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  • they're incredible ok guys so today is

  • what day so we are not gonna go to Sadiq

  • today you know what we're gonna do

  • instead we aren't going to happy place

  • no no it's gonna be so much fun

  • I think you need to go downstairs now

  • guys I need you to go get breakfast

  • today decided to surprise the boys

  • because I haven't spent much time with

  • them since maxi's been born so I decided

  • to and not take them to school today and

  • take them to this new fun art

  • installation called happy place that

  • just opened in Toronto it's kind of like

  • the ice cream Museum in Miami

  • so I'm excited to take them there the

  • house is a complete chaos it's so messy

  • everywhere the boys are like fighting

  • all the time but like brotherly fights

  • but that's insane

  • and I've been trying to put mascara on

  • for the past 40 minutes and I still need

  • to eat and news about my breastfeeding I

  • got the infection I got antibiotics then

  • I was doing all these things to make my

  • milk stop and then it stopped and then I

  • started reading it and then he just came

  • back and I went back to breastfeeding he

  • started sleeping really well with

  • formula and last night I was exclusively

  • breastfeeding and he woke up every like

  • hour and a half to eat which is not cool

  • at all it's really fun I could hear real

  • fire

  • you guys and it wasn't like shiny you

  • are Ben are you excited you don't look

  • impressed amazing Benny look how nice it

  • is here you see on the boat no we're not

  • going to the water it's still cold

  • next to Lily let's first get to where

  • we're supposed to go I'm really happy we

  • didn't bring max you guys cuz could have

  • been a disaster for me no I love max

  • stupid you know making damage here what

  • is this Oh Benny go up

  • go the other one over there you're like

  • two little groundhog they're close

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • oh my god

  • [Music]

  • look at all the duck gonna do this

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • [Music]

  • oh my god we snuck out for date night

  • you're gonna go see a star is born

  • I heard such good reviews about it this

  • week there's a lot how we make it what

  • we make it look I slept for two hours

  • last night so how do you two look so

  • much yeah I know you're like ready to go

  • by Nature okay we are shooting a piece

  • of content now by way I mean I why I

  • keep saying we're gonna get my little

  • makeup table ready this is Gary's

  • nightstand

  • it is very multi-purpose it all started

  • from this

  • [Music]

  • okay so I finished filming this video it

  • was pretty quick the problem now is I

  • have to film this other video it's about

  • procrastination and I'm literally all

  • I'm doing is procrastinating about this

  • annoying video that I just like don't

  • feel inspired to make but I was really

  • inspired to make it on another day hand

  • slides in our schedule I'm not feeling

  • it right now not feeling it

  • I did it I got that shot

  • and I make him so bad thanks so much

  • energy body shaming asleep

  • Wednesday oh look at this guy today is

  • Halloween I barely got the kids to get

  • out of the house and today we're gonna

  • go trick-or-treating max here we're

  • gonna go and get some candy and use you

  • and be like look at this new baby who

  • needs candy I haven't been filming much

  • today the girls are not here I have kind

  • of easier day today would I don't need

  • to film anything but I do have like six

  • calls for today yesterday I had a little

  • longer stretch of asleep so I feel 20

  • percent human today yay last night once

  • max was down I had to do invitations for

  • Ben's birthday I feel like I'm so behind

  • on all these things I need to cancel

  • basketball training just like all these

  • mom stuff and I'm not I'm gonna try to

  • catch up with us today if this guy will

  • let me there is more can you show me who

  • you are who are you guys Incredibles

  • okay if you want me to put my outfit -

  • so mommy will be incredible - I'm again

  • what my outfit okay I'm going to put it

  • now wow you look awesome

  • okay tired mom gonna turn to the

  • incredible mom nice look at us that

  • incredible and then you touch the song

  • oh really Wow Wow

  • okay put your shoes on careful wait for

  • me why you scared of the dog Benny but

  • you got candy thank you you have to wait

  • for Benny and for us Benny you coming

  • this is so fun dance party here that was

  • a little teaser I don't know if you need

  • you just called me incredible incredible

  • with that you know but I don't know

  • these are my superheroes don't

  • discriminate get candy from everyone

  • look at this DIY this is nice garbage

  • bags Ben are you okay

  • why is everyone falling babe I have to

  • say that the most disorient and who say

  • Danny

  • [Music]

  • [Laughter]

  • before you're all just ratted us out

  • what we said that we're not the full

  • incredible family because we're missing

  • the baby then small enough you could

  • pass his Jack Jack no but they have two

  • kids and a baby

  • I know but max is too small also why is

  • everyone looking at us like we this

  • costume came out of a bag and I'm

  • wearing no makeup I love this costume I

  • don't need to put my brows on yes you

  • are

  • Lenny you shouldn't have put your shoes

  • with the velcro because now you keep

  • stopping to put your velcro on CJ you

  • see him okay go

  • what a party Benny look at this monster

  • [Music]

  • [Applause]

  • [Music]

  • good job guys mama yeah they're really

  • liking giving the candy Gary we did so

  • good

  • should we do the Jimmy Fallon I hate my

  • kids candy there might be yourself I'm

  • gonna do it tomorrow I do it my family

  • has incredible t says they keep inviting

  • everyone inside the house

  • you don't say Benny chew chew chew chew

  • but Gary he's doing this I know but he

  • gives it to the teenagers did you like

  • being Incredibles you are allowed only

  • one candy your this is number two what

  • are you gonna rest oh you're still gonna

  • wear it you sure you can wear it you

  • love being the Incredibles okay you're

  • gonna bring that where oh my goodness

  • but it's not Halloween anymore tomorrow

  • today's Thursday I'm going out to the

  • universe I'm ready with my hat yeah

  • you're a cowgirl yeah I'm going to take

  • over the Wild West cuz I have a lot of

  • stuff with me cuz I'm still

  • breastfeeding I have to take the pump

  • which is a whole suitcase any Sun go get

  • dressed

  • yeah we have to go I'm gonna take you to

  • school you have to get ready you have to

  • practice I have to pack my oh we go to

  • work now I have my pump for my bottles

  • my computer and the rest of the stuff

  • that I need awesome

  • this our new favorite song I can't even

  • tell you how excited I am for this cut

  • bulletproof coffee have waited forever

  • to have one I think then camp and dump

  • after this one because I don't want max

  • to be all hyper without milk I'm so

  • excited

  • how did you explain it and like if

  • you're trying to explain it to an idiot

  • like me well you know what fermented

  • means it's like isn't that like where

  • it's like been a long time yeah it's

  • been chillin it's been everybody knows

  • them everybody everywhere we go they're

  • like I feel like I met you before I was

  • like even care like I was like no we

  • never met you just have that like star

  • quality I feel like everyone just know

  • her so nice to be um we are going now to

  • actually eat but it's for work who are

  • working but we're gonna eat yummy stuff

  • yay for us

  • I hope my hat is not gonna fly that's

  • what I was thinking about on the way my

  • worry for today this is my champagne

  • this is Emma's champagne

  • 11 a.m. that's I feel like you'll make

  • you more creative

  • you'll get creative can't even take you

  • seriously we're trying to decide some

  • content ideas and Valeria's multitasking

  • is usual it's what we got to do got milk

  • okay we are on our way to an awards

  • event with Kimmie and then bumping into

  • stuff

  • make noise those are hard when you've

  • had people yes but it's also an excuse

  • to not have people be like I need to get

  • a hat

  • I hear you I hear you

  • I'm ready for you he's hungry this is

  • the end today my mother took Jake and

  • band for a sleepover

  • thank God the little max is sleeping I

  • am going down to sleep but I just wanted

  • to tell you that it was such a nice day

  • today

  • I had time to do work and to be by

  • myself and just kind of enjoy feeling a

  • little independent which was so so nice

  • so when I got home I ran to Max and I

  • was just so excited to see him I think

  • it was so important for me to have like

  • a day off in a way a few hours off I'm

  • gonna go down to sleep now it's been a

  • long but awesome day and we are going to

  • be shooting all day tomorrow at the

  • house so he's my duty sleep because

  • otherwise I'll have to see this face in

  • the videos

  • - peace out world max had three wake-up

  • calls for me today one of the wake-up

  • calls are nightmare Cheryl did where she

  • gave him formula and then the other two

  • she woke me up to breastfeed so I'm a

  • little off right now we started having a

  • pattern of him waking up only twice for

  • feeding so I thought maybe one feeding

  • she can do formula and then the second

  • one I can do breast feeding that way I

  • can get a taste for five hours of sleep

  • but now we're back two to three feelings

  • tonight you couldn't get myself to get

  • up from bed yet so I don't know I'm

  • saying okay just a partner

  • I'm gonna just will be here soon I'm

  • gonna start shooting a few videos and

  • you

they're incredible ok guys so today is

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