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  • Hey guys, welcome to a very long overdue life update video

  • I've been putting off making this video for obvious reasons umm...

  • One it's very difficult to talk about

  • And two I wanted to...

  • Wait as long as possible really to give some time

  • For emotions to settle before I said anything

  • In a video!

  • I know lots of you guys had some idea what might be going on

  • Because I did get lots of comment about it

  • Umm...

  • I'm moving back to Japan like the title says

  • I've moved back to Japan actually

  • Welcome to my new apartment!

  • I'm here alone

  • My husband and I aren't together anymore

  • We haven't been for quite a while now actually

  • I'm not gonna go into any details

  • Because I feel like that's very disrespectful to him

  • And this is something that should be kept private

  • But basically we just

  • Our life started going in different directions

  • And

  • We weren't making each other happy anymore

  • I know to you guys

  • It seems like we weren't together for very long at all

  • And it was a very short relationship

  • But umm...

  • I didn't tell you guys about him until much later

  • Into our relationship

  • And we've actually been together for seven years

  • So it's been a really tough transition

  • But I think it's best for both of us

  • So we're trying our best

  • We have lots of really nice memories together

  • And I care about him a lot

  • And I wish him nothing but the best

  • Even if it didn't work out between us

  • Something really shit about all of this is that

  • Maro and Luna aren't with me anymore

  • I thought very hard about what was best for them

  • And

  • Right now that's being in Korea

  • They're very happy there

  • They're comfortable

  • And they're in really good hands

  • And

  • I didn't wanna disturb that just for my own benefit

  • I don't know what will happen in the future

  • But, umm...

  • For now this is what we agreed on

  • I miss them both so much

  • And

  • I struggle with it

  • A lot

  • But I just try to remind myself that this is what's best for them and

  • That's all that should matter

  • But it's really hard

  • If any of you guys have been in a similar situation

  • With your pets

  • Can you please leave me some advice in the comments

  • I was able to

  • Video chat with them yesterday

  • Which was really nice

  • Umm...

  • He was playing with them with their new toys and

  • And they looked really happy

  • And healthy so...

  • That made me feel a little better

  • But...

  • It's really hard

  • He loves them so much and he takes really good care of them

  • So...

  • I'm not worried or anything

  • But, it's just...

  • Really tough not...

  • Having them here with me anymore

  • He's gonna continue to post pictures on their Instagram

  • LIke he has been

  • And umm...

  • If he can find some time, he said that he wants to update their YouTube channel again

  • So if you guys are into cats

  • Heh

  • Cat pictures and videos

  • Umm...

  • I'll put the links in the description box

  • And if you could go and support them that would be really nice

  • He really loves them and he really loves sharing them with you guys

  • Umm...

  • So I know he'd really appreciate that

  • I wanna say thank you to you guys for dealing with me being quiet about this

  • For such a long time

  • I'm sure it was frustrating to many of you

  • Who had some idea of what was going on and I just wasn't talking about it

  • I'm sorry about that but...

  • I really needed time to

  • Umm...

  • Just deal with things on my own

  • And figure out what I'm gonna do next

  • Because for the first time in a very long time

  • That decision was completely up to me

  • I thought about staying in Korea

  • Consider moving back to Japan obviously

  • Umm...

  • Canada was never really an option

  • Because it's just

  • Not exciting enough for me right now

  • I really, really

  • Enjoyed living in Korea

  • Everybody was so nice to me as you guys saw in my vlogs

  • I was always...

  • Really happy

  • Heh

  • Exploring outside

  • And...

  • The food was so good!

  • And I just...

  • It was really exciting...

  • Getting to explore a whole new culture

  • But I needed to be back somewhere where I was familiar with everything

  • There's just too much going on right now for me to be in a country where I don't speak the language very well

  • My Korean did improve a little bit~

  • I feel a little more confident with it

  • But not to the point that I could...

  • Take care of myself there

  • So...

  • Umm...

  • That's why I decided to come back to Japan!

  • I'm pretty sad that I...

  • leaving Korea honestly, but

  • I'm just gonna do...

  • My best with how things have turned out

  • Sometimes I get comments criticizing me for

  • Being really happy all the time...

  • People think it's annoying and fake

  • And I can see that because...

  • Umm...

  • I try to just make videos when I'm having a good day

  • And if I'm not having a good day

  • And I try to make it look like I am

  • Because I don't see the point in being

  • Sad and pessimistic about things

  • Umm...

  • That's just who I am even when I'm having a shitty day

  • I'll try and make the best out of it and try and see the good in things and

  • I'm gonna do that

  • With this situation too

  • So onto happier stuff!

  • Heh I'll tell you guys about where I'm gonna live

  • I actually decided to move back to

  • Morioka in northern Japan

  • If you've been watching my videos from years back

  • You've seen me come here a couple times

  • This is actually my Japanese hometown

  • This is where I first came when I moved to Japan when I was nineteen

  • It was also the first place I did a short term...

  • Uhh...

  • Ugoku

  • Uhh English uhh...

  • So this is like where all my first

  • Experiences of Japan...

  • Happened

  • And I've lots of really nice memories here

  • And luckily I have a few friends here still too!

  • Which is really cool

  • My friends from like 10 years ago

  • And my newer-ish friend Mark that works at the magic bar

  • He lives in Morioka too, so

  • It's kind of nice that I've got a little community up here

  • And, uhh...

  • I feel really familiar with the town

  • And I think it's just a good place for me to be right now

  • So...

  • I'm really, really looking forward to sharing it with you guys

  • It was always...

  • Kind of my

  • Dream for my YouTube channel was to

  • Share northern Japan with you guys because

  • As you know it's my favorite area of Japan

  • And I feel like it really doesn't get enough coverage for how awesome it is

  • So hopefully I'll be able to do that for you now

  • Now that I'm up here, umm...

  • I'll finally be able to make the videos that I've been wanting to make

  • I don't drive a car

  • Unfortunately I don't have my license in Japan

  • And the weather is really, really cold right now

  • So...

  • Uhm...

  • My only mode of transportation is walking or bicycle

  • So it probably won't be outside vlogging for

  • Maybe another...

  • Couple weeks or like a month or so?

  • Up here in Morioka

  • But umm, I'll actually be going down to Tokyo a lot!

  • Because I got a new job there!

  • I'll explain that to you guys in another video

  • That's like lots to talk about

  • But umm, yeah I'll be going back to Tokyo tomorrow actually for work and umm...

  • Maybe vlog a bit there

  • A few of my friends are coming to Tokyo for an event

  • And

  • It'll be nice to catch up with them

  • But yeah, then once I'm back in Morioka

  • I'm really looking forward to showing you guys around

  • I'm really looking forward to exploring it more because

  • When I lived here for three years when I was nineteen

  • I was...

  • Very umm...

  • I was very poor and I'd spent all my time working

  • Literally, I worked at like seven different schools

  • I did tutoring I did like online translation

  • I did all these different things and I didn't have much time to actually explore much of the town

  • So...

  • I think that'll be really fun for us to do together

  • I'll take you guys downtown and show you the shops and kind of...

  • Show you how the vibe is different from somewhere like Tokyo

  • I feel like I've disappointed a lot of you guys

  • Who are looking forward to videos about Korea

  • And I totally understand that because I'm also disappointed in myself

  • But I really hope you'll enjoy these videos as well

  • I'll do my best to make them really fun and enjoyable so...

  • *cute thank you gesture*

  • I appreciate your

  • Understanding

  • Thank you so much for all your support guys

  • Umm...

  • I could tell that some of you sensed that things weren't going so well for me and

  • You were extra nice and

  • Sweet in your comments and I really

  • I really appreciated that

  • I sent out umm...

  • Some private messages to some of my patrons

  • A little earlier

  • Before posting this video because I kind of wanted to like

  • Practice talking about this with people?

  • And

  • All the

  • Responses I got were so kind

  • So thank you guys so much that really helped a lot

  • And umm, it helped me find the courage to talk about this in a video

  • All right, I guess that is all

  • There is to say about this right now

  • Umm...

  • Thanks so much you guys again for being patient with me

  • I'm really, really lucky to have such a cool community of people watching my videos

  • You guys are so sweet

  • And I'm looking forward to getting back to my regular self and

  • Posting fun vlogs and interacting with you guys again

  • So...

  • I will see you very soon!~

  • Thanks guys!~

  • Bye~

Hey guys, welcome to a very long overdue life update video

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