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  • which Barham is going to win.

  • Please, please let it be swamped.

  • We need those boats with chest in.

  • We need frogs.

  • Mountains.

  • I don't believe it.

  • You guys chose snow.

  • You chose this.

  • Goats on DME or Snow?

  • What is going on?

  • So yeah, we're getting those things to Minecraft next, which is great.

  • Welcome to my roundup off mine Corn live 2019.

  • Where, To be honest, I actually think they announce choir all our stuff.

  • So I'm not quite sure how to do this because it's all about a mismatch.

  • I didn't actually watch the live show.

  • I know story, but there is this video called The Mind can live update highlights which one minute and 35 seconds long.

  • So we'll dive into this and then try and find different sections of the lifestream to go over because there are some big things announced.

  • So obviously we have bees.

  • We knew about this.

  • You tested these out already, and apparently they're coming to the full game real soon.

  • Hopefully, I'll be able to use them in my heart ical world soon.

  • But this is a new block which we kind of knew about already.

  • It's a honey block, which features are sliding down.

  • So it's kind of like a slime block in its looks, but it's just more orange.

  • You can slide down it like this, which is pretty cool.

  • You're much slower when you walk across it, and you cannot jump while you're standing on it.

  • Well, you can.

  • But you look like this so you can't move, so it could be quite cool for traps.

  • Could be quite cool for park or maps and adventure maps.

  • In general, you collect the honey from the bees, and now you can actually use it for something other than the little honey bottle, which is quite cool.

  • Next up scripting.

  • I believe this has something to do with bedrock, so I'm not 100% familiar.

  • But it looks like an easier way to make models, which is always good.

  • This is cool.

  • This is the target block now the target block admits Redstone, and it's gonna be quite good for adventure maps.

  • It saves just using like a wooden button that you can shoot.

  • We will go into deeper detail in these in a second.

  • I just want to see the overall changes that are happening to Minecraft.

  • There's also my crab dungeons.

  • A big update for that, too.

  • Rounds plus now this I know the least about, but I think it's a new realms, but it comes with skins and marketplace items, which is quite cool.

  • Mind crop We all know about Minecraft Earth.

  • They've now got the adventures they're coming soon to retrieve.

  • Already, we've already talked about shown before a microbe dungeons.

  • I think they showed a whole game play on this, so we're definitely gonna check this out.

  • It looks it looks awesome.

  • Possibly the best mind cross spinoff game we had when we have the character creator, which is basically a skin, create everything, but he's got the three D elements on you might.

  • You might just have the purchase some bits, so I'm not quite sure how I feel about that Yet.

  • There's also a cape, apparently, which is for every version apart from Java, which is not good or you need to do to claim it is go to the marketplace and get it free, and it's quite cool.

  • It's like a gold version of the original mind con cape.

  • Very nice.

  • Oh, ever about this.

  • The never update look is looks spooky.

  • The nether needs an update.

  • Is 41 of my least favorite places to be probably because you don't go there often on DDE, where there's lots of lover isn't there, But we'll go over this in more detail.

  • Looks like we've got new bio mes new fire.

  • What?

  • Something's coming down from the ceiling.

  • So sand literally everywhere.

  • This could be dangerous.

  • Wait, hold up, put it if they change pick men.

  • What is this with my little cute See one's art?

  • This is a new mob and no, just they've changed on B Big men know what have you done fighting with the skeletons?

  • Or What's this new bio?

  • Mom on wogs, warts, bumba.

  • What's problem with doing in the nether?

  • They've added skin.

  • Miss Pigs, If you watch my hard core Siri's, you know what I'm talking about.

  • But this looks like a new a new bio.

  • Emma's well, looks very cool, and that is that for the update.

  • So let's dive into these one by one.

  • I'm not gonna do bees, so their whole video on that, let's go to the nether update.

  • I think that's gonna be the most interesting target book.

  • Oh, here's the target block.

  • Let's do that first.

  • So this is always served before it emits Redstone when it shot with an arrow.

  • Maybe that's the only way you can use it.

  • I did not know that you could fling on the stands like that.

  • That's kinda cool.

  • Oh, okay, that makes more sense.

  • So depending on where you shoot it, the more Red Stone admits on a bull's eye is gonna be the full length.

  • That's cool.

  • I like that.

  • We're super excited to finally have a nether updates.

  • Another update.

  • There it is, people.

  • Well, it's a clap, but there it is.

  • So another hasn't been a place that's very livable, and that is all about to change.

  • So how is that changing?

  • I mean, well, it will still not be easy to live there.

  • Okay, But you can, so we won't place to be able to have a base there.

  • So, for example, you can set your spawning letter.

  • You can find food and better, but it's still really dangerous place.

  • Okay, that's kind of cool.

  • So maybe they'll change that.

  • You can sleep in the nether now, and they want you to be able to add to survive this.

  • You don't just do what I do and go in, collect something and go out.

  • You don't really use it that much.

  • We wanted to introduce a bio mes to another.

  • And the 1st 1 is the sole Sun Valley Soul Sand Valley.

  • Okay, so that must be the first time we saw.

  • All right?

  • Yeah.

  • There it is.

  • Blue fire.

  • It's like a new block.

  • This is definitely a new block, right?

  • You can see the top of it down here.

  • I wonder if it's like compacting soul sand or something.

  • We got blue fire, which is crazy.

  • So sound everywhere.

  • New types of soul sand.

  • This is normal.

  • This is something else.

  • Maybe quicksand.

  • That'll be quite cool as well.

  • I like this so far.

  • I love the blue fire.

  • Maybe if you were, like soul sound with, like, a Clinton still go blue.

  • That would be awesome.

  • Blue fire, which is in new block.

  • Or actually, if you place fire on a source on it will now turn blue.

  • Static time predicted.

  • So we have another bio toe.

  • Look at what my own.

  • Is that red one?

  • Didn't Edward forest netherworld forests that looks cool.

  • Clothes, stone in the trees, new woods.

  • Maybe a cz.

  • Well, we could get redwood.

  • That'd be awesome.

  • Never walk on the floor.

  • It's not another one on the floor.

  • That grass is red mushrooms.

  • I use this guy or these other mushrooms.

  • There's something down there.

  • I think there might be other mushrooms.

  • Lava coming down yet to mushrooms.

  • That's cool.

  • New leaves.

  • Of course.

  • It's kind of dark.

  • Too scary.

  • I like this.

  • The nether.

  • Oh, there's a blue version and there's a There's a pig man stuck in the street and someone save him, please.

  • Yeah, like that.

  • So it's got blue grass.

  • Blue trees got Give us blue woods.

  • Go on.

  • What?

  • I'm I get excited about different color of wood.

  • Yeah, I like this.

  • This is probably my favorite bit.

  • So, Father pick better still here, though.

  • Okay, for you have not been deleted.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, this is nice.

  • This one seems to be in the air because the glow stones hanging underneath Or is this a cliff?

  • Maybe I look atyou far into it.

  • This is different as well.

  • That's no glow stone.

  • I thought it was, but it's completely different.

  • So lots of new blocks coming, which is great.

  • There will be, for example, a new hostile mauled.

  • No, I think we could show it now and with temporarily Call it the pig.

  • Wing beast.

  • Pig, Wing beast.

  • Evening beast All always hostile.

  • Glynn Peace only sounds.

  • They sound gross now.

  • Hostile.

  • Oh, look.

  • Oh, just three odds, huh?

  • Did not do three hearts of damage.

  • I'm sure it did.

  • No, just one hot.

  • So does one heart damage.

  • If you're not wearing armor, that's quite good.

  • And there's loads of them.

  • So you could be in trouble here if you get by three at the same time.

  • There's three hearts gone.

  • They're kind of cool.

  • I like this scar on his eye.

  • How did you get that?

  • He's got two different shaped nostrils.

  • No show I know is that it's got a weird and no pupils.

  • Great.

  • We are introducing pickling mop.

  • A swell.

  • Okay, these are the pig wing.

  • We got a crossbow.

  • He's gonna be like the pillage is of the nether.

  • I think before we did see Thea, other pick men don't get rid of my beauty Pickman.

  • These guys ain't so cute.

  • Apparently they don't like with a skeleton, but they destroyed by them.

  • Oh, dear.

  • Okay.

  • Never mind, Preston.

  • Oh!

  • Oh, that's cool.

  • He doesn't want you stealing the gold.

  • Oh, it's You know, that could have been your ancestor.

  • So they dropped beef.

  • So that's kind of like cows.

  • Maybe I'll change in the future.

  • So they spawn near chests.

  • Maybe.

  • And then he tried to steal the gold armor in here.

  • Lots of gold goodies, which is pretty good, actually, because gold is so rare in the over world.

  • But when he spoiled you, he's gonna hit you.

  • It is 1/2 our damage with full gold.

  • So pretty powerful.

  • Yeah, I'm guessing these are kind of like the villages of the world.

  • Very cool.

  • I like it.

  • Good updates.

  • Look, ball.

  • But that's actually a good reason why they pay.

  • It.

  • Wants to a approached the big wins.

  • Because way will introduce a new kind of trading with them that we called bartering.

  • But it's a little bit different to village trading.

  • The pig wings did in their own way.

  • So, like you can frozen girl at them and they will throw tonight.

  • Then somewhere they can go pick it up states more piglet, Einstein.

  • That's gonna cool.

  • Thio new version of training.

  • You throw them gold, they three around him.

  • Goody.

  • I like that.

  • Suits.

  • Good.

  • Will there be new things that they're gonna barter with you?

  • Eight will.

  • But we will not tell what you're embarking.

  • Yeah.

  • So new things coming to another.

  • That is a lot of another things coming.

  • That is a long you.

  • Never things coming.

  • So there's gonna be new items as well that you can barter with the pig wings with to make sure you're covered in gold and showering them in gold ingots, and they'll give you goodies.

  • Nice.

  • Okay, so they then go into the winner of the bio mes, which we're not gonna talk about.

  • So when will this come out?

  • It will come out.

  • Bees come out in before the holidays in 2019.

  • That's pretty soon.

  • Next few months, and then the nether update will come out in the first half of 2020 next year.

  • So get excited for that.

  • It looks like it's gonna be a good one.

  • Dangerous, but good.

  • Let's look up Minecraft dungeons.

  • I'm excited for this game.

  • It looks awesome.

  • We actually have a cinematic to watch.

  • I think this is the opening off the game was his quite cool.

  • It was a time of great adventure.

  • All of this dude shunned by skin, illiterate wonders the land seeking a new home.

  • No, but all we found villages.

  • Come on up.

  • You were nice.

  • It's so angry.

  • Where did you get these pitchforks?

  • We have that in another update, please.

  • Driven by rage against those who roamed, he warned it.

  • Line to classic villain.

  • Story comes, he's gonna get magical powers.

  • And then he's gonna take revenge on all the pitchfork villages.

  • You're in trouble, guys.

  • The Villagers found something.

  • Was it changed him forever.

  • Told predicted everything today alone, off the O.

  • It's taking corrupted, driven by vengeance.

  • And if they did know everything that you guys are in trouble.

  • Look how many there are.

  • Look, What is this?

  • That is insane!

  • I think we saw that last time.

  • This is bad.

  • You guys are gonna die quickly!

  • Villages raided!

  • That's what it is.

  • A fight that bad house.

  • The purity of heart.

  • Way Rain never update!

  • Please put it in.

  • Come on!

  • New boss!

  • New boss!

  • No!

  • Terrible lying Mycroft onions look sick.

  • Graphics on all the new mobs they've added look amazing.

  • And they've added some game playing here, too.

  • They got Coop going on since two people playing on the same console for PC.

  • Look at this.

  • This game is for you to falls.

  • So we have Bo's wheat flame hours.

  • I can see down there health potions held different weapons and abilities to They want different things on different buttons.

  • Looks like the X box right now.

  • And it just looks great.

  • Zombies everywhere.

  • Cows just chillin TNT.

  • So that's like your power up do is 11 up because I think they're still trees, which we've seen before, but this game looks amazing.

  • I can not wait to play this.

  • I think it comes out pretty soon as well.

  • It looks already finished.

  • Big damage strength potions love the characters as well.

  • This llamas just chilling with them for no reason.

  • This is awesome.

  • This is chaotic and great.

  • All these levels are randomly generated so you can explore them.

  • Every time you play through the same one, it'll look and feel quite a bit different.

  • That's what he just said.

  • That every single level the goal is the same, but each level is randomly generated.

  • Even if you want to play the same level twice, you can't.

  • It's randomly generated, so be different every single time.

  • That's so cool.

  • So every usually we're playing the same game is gonna have a completely different experience.

  • That's awesome.

  • With the fire guys at the village, We need to say there's a blacksmith in a cage that's cute.

  • When is this game come out?

  • It just says 2020.

  • It doesn't actually have a release day, Spring 2020.

  • So probably around the time the nether update comes out, we will.

  • Lots of Minecraft look forward to, and I'm pretty sure in terms of games updates, that's pretty much all of it.

  • We have two skins in the cape as well, but you know it's not that interesting.

  • Two weeks.

  • I don't play that version of Minecraft, but if you do play bedrock or consulate means you can create your own skins.

  • I think it comes out soon.

  • This is actually in Minecraft, so it works in Minecraft earth on the bedrock version.

  • So consul and on PC to this is with someone like you played job for so long we can create our own skinnies for free.

  • But we can do with this three D stuff.

  • That's kind of cool.

  • The only problem I see with it is that there's little mind queen things here, so I'm sure you're gonna have to pay for some of them, which does suck a little bit because we're so used to getting all the skin stuff for free.

  • If you play Jobber Edition, that is.

  • But if you play console, you're gonna be used to that and you can make your very own characters.

  • I think that's kind of cool.

  • We want to get the cape for free right now, and some of the stuff you're gonna be able to earn your achievements to they go lumberjack shirt for the achievement.

  • So I'm guessing that's one of the first ones you get time to farm for wheat toothpicks.

  • You can't do the three D stuff like that.

  • That's cool.

  • I think they have a Moz as well.

  • With somewhere there's the cape.

  • It action looks cool.

  • And here's the, um, oats.

  • So I think this is only a bedrock thing as well, but you gotta be able to emote in Minecraft fortnight has arrived in Minecraft.

  • But I kinda like this.

  • I wish we had this in Java, which wasn't in Ahmad.

  • Hold the break dance.

  • That's weird.

  • That's everything.

  • I think that's everything I wanted to cover.

  • Maybe I didn't go over what actually is in the bio update.

  • We've got goats.

  • Snow were snow and crazier mountains.

  • That's all they have revealed so far.

  • So goat lovers hope you're happy because we missed out on boats of chests for this.

  • Just saying that is my very quick round up off mine corn 2019 0 I've forgotten something.

  • They announced Minecraft festival, which is pretty much mine con in person again.

  • So it's cut it out of flip its next year, September 25th to the 27th in Orlando, Florida.

  • Fun fact, I'm pretty sure this is where the first mind corn waas the I went to all that time ago.

  • You could go and find the old Rog if you're really up for it before out a 1,000,000 subscribers.

  • I think I was about 800 K or something.

  • How many years later?

  • Seven years later.

  • Is that right?

  • I call Be right.

  • I think it's right six or seven years later, Mind Corner's coming back, which is really cool.

  • Just renamed Minecraft Festival.

  • I think that's cool.

  • That's pretty much it.

  • Now I'm not gonna remember anything else.

  • If I missed anything, feel free to discuss it in the comment section down below, or go in, search my cross Twitter or the Minecraft page on.

  • They'll have all the info you need on what was announced.

  • A mic on Are you excited?

  • Let me know.

  • Liver like I'm pretty excited.

  • A lot of very cool stuff was announced this blank on way better than last year's.

  • I think Minecraft is just so big now, way bigger than it's been before.

  • And a lot of people are excited for the update, so I want to come out soon.

  • Thank you so much watching guys.

  • If you enjoyed evil like here.

  • Subscriber.

  • It is well to join Team TM today to enjoy videos every single day for me and I'll see you guys all you in the next one Goodbye.

which Barham is going to win.

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