to learn, but they're huge benefits to being bilingual that you might not know about.

  • In this video, I'll introduce a few of them.

  • Here are some reasons why you should learn a new language.

  • Number one.

  • You become smarter.

  • Studies show that learning a new language improves your focus and memory.

  • It improves your decision, making you score higher on intelligence tests, and you're less likely to be swayed by propaganda.

  • Number two.

  • You make more friends because you get to communicate with more people.

  • You can meet more people and make more friends.

  • This will help you get more opportunities like jobs.

  • Number three.

  • Fine Love.

  • The more people you meet, the more opportunities you have of finding that special someone.

  • Number four.

  • You can travel with ease simply because you can express yourself confidently in another language.

  • Catching a cab ordering food and getting around will never be a problem.

  • Number five.

  • You're more open minded and feel more empathy because a new language puts you in another culture's shoes.

  • When you can speak in another language, you see the world the way that the native speakers d'oh.

  • In fact, when some bilingual switch from one language to another, they also switch personalities and express themselves differently.

  • For example, people tend to feel more direct and assertive when speaking English and more polite when speaking Japanese.

  • So this allows you to understand others worldviews and connect with people on a deeper level.

  • Number six you delay the mental effects of aging by four or five years.

  • Learning and mastering another language sharpens your brain and increases the amount of gray matter which helps delay dementia.

  • So if you're ready to finally learn and master a new language, the fast, fun and easy way sign up for your free lifetime account by clicking on the link in the description.

  • Signing up takes less than 30 seconds, and you'll start speaking from your very first lesson.

  • If you enjoyed these tips, hit the like button.

  • Share the video with anyone who's trying to learn a new language and subscribe to our channel.

  • We release new videos every week.

  • I'll see you next time.

  • Bye.

  • When learning a new language, we sometimes have a hard time with things like procrastination, discouragement or failure.

  • But don't panic.

  • With a good strategy, you'll be able to overcome these difficulties.

  • Are you ready to discover the four habits of successful learners?

  • Number one.

  • Optimize your time when learning a language.

  • It's important to dedicate time for your studies regularly, even if sometimes it's difficult.

  • You're busy with school work, family or friends, but you can spread out your learning throughout the day.

  • study whenever you have small gaps of time in your busy schedule.

  • This congee when you're on the metro, on your lunch break or while you're exercising our podcast learning format fits perfectly into your tight schedule.

  • Number two.

  • Consistency With your chosen method, there are a lot of options when it comes to courses and learning materials.

  • Switching from one method to another can confuse you and disrupt your progress.

  • Focusing on one learning method will make a difference.

  • Our method has been created and optimized by real teachers, so you can stick to it with confidence.

  • Number three.

  • Use your language background.

  • Many languages share some commonalities.

  • You confined words that look or sound similar or even share the same grammar structure.

  • A little bit of language background will give you an edge While learning number four studied continuously.

  • People are excited when they start learning a new language.

  • The enthusiasm usually lasts until the first roadblock.

  • This can lead to discouragement and procrastination, but don't burn yourself out.

  • Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint.

  • Don't try to learn it all at once.

  • Break things down into more digestible chunks, learning step by step might feel slow, but it's an efficient way to learn a language with patients.

  • Motivation and good resource is you'll master the language.

  • Remember, you can learn a language overnight, but with motivation and these daily lessons, you'll be on the road to fluids.

  • If you're learning a new language, there will be times when you'll struggle with the lesson when you won't fully understand what you learned when you'll be in a rut or when you just won't feel like you're making any progress.

  • And that's totally normal.

  • In this video, you'll learn what to do if you're not learning and how to overcome language learning struggles.

  • Let's begin Number one.

  • Understand the mindset of a successful Lerner.

  • Some learners are more successful than others.

  • A key difference between successful learners and less successful learners is in the way they approach problems.

  • Some learners rely completely on a learning program.

  • If there's a grammar rule or word they don't understand, they get frustrated and blame the program.

  • They don't look for solutions.

  • Successful learners approach problems a little differently.

  • If they encounter a problem, they look for a solution or ask for help.

  • Instead of getting frustrated, you may feel frustrated at times, especially if you're a beginner.