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  • Leonard Morris to Box George and Beverly Lou Williams is not available in a jukebox jumping up.

  • And while not Smyers and the rest of the Warrior's organization the Drive to the Rim stand, the rookie want Toscano.

  • Anderson, 50 seconds into the game, goes down with a left ankle for Golden State.

  • Georgiana Ball fake out of the time out.

  • Stayed away.

  • Clippers or 43 20 kick Morris is not shot well of late.

  • That's for two.

  • Yes comes on July.

  • Leonard whipping around the perimeter.

  • George Fake and Jay's.

  • Beverly got a three as Michael Mobile just got a new contract.

  • Killer Crossover doesn't GO to bots Offensive board.

  • No, there has been a nice surprise.

  • Is a working Bender 37 Clippers Coast up Opportunity.

  • Leon A kick Bender didn't want to go back to back Haskell mid range if it can increase that range.

  • See this?

  • What?

  • Doc was talking.

  • Look with Georgia.

  • They have, as we've seen in this leak since Jordan George pull up three lettered driving kick more lines rims out.

  • Bye, Pascoe Bender underneath that will discuss a further plan of action.

  • I've off zone slap so soft trapping after Bowman in along Chris back and six of the clock fades away in fewest ash unit so that Lou Williams, when he's healthy ball, also gives them size.

  • That's so they can be very effective.

  • Just lost state the world of the barrel causes he's learned.

  • Jackson.

  • The dribble drive in ages.

  • Size of center spots, Not a problem.

  • Hits a three since last season.

  • He may not have shaved since last.

  • What a shot clock violation community in the week mantra Harrell shot at the end of the first quarter was indeed a two pointer shadow that is a three pointer for Michigan.

  • Jordan.

  • It's not looking to shoot it from out there.

  • Now will give it up.

  • Bender, who's back in turnovers for ST Jackson.

  • Wait for his teammates.

  • It's a job.

  • Michael Green Warriors are down by 13.

  • Largest deficit of the night.

  • Wiggins.

  • One on one with salmon shot clock winding down.

  • Wiggins.

  • I missed it.

  • I couldn't finish it off trends, but he could get to the basket on Dr with either through three and a year for five.

  • Just took the next step to their 44 guys, shaking Reggie Jackson plus one.

  • The guy doesn't want a little bit of whatever, Leonard.

  • I'll admit I'm speculating, but But I'll go with you.

  • Does he never forced to go outside of himself?

  • You never looked at him and thinking is out of control.

  • Speedy mop George.

  • Your own floater.

  • Clippers have their largest lead.

  • Leonard on Damian.

  • Lead the fade away.

  • He's got it.

  • January 10th 109 100 Clippers win.

  • Kawai.

  • Leonard had 36 points.

  • They met on opening night.

  • They opened up this new arena 1 41 1 22 Clippers and they're down by 17.

  • George Morris lines it up.

  • Chance for four.

  • Bender Wiggins rejected Soup contest.

  • Everything.

  • Beverly there all year defending.

  • Tried to drop it inside the zoo blocks.

  • He tracks it down.

  • George Drexel was three and seven.

  • Haskell gets it ahead.

Leonard Morris to Box George and Beverly Lou Williams is not available in a jukebox jumping up.

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