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  • we live on a sinew side occur oscillating between elation and despair, and we spend more time with the despair.

  • End of the spectrum.

  • It's a lousy way to live.

  • Welcome to this month's episode for impact at work.

  • I guess that I bring you for this month is no stranger to the my Valley community.

  • He's none other than Professor Street tomorrow.

  • And for those of you who went through the quest for personal master, you would have known the impact that he's had on your life.

  • And I'd love to share the fact that for me I had a chance to go not only through his quest but through his advanced creativity and personal mastering course, where you start looking at every aspect of your life.

  • And it's taking these concepts of spiritually teachers that have been around thousands of years and bring them to modern times on how they apply to live her life at the fullest.

  • And what we're gonna be building in this episode is a container for those who were looking to become inspiring leaders.

  • This is really close to me because I'm also someone who seek to be an inspiring leader and what has happened through my cross of working with Professor Row is that I've become inspired in everyday life activities that I do in doing whatever it is that I need to be doing in making an impact when I hope that you're gonna be gaining by the end of this episode is a lower level of stress and you're chasing of the goals of making a bigger impact.

  • I also know that you're gonna realize that you do not need to go out and manipulate people to be able to create a movement by simply stepping into the greatest potential of who you are being inspired in the process, you will be able to move mountains.

  • And so it's with great pleasure that I bring former teacher and a BIA programs around the world who has had the most sold out courses that has changed the lives of so many people at so many levels, you're gonna be able to learn directly from him.

  • So it's my pleasure to bring professor out the episode.

  • Let's get started.

  • Hi, everybody.

  • Welcome to the episode and Professor Al, thank you for being here.

  • My pleasure, Jason.

  • So we're creating container here, so We're talking about being an inspiring leader, and what I wanted to give an opportunity for people to understand is a lot of the concepts that you bring are actually based on some ancient methods, some your methods.

  • But you do something very unique where it doesn't just touch on the spiritual side, but it expands to encompass so many different areas of your life.

  • Could you tell us more about that?

  • Sure.

  • What happened, Jason is I've drawn my material from the world's greatest masters.

  • They lived in different times, lived in different places, but they all intimately understood the human predicament, and they came up with solutions that have been tested over millennia, and they absolutely worked.

  • But these were people who were interested in your spiritually progress, and that's all this book about.

  • But the solution said they came up with can help you a great deal in your material world, in your carrier, in your quest for wealth, it can do that.

  • They never spoke about it because for them it was irrelevant.

  • What I have done is I've taken their teachings.

  • I've stripped them of religious, cultural and other qualifications and adapted them so that they're acceptable to intelligent people in the post industrial society, and they absolutely work.

  • And so when somebody takes some of these learnings and in this context here, we're talking about becoming an inspiring leader.

  • What are some of the typical tendencies that people have when they want to become a leader where they go on the wrong path?

  • And I want to give an example?

  • Some people, they say, Okay, I want to be a leader because I want to be able to get everybody to do what I want.

  • And here again, you're talking about something that seems very ego driven.

  • Would you be able to elaborate on what are different ways to be sitting?

  • There's something that I used to do when I was a beginning public speaker, and that is that asked my audience how many if you want to be inspiring leaders and virtually everybody would put the hands up, but that I'd say, If you want to be an inspiring leader, you're only well, it wants for the wrong path, and they can have their arms up.

  • They're not quite down, not quite up feeling somewhat embarrassed.

  • I don't do that anymore because not a good idea to embarrass your audience, but the point is very valid.

  • If you set out to be an inspiring leader.

  • What you're really saying is, I want to have people do what I would like them to do, which perhaps they don't want to do so.

  • I've got to figure out how to get people who don't want to do what I want them to do, to do what I want them to do, which is essentially, I gotta learn how to manipulate people pushing it a little bit here.

  • But you get the point.

  • So in my book, becoming an inspiring leader is not an aspirational goal.

  • It is something that happens as a byproduct.

  • If you want to be an inspiring leader, give up all thoughts, hopes, dreams of becoming an inspiring leader but instead be inspired, be inspired by a vision that brings a greater good to a greater community and have tremendous flexibility in defining both the greater good on the greater community.

  • But unless you can find something that's bigger than you are to which you can subsume if not your whole life, a least a big chunk of it, you're not really going to become an inspiring leader.

  • But if you do find that and you learn how to communicate it, then you become an inspiring leader by default because anybody who comes in touch with you cannot help but be inspired.

  • You know, it's little bit like Gandhi.

  • He never set out to sea.

  • I want to be an inspiring leader.

  • I won millions and millions of people to follow me, know, Gandhi said.

  • The passport loss or unjust and I will not let them stand.

  • And he was a British trained off a turning.

  • So he was verbally fluent in to use that in whatever other skins he had toe organize protests against the passport loss and in the process of doing that.

  • And later, when he came to India and started fighting his colonial rule, he did, in fact, the coming, inspiring leader.

  • It was entirely a by product.

  • It's not something is set out to do so if you want to be an inspiring leader, first, be inspired, come up with a vision, come up with something that brings the greater good to a greater community and then, as you learn to communicate that you become an inspiring needed.

  • Now, I know you've worked with a lot of people at various levels in an organization that probably came up with that same aspiration of wanting to be an inspiring leader and then realizing this shift, this new method of going okay, No, I need to be inspired by a vision.

  • Would you have a good example that would allow someone who might be finding themselves watching this going like, Oh, wow.

  • I feel like I've been chasing an outcome without thinking of the process.

  • Where would that look like?

  • Well, I haven't worked personally that Gandhi over here is a perfect example of someone who started off.

  • He never wanted to be an inspiring leader.

  • He just wanted to have the passport loss initially revoked.

  • And he wanted India to be free of Colonial Room.

  • Later on, in India, he found that there were many social ills that he thought should not exist, like, for example, the plight of the Untouchables like religious disharmony.

  • And he worked to eradicate that to the extent he could.

  • So he was always motivated by a vision that was bigger than he waas, and that works across the board.

  • And what do you think like, what is examples of someone that might not acknowledge this?

  • That still feels that they just need to chase this this aspect of manipulation?

  • Do they end up having any kind of success?

  • Or does it?

  • They certainly can end up having success in the sense of the achieve high positions.

  • We have any number of people who are in government, in business, in not for profits, who basically have a sheer driven ambition.

  • I want to reach the top, and certainly it is possible for you to reach hierarchically high positions.

  • But in my book, that doesn't really make you a true leader, because the moment you lose your position, nobody wants to spend any time with you and you dropped off the radar.

  • That's not true success in my book.

  • It's almost like there's a disconnect between the authenticity completely and so if I'm sitting and somebody who understands this, I have a vision that I want to transform and for for the benefit of the audience, I don't think everybody needs to go as far as a vision like Gandhi.

  • But within their organization, there might be something that they're inspired to do.

  • Maybe they're working within the organization.

  • They believe so much into the product, and they're inspired to do So.

  • What are some additional steps now that you know that you're inspired by the mission?

  • What are some of the things that you can do so that you can live in that inspiration and also be able to benefit more?

  • Let me tell you a story, Jason.

  • This was medieval England, site of a great cathedral being constructed.

  • And the architect went to the scene a construction, and he came across three people, all of whom were doing exactly the same thing.

  • There was a big block of stone, and they put a smaller block of stone on top of the big block of stone and beat it with a hammer.

  • Toe broke.

  • And he asked the first guy, What are you doing?

  • Can't you see I'm breaking rocks?

  • Why are you doing that?

  • I get paid a hip and off the day, and the same guy said, I'm helping build the wall behind me, and the third guy said, I'm helping build a great cathedral and very so what?

  • People are gonna come from all over the world and they will be inspired and never had a small room to play in that the 3rd 1 was only want to recognize the architect and truth be told, I don't like doing it.

  • It's back breaking work, and I could get better wages with less effort.

  • I'm only doing it because I wanted them.

  • Will you teach me to build a cathedral?

  • And 20 years from that day, the guy who's breaking rocks died.

  • He no longer had the strength to swing a hammer, and he starved.

  • The guy who was helping build the wall behind him was living a life of desperate for money.

  • But the guy who was helping build a cathedral was on his way to building his first cathedral, and I mentioned this story.

  • It's an inspiring story, but be it has a very relevant meaning.

  • Every day when you get up in the morning, you have a choice.

  • You can break rocks, or you can build a cathedral.

  • I can't define for you the cathedral that you go to bed.

  • You're the only person who could do that.

  • But I can tell you that unless you find and define the cathedral that you're building, unless you can anchor you being in its other All your activities flew from this knowledge that you're building a ca Pedro you're going to live in essentially mediocre life, punctuated the flashes of pleasure.

  • Well, you take, take motherhood, for example.

  • Perfect example.

  • You know, you have a mother and she does all kinds of things.

  • You know, she has to clean her baby, you know, if he has to remove snot from the nose and all kinds of unpleasant things.

  • But the chic thing.

  • And I'm doing all of these unpleasant things.

  • No, she's caring for a child who is going to grow up, and he's going to be president is going to do great things than tree is the instrument through which the scare and nurture is being published.

  • Is building a cathedral.

  • Extend that into what you're doing at work and what you're doing in life, and when you do that, your life will have meaning that you will find amazing.

  • That's so brilliant.

  • And so I want to recap this because it's really important for people to hear a lot of people come up with the idea of being an inspiring leader as the idea that I need to be able to manipulate the people to do something that they might not necessarily want to do.

  • But if I become inspiring enough, I'll be able to manipulate it to do it, and that is having it completely wrong.

  • That is a major brew.

  • The model of reality is, if you want to be an inspiring leader, don't set that is the objective.

  • Be inspired by whatever it is that you do, and you'll notice that you will naturally just have a different energy upon how you take any action in your workplace in your life that will just draw naturally the right opportunities.

  • And you you come at it with just a very positive energy.

  • Completely, yes, and you'll feel it.

  • You will, and I have went through a lot of your process, so I know what that means.

  • And so for people listening, if you're chasing those wrong things, you end up chasing where at the end of it, it probably will not give you the kind of answers that you're looking for.

  • But by being inspired, you'll see that things will naturally happen even without you putting the direct effort towards it.

  • And I must also led by the way a lot of the persons who want to be an inspiring leader in their heads.

  • They don't think that they're manipulating people.

  • They just think I want to be an inspiring leader.

  • This is what I have to do, and it's only when they step back to think that a lot of them don't that they understand.

  • There is a very fine line between what they're doing and an attempt to many plea.

  • They don't set off to do it consciously but across the line, because they're not aware that this is what they're doing.

  • Amazing.

  • And so I want to touch about another aspect of unspoiled leader and this one speaks particularly for people in management position or executive position or, you know, a recognized leadership position.

  • Some people have hesitation towards continuing on their path and growing within their career because they feel that once I get to these levels of stress becomes a part of your life, you become extremely stressed and you have so many responsibilities that it might not even give you the quality of life that you wanted.

  • But you have a very different opinion on the stress levels for a leader completely.

  • I think that the West majority of persons do not clearly understand why they're feeling stress.

  • We feel that we're stressed because we have financial problems.

  • We have business and carrier problems.

  • We are derailed in terms of what we want to accomplish.

  • People not cooperating with out there, all these grand visions I want to accomplish and somehow it's not working out and all that is wrong.

  • There's one reason and one reason only why you feel stress in your life, and the reason is that you have a very, very rigid idea.

  • This is the way the universe should be in the universe is not cooperating with you.

  • So you want to be promoted because of the great work you've done any, both still CIA program.

  • Your progress has been unsatisfactory.

  • They're going to get a pink slip.

  • You feel that you did a bang up job in telling your client of our own.

  • The created one teachers of your product on the client signs up with somebody else.