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  • top off morning gamers.

  • It's time for another charity, Lifestream.

  • Big, Big Big One happened in this time.

  • We're doing it Thursday, the 26th of September.

  • It's so close.

  • You should be super excited about it.

  • Ready to go and clear all your plans And everybody show up because we're doing this charity Lifestream with Amelia Cleric.

  • You may know her from game of Thrones.

  • She was d nearest star Gary in the Queen of Dragons.

  • The Breaker of chains shared a lot of names on that show, but we're doing the charity Life Street with her, which I am honestly, really damn excited.

  • Vote I I had to keep this in for so long because I didn't want to say it too often because I was afraid it wouldn't happen.

  • But now it's actually happening, and I'm gonna get to meet her and hang out with her, and we're gonna do a charity livestream together.

  • It's gonna be so much fun.

  • I'm really excited for it.

  • We're gonna be raising money for her charity.

  • Actually, she has a charitable organization called saying you who helped out people who have gone through any sort of brain injury or stroke especially young people, and it helps them get to rehabilitation.

  • Service is for those injuries, and we are trying to raise a whopping quarter of a $1,000,000.

  • We're trying to raise $250,000 on this one day the charity pages actually open.

  • Now.

  • I will leave a link in the description and probably pin the comment as well.

  • So go click that link.

  • Donate as much as you possibly can.

  • Please.

  • This is a really big stream.

  • This is a really big goal on I really want us to be able to hit it this time.

  • Amelia and I are going to be doing a bunch of fun stuff together.

  • We're gonna have submitted challenges.

  • We're gonna do some karaoke.

  • You'll be able to vote on which song, each of which each of us should sing.

  • Amelia selling T shirts with a design on it.

  • This design she's selling T shirts that is going towards the charity.

  • And I am also selling pins.

  • Same design on dhe.

  • That's all going towards the charity as well.

  • So with all of these combined efforts were hoping to raise $250,000.

  • Gamers, I'm really excited about this dream on big headed Jack is really excited about as well on regular human size jackets.

  • Also really excited about it as well.

  • Israel Life.

  • Jack is gonna be a fantastic day.

  • I really think it's gonna be a lot of fun.

  • So here, all of your schedules here, everything that you've got to know, that thing that you've got that you're going to do a stop it, come to the stream.

  • It's a great time.

  • I don't know if threatening people Aggressive is the best way to get people to show up to a stream.

  • But seriously, I hope to see a lot of you there.

  • It's gonna be a tone, a phone on.

  • I'm really excited about it.

  • So I'll see you gamers there, 98.

top off morning gamers.

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