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  • - I mean I'm not at all jealous

  • of your beautiful pregnant self.

  • No seriously.

  • - I'm trying to squeeze into this dress.

  • - You're pregnant.

  • - As I sit, thank you. - Oh I get it

  • and I'm not pregnant.

  • But the same thing happened to me.

  • - Yeah, if it's not Spanx for pregnant

  • it's Spanx for regular day life all the time.

  • - Oh my God, if I were pregnant I would not wear Spanx,

  • you just own it.

  • - Yeah, but there's something

  • it's kind of comforting or something.

  • - I feel you though,

  • it kind of holds you,

  • you feel like your stomach's escaping.

  • It's like a separate thing.

  • - Especially this time around.

  • - I'm so glad you're pregnant

  • and not me.

  • - Yes! - I can't emphasize

  • that enough.

  • - [Jenna] That's so funny. - But you are very

  • pregnant so are you excited?

  • - Yes! - It's your second right?

  • - Second.

  • I'm so excited.

  • It's been amazing.

  • First pregnancy was really easy.

  • Evie was like a dream pregnancy

  • and this time around

  • also really great but everything's happening faster.

  • I'm swelling faster.

  • I have heartburn faster.

  • I was way more nauseous this time around.

  • So it's just like, yeah, it's a little different.

  • - Maybe that means that the opposite sex is happening.

  • - I know, I know. - Yeah, maybe.

  • So is this

  • did you ever have any of the weird stuff

  • like either weird cravings or weird dreams

  • or anything like that? - Yes.

  • - [Kelly] Okay. - So many weird things.

  • - I only had dreams of not being pregnant.

  • - You were like please, God, when is this done?

  • - Get out!

  • - When is this done?

  • Yeah, no, with Evie, I was super healthy.

  • I was actually finally, I wanted grapefruit.

  • Which was like, - [Kelly] Oh, God.

  • - Thank you, Evie.

  • - I secretly can't stand you, it's fine.

  • - Yeah, no, not this time, though.

  • This time I'm like, I want junk food.

  • I want everything bad.

  • It's really.

  • But it was immediate.

  • I was like where's the chips.

  • Where's Taco Bell?

  • I was like I needed like junk food.

  • - Okay, I can roll with this kid, all right.

  • - [Jenna] And the dreams.

  • Did you have the crazy pregnant dreams?

  • - I literally only dreamed of not being pregnant.

  • I had,

  • that was not an actual joke.

  • - Oh yeah.

  • No I dream really weird this pregnancy.

  • I had a dream the other night that I was playing hockey

  • with a bunch of hockey players

  • and then all of a sudden we turned into balloons

  • and we started floating and the problem

  • was we couldn't keep our skates on the ice.

  • I woke up I was like, what was that?

  • - What does that mean?

  • - I need to feel grounded?

  • I had no idea.

  • - Were you pregnant while you,

  • - Yes. - In the dream?

  • - Yes!

  • - Just ice skating pregnant. - Yes!

  • - Playing hockey. - That's another thing.

  • Yes I'm pregnant in the dream. - That's what you do.

  • Which is really weird.

  • - Oh my God I missed out on the fun dreams.

  • - I would've woke up trying to like

  • get some dream book, figure that out.

  • Like what's wrong with me?

  • - I know I just looked over,

  • I was like that was so weird.

  • I was like why am I dreaming of hockey ever, ever?

  • - I'm super excited for you.

  • - Thank you.

  • - It's a very cool thing to be a mom now.

  • It's my favorite thing I do.

- I mean I'm not at all jealous

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