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  • - Today, Tatsu and I are exploring Fukuoka City's

  • oldest shopping arcade in Nakasu.

  • Hey guys, how's it going?

  • I'm Micaela.

  • - Tatsu.

  • - And today we're at the Kawabata Shopping Arcade in Nakasu.

  • Some of these stores have been around for like

  • billions of years.

  • - You're right.

  • - This is a fact.

  • - So today Tatsu and I are checking out

  • this new hostel hotel that opened up in Nakasu Kawabata

  • and on our way down to the hotel we're going to

  • check out a few places here in the Kawabata Shotengai

  • and show you what a traditional Japanese shopping arcade

  • looks like.

  • (sneezes)

  • (laughs)

  • The Kawabata Shopping Arcade has been running

  • since the mid 1950s and includes over 100

  • locally owned businesses crowded along the

  • 400 meter long stretch of road.

  • You should wear one of those.

  • While the rest of Fukuoka City has been evolving

  • at a rapid rate,

  • the Kawabata Shopping Arcade holds on tight

  • to its traditional roots, and it's a fun place to visit

  • for a little taste of nostalgia.

  • If you do visit the arcade you must try the famous

  • Kawabata Zenzai.

  • Zenzai is my favorite Japanese snack.

  • It's a sweet bean soup with lightly roasted mochi cakes

  • inside it.

  • This shop is only open on weekends and public holidays

  • but if you can get a seat, you can get up close and personal

  • with the traditional Fukuoka Yamakasa statue.

  • (speaks Japanese)

  • One of the more recent attractions to come to the

  • shopping arcade is is Owl Family Hakata,

  • a unique cafe that allows you to learn about

  • and interact with different types of owls.

  • Hi.

  • The owls are rotated so they make sure that they get

  • plenty of rest and quiet time away from people

  • and they take turns being out in the open

  • so it's not like the owls are out all day all the time.

  • Different owls are taken out during different time slots.

  • And these are the ones that are in total rest mode.

  • They're chillin'.

  • One thing you should know is that Nakasu is known

  • for its restaurants.

  • You can find lots of hidden gems in the Nakasu area.

  • - Yeah get it.

  • Plan to come here a little bit hungry,

  • and if you find a restaurant that interests you,

  • just walk right in.

  • Here's my seafood bowl.

  • This has fresh fish with some shrimp

  • and some ikura on the side.

  • I love how colorful it is.

  • Beautiful presentation.

  • To eat it we pour this sesame sauce over the fish.

  • (speaks Japanese)

  • So big.

  • This is an anago tempura rice bowl.

  • But it's served on a plate, so it's a rice plate.

  • Looks good.

  • Finally it's time to check in to And Hostel.

  • This hostel is part accommodation, part tourist attraction.

  • It is Japan's first smart hostel.

  • You can control all the settings in your room

  • from an app on a smart phone provided to you at check-in.

  • With just one smart phone application,

  • you're able to remotely lock and unlock your door,

  • adjust the temperature of the air conditioner in the room.

  • So you can turn it off and on.

  • Turn the TV off and on and even control the volume.

  • (man yelling in foreign language)

  • (laughs)

  • Okay.

  • So because it's a dormitory, even though these rooms

  • are super big and nice, there's no bathroom,

  • so the bathrooms are shared.

  • Here's the bathroom hall.

  • And there are shower rooms, separate shower rooms.

  • And here in the hallway they have water,

  • cups, tea, coffee, hot water and a little fridge

  • where you can store your food.

  • A microwave.

  • Some plates, knives, forks.

  • Pretty much anything you need to be comfortable

  • during your stay.

  • My favorite feature on the app by far

  • was being able to change the colors

  • of the light bulbs in the room.

  • It's perfect for setting the mood.

  • (laughs)

  • You okay?

  • If you're planning on exploring Fukuoka's night life,

  • Nakasu's a great location.

  • The popular Canal City shopping mall is a short walk away.

  • Stop by in the evening for a free projection mapping show.

  • If street food is more your style,

  • walk along the Nakasu River and try Fukuoka's famous Yatai.

  • No matter what your style is,

  • there's definitely something for everyone in Nakasu.

  • Alright so Tatsu and I are staying here

  • at the Nakasu Kawabata location tonight

  • and our friend Chris Okano

  • at Okano TV is staying at another location

  • near Canal City.

  • So if you want to see what that hotel looks like,

  • make sure you check out his channel as well.

  • Also I'm going to make a list of the locations.

  • There's one more in Osaka I believe

  • so if you're interested in checking that out

  • if you're not coming all the way to Fukuoka

  • you can check out the Osaka one as well.

  • All the information is in the description.

  • - Thank you!

  • - [Micaela] Thank you.

  • (speaks foreign language)

  • - I'm waiting for you guys.

  • Video tonight.

  • (speaks foreign language)

  • I'm waiting.

  • I love you guys.

  • (laughing)

- Today, Tatsu and I are exploring Fukuoka City's

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