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  • Hey, what is going on?

  • Guys, they were taking a look at your book is my gummy device split nights, Launcher says.

  • The first of two.

  • There's the Bullet Nights launcher and then the Lancer.

  • The launcher is the very into that has this very large launcher there.

  • As you'd imagine, the Lancer has a really huge lance, so that's kind of like the main thing of these.

  • But there's just really cool Megumi device kids here, as usual with all the other Megumi device kids.

  • It's got this cool matte black for the background, and then this nice gloss for, like, the big number and then the actual picture there, the illustration of the characters so really, really cool boxes for these that the gold is not like really super shiny gold, but it does still have a really nice look for this box.

  • Then on here.

  • It's always cool to check out this little paragraph of information they'll put on the front of the box here as well.

  • This is equipped with a long beam weapon that far exceeds the height of the community.

  • Yeah, that's the understatement.

  • Launcher is specialized for ultra long distance combat due to its extreme size, the weapon is difficult to handle.

  • This is considered a weak point for launcher because the weight of the weapon must be countered with a large shield or to stabilize the unit's due to is a large diameter and high power output.

  • The launcher is a deadly weapon that is feared by my gummy players due to its ability to take down a target in a single blow.

  • So, yeah, that's pretty much my fears for the kid in general is that the thing is just gonna be too huge for it to hold opposing any good way.

  • But I know it does come with, like, an extra stand just for the gun, which you most certainly will need.

  • So let's take around the outside of locks here.

  • As always, Guys, this kid is sponsored by us again in stores.

  • The dude check out the link to its gonna store down in description below you can use the coupon code.

  • There is the earliest 10 to save 10% on everything on their site, including cool step from Kabuki like this.

  • So just the side the boxes has the big number 10 there in the series and Then let's go down here to bottom because the one cool feature of this design is it's gonna have a lot of this, like, intricate pattern around on it.

  • And that's just gonna be made up of water.

  • Saidi callously, you have included with this.

  • Just read the box without the decals you weren't gonna have all these little tiny color wraps around here on.

  • You will have to do some painting and use of waterside details to be all the nice full details out the back of the head got this cool wire is not sure how those air going to be like, but we'll find out I want to get the kid up.

  • And if there's going to be solid parts, which I think they could be, those might actually just be solid parts because in every photo, the shape kind of looks generally the same.

  • So none of those were solid parts are just a movable wire, kind of something like we saw with the stray.

  • Let's get recently, something sort of like that, possibly.

  • But And here is the armored down version of that will you can make if you have all the extra bits of armor parts off of there.

  • And then here's how it's gonna look just right out of the box.

  • You can see it's definitely missing a lot of the little color after everything just compared to that and that.

  • So just another box, of course.

  • Still really nice to detail, and you can add in a little bit of color all over the place on that.

  • But it is going to be looking a little bit more plain forgiven face options for this kid.

  • They're pretty nice compared to some past releases from the face options haven't been all that interesting with these.

  • Have some pretty expressive faces here, so you should be able to do some pretty cool posing with those.

  • That's nice.

  • There's a decal She, too, can see pretty extensive with all these little markings.

  • Everything on there in this price for this kit was a 64 100 yen, so it's definitely a little bit more expensive, but it's gonna tell it's a pretty good sized box.

  • And with the giant weapons like that, you know that's going to add a little bit to the cost.

  • Of course, it's opening it up first thing.

  • After that, I got the big shield piece there at the start.

  • So we're gonna have just a whole bunch of runners in here.

  • Obviously, our skin done looking very pink ish off of that very pink tinted skin tone compared other releases that I've seen from the line so far.

  • We just got this kind of blond, yellowish color there for the hair.

  • A couple of the base is included there and then we have another base as well.

  • Actually, a couple of options for that.

  • A bunch of small little runners.

  • And then finally, our manual and D calendar here at the bottom of things because look, really, really nice.

  • You have them in some gold and silver on there, and then some red little bits there as well.

  • He's gonna look really nice on the Finnish kid.

  • The problem is that if you didn't want to have, like some shiny golden, shiny silver decals out of look on that so you could have to go with the metallic.

  • Look for the details, then the bottom.

  • You can see we have some details for the eyes as well.

  • If you are going to repaint the faces and you want to stick those I decals back on there on the front of the manual.

  • Just the same illustration from the front of the box on the back.

  • Just become a device.

  • Logan.

  • You can actually see the extension to the end of the rifle there in this illustration, which you can see on the front of the box because it goes off the edge opening up to the front page and you can see just mechanical girls X armaments of miniature.

  • Am I going to ice information?

  • There Some cool poses.

  • Good references.

  • If you want to do some posed with this, you can always use some of these pictures at the front here for references.

  • I didn't know you could do this.

  • Attached these parts, like on the side of the skirt bits onto the parts.

  • They're going off her head and the pot's on.

  • The that does look different now, so I'm guessing it is soft points.

  • Found them and yeah, they are movable wires and they're very rigid actually, so they will hold a pose really well.

  • It looks like so that's good.

  • Much stronger than the ones that was included with the straw.

  • Let's see a kid that's cool.

  • You able to do cool poses like this with these kind of like scissor obits acting like that and then just the unarmored diversion and then a sort of launching version using the launcher, That's good.

  • And it's gonna be really hard to do any sort of like action posed with that gun.

  • I feel like the gun.

  • And she'll do also transform into sort of like a thing that she can ride on.

  • We saw a picture that didn't point it out, but it was on the outside of the box here at the back.

  • I'll show you in the review.

  • Of course he had back.

  • We have the painting guide there in space like black gold skin tone white, A little bit kind of off.

  • Why here for these parts and the decal marking guide here and see where to place all the decals around on that and about the I D cows there, the bottom as well.

  • Otherwise everything in between there is just kind of as normally of our parts list here.

  • The front, all these great out bits are parts that are left over that you won't use and then it just all through the construction of that in between there and that the back.

  • Of course, it shows you some different, like equipping options, how to equip some different things and then how to use all of that stuff.

  • You can see how it attaches onto the riding kind of form, how it's riding the launcher and shield together like that.

  • So let's get through all the runners, our theory of our face options.

  • As always, the pre printing on these is amazing.

  • That look fantastic.

  • We have three different face.

  • I'm not going to try to express what these faces are.

  • I'm not exactly sure what to call them, but you can see what the base look like.

  • So that's the important thing.

  • We have this extra base, but I think this is the way it's meant to be used for holding up the rifle.

  • As as you'll see, it's a little different from the other two bases that we have included with this and again the two wires here that will go or they're on the back of the head and her hand options.

  • In this case, which is all molded on this single runner, we've got closed this open, expressive hands, trigger finger hands holding hands open and resting hands.

  • And then a set of trigger finger hands and holding hands with fixed wrist.

  • So those are gonna be good for holding on to that very large weapon.

  • You won't have to worry about the risk being too weak, but still the whole rest of the arm has to be relied upon to hold up that giant weapon, which is not gonna be very likely.

  • So first off Runner A is a skin tone part here.

  • Looks like one part for the stomach and then neck and then parts for in head.

  • It's this Runner is just simply marked going device bullet nights there at the top on Derby.

  • Isn't this really dark Navy color?

  • It's not quite black, but it's almost there.

  • But it's pretty nice color here for these few more parts for the body section.

  • Courtesy is more parts in that same color here for the body, and these look to be all the same parts that come with pretty much all of them, a gummy device, kids for making up the main parts of the torso and the water D here as well, which is back to skin tone.

  • This looks to be like the kind of generic parts for upper arms upper thighs and then, like some neck parts and other little bits in there where he as well here just some joint parts, knee joints, parts as well as some wrist joints.

  • We've got two of this e runner in this off white color.

  • There were F is the parts for the other kind of standard becoming device based.

  • Here's a circle, but it's still cool how you have that to tone, how this part is molded and this kind of matte finish dark, clear, and then you have just the regular, like dark clear.

  • There in the centrists have that really nice double finish, their of matte and glossy that for the bass is really, really nice.

  • I got two of these energy.

  • One here is giving us one more skin tone part here for the front of the chest.

  • And so it seems like basically a through F word is kind of generic.

  • Megumi device parts that you get all the McGovern vice kids, but now you're getting into the parts that are specific for this kid know ever h Here in this mold of gold, which will be some parts for the upper arms and thighs and then h one, which is obviously just the parts here for the head.

  • So it looks like you do have a couple different options for the hair.

  • Obviously, there's gonna be one hair upset, which is for, like, the armor diversion and another set of hair, which is for the unarmored version there in her eyes, back to the off white color.

  • Here for some pretty generic feats.

  • Leg and arm parts here, er j some dark parts here for the upper thighs.

  • But the murder K is finally getting into her.

  • That is very specifically for this kissing and see this, um, parts there on the side.

  • It will be little bits for all around on the kid and then, obviously the main big part there for the shield as well.

  • L one here as well.

  • You can see these parts are going around on the kit as well as some parts there for the weapon, it looks like as well in the murder m some large and small parts here, in off white and end one as well.

  • Here you can see some of the larger parts for the launcher, as well as those knives which look very much likes steak knives or butter knives or something just kind of funny, you know, is a few more parts here in Molded Gold.

  • Repeat looks to be those sharp, pointy parts that go on this side of the skirts, and they were in a Q A fume or sharp pointy armor.

  • Bits under our is actually in a dark purple color, which is kind of interesting that it looks like basically just a bunch of joint parts here and the runner s as well.

  • Also in that dark purple color for some or joint parts, there were t This color is really super interesting.

  • It's in a very slightly translucent, reddish pinkish color.

  • And so it's really interesting, weird kind of color.

  • And we've got some more of that here on the U runner as well, so I really can't.

  • It's very kind of almost gross, kind of looking color.

  • I'm anxious to see how this will actually look on.

  • The kid looks really weird, like on the runner, but on the kid, I'm not sure how well it's really going to stand out because just a couple little tiny bits of red accents around on the kid.

  • Harvey, just a couple more parts on there and the runners e is again the generic rare that we get in all these kids with just a few more optional road joint parts here for this.

  • So as usual, we've just got a ton of runners with this get, and so it's gonna take a while to get this one together.

  • But these kids, they're always fun and interesting to put together just because it's just nice to do something different from gun dems and big robots all the time.

  • So it's always fun putting these together, so I think it's gonna be a pretty cool one as well.

  • It would be nice once the Lancer comes out as well to have these post up together, but they're gonna take up a lot of shelf space with very long because, like, you know, the figures themselves, like the main body of the kid.

  • It is not all that big, but I've seen these on display, and the launcher is just really huge.

  • You don't really get an idea like you can't really properly picture it with just the box are here.

  • You can kind of see this on the side here.

  • I mean, you can get a sense of how babies is, so it's gonna take up a lot of shelf space, especially if you have the set of the launcher and the Lancer.

  • But we'll take a look at it, of course, in full in the review.

  • Thank you guys.

  • So much for watching.

  • If you have questions or comments about this, of course.

  • Feel free to leave those down in the comments section below.

  • And with that, guys, I'll see you in the review.

  • Bye bye.

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Megami Device - Bullet Knights Launcher UNBOXING (Megami Device - Bullet Knights Launcher UNBOXING)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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