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  • morning guys were just on our way to

  • costco I'm gonna try and look for some

  • foods to make for Christmas dinner I'm

  • really really hoping we have cranberry

  • sauce I've never seen it there

  • I'm hoping that they brought in for the

  • holidays we'll see but if not I'll think

  • of some other things to make it kind of

  • different than usual I want to try to

  • make something special

  • lots of you guys suggested to me lots of

  • recipes from youtube and like other

  • youtubers that make vegan recipes stuff

  • like tofu turkeys and stuff like that

  • so thank you so much I've been looking

  • through those and trying to get some ideas

  • so that's really great

  • the cute little old lady that lives

  • close to us brought me some wagashi she

  • went on a shopping trip today and she

  • said there was a famous brand of sweets

  • there so she got these for me because

  • she knows i love them so nice and then

  • this is even nicer she got a birthday

  • cake for Keyboard-san because i told

  • her his birthday is coming up

  • aw look at it that's so sweet of her

  • look at the little snowman! He's gonna

  • love that he's in the shower and I'm gonna

  • put it on the table

  • (music playing)

  • they're playing mononoke on the TV

  • I love this brand I didn't know they had

  • lip balm Has anyone tried these? ooh that's tempting

  • oh I wanted to get a heated blanket for Miko

  • Marzipan.. oh no it has butter in it

  • blueberry muffin ahh that sounds so good

  • sometimes they sell like american brand

  • clothing here which is nice because

  • they'll have American sizes I bought some

  • jeans here before that was exciting and

  • I got my housecoat here Housecoats

  • aren't really that popular in japan so

  • stuff like that CostCo's really good for

  • this is what I got 2,000 yen this

  • company makes the best massage machines

  • are these popular at all overseas?

  • I've only ever seen them since coming

  • to Japan but they make so many different

  • shapes like for your neck and your back

  • and your feet and arms and everything This is

  • a new one I think this one's just for your neck

  • they have lots of pet stuff here but it's

  • mostly for dogs like all this is for

  • dogs

  • he loves this stuff it's like bleach

  • spray, he uses it to clean the counter.. bubbly

  • it turns into bubbles it's pretty useful

  • I want a hand blender so i can make that

  • whipped cream but I feel stupid buying

  • one just for whipped cream

  • This is awesome this is great for cereal addicts

  • It's a good Christmas present I would love that

  • they have vegan protein powder

  • that's cool, I get stuff off of iHerb though so

  • on the first floor is where all the food

  • is the best floor they have tons of

  • american produce.. ah avocado i really like

  • getting berries here because they're

  • super hard to find in regular japanese

  • grocery stores so we usually get

  • blueberries and raspberries from here

  • ooh they have blackberries too...

  • ooh! three broccoli for four bucks that's

  • tempting

  • blackberries, six dollars

  • eight dollars for the raspberries

  • look at all the mushrooms lots of these are from Japan

  • woah those look good

  • gobos like my absolute favorite this is

  • burdock root if you can get it in your

  • country get it and look out up burdock

  • root recipes

  • it's so yummy guys

  • mmm that looks good

  • I freakin' love spinach, I'm getting this

  • they have the food testing like they do

  • back in Canada too, so I always eat stuff when i

  • come here i just tried some blueberries

  • and some red grapes, they were really good

  • so we're going to get some of the blueberries They have lots of

  • bakery goods that you can't find in regular

  • grocery stores like muffins, bagels, pies

  • stuff like that

  • this is where i get my lifetime supply

  • of soy milk

  • I really want to get some bagels.. onion?

  • these look good

  • oh coconut milk? I've never tried this

  • before... seventeen dollars for six of them

  • ok so I'm looking for my favorite

  • burgers now they didn't have them last

  • time and I was super sad 'cause that's like my

  • favorite thing to get here and i was so

  • happy when I found them the first time and

  • they stopped selling them darn it looks

  • like they don't have them... basically

  • they have all the American foods that

  • you might possibly miss if you live in

  • Japan

  • I found the burger section but they got

  • rid of the vegan burgers i guess no one

  • was buying them that's a shame because

  • they were freaking delicious you guys

  • are all missing out.. the snack sections are

  • like a mix of American snacks and

  • Japanese snacks, it's pretty much half and

  • half

  • it's really cool you can get like big

  • versions of whatever you love whether it

  • be like American stuff like nuts which are

  • kind of hard to find in big portions

  • like this in grocery stores- ooh that looks so good

  • We're on the hunt for cranberry sauce now

  • it's gotta be around here somewhere we're in the

  • canned section this is awesome

  • eight cans of organic diced tomatoes for

  • nine bucks

  • This is where I always buy my year's supply of oatmeal

  • so cheap, twelve dollars

  • this is the seaweed that were addicted to

  • still looking for cranberry sauce no

  • luck We're in the spice aisle now i really

  • doubt it will be here but maybe I'll get

  • lucky? They have lots of nice spices here that

  • you wouldn't normally find in a japanese

  • grocery store like this sweet red chili sauce

  • come on cranberry, whyyy? Well that's sad I'm gonna see if

  • i can get it online

  • We're all done heading home now I cannot wait

  • to eat the leftover soup at home i am so

  • freaking starving i just had some reese's

  • cereal for breakfast this morning that's

  • all i've eaten, it's already 6:30 so I'm gonna die,

  • And I bet

  • Keyboard-san's really hungry too. Alright guys Maro and

  • i are back to answer your questions

  • today he was waiting here for me when I

  • came up here to film. What are we going

  • to answer today Maro?

  • pick one

  • Yeah, that one? okay Kirara cutie 44 asks,

  • "When you first came to Japan what was the

  • very first place you wanted to visit?

  • When I go I want to meet Hachiko at

  • Shibuya station." lots of people say that I hear

  • that from lots of people that that's the first

  • thing they want to go see or that's

  • something they definitely want to include

  • in their Japan trip. I didn't even know

  • about the Hachiko story when i first

  • came to Japan I didn't know much about

  • Japan at all i had just taken some japanese

  • classes for a couple years but we didn't

  • really study the country itself too much

  • or the culture very much, we mostly just

  • focused on language but what I was

  • interested in was martial arts so I

  • really wanted to see some like kendo

  • practices or performances and I got to

  • do that during my first home-stay visit

  • so that was really cool. slated asks, "How

  • do your cats even get up and down from

  • that bunk bed?" Maro,

  • how do you get up and down from the

  • bunkbed? Wanna show them? Wanna show them?

  • Maro?

  • Are you hungry? Maro, hungry boy? Snack time?

  • Snack time, Maro. Maro, snack time

  • Luna... Luna come here, show them how you get up

  • There you go!

  • That's how Luna gets

  • up sometimes however she mostly uses

  • this ladder to get up

  • she's crazy and she also uses it to get

  • down she looks very awkward and scary

  • but she somehow manages to do it

  • Maro always gets up and down using

  • this so i built him a little staircase

  • with his cube and this little book shelf

  • thingy

  • Maro are you hungry? Maro, snack time?

  • your tooth is stuck

  • again. we didn't get to go to the vet

  • today, it was closed unfortunately. Hopefully we will

  • make it there tomorrow

  • alright guys, me and Keyboard-san are going to

  • watch movie. We rented Sadako vs Kayako

  • I've not seen it yet, i've worn a costume

  • from the movie but I haven't seen it yet

  • so I'll let you guys know how that was

  • tomorrow if you enjoy this video please

  • leave a thumbs up it really helps out my

  • channel because it tells YouTube that this

  • video is worth watching and they will

  • share it with more people. If you didn't

  • like it you can give it a thumbs down

  • too that's okay i'll see you guys

  • tomorrow! Bye!

morning guys were just on our way to

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