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  • Let's review the evidence

  • Ceara entered Omadd's device, saw something terrifying and emerged as Scarlet Briar

  • She came out insane, but there's a method to her madness

  • We know from Thaumanova that she's researching magical energy and lay-lines

  • She's used Molten Alliance magitech to locate lay-lines

  • We know that there are lay-lines in Lions Arch, among other places

  • She's built her own personal army

  • Krait and Nightmare Court

  • Pirates and Inquest

  • Dredge and Flame Legion

  • and most of all, her clockwork horrors

  • She tricked her subordinates into doing her bidding

  • With promises of power resources or other gains

  • She modified her poison to be resistant to our anti-toxin

  • She could use it against an army

  • or a city

  • Mai Trin is preparing the Aetherblades in the mists for a big attack

  • There's a mists portal in Lions Arch

  • Jory! Lions Arch is her target! We have to warn Ellen!

  • I'll warn her, I'll let you know when I hear back

  • Make your preparations

  • Everything has been building towards a single devastating attack.

Let's review the evidence

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