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  • - Hey everyone, (cheerful music)

  • it's Natasha of

  • and today my apron's off

  • and we're doing something totally different.

  • We're gonna take a tour of my parents' garden.

  • Ever since I can remember,

  • they've kept a garden, slash vineyard, slash orchard.

  • They are master gardeners; everything they touch, grows.

  • And I want to show you guys what they've got planted.

  • So let's check it out.

  • (cheerful music)

  • It all starts early in spring.

  • They build their own greenhouse,

  • and then prepare the soil.

  • (bouncy music)

  • Everything they plant, starts with a seed.

  • It's a lot of work, but for my parents,

  • it's a labor of love.

  • Their greenhouse is dedicated to the cucumbers and tomatoes,

  • so they ripen early and last late into fall.

  • (cheerful music)

  • (moves into energizing techno music)

  • The work pays off.

  • They plant more than enough for their five girls

  • and each of our families to enjoy.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • There are at least 25 grapevines that circle the garden,

  • and they have an abundance of cherries.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • (stems snap)

  • Between the apple trees, pear trees,

  • plums, peaches, apricots,

  • they have a small orchard on their property.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • You'll even find walnuts and persimmons,

  • which aren't even supposed to grow in Idaho,

  • but here, they do.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • They also grow sweet treasures,

  • like gooseberries, black currant

  • and row after row of raspberries.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • Mom's poppies are in full bloom.

  • (buzzing)

  • The poppy seeds she harvests

  • are sweet and better than any store bought version,

  • making them perfect for baked goods.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • (leaves rustle)

  • (energizing techno music)

  • Children love munching on the crisp, sweet peas

  • straight out of the garden.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • (toddler squeals happily)

  • They also plant enough beets to last through winter,

  • along with carrots, onions and garlic.

  • (carrot pops from the dirt)

  • (energizing techno music)

  • (crunch)

  • (energizing techno music)

  • There are also cabbages that grow

  • as big as basketballs, plump, juicy strawberries,

  • and plenty of sorrel, because we love sorrel soup.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • Heading into the greenhouse,

  • we find loads of cucumbers and tomatoes,

  • including their prized and enormous bull heart tomatoes.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • (leaves tearing)

  • (energizing techno music)

  • Then the bell peppers, jalapenos, green beans and eggplant,

  • all keep summer cooking exciting.

  • (energizing techno music)

  • (hoe swishes)

  • (energizing techno music)

  • And of course, the master gardeners themselves, mom and dad.

  • Thanks for joining us on the tour!

  • I hope you guys got some awesome inspiration.

  • Let me know what's your favorite thing to plant

  • and I'll see you later!

  • (energizing music)

- Hey everyone, (cheerful music)

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