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  • way were faced with a little rain during our second day in Coach E.

  • But after absolutely perfect weather the day before, we really couldn't complain.

  • Luckily, it would be spending the day inside working with Hayashi San, a local blacksmith in the Shimanto area.

  • Using a single piece of metal, Hayashi san would teach us step by step, how to forge our own knife.

  • Given expected.

  • I'm about it putting words that just easier.

  • A little safer weight on the end of this way, you little hammer.

  • Hayashi san has been working as a blacksmith for over 17 years.

  • He makes a living selling his hand crafted blades and teaching workshops like this one.

  • You could just tell he was so excited to share his passion with us.

  • He encouraged us to try her hand at each step of the process and was there beside us to help us out or answer our questions.

  • If we had any, she mean wins.

  • Yeah, she means the time try on the child of the wind.

  • That sounds really good.

  • Did you choose?

  • Okay.

  • What you want?

  • You okay?

  • Oh, I see.

  • Now that's awesome.

  • So that's how that's how they do it.

  • So he's just attaching the handle now and then.

  • I think we're almost done.

  • No.

  • So it's okay.

  • Smells like burning.

  • Would like a sauna.

  • People treat mountain, uh, hard in the night.

  • Do you also make Katana?

  • You can't.

  • But that's your next step in your career.

  • Really takes five years.

  • Well, that's really interesting.

  • Oh, okay.

  • What?

  • Are you okay?

  • You okay?

  • So how can you tell?

  • It's 200 degrees.

  • He'll make us you want.

  • Oh, so they told Jenny.

  • Happy go Lucky Shen Kong and whoa guy there in this car.

  • So they they should buy stuff.

  • Time to put the handle on.

  • I'll finish it.

  • Wow.

  • Not so good.

  • Hey, that that's beautiful.

  • That's a nice that.

  • That was probably our fault.

  • Don't apologize.

  • Way were quite, but we had Finally, that's all that matters is the last.

  • Everybody dies.

  • We're all finished.

  • We made a knife.

  • Well, since they made a nice way helped, it's probably our fault.

  • It doesn't cut very well, but that's okay.

  • I had a good time making it.

  • It was pretty neat to see how much work went into making a knife.

  • I always wondered why they cost so much, especially here in Japan.

  • There's lots of very fancy knives at the kitchen store.

  • And you wonder why they cost $100.

  • This is why it took hours to make this.

  • That it sucks.

  • So imagine how long it takes to make a good one.

  • Good morning.

  • Welcome to day three in Koji.

  • Look at the weather.

  • Look at the weather.

  • You guys okay?

  • So yesterday we checked out the Tinky Oh ho, The weather report and it said it was gonna be crap today is that it's in the absolute crap.

  • And we thought, we're gonna have to cancel all our activities and we're really sad about it.

  • But it is clear it's sunny.

  • And that means we're gonna go whale watching, which I'm really excited about because of actually never seen a whale in the wild.

  • And neither has Michaela.

  • So really hope we see some big I know it's not guarantee we might not see anything, but I have hope because we were so lucky with the weather.

  • Yeah, we're going to be lucky and see some whales get on the boat and wait.

  • Say bye.

  • Tour bus driver.

  • He's so lovely, she could come with?

  • I had given up hope.

  • I didn't think we were gonna wait.

  • All right, You're lying.

  • You're lying.

  • After enjoying the rough waves, possibly a little too much.

  • We took a break and took in the gorgeous scenery as we ventured out into the middle of the ocean in hopes of spotting some whales.

  • Unfortunately, the whales were a little shy today, and we weren't able to see any.

  • But the stunning views from the boat really made the trip more than worth it.

  • After we made it back to land, we decided to take advantage of the beautiful weather and took a stroll through a park located just a few minutes down the road.

  • It's so colorful.

  • Oh my God.

  • It was a really nice way to spend our last afternoon in Coach E and the granite rock formations made for some gorgeous photos to remember our trip by.

  • I hope you had fun joining us on this adventure through coaching prefecture.

  • Check the description box for links where you can find some more information for planning your own trip.

  • And thanks for watching guys.

  • I will see you again soon.

way were faced with a little rain during our second day in Coach E.

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