Pronunciation Challenge Why your allergies get worse every year

Host : Victoria

Hello all, welcome back! Let's see if you can take the challenge of reading today's 'long i' and 'short i' sound.
Do you have any frustrating allergies?

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Today's Sentence

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Max 6 minutes

But they can lead to the nasty symptoms we associate with allergies — like sneezing, runny noses, and watery eyes.

Key Vocabulary

1. nasty bad or very unpleasant


[ˈnæs.ti] (adj.) bad or very unpleasant

have a nasty feeling

[ˈnæs.ti] (phr.) to think that something bad is likely to happen or to be true

2. allergy a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances


[ˈæl.ɚ.dʒi] (n.) a condition that makes a person become sick or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances


[əˈlɝː.dʒɪk] (adj.) after verb - having an allergy


[əˈlɝː.dʒɪk] (adj.) before noun - caused by an allergy


[əˈlɝː.dʒɪk] (adj.) having a strong dislike of something

3. runny nose to have a thing flow of mucus

runny nose

[ˈrʌn.i] (idiom.) to have a thing flow of mucus


[ˈrʌn.i] (adj.) extremely or excessively soft and liquid

4. symptom any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease


[ˈsɪmp.təm] (n.) any feeling of illness or physical or mental change that is caused by a particular disease

5. associate to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else


[əˈsoʊ.ʃi.eɪt] (v.) to connect someone or something in your mind with someone or something else

6. sneeze When you sneeze, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control


[sniːz] (v.) When you sneeze, air and often small drops of liquid suddenly come out of your nose and mouth in a way you cannot control

sneeze like crazy

(phr.) to continue to sneezing

7. watery containing or filled with water


[ ˈwɑː.t̬ɚ.i] (adj.) containing or filled with water

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