I knowit's notaspolishedasan M G o N M car, butithas a personality, allofitsownandonethatwehavetocelebratebecause, sadly, we'renotgoingtoseeanotheroneisthelastofthewaygreatcars, theinteriors a bitropey, andtheplasticsarenogoodinTheLastSupper.
It's brightgreen, andit's AlaricinOrwasit a Bogan?
Itmightevenbe a Bogan.
Youknow, it's yourbowof a car, oneofthosecarsthatfeelsenormouswhenyougetinit.
595 horsepower, 460 oddfootpounds.
A tallbig, butit's quitenimble.
It's reallywell, sothatyoucantellit's Beandevelopedlike a bunchofreallyknowhowtodriveandenjoy.
Itholdsitselfdownverywell, breaks a goodgrip, isgood.
Whenyouwantedtoslide, youjustdon't thinkaboutit.
waytobehaveinanHSTGT s.
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