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  • balding basics.

  • Kickstarter Exclusive demo The game is still in development.

  • So everything seen here Subject to chain?

  • Yep.

  • Narry iss Baldy.

  • The man himself.

  • He's back yet again.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • It's been about few months.

  • How you doing?

  • Bolster?

  • Still haven't grown in the air on that small head of yours.

  • Woke, bagged, two bodies, Basics Bold E has returned many times, and most recently he showcased us some new characters.

  • I had some new tricks up his tiny alarm sleeve.

  • Today we're gonna be playing the Kickstarter exclusive demo, which is a very early look at the full Baldy game.

  • Now, if you don't know what bold he is, so you don't know who this fella is?

  • This is Baldy.

  • You're going to be in his school and he is gonna be chasing you, trying to smack you with that little ruler there.

  • It doesn't sound that terrifying, but believe me, it iss of young, great body before, if you haven't seen me play it, it's about to get really interesting now.

  • Apparently with this particular demo, we hit the play button and then there's two main modes.

  • There's main mode where body would just chase you and free runway.

  • You can just run around the school, but I'm not sure how.

  • Ah, natural handy.

  • That's gonna be now because the schools are completely random.

  • Every time we have main modes, we go into this elevator just chillin, which looks beautiful, by the way.

  • Tubes on the right.

  • Terrible looking dogs on the left, on a pretty terrifying looking computer screen, which I think is where you answer math questions before.

  • So every time you play the game, you get given this seed of the top right here.

  • Now, if you play Minecraft, you'll know exactly what this is.

  • This is like a specific number which tells you all the data about the level with curry on floor one.

  • We're gonna hit.

  • Play on.

  • This is going to be a completely random Hey, buddy.

  • Hello.

  • It's been a while since we've seen you.

  • So yeah, week about this thing, Chip would elevator.

  • We've only got four notebooks to find, which is pretty interesting.

  • What was that noise?

  • Just looking at this.

  • Who is this?

  • Hello?

  • Some kid drew this thing.

  • Next thing you know, it's floating around laughing and making mischief.

  • This is a brand new character dudes, and he's terrifying.

  • Oh, my God.

  • He looks like a dirty moon.

  • Oh, it's good to be back.

  • So I didn't actually managed to complete the demo that we played before.

  • It was stupidly hard.

  • We've only got four notebooks in this randomly generated school.

  • This right here, my friends, is the door all.

  • Oh, um, yeah, there's gonna be some glitches because this is a demo.

  • But that is a door, and that is a room.

  • What's this different?

  • All?

  • Wait a seconds.

  • Way could hide in the lockers.

  • That's awesome.

  • But come boldly see us in there.

  • He's not chasing me yet.

  • There's been no math questions on.

  • There's a hanged man.

  • It's never good.

  • If there's a hanged man, let me go and grab this notebook real quick when it doesn't make you do a math question is either.

  • I have so up for that.

  • I cannot do math.

  • Okay?

  • We've got the turntables.

  • I think that was in the last demo.

  • That was brand new.

  • I'm excited to see Oh, did you see that?

  • I got two notebooks.

  • Ah, that's chalky.

  • And what's that noise?

  • Hello?

  • Oh, there's body.

  • Hey, body was going, buddy.

  • So Every time you do something that piques his interest, it now comes up on the bottom, right?

  • That's handy.

  • And I think it's also started me off on a slightly easy level, which I'm I'm okay with.

  • See later.

  • Arts and crafts, You creepy sock puppet.

  • You right?

  • Let's have Explorer of this school.

  • See?

  • Look.

  • Yeah, he's, like, proper intrigued by it.

  • We have a canteen.

  • What's good?

  • I'm going by myself.

  • A free soda.

  • Don't mind if I do.

  • Let's grab one of these.

  • Don't think we use thes at all in the previous demo that we played.

  • Got a tape in there?

  • What's that?

  • What's this?

  • That's a border razor.

  • Is it your dirty chalk?

  • A razor?

  • That must be to do If the new guy that's in here, Um oh, where I come across him, he sounds slightly terrifying.

  • To be honest with you, you got to talk.

  • A razor is brand new.

  • B soda is a classic on.

  • This whole thing is completely random.

  • Where are my notebooks?

  • Arts and crafts?

  • Tell me where it is.

  • You know, punk, I think bodies that you pretty slow it right now, which I'm kind of okay with I just need to try and find these notebooks.

  • Hey, I'm just happy that we don't have toe do any kind of math problems.

  • Some fine with that, Even the simple ones off.

  • I'm okay with what we're doing here.

  • Well, the padlocks I'm about that.

  • Give me and there's body discovering where I am.

  • I like that.

  • Actually, that's really cool.

  • All I forgot, I found another notebook bodies, folk machine malfunction again.

  • I hot bodies, hacking.

  • He's hacking the game.

  • So I completely forgot that when the bell rings, a random activity happens.

  • This game is becoming so much more full.

  • I love it.

  • All right, I've been here.

  • I'm pretty sure I've been here.

  • I can't see what body is a tall.

  • I'm gonna go in here.

  • What we got All this is the cassette tape.

  • We don't Don't go in here.

  • We've already been in there.

  • I'm gonna go this way.

  • I think he's just entered.

  • When is this for gonna go away?

  • Please stop.

  • I can't see.

  • Not in.

  • But what we should try by the way, is we should try getting into that locker and seeing if he could find us.

  • But first up, I want to try and complete this one of the beast soda.

  • I will take that, sir.

  • Thank you.

  • It sounds like it's getting pretty close now.

  • Very terrified.

  • Why can't I find this last room?

  • It don't be that far away.

  • Oh, wait.

  • I think it might be here.

  • Oh, yeah, We're dead.

  • There's no in here with deads.

  • Well, there it is.

  • Give me.

  • Give me.

  • Give me.

  • What do I do now?

  • I'm person the big Red button.

  • What happens now at a panics?

  • Oh, jeez, No other Scare the life out of me.

  • So do we play this one now?

  • Again?

  • I'm confused.

  • Let me see if this is the same.

  • Yeah, I think this is the same.

  • Okay, we got messed over then.

  • Really bad because you recorded me.

  • I need to find that room first.

  • I'm going.

  • I'm going to find that room first was like in a dead end.

  • You can't be coming.

  • You're coming already.

  • You've got to be joking.

  • It's here.

  • It's It's it.

  • I just need to run as fast as I can so I can get down here.

  • But it's gonna be It's gonna be close.

  • You can get back past him.

  • I have no idea.

  • If I press the button.

  • What happens?

  • I completely forgot everything about Goldie.

  • That's what he's banking on, Isn't it time to grab this notebook and this?

  • And then I'm gonna press the big red button.

  • And we also haven't found out talkies special ability just yet.

  • Oh, here we go.

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • There's big metal doors.

  • I'm so pleased that the thing Give me this book.

  • I'm gonna get the quarter as well, And I'm gonna go and hide in the locker and see No, if this what?

  • No, no, no, no.

  • You didn't see me.

  • It's just about to sell me off.

  • But you didn't see me broke.

  • Oh, you're dumb.

  • You're so stupid.

  • Let me see a boat.

  • He gets me.

  • I have a feeling you, Mike.

  • Oh, uh, what am I supposed to do now?

  • I'm stuck to people.

  • Want my on my head chopped off and put in detention.

  • I'm dead.

  • Well, so the lucky doesn't currently do anything that useful, which is fantastic.

  • Grab myself a B soda.

  • I did not use it properly last time at all.

  • Isn't he, uh, Dusty a razor Or maybe I can use it holding seconds.

  • Maybe I can use this on the chalk boards with the face on it.

  • I'm gonna try that about it.

  • Ah, you do a body.

  • No running.

  • No.

  • You didn't see me.

  • You did not see me.

  • That's so unfair.

  • I'd rather get caught by bolder than you.

  • Oh, great.

  • Great.

  • Fantastic.

  • Or at least I can put this in here.

  • Bodies least favorite tape.

  • All right, let's do that.

  • So he can't hear nothing.

  • Is he in here?

  • I need to find a chalkboard, so I can I can make this even dirtier of a talker.

  • Razor.

  • Why did I come this way?

  • This was a terrible way to come.

  • I need to go to that.

  • Um, let's go to that dead ends place.

  • What's gonna happen?

  • Folk machine.

  • Oh, that's so mean.

  • So very mean.

  • I got it.

  • Look, to see if I can use it.

  • Here we go.

  • I did it.

  • Whoa.

  • What does that mean?

  • Nobody knows.

  • Nobody has a clue.

  • I need to go to the dead end room.

  • I just have no idea where it is.

  • I have No I sweet.

  • I mean, sweets alone.

  • Oh, Geez!

  • Okay.

  • I was not planning on that.

  • Hopefully sweat body away as well.

  • I have no idea how are escaped.

  • But I think I'm in the dead end circle.

  • Whoa!

  • Stuff sweeping!

  • Put me down!

  • Put me down A broke putting cheese.

  • Thank goodness the smoke is gone, Right?

  • I used the eraser.

  • I have no idea what happens after that because it's going to see what happens.

  • Never mind is going to come out.

  • Body's gonna find me.

  • There it is the dead end room.

  • So I Why I need to do is go down here, open this press the button, grabbed the book, grab this and then I need to make sure that I whipped him away with my be soda.

  • I'm gonna do it.

  • I don't know where I need to go.

  • What?

  • Do I have to go home?

  • Uh huh.

  • And crossed is coming.

  • I got the chills, The chills happening.

  • This is the wrong way.

  • I think I need to get back home.

  • You go back to the Oh, don't do it.

  • Don't do it.

  • Don't do it.

  • Complain.

  • You doing what just happened?

  • Dead on I Where's home?

  • Where is the elevator?

  • I think it's close.

  • Oh, it's down here and left.

  • I'm pretty sure it's down here, and I have no idea what has happened.

  • I feel like I just had a full on, like, seizure or something.

  • Quick.

  • The elevator.

  • I'm out.

  • I might have done it.

  • Yes.

  • Mmm.

  • My time was very along.

  • Why?

  • Teepees earned 123.

  • So to white CPS are gonna be B plus.

  • So you just keep playing in a new way to floor two.

  • 07 on this 10 you're mean.

  • Let's keep all you keep your items to that sick.

  • Oh, this is calls.

  • You can just unlimited Lee play bodies basics now.

  • And you get different ones every time.

  • You I need to have words with you.

  • Run, you run, you little punk Man, that definitely hurt my brain.

  • Last time was Oh, uh oh.

  • This is a new room.

  • It's a maze, isn't it?

  • I'm so pleased.

  • There's amazing here.

  • Well, well, well.

  • This is interesting.

  • Where can I find the book on how to defeat Bold E or confined Brody's favorite recipes.

  • So I couldn't cook him.

  • Oh, that's the one of the worst items ever.

  • You know, I haven't seen jump rope yet.

  • Maybe the, um maybe the characters randomised as well.

  • That would be interesting.

  • Or I'm out of here.

  • Right.

  • Let's grab this.

  • I want to know what this dude does.

  • The chalk guy.

  • I have no idea.

  • The conveyor Bel is here is well, Swee'pea Swee'pea is still chilling as well.

  • I'm gonna grab me some chocolate and I'm going out the other side of this.

  • Oh, this is awesome!

  • Guys, this is so much better.

  • Having completely random levels and having to learn them is crazy.

  • Seven notebooks on this one is going to be horrible.

  • Who got another one going on?

  • Let's grab this.

  • And then we need to get out of here.

  • He's so close.

  • So close.

  • Oh, jeez.

  • What is not sorry bit?

  • Yes.

  • Let's go, Campin.

  • Let's go.

  • Oh, I forgot how to do this one.

  • To be honest with you, we need to pick up the firewood doorway.

  • I need to not let it go out.

  • So there is the camping thing in here.

  • This is where the big dog comes up, though.

  • Four logs.

  • Just put those on to the fire.

  • Could be some bonus score.

  • Let's go I think you'll get some item rewards from this is.

  • Well, I'm not 100% sure.

  • I need to Ah, keep my booster.

  • I don't think I've done this correctly, but it's got this and this and let's go back.

  • Which up?

  • The all bullies here inside of buying a tree.

  • Three twigs.

  • Let's get our boost back.

  • I think we're doing pretty well for scored, to be honest with you.

  • Luckily we've played this many game before.

  • You need to collect as many sticks as you can.

  • And I think it's before the dog character tries to get you.

  • What's that noise?

  • When there is Look, I got for my fire away.

  • There we go.

  • Oh, will you stop this group up will be the little bug on.

  • This isn't gonna go well, is it?

  • Give me this.

  • The dog comes down and starts blowing out the fire.

  • Are you freaking kidding me?

  • You actually kidding me right now?

  • You just stole the sticks from my bare hands.

  • Absolute animal.

  • Not only your annoying in the game, but you're annoying in the bonus games too.

  • I need sprints.

  • I should have kept the more clothes I need to keep this going for, like, 75 more seconds.

  • Yeah, that's definitely gonna happen.

  • Oh, it's getting small.

  • Oh, it's got a real smoke quick.

  • Oh, thank goodness.

  • 60 more seconds, but it's getting really, really small for this.

  • Try and grab a few more sticks and save our boost.

  • I just need 40 more seconds from you.

  • Little fire.

  • That's all I need's.

  • I'll go for it.

  • I'm gonna collect all these sticks and it's gonna be a mega score.

  • Here we go.

  • Bam, bam, bam, bam, bam, bam!

  • This is a terrible idea because of all the flame is No, you're not gonna get overtime.

  • Oh, yeah, We're dead.

  • We're so dead.

  • I don't know what happens when we die, though.

  • If I have any collected, like two more sticks, I would've been fine.

  • Come on.

  • 9876 No, five, four!

  • Oh, jeez.

  • You took all my items.

  • Are you freaking kidding me?

  • Body?

  • I'm so upset by you right now.

  • I can't believe it.

  • Okay, While we're here, let's randomly generate another one because I want to see how these look in this one gives us five notebooks.

  • That's a pretty big star.

  • Last time only had four, which is fine, because Brody really doesn't get that fast when Europe Five notebooks.

  • So this one should be doable.

  • But I want to see if we could find out what happens with the chalk guy.

  • Because we haven't figured that out just yet.

  • And I wonder if there's any more field trips as well.

  • I desperately need to know who this is.

  • One that glitch rooms, isn't it?

  • Oh, hey, Mr Sweep.

  • See you later, buddy.

  • No, no, I just saw you and I didn't check.

  • I'm going in here.

  • I'm grabbing all the things before you try and grab me.

  • Let's go.

  • Let's go way Have a way to not be caught by this guy.

  • But it's in the locker and it doesn't just walk past you, which I guess is going to be a feature.

  • But for now, you just gotta get smacked.

  • I've just realised as well there are two ways out of this one and I'm going this way.

  • Good bye.

  • Describe this.

  • He, uh, actually despise the principle of the most because he's the one that caused me the most problems.

  • He's ruined more runs than anyone else here.

  • This school completely new.

  • Like properly.

  • Brand's new because it's random every time.

  • Oh, come with this one.

  • Does the alarm clock.

  • Oh, this is gonna make him go to a certain location, isn't it?

  • I need to remember that.

  • And I also need to remember how to get back to the elevator.

  • Otherwise I'm gonna die.

  • Body is gonna hit me real hard without ruler, and it's gonna stink.

  • We got a canteen here, so I'm gonna go ahead and grab myself a B soda and explore the other half of the school.

  • Well, what's gonna happen is a dead end.

  • Eyes the folk machine again.

  • So quick row, right.

  • Let's try this again, shall we?

  • So that's definitely a dead end.

  • So the other books must be around here that these two books here, but this guy's gonna Ah, you are a I was just saying I really dislike you.

  • Get out of my face.

  • Now try and get back that he cracks me up.

  • Yeah, I need to Now get back there and have no idea how I'm back at the beginning.

  • Right.

  • Got free of them.

  • Free notebooks.

  • A chocolate bar on alarm clock.

  • I'm set.

  • I'm ready Oh, no.

  • What do you want?

  • Give me something great.

  • No, Absolutely.

  • No, actually.

  • Okay.

  • I'll give you something.

  • What do you want?

  • I'll take that.

  • Okay, fine.

  • Enjoy.

  • I'm putting the alarm clock down in here.

  • I'm out on the folk machine at the same time.

  • That's unfortunate.

  • I feel like I've been everywhere already.

  • I've been in here.

  • Okay, We got the dusty brush.

  • That's good stuff, Stupid.

  • And figure out what that did.

  • One notebook to go.

  • I think it's in here.

  • You're isn't here.

  • I'm out.

  • Let's go.

  • Let's get back to the beginning.

  • Cameron and the principal was following me at some point.

  • He's not there.

  • Don't put me in detention.

  • If I get put in detention is game over.

  • Wait, It's here, isn't it?

  • It's neither running in the hole.

  • Would I just say Well, I just say leave me alone.

  • I'm so close.

  • Ah!

  • Uh, You're so dead.

  • I'm sorry.

  • I think I'm near the beginning, though.

  • Come on.

  • Come on, buddy.

  • Leave me alone, bro.

  • Leave me alone.

  • Oh, okay.

  • Um, that's fine with me.

  • I'm out, I think Odds and Croft To save my life.

  • I'm indebted to you.

  • Arts and crafts have no idea what you did, but you are a hero.

  • Bernice au fost So fast.

  • You need to go yet down here on then past this.

  • But I'm so like I'm so lost.

  • I just need to get to the elevator.

  • I think it's down here and left.

  • But no 100% sure.

  • Yes, it is.

  • It's open.

  • Let's go both.

  • He better not cut me off.

  • I think I'm done.

  • I think I've done it.

  • You ain't catching me.

  • Yes, I've done It lets you pop drive this core and destroys me.

  • No way Good.

  • Let's go.

  • Five notebooks.

  • That's a pretty difficult one for the first level.

  • Looks like the scoreboards don't work yet.

  • I don't know what the those YouTube points I would love to know We got the floor, too.

  • Does his automatic gives you seven?

  • So I'm guessing there's a whistle.

  • What's the whistle?

  • But I'm guessing after this there's even more notebooks afterwards.

  • The principal whistle, one earth is that about So there's new items as you go through the floors and there's new.

  • I think his new characters as well because we haven't seen jump rope girl the way we did a little bit with the chalk guy, but it didn't really work.

  • I want to know what the principal whistle does.

  • I'm curious.

  • Give me this time in this notebook and I'm out of here.

  • There's four of these.

  • Whoa!

  • I don't know what these do.

  • I think that would be a good thing to have, though, when you're running away from body, makes it a little bit less.

  • Ah, luck based.

  • I guess we're currently those star function, too.

  • Well, that's the principle of whistle.

  • Although on a leave me alone, buddy, I just blew the whistle.

  • I don't know what it does.

  • Help.

  • Maybe it makes the principal disappear.

  • That would be fantastic if that happens.

  • I got another one.

  • That's 22 hours.

  • Seven pathetic.

  • Well, you know what?

  • I want to do this.

  • I'm gonna do it again.

  • But I'm gonna do it smartly.

  • I won't waste your time with the whole thing, but I want to see what happens when you complete it.

  • Like really desperate E All right for you, They're slower.

  • The more logs you collect as well.

  • I need to get the ones that are really far away.

  • First.

  • Here we go.

  • Uh, you leave, please.

  • Always gonna wait until it goes down even more.

  • But that guy had other ideas.

  • You came out to blow out my fire.

  • I have six logs.

  • Actually, I don't know if I'm gonna make it back in time.

  • This is a terrible idea on bullies.

  • Coming after me is threatening to steal My love's a little punk.

  • Stay away from me!

  • I see you buying that tree I want No, no, no, no, no.

  • He did as well.

  • He actually did as well.

  • Are you little punk?

  • At least I got some close by.

  • Give me a stick.

  • I had six logs and I was almost there.

  • You little punk!

  • I'm so mad at you right now.

  • There are a lot of sticks right here.

  • So I'm gonna wait for this stamina.

  • It's come back up.

  • I think bully is gone, and I'm gonna build the biggest fire that you have ever seen.

  • Six logs.

  • This is gonna last us for the whole 60 seconds.

  • You watch.

  • Bam!

  • I got me some bonus score as well.

  • Look, this is 99.

  • That tree's got a secret message on it.

  • What?

  • That's wigs.

  • I don't know what that's about.

  • I should now be able to stay here.

  • No, get stolen from and complete this.

  • It's worth noting, though, if you don't complete it, he takes all your items.

  • Wait, wait.

  • Why is there a but in this guy?

  • Never mind.

  • Let's put these down.

  • And we have done Zo looking my fire.

  • It's beautiful, right?

  • What do we get?

  • Your award?

  • Bold stuff we got on Apple on a lock.

  • That's pretty dope.

  • I got two stars as well, So there must be 1/3 item that you can get.

  • That's pretty cool.

  • You've done it.

  • The fire is really warm.

  • You've earned these prices.

  • Thank you, buddy.

  • Appreciate it.

  • What's this?

  • I'll go The grappling hook.

  • A cz.

  • Well, I did get another price.

  • We're going to spend this.

  • Oh, no.

  • Um oh, jeez.

  • Yeah.

  • Take the apple.

  • I'll see you later.

  • I didn't want to use that yet, So, um um, you are an idiot.

  • Body looks like there's two notebooks right next to each other, So I'm gonna quickly do this.

  • Use the razor.

  • I still haven't figured out either, though I'm not sure what that does.

  • I need to know that this puffy cloud.

  • What is happening?

  • Uh, door lock.

  • I'm out.

  • This is a new section.

  • If we get outside as well, that means that we can use the grappling hook.

  • Apologies.

  • What now?

  • What?

  • Now?

  • What's the other principal office?

  • Oh, I can get myself another apple.

  • Let's go.

  • I sweep it Body next to me.

  • Good bonuses.

  • Well, e I was gonna give it up all.

  • I don't believe it.

  • He swept it right into my path.

  • Next time I see you broomstick, I'm gonna sweep you into next week.

  • I'm gonna snap you.

  • Snap, You broke.

  • So, you know, this is the brand new bodies basics.

  • A little teaser into the brand new game.

  • I am looking forward to it.

  • We only got to level two.

  • I reckon we could have completed that.

  • If the sweeper didn't sweet bowl d into my face, I would of Ah, I think I would've completed that one.

  • But random levels, new characters, new items.

  • Some of them we didn't use yet didn't figure out the whistle or the chalkboard.

  • If you guys know what how they work, then put in the comment section down below.

  • Be greatly appreciated.

  • Don't even try and get a full three.

  • But let's see if you enjoyed it would like to see that police never like that.

  • Great appreciated.

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